Federal 52 Part 2 - A NEW Bicycle Playing Card Deck now live

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Re: Federal 52 Part 2 - A NEW Bicycle Playing Card Deck now

Unread post by Kdklown »

Gareth wrote:Re: Branded v. Unbranded: Unbranded all the way. Branded compromises the design IMHO. (That said, I'll obviously get one of each for my OCD collection to be complete :-))

Couldn't have said this any better myself.
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Re: Federal 52 Part 2 - A NEW Bicycle Playing Card Deck now

Unread post by montecarlojoe »

Sharpie wrote:
montecarlojoe wrote:
cosmicsecret wrote:@JAckson
I would like to pledge for the RS1 Tier ($44) but it does not include the black unlimited Bicycle Reserve Note - are we able to add it to this pledge tier (RS1) through backer kit? Thanks!
Short answer - yes - just add on $20 now and you can specify the Black unlimited using Backertkit
Or you can wait and add the $20 for the deck in the backerkit checkout.
True. However pledging after the project ends doesn't contribute towards stretch goals. If you want those, you're better off doing your sums and pledging up front. (I'm speaking in general terms here; Fed52 has met all its goals I think)
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Re: Federal 52 Part 2 - A NEW Bicycle Playing Card Deck now

Unread post by montecarlojoe »

Backerkit all done. Quite excited - this is my biggest investment into the addiction. Over both projects I'm in for the 10 deck wood box, all 10 decks, both sets of commemorative chips and a black reserve note sheet.

The international shipping made me wince - but worth it in the end I hope! :D
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Re: Federal 52 Part 2 - A NEW Bicycle Playing Card Deck now

Unread post by chach »

montecarlojoe wrote:Backerkit all done. Quite excited - this is my biggest investment into the addiction. Over both projects I'm in for the 10 deck wood box, all 10 decks, both sets of commemorative chips and a black reserve note sheet.

The international shipping made me wince - but worth it in the end I hope! :D
Must admit, I was drooling over those boxes, but I have plans on making my own that will fit all of the Kings Wild decks I'll be getting.
WTB/WTT: Vietnam Era Bicycle Secret Weapon Deck
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Re: Federal 52 Part 2 - A NEW Bicycle Playing Card Deck now

Unread post by montecarlojoe »

Will you show us once you're done?

I'd love to so the same - unfortunately I'm lacking the tools, the materials and the skill!
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Re: Federal 52 Part 2 - A NEW Bicycle Playing Card Deck now

Unread post by chach »

montecarlojoe wrote:Will you show us once you're done?

I'd love to so the same - unfortunately I'm lacking the tools, the materials and the skill!
Of course. Just waiting for Jackson to offer the leftovers from Part 1 since I didn't pick up all the decks. :(
WTB/WTT: Vietnam Era Bicycle Secret Weapon Deck
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