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Re: Kings Wild Project - Official Thread
Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2020 2:34 pm
by Bradius
Keep your sub to get a first shot at the Club 13. Anyway, the foiled Halloween and Christmas decks should be awesome. Also Christmas deck will be embroidered again!
Re: Kings Wild Project - Official Thread
Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2020 10:36 am
by RichK
Bradius wrote: ↑Tue Aug 18, 2020 2:34 pm
Keep your sub to get a first shot at the Club 13. Anyway, the foiled Halloween and Christmas decks should be awesome. Also Christmas deck will be embroidered again!
Ok, I will. I'm just in the standard tier only.
Re: Kings Wild Project - Official Thread
Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 9:25 am
by portcullis
Got my "regular order" tracking number for Robin Hood. The extra one-of-each might be a few days away.
Re: Kings Wild Project - Official Thread
Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2020 1:27 pm
by Jykwei
Wow. Just wow. What a pity. First social distancing, now KWP short is over (just kidding).
In the end, there's got to be a way to make more money and work half as hard - it's the smart move. I joined KWP late, I no longer have to wonder why I joined the gilded subscription when there's little incentive to do so (like, someone can just join the standard subscription and has the option to buy - or not buy - the higher tier decks). At least I will have a full set of 2020 gilded set to remember the year by. It's certainly a year to remember - or forget.
Re: Kings Wild Project - Official Thread
Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2020 7:25 pm
by Timmargh
If I want to get the Beowulf (November) deck, when would be the best time to restart my subscription? Asking anyone who may know.
Re: Kings Wild Project - Official Thread
Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2020 8:31 pm
by Bradius
You need to add by the 15th of the month. If you are not a subscriber, it is fairly straightforward. If you are already a subscriber, don't modify your subscription, just add a new subscription.
However, last I checked, all of the limited and gilded subscriptions are full, so I don't know. You may need to get put on a waiting list. So, yeah, it isn't quite as easy as it was. Robin Hood brought out a bunch of folks to grab up subscriptions. I used that as an opportunity to get another gilded poor bank account. I couldn't do that forever, but glad I could get it for the end of this year. While there will not be an Overbite, I think these last few decks are definitely worth getting.
Re: Kings Wild Project - Official Thread
Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 1:03 am
by portcullis
Jykwei wrote: ↑Thu Aug 27, 2020 1:27 pm
Wow. Just wow. What a pity. First social distancing, now KWP short is over (just kidding).
In the end, there's got to be a way to make more money and work half as hard - it's the smart move. I joined KWP late, I no longer have to wonder why I joined the gilded subscription when there's little incentive to do so (like, someone can just join the standard subscription and has the option to buy - or not buy - the higher tier decks). At least I will have a full set of 2020 gilded set to remember the year by. It's certainly a year to remember - or forget.
I'm in a similar boat, but mine's a full limited set (with a few extra decks along the way).
JR, is there a sitrep on the Robin Hood gilded? I've got tracking for 3 of the 4 decks I've ordered.
Re: Kings Wild Project - Official Thread
Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 11:35 am
by RichK
Bradius wrote: ↑Thu Aug 27, 2020 8:31 pm
While there will not be an Overbite, I think these last few decks are definitely worth getting.
I saw on Jackson's weekly update that the Christmas deck will be Deck the Halls v2 with gold thread and gold foil on the cards.
Re: Kings Wild Project - Official Thread
Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 12:07 pm
by masagin303
So, I've just received the General Admission deck and I'm pleasantly surprised with the deck. Besides it being a beautiful deck (no surprise here), I'm very surprised by the deck handling! It's EPCC but it's nowhere near the stiffness of Thoroughbred deck just from last year! Jackson, is it a different card stock or they just improved they production during the year? If this is how EPCC deck feel in 2020 I wouldn't really mind if all your decks are by EPCC from now on (the more if it means better print quality). And the smell!
P.S.: Just a bit sad that there's little difference in tuck case design between standard, limited and gilded.
Edit: Just opened El Toro and same thing, the handling is far beyond expectations!
Re: Kings Wild Project - Official Thread
Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 12:40 pm
by Timmargh
Bradius wrote: ↑Thu Aug 27, 2020 8:31 pm
You need to add by the 15th of the month. If you are not a subscriber, it is fairly straightforward. If you are already a subscriber, don't modify your subscription, just add a new subscription.
However, last I checked, all of the limited and gilded subscriptions are full, so I don't know. You may need to get put on a waiting list. So, yeah, it isn't quite as easy as it was. [...]
Cheers. I had subscriptions but cancelled due to financial issues so I'm hoping I can reactivate when I need to.
Re: Kings Wild Project - Official Thread
Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 10:25 pm
by hsbc
Wow, I'm very late to this news

I take it this means the Table Players series is also ending?
On the plus side, at the end of the year I'll have a complete KWS collection

Re: Kings Wild Project - Official Thread
Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 1:59 am
I think it's possible that Jackson changed his mind. In the last live I watched he said both subscriptions will continue, but the Shorts will be different in the sense it will have two 6 deck series that will have the same theme. He said this will be like an extra challenge for him.

Re: Kings Wild Project - Official Thread
Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 8:23 pm
by GandalfTheWhite
Jackson's latest live stream -- he confirmed that the shorts and limited subs will still continue and the Table Players will also continue. Shorts series will have 7 decks based on literature and remaining 5 decks will be based on Federal 52 series. Like HFMJ noted ^ , this helps with mixing up things and challenging him as well. Probably the Jan 2021 deck will be the Sherlock Holmes deck!
Re: Kings Wild Project - Official Thread
Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 2:00 pm
by masagin303
So after more then 3 months waiting for and almost giving up on this package, it finally arrived! Sent to me by KWP on July 3 and arrived to Chicago airport depo on July 24 (yeah, that seemed like a long time at that time, trust me). Then it was probably held captive and tortured by a gang of hype decks for almost 3 months, finally escaped and arrived to Czech republic on October 12 and was picked up by me today. Toughen up by the experience it even somehow evaded customs and VAT taxes.
Look at the traveler.

- IMG-0312.jpg (92.46 KiB) Viewed 4395 times
Inside 4 collector boxes.

- IMG-0315.jpg (92.5 KiB) Viewed 4395 times
And inside those boxes my missing subscription decks and stickers!

- IMG-0319.jpg (175.83 KiB) Viewed 4395 times
And thus this unorderly shelve with so many holes...

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...could finally be filled and order restored.

- IMG-0321.jpg (123.52 KiB) Viewed 4395 times
No money in the world would possibly buy me back my numbered limited ("280") and gilded ("140") decks so you can imagine my relief when I saw this package in Czech Post mobile app yesterday evening! And because of an excellent packaging by KWP no harm was done during all this!
Re: Kings Wild Project - Official Thread
Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 4:32 pm
by GandalfTheWhite
Wow! first of all I'm happy that you received your package phew. Secondly, beautiful set up you have there. Amazing!
Re: Kings Wild Project - Official Thread
Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 10:04 pm
by Bradius
I can just imagine the disappointment on the shippers upon reading this post that everything arrived fine. They vow next time to do a better job...and drag your box under the ship across the Atlantic as an anchor. Hopefully next time they can get some decent damage "patina" going on those decks...such a shame. They should be shamed for there performance.
Seriously, that had to be a great relief it finally arrived safe and sound. That is an awesome display.

Re: Kings Wild Project - Official Thread
Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 7:30 am
by Siege
That must be such a great feeling! I have visions of you staring unblinkingly at that gap in your shelf display for the past 3 months just quietly chanting (right. Maybe that’s just me). I hope you held that shipping box aloft on your shoulders and paraded him through the town as the returning war hero he is.
Re: Kings Wild Project - Official Thread
Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 8:26 pm
by Bradius
Congrats to Jackson Robinson for receiving the 52+ Joker's 2020 Diamond Award winner for the Artist of the Year.
Bravo Jackson!
Re: Kings Wild Project - Official Thread
Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 9:00 pm
by hsbc
Kings Wild Thread decks coming October 22nd!
Re: Kings Wild Project - Official Thread
Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 11:26 pm
by MagikFingerz
Shoutout to Jackson's wife for coming up with the idea for those tucks (the things you learn at conventions).
Re: Kings Wild Project - Official Thread
Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 5:19 pm
by JacksonRobinson
thanks, everybody. It was really nice getting to hang out with some of you over the virtual convention.

- shirtdeck.JPG (65.4 KiB) Viewed 4034 times
Re: Kings Wild Project - Official Thread
Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 11:33 pm
by Harvonsgard
hsbc wrote: ↑Sun Oct 18, 2020 9:00 pm
Kings Wild Thread decks coming October 22nd!
Printed by MPC - retails $25 ($15 if you order the according shirt)
Re: Kings Wild Project - Official Thread
Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2020 9:39 pm
by PiazzaDelivery
Way late to the party, and bear in mind that I’m cool with Haunted 8s and Deck the Halls because I missed out on their original iterations... but why were Overbite and Christmas Carol scrapped? Will they be back next year?
Re: Kings Wild Project - Official Thread
Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 12:02 am
by hsbc
This seems like a pretty big thing -
Bloomberg Businessweek ran an article about Kings Wild / Jackson
...Kings Wild Project Inc., now a 20-person enterprise. ... The company is in the process of moving from Austin to outside Chattanooga, Tenn., and it’s on track for gross sales of $1.5 million in 2020, triple 2019’s figure and more than 10 times what it brought in two years ago.
“The pandemic has really kind of forced me, and probably other people, to reevaluate the things that were taking up the hours of their lives and that reflects on people’s buying habits, too,” Robinson says. “People are wanting more than just cookie-cutter stuff.” ... “It’s still kind of in the realm of an impulse buy for a lot of people, and we usually find that our first-time customers will buy one deck of cards, ... They receive it, and then they’re like, ‘Wow, this is awesome, I didn’t know that playing cards could be this. I didn’t know that this world existed.’ And then, about two weeks later, they’ll come back—and they’ll buy six decks.”
Re: Kings Wild Project - Official Thread
Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 5:44 am
by Bradius
Overbite was evidently scrapped because Jackson said he didn’t Ike the design. I think there were also construction issues with the tuck. The new Christmas deck was scrapped due to time constraints in designing a new deck. As I have the 2018 versions, these reprints as Subscription decks just two years later is less than welcome.
The article is interesting. Jackson is pushing to get his decks more mainstream. He can make much more money selling thousands of decks at $15, than a few at $30 or $45. As a collector though I am not interested in spending $45 for a deck that is essentially sold later for $15 and with an indefinite print run. That said, KWP really can deliver some exceptional decks at a very affordable price point for what you get.
Re: Kings Wild Project - Official Thread
Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 3:36 pm
by armant96
Just want to share my thought on today's RB Sherwood Edition release.
I was very excited and was waiting on the release of that deck and was waiting to hit 12:00 PM ET to get one for my collection.
However, I was very surprised when it did not show up in the Members Only area at 12:01, 12:02...
So then I found out from the comments and Crew's reply to my comment on their RH post that only those used iPhone showed the filter option and we should have filtered the page from New to Old to show the deck as it did not show without a filter.
Is it fair? What do you guys think? Why they did not let everyone know?
I am very disappointed as only several Members had an opportunity to see the release and grab one. Why I have to filter then see the release? Why I only have to use a mobile device to see it? Not fair at all.
I think this was a mistake made by the person who is working on their website and was not able to add the new item in a way that it would show for all Members.
I see that a lot of Members are very frustrated and sad. However, CONGRATS to those who were able to find out the trick and purchased those.
Now, the only option is to grab one from eBay with jacked up prices.
Re: Kings Wild Project - Official Thread
Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 5:14 pm
by hsbc
I also missed Sherwood and am very disappointed, it's about the only thing I've been looking forward to lately
Re: Kings Wild Project - Official Thread
Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 7:01 pm
by portcullis
My thoughts on these matters will be put down the moment I get home from work.
Re: Kings Wild Project - Official Thread
Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2020 6:21 am
by rousselle
Jackson did post a video on Facebook (and, I'm guessing, elsewhere on social media) apologizing for the SNAFU. He said that a new software roll-out on Shopify, his ecommerce provider, (or, maybe it's "myshopify?") contained the bug that dogged the way items were presented in the Members only page.
While I was once again disappointed (having also missed out on a couple of other opportunities earlier this year), the fact that he publicly acknowledged and apologized for the situation does count for something.
Re: Kings Wild Project - Official Thread
Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2020 2:56 pm
by hsbc
I think a much better solution would be to limit people to one deck instead of two on very limited releases like this - especially since some people likely grabbed another only to sell