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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 12:32 pm
by Bikefanatic
This past Saturday, I was becoming impatient so I decided to go on Instagram and Facebook to look for pics of the Crypt deck and I found none.

So there'll be here in between tomorrow and Friday so I'll wait on them. Reading the comments, I'll want to carefully open my deck from the side.

Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 2:17 pm
by Ice_Panda

Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 2:21 pm
by Harvonsgard
Crazy mark-up... bad listing! For $400 I wanna see more product pictures 😝!
Let's for what price Jacks&Jokers, Wounded Corner and jpgames are listing.

Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 2:26 pm
by brownsl
I would not be surprised if he finds a buyer, even at that price.

Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 2:48 pm
by JacksandJokers
Harvonsgard wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 2:21 pm Crazy mark-up... bad listing! For $400 I wanna see more product pictures 😝!
Let's for what price Jacks&Jokers, Wounded Corner and jpgames are listing.
Got ours in today.
They're available through our website only until Ebay offers us the £1 Maximum fees deal again.
They're listed at £249.99 with a 10% discount available to members.

Plus we have nice low numbers #11-#16

Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 4:01 pm
by Harvonsgard
brownsl wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 2:26 pm I would not be surprised if he finds a buyer, even at that price.
Since that Bicycle Hessler Enhanced sold for $250, there is absolutely nothing that'll surprise me anymore regarding playing cards.

Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 4:27 pm
by brownsl
I am glad I loaded up on the Bicycle Hessler Enhanced decks when I did.

Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 9:52 pm
by Jykwei
USPS showed a delivery scheduled for tomorrow! I am located in California, so by distance I am one of the last to receive it in the US. Good luck all!

Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 10:47 pm
by brownsl
My tracking now shows my package is one step away from my local PO. Typically, this means I will get it tomorrow. Fingers crossed!

Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 6:49 am
by Bikefanatic
I should get mine today too and give a review!

Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 8:39 am
by juxtaposed
thanks to decknowledgy review, i got a friend to unbox together too (how original am i)

i got it send to my office and he's the one who got the package for me, might as well invite him for the unboxing. he have zero knowledge in playing cards.
from the box we both knew its something special (well.. how do i phrase it, abit unconventional the way it is?)
the fun part came after seeing the cards, we're just simply making noises like kids :lol:
the noises are as follows in sequence "O wow" "whuut?" "how?" "whuuut?"

both of us just flipping front and back appreciating the face, pips and still left puzzled how the finish of the cards is achieved. the concept of cards was also part of the finish is just madness. (or maybe i'm just a noob in playing cards)

i love every part of it. i love the face, i love the back. i'm pretty sure its deck of the year for me, i mean... its just tough to beat it. even for lotrek himself. i just wonder how is he going to bring his creation to another level :lol:
damn decknowledgy making my reviews sound pale. i'm pretty sure its a fun unboxing experience even with someone who's not into playing cards. i'm very happy to own 1.

P.S. anyone knows if XXL carat case fits? nicely or tons of room left?

Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 9:40 am
by Decknowledgy
juxtaposed wrote: Wed Jul 01, 2020 8:39 am thanks to decknowledgy review, i got a friend to unbox together too (how original am i)
Glad that it was helpful for you :D
juxtaposed wrote: Wed Jul 01, 2020 8:39 am P.S. anyone knows if XXL carat case fits? nicely or tons of room left?
It would fit snug from side to side if you have both the acrylic panels inside, but there would be a space above, like this:
Serious disclaimer: I do not intend to show the tuck, but just as much as Lotrek did himself. This is just to display the size in comparison to the XXL carat case.

Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 9:46 am
by juxtaposed
Decknowledgy wrote: Wed Jul 01, 2020 9:40 am It would fit snug from side to side if you have both the acrylic panels inside, but there would be a space above, like this:

Serious disclaimer: I do not intend to show the tuck, but just as much as Lotrek did himself. This is just to display the size in comparison to the XXL carat case.
it helps alot, thank u very much!

Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 11:00 am
by brownsl
Got them just a bit ago and here are my unboxing pictures....

That is it!

Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 11:05 am
by RichK
Damn that's a whole cemetery worth of CRYPT's.

Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 11:57 am
by Bikefanatic
-I didn't have problems with the stickers, you just slowly peel them off, from the side then top.

-To show the actual tuck case would not be a spoiler unless it's opened.

-I like the cards. Best to look at them in sunlight. I like the backs and colors that were used. I also like the cards...maybe the texture could've been more enhanced? There ok as is but maybe could've stood out more or really popped. Maybe that's why the backs the way they are. They're playable.

-As for the price point, $20 lower could've been right.

-I like the concept. I agree when someone said if you seen it somewhere, you'll wonder "what is this?" When you open it, "these are nice." You'll expect it to be a certain way then it's actually something else.

1.Golden Oath
2.Silver Arabesque
3.Icons Imperial
Out of a Top Ten Lotrek's Decks list, Crypt to me would be within the 5-7 area. Too many to look over and review.

Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 12:54 pm
This is my Second Lotrek deck... I'm stunned...

Should I upload just my audio for reviewing/ unboxing the deck? Like I don't even know where to start.
Also would me doing an audio review that keeps it somewhat obscure with just descriptors go against the secret aspect of the deck? Asking ahead of time before I do anything dumb to make myself hated.

Written Review: (Don't read unless you want to) Honestly just pure feels and how it feels like to open this deck with some spoilers.

The varnish is much MUCH smoother than the GOB(Only deck I've got), it comes in unassuming in the cardstock tuck then you open it to reveal the crypt, the glorious simplicity and minimalism is purely stunning. As you marvel at the simplicity the seal catches your eye, shall you open the seal and unleash what was trapped by Lotrek? Shall you take upon yourself the potential curse that Lotrek may levy against your soul? You wait in anticipation till your lust for knowledge crawls out of you, PANDORA'S Box must be opened. You so you slowly remove the smooth, succulent seal to unveil the truth. What you see stuns you, beauty without explanation hits you in waves, shall you leave the cave to tell the others, or will you keep it to yourself despite your duty? There lays a second seal shall you continue forth brave adventurer? You've come this far you might as well continue onwards into the dark. You stumble and fall until you reach a massive gate it reads, "Beware ye mighty fool do not do this for peril of your life!" You peek past the gate and notice a smidge of great wonder as you slip past the gate. You stare at the great bounty before you and you wonder what great ruler, what great GOD made this tomb?

Lotrek you sweet sonnova bitch you've done it again. I will reiterate my initial exclamation in jest once again, "LOTREK MARRY ME!!!"

But yeah Varnish = much better
Courts = better
Wait = worth it
Back = orgasmic
Cost = who cares about cost this is Lotrek we're talking about.
Details and quirks = I'm looking for them Easter eggs baby! Honestly the detail is immaculate.
DOTY? = Forever until Lotrek 1 ups himself again.

Edit: Tried my best to make the gray match.

Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 1:37 pm
by brownsl
I opened one of my decks and I think it is absolutely awesome looking. I have not opened all my Lotrek decks yet (I know, I know) but this has to be up there as one of the best. I am totally blown away. What makes it more so, is that I had absolutely no idea what the cards were going to look like. Definitely added to the excitement for me. So, this mystery deck is a complete success to me! Thanks Lotrek!

If I have any minor quibble it would be the slight bend in the cards. I know that is not too unusual with Lotrek decks so it did not come as a surprise.

I am not an uncut sheet collector but an uncut sheet of these cards would be incredible.

Definitely glad I got them!!

Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 2:27 pm
by Bradius
My package from Lotrek was waiting for me at the office this afternoon. I was pleased to note that I actually purchased four of the Crypt decks. I did get one of the "last call" decks when I managed to scrape together enough to add another one. Not as many as brownsl, but close. So far I have only opened one of my Crypt decks.

I am essentially speachless, which makes it easy to avoid any spoilers. My package looked much like brownsl's. Also, big shout out to decknowledgy for his post. Yeah, I get it now. I didn't get it when you posted it, so...brilliant post mate.

I have opened most every major Lotrek deck. DotY? I was initially reading posts and thinking "Nah, there are some awesome decks this year and more still to come. No way. Not again." Now? This is definitely on my short list, if not my clear champion. Is it my favorite Lotrek deck? It is complicated. I like different Lotrek decks for different reasons. I have a real soft spot for Arabesque, but this might top it. The technical skill is definitely better than Arabesque. The registration...yeah. Insane. This is definitely a worthy addition to the Lotrek Mystery Deck Series.

Is four decks enough? No! But it will have to do. :lol:

I am sorry, but I have to shout now...


Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 5:09 pm
by PiazzaDelivery
Jesus Christ...

It is an IMMENSE tease to come home everyday, hoping today will be the day and find nothing, then go to UC and see all these glowing reviews.


Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 5:18 pm
by Magic Tapp
Well, if anyone wants an extra Simon at jacksandjokers has five for roughly 310 bucks apiece.

Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 5:22 pm
by Daisho
Magic Tapp wrote: Wed Jul 01, 2020 5:18 pm Well, if anyone wants an extra Simon at jacksandjokers has five for roughly 310 bucks apiece.
No thanks, I'd much prefer a Garfunkel.

Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 7:27 pm
by Timmargh
Daisho wrote: Wed Jul 01, 2020 5:22 pm
Magic Tapp wrote: Wed Jul 01, 2020 5:18 pm Well, if anyone wants an extra Simon at jacksandjokers has five for roughly 310 bucks apiece.
No thanks, I'd much prefer a Garfunkel.
You hear that? That's the sound of silence.

(Just kidding; it made me smile.)

Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 10:37 pm
by Jykwei
Mr Postman was delivering late today (past 6pm) and I happened to catch him. This is a good day.

I don’t know about you but there is no way these are “playing cards”. Who play with these cards? Maybe if I own 6 decks! (Only got one.... I know, I am an amateur) They scream “worship me, you are not worthy” to me throughout the de-crypt process.

Here’s a movie quote to sum it all, “This belongs to the museum!!”

Thanks for the experience.

Ps. I ordered the fable test deck also and they came together. It used the same paper for the outside tuck, only the fable deck is smaller. I was tempted to post a picture of the fable deck with the flap opened to spook people thinking I was revealing the secret.

I used a safety pin to pry the sticker open.

Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 8:27 am
by Bradius
Who play with these cards?
Well, you just have to use them similar to how we live now with masks. You have to use "protection" and social distancing.



Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 11:02 am
by BaconWise
I feel completely elated this morning. I got into the office and had those wonderful Greek stamps waiting for me.

I am all about the full experience of a deck and this project was absolutely stunning. I have a huge grin on my face and I don't know what to do with my hands. This deck makes me feel things in my potty place, so I call that a win :D

Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 12:23 pm
by Timmargh
I took another look at one of my Crypts today and am even more impressed the second time around; it probably helped that the person with me going through each card was swearing under her breath! :D Seriously, though, they're some amazingly detailed and exquisite cards.

Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 1:13 pm
by Jykwei
Bradius wrote: Thu Jul 02, 2020 8:27 am
Who play with these cards?
Well, you just have to use them similar to how we live now with masks. You have to use "protection" and social distancing.

Needless to mention, it is nothing but solitaire, for I won’t trust anyone touching the cards...

Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 4:03 pm
by Decknowledgy
I just saw Paul (Encarded) show the front of the inner tuck in full... But I guess most peps have already seen it already?

Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 6:59 pm
by bdawg923
Got my deck today. I think it's awesome! I love the whole mystery around it, I love the experience of opening it at every stage (am I about to see it? Not yet. Now? So close..) I think the foiling on the front is incredible. It's a gorgeous deck. I just wish I had known about peeling the stickers off instead of cutting them! I wish I could say more, but don't want to spoil anything for anyone who hasnt gotten theirs yet. Would love to see more of these mystery decks in the future :)