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Re: Tales by Thirdway Industries [KS]

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 9:18 am
by Strag
The cello is loose and you can feel and see gaps where it's not right to the box. Attaching some pice that hopefully illustrate what I mean.

Re: Tales by Thirdway Industries [KS]

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 8:28 am
by laitostarr777
Magical Mail Day from TWI Gio himself, The Tales Playing Cards. As a lover of fairytales and stories myself, I can't hold but to get this!

Just as most of the backers commented, the Legendary edition has the loose cellophane wrap, the top part is fall apart. It won't worry me that much since I will end up opening it, although this problem need to be further investigated!

Call me crazy, but I notice most of the tuckbox's bottom part is not properly glues, yet it leaves gap like this. Well I can simply do a fix when I open the Arcane and Heroic and Wicked, yet I don't want to open the Charming One.

The package arrive in a very secure way! Five decks, bubble wrapped and put inside a box, then put into a bag, and then put into another bag. Bulky yet, that is what I called extra protection!

Re: Tales by Thirdway Industries [KS]

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 9:53 am
by Timmargh
laitostarr777 wrote: Sat Jul 31, 2021 8:28 am […] yet I don't want to open the Charming One. […]
I've noticed you say this at least twice; I'm curious why. I would've thought the Legendary edition would be the one to keep sealed.

When I received mine, I asked my carer to choose a deck to open so we could take some photos and she chose Charming. :ugdance:

Re: Tales by Thirdway Industries [KS]

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 11:28 am
by laitostarr777
Timmargh wrote: Sat Jul 31, 2021 9:53 am
laitostarr777 wrote: Sat Jul 31, 2021 8:28 am […] yet I don't want to open the Charming One. […]
I've noticed you say this at least twice; I'm curious why. I would've thought the Legendary edition would be the one to keep sealed.

When I received mine, I asked my carer to choose a deck to open so we could take some photos and she chose Charming. :ugdance:
Did I say it twice? Maybe hahahaha
But right, the reason I choose Legendary to open is because... seeing that Charming edition in TWI website costs 100$, of course I wouldn't open the deck at that value XD. I know that this Charming Tales is just a change of the luxurious tuckbox into plain glossy which makes it the likely candidate to be opened, yet like Gio said, this is the 'secret' edition. I saved the seal for the Legendary - pretty much trained to open decks without harming the seals

Re: Tales by Thirdway Industries [KS]

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 12:22 pm
by Timmargh
laitostarr777 wrote: Sat Jul 31, 2021 11:28 am Did I say it twice? Maybe hahahaha
But right, the reason I choose Legendary to open is because... seeing that Charming edition in TWI website costs 100$, of course I wouldn't open the deck at that value XD. I know that this Charming Tales is just a change of the luxurious tuckbox into plain glossy which makes it the likely candidate to be opened, yet like Gio said, this is the 'secret' edition. I saved the seal for the Legendary - pretty much trained to open decks without harming the seals
Got it.

To be fair, it's only priced at $100 to discourage people from buying it outside of any bundle Gio sells; its actual value is $40. The Betrayers Invictus Red is priced higher than its value for the same reason.

Re: Tales by Thirdway Industries [KS]

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 2:31 pm
by Bradius
Timmargh is right. I missed Charming for some reason, so I ended up just buying anther set to get it. It is a pain, but to do otherwise didn't make sense unless I could pick it up cheaper on the secondary market. However, the whole set price wasn't too bad.

Re: Tales by Thirdway Industries [KS]

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 7:52 pm
by laitostarr777
X.X now maybe I start to regret my decision of opening the Legendary instead of the Charming

Re: Tales by Thirdway Industries [KS]

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 7:53 pm
by hsbc
Open ALL of your decks!!

Re: Tales by Thirdway Industries [KS]

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 8:38 pm
by Bradius
hsbc wrote: Sat Jul 31, 2021 7:53 pm Open ALL of your decks!!

Re: Tales by Thirdway Industries [KS]

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 11:19 pm
by rousselle
5i8n11.jpg (92.43 KiB) Viewed 2302 times

Re: Tales by Thirdway Industries [KS]

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 5:52 pm
by rousselle
Hi, everyone.

Earlier today, I opened up one of each of the different Tales decks. Well, except Charming, since that was a re-boxing of the Legendary deck.

I know that some people were experiencing issues with the cellophane and/or the glue on the bottom of the tucks not being particularly well-done. For my decks, the cello wasn't as tight as it often is, but it was fine. The bottom flaps were *mostly* glued okay, although they were not *completely* sealed. I've had other decks where the bottoms were not sealed at all, and that seems to be happening more frequently these days across manufacturers. Not sure why, but it does seem to be a thing.

These tucks either had metallic foil or metallic inks on them. True, the semi-glossy tucks didn't pop as well as the tucks for Legendary, but I still liked them fine enough. The metallic inks on them still gave them a little more gravitas than typical semi-glossy tucks. I will also agree that the Legendary tuck had far more gravitas, and I think that a little embossing/debossing might have gone a long way on the semi-gloss tucks. That said, I'm not a "tuckist," and I found these tucks to be completely fine.

But, then we get to the cards, and I'm like... wow. These designs are absolutely Gio playing at the top of his game. You don't need a decoder ring to figure out which tales/characters are intended to be evoked, and the more you look at them, the more details reveal. The metallic inks are absolutely top notch, and the deep red truly holds its own against the shiny green, blue (on most decks, purple on the other), and gold. One of the absolute highlights for me is the way the "mirror, mirror, on the wall" either looks like a blank mirror or a face in the mirror depending upon how you hold it to reflect the light. That is a totally brilliant effect. Another very strong highlight for me is the asymmetrical courts of the Legendary Tales. Wow.

These decks are truly a highlight of this year's crop, and they go straight onto my short list for deck of the year.

Of course, I haven't opened my new Monoliths or BMs yet (that's likely later today or tomorrow), nor have I opened my Hindsight decks from Alex Chin (also to be opened this week), and I know that Lorenzo, Lotrek, and Jackson all have some fantastic stuff waiting in the wings, as well, so I'm expecting competition to be fierce. But, still. If you have any interest in Gio's decks, this series is a Must Get.

Re: Tales by Thirdway Industries [KS]

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 11:29 pm
by laitostarr777
rousselle wrote: Wed Aug 04, 2021 5:52 pm One of the absolute highlights for me is the way the "mirror, mirror, on the wall" either looks like a blank mirror or a face in the mirror depending upon how you hold it to reflect the light. That is a totally brilliant effect. Another very strong highlight for me is the asymmetrical courts of the Legendary Tales. Wow.
I DEFINITELY Second this statements. Yes, that detail definitely illustrates the magic mirror. Shine it bright, it looked like a shiny mirror, and then a face is revealed. Gio definitely make sure the Metallic Ink he used for his cards are definitely accurate. Thanks to Pantone

Re: Tales by Thirdway Industries [KS]

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 7:32 am
by Entaro
That's what bothers me is the cards are so good it just makes the bad cello and glue stand out even more lol

Re: Tales by Thirdway Industries [KS]

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 7:18 pm
by hsbc
On sale today from TWI EDIT: This whole week!

Tales Pentagon, $89.00 (usually $250) -- five decks: Heroic, Arcane, Legendary, Charming, Wicked

Re: Tales by Thirdway Industries [KS]

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2022 2:47 pm
by Harvonsgard
Usually $250? Good one.

Re: Tales by Thirdway Industries [KS]

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2022 4:04 pm
by hsbc
Harvonsgard wrote: Thu Jun 16, 2022 2:47 pm Usually $250? Good one.
Yeah, from the TWI email newsletter yesterday:
With this newsletter, I'm doing an experiment - I've picked Tales as the Series of the Week and Apoteosi as the Deck of the Day. ... All the [Tales] items are discounted, especially the Tales Pentagon. If you missed this series or you want another copy to open - get it this week :-) ... I am not sure if I'll do more "Series of the Week" and "Deck of the Day" - let's see how this experiment will go

Apoteosi was also half off, now back to normal