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Re: UC KS Watchdogs (A strategy for tracking delays)

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2020 6:55 pm
by rousselle
Hi, all.

Happy New Year, everybody! The following non-retail playing card projects have arrived at Casa Rousselle since my last update, and with these, we close out the watchdog list arrivals for 2019:

The Parlour decks arrived in December (originally anticipated in September '19), and given how this project blew up in popularity during pledging, I'm impressed that it came out with such a small delay and such a high commitment to quality. Then again, it's Lorenzo who was Omar's partner in this, so while I'm impressed, I'm not surprised. Steady hand Steve Minty's Ascension (September '19) also successfully landed at Casa Rousselle, as did rookie effort Fillide (September '19). Rounding out the projects arriving here from non-retail outlets, the Conjurer (December '19) arrived as anticipated from Arcadia.

So, four projects drop off the list and two get added. Thus, the total on the list drops down to 10:
  • Muertos (January '18) -- No word since Halloween 2018, when Natalia posted that this project was still in work. Thus, it's been over a year since that last update. However, now *all* of Natalia's projects are 404'ing on the Kickstarter site. It has been reported elsewhere that KS has replied there is some kind of dispute that is currently taking these pages down. This story is getting interesting. (Much in the same way the Hindenburg's final flight was interesting.)
  • Avalon (May '18) -- See above.
  • Sun Tzu (July '18) -- No word since an update posted in late May '18. No 404's, either, though.
  • EPHEMERID Precious Metal Edition (September '19) -- As of mid-November, an update states that the artwork is finalized and production should begin soon. No word since then.
  • The Invocation (September '19) -- Although many people have received their decks, anyone who included gilded decks in their orders is still waiting (including me) because the gilder's work queue was very backed up. Hopefully we'll hear soon.
  • Authentic Jerry's Nuggets (October '19) -- Fulfillment was still underway as of mid-December, and some folks have reported receiving their decks, although I'm still waiting for any sign that mine are on their way. Sigh.
  • Dance of Death, V1, V2, V3 (October '19) -- An update from a couple months ago indicated a problem with production wherein one of the cards was missing from each deck; a reprint of the missing cards was supposedly in progress, and then fulfillment would resume soon after that's done. However, there have been no updates, and conversations online concerning this project indicate that the cost of correcting the production issues may have run this project into the red. I've reached out directly to the project creator to ask his thoughts.
  • Butterfly Silver & Gold (November '19) -- An early November update says that Cartamundi has pushed production back to January. Ondrej has continued to keep backers updated with status since then, and there is still reason to believe production with begin in January.
  • Chao Green (January '20) -- All indications are that this MPC project will begin shipping this coming week.
  • Prescription (January '20) -- This project was on a tight turn-around, and the project creator has remained actively engaged with the backers. No word yet on shipping, but there's no indication that this project is running late, so far.
10 eagerly anticipated projects for me, a couple of which should be on their way to me very soon, a couple of which may get underway soon-ish, and three or four which may be lost causes (although they still bear watching).

And you? What deliveries are you currently anticipating from non-retail outlets?

Re: UC KS Watchdogs (A strategy for tracking delays)

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2020 7:25 pm
by BaconWise
Thanks Allan! I am eagerly anticipating the gilded Invocation. There is a banner on the KWP website stating they are still waiting on gilding for their green gilded black reserve note and I believe it is the same gilder for the Invocation decks, so who knows when those will arrive at this point?

Also, I finally received my Sumi Kitsune decks! They were scheduled to arrive in July, so it has been a struggle for Card Experiment. Very pleased, despite the delay.

I would add the following projects:

- Culturae Animalis. These were scheduled for a December fulfillment, and it sounds like fulfillment started Monday, so I am looking forward to crossing this one off the list!
- Walhalla: Deck of the Valkyries. Scheduled for a December fulfillment. As of 10 days ago the cards are finished and they are waiting for the tucks to finish production. Once they receive those, it will be time for fulfillment.

Re: UC KS Watchdogs (A strategy for tracking delays)

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2020 12:31 pm
by RichK

Prescription will be delayed until March/April because he has a gilded deck. He wants to wait to ship all at one time, not send just ungilded alone. :(

Re: UC KS Watchdogs (A strategy for tracking delays)

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2020 8:42 pm
by JackBrutusPenny
bamabenz wrote:I was just going over my list of campaigns for which I have not received rewards (Shane Tyree, Dale Mathis, Japanese the Game, Tokaido, ...) and I realized that I got this all wrong.

Most of these campaigns have used BackerKit or PledgeMaster to supplement their income (and maybe avoid KS fees).

Why not just make a minimal pledge during the Kickstarter, and then order bricks, frames, whatever using BackerKit/Pledgemaster?

Then when it becomes apparent that you're going to be kept Writhing in the Dark, or left out of the Frame, call your credit card company and tell them you didn't get your stuff. No KS 'its a pledge, not a pre-order' bullshit to deal with.


Oh no, I'm sad to see that two of your four 'kept writhing in the dark' campaigns appear to be Japan-themed. I hope it doesn't give such projects a bad name.

As a creator I don't see a problem with what you are suggesting for anyone EXCEPT those that strive to create a good reputation and do not use further providers such as BackerKit. I am also unsure on the reasoning but a few backers in my last campaign asked directly if I was using BackersKit, and when I inquired why, they said that they wouldn't participate if I WAS because they had had bad experiences with campaigns that did.

Re: UC KS Watchdogs (A strategy for tracking delays)

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2020 7:06 pm
by rousselle
Okay, it's half-way through February, but interestingly enough, nothing has changed for me between Feb 1st and today. Here's how my Watchdog list shapes up after January came and went:

The Invocation (originally anticipated September '19) fell off the list when all my decks arrived, and Authentic Jerry's Nuggets (October '19) finally made it after several back-and-forths with their customer service person. I'll also note that one set of decks, the 5th Kingdom Semi-Transformation decks from Will Roya and, arrived before their anticipated fulfillment of February '20. Woo-hoo!

So, two projects drop off the list and five new ones get added, while one arrives before it can even be added to the list. Thus, the total on the list bumps back up to 13:
  • Muertos (January '18) -- No word since Halloween 2018, when Natalia posted that this project was still in work. Thus, it's been over a year since that last update. Natalia's projects were temporarily missing from the KS site, but have returned without any comment.
  • Avalon (May '18) -- See above.
  • Sun Tzu (July '18) -- No word since an update posted in late May '18.
  • EPHEMERID Precious Metal Edition (September '19) -- As of a few days ago, Mr Cup reported that the decks are printed, so production is in progress.
  • Dance of Death, V1, V2, V3 (October '19) -- There's been no word from Sergey since the update in November. In the meantime, he appears to have sold a quantity of his decks to Murphy's for distribution. There's been no indication regarding his intention to fulfill orders from backers.
  • Butterfly Silver & Gold (November '19) -- An update from the end of January says that Cartamundi is scheduling the print run to commence this week or next.
  • Chao Green (January '20) -- According to an update and a comment or two, shipping has commenced, and should be wrapping up soon. There was a delay attributed to the coronavirus outbreak. So, hopefully this is on its way. No one has reported receiving their decks yet.
  • Prescription (January '20) -- Contract hasn't been signed yet; project creator hopes to have last-minute issues resolved soon and then production can commence.
  • EUCHRE Playing Cards - V3 and Indiana (February '20) -- As of last week, Randy reports that the decks are almost to Indy, from where he will begin shipping decks to backers.
  • 666 (February '20) -- In a recent post, Riffle Shuffle said that decks are produced and are either en route to them or already in hand, and that fulfillment should begin the last week of February and will hopefully be completed during the first week of March.
  • Modern Idols (February '20) -- A printing error is forcing some re-work by USPCC, pushing project completion back by at least 3 weeks. Other items in production are coming along nicely.
  • UC2019 №7 (February '20) -- As of a few days ago, Montenzi reports that decks are officially in the printing queue at Cartamundi.
  • Emperor (February '20) -- Kevin reports that fulfillment is underway, and is, in fact, nearly done.
13 eagerly anticipated projects for me, a couple of which may already be on their way to me, a couple of which may get underway soon-ish, and three or four which may be lost causes (although they still bear watching). I'm likely to write off one of these soon, but the Natalia Silva decks... as long as she continues to design decks for other people to sell, I feel like we need to keep her abandoned projects at the top of the list and in everybody's minds.

And you? What deliveries are you currently anticipating from non-retail outlets?

Re: UC KS Watchdogs (A strategy for tracking delays)

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2020 10:11 pm
by RandyButterfield
The Euchre Decks are at my house! I’ll start shipping them out tomorrow, and will get the last of them out by EOD Friday.

Thanks, Randy

Re: UC KS Watchdogs (A strategy for tracking delays)

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2020 4:11 am
by rousselle
Welcome to March, Population: us.

February was a pretty good month at the ol' rousselle mailbox. As Randy posted in a previous post, the Midnight Cards' Euchre Decks (V3 and Indiana) arrived right on time during the shortest month of the year, as did Penguin's Emperor decks (which were also anticipated for February fulfillment.) MPC's Jade Green Chao decks, originally anticipated to drop in January '20 also arrived, and not too late at all. And speaking of not-too-late, Riffle Shuffle's 666 project arrived just a couple days into March, which is awesome given that fulfillment was originally projected for February.

So, four projects drop off the list and interestingly, another four new ones get added. Thus, the total on the list holds steady at 13:
  • Muertos (January '18) -- No word since Halloween 2018, when Natalia posted that this project was still in work. Thus, it's been over a year since that last update, and over two years since this was expected to ship. Natalia's earlier decks are now available for sale on, which tells me she's still active and trying to raise money from her back inventory, which is all fine and well, but I don't see any indication that the resulting funds are being used to help fulfill this project.
  • Avalon (May '18) -- See above.
  • Sun Tzu (July '18) -- No word since an update posted in late May '18.
  • EPHEMERID Precious Metal Edition (September '19) -- Mr Cup has launched a new project on KS with additional versions of this deck to try to raise more funds in order to fulfill both this project and the new one (at the same time). He says he hopes to ship everything out in April.
  • Dance of Death, V1, V2, V3 (October '19) -- There's been no word from Sergey since the update in November. In the meantime, he appears to have sold a quantity of his decks to Murphy's for distribution. There's been no indication regarding his intention to fulfill orders from backers.
  • Butterfly Silver & Gold (November '19) -- In a recent comment on the project, we were told that the current best estimate for a completion date at Cartamundi is the end of April, with ultimate fulfillment from the fulfillment centers commencing in May/June.
  • Prescription (January '20) -- Contract was signed in early February and decks are reported to be in production presently as USPCC. Currently, fulfillment estimated for April/May.
  • Modern Idols (February '20) -- A printing error is forcing some re-work by USPCC, pushing project completion back by at least 3 weeks. Other items in production are coming along nicely.
  • UC2019 №7 (February '20) -- As of yesterday, production is currently expected to be completed at the end of March, although Montenzi is awaiting confirmation from Cartamundi.
  • Eclipse Comic Vintage Reproduction Transformation Decks (March '20) -- "The rewards will be shipping mid-March."
  • Stories (March '20) -- Surveys sent and BackerKit shop is open, but no word from Vanda (David) on current state of production / fulfillment.
  • Vivaldi Playing Cards {ƒƒ} (March '20) -- In and update published just today, the team reports that some production issues with the tucks may delay the project by a month.
  • DeLand Centennial - Daisy & Nifty Marked (March '20) -- A slight delay in production may mean that production completes at the end of this month, with fulfillment taking place in April.
13 eagerly anticipated projects for me, a couple of which may well head my way in March, a couple of which may get underway soon-ish, and three or four which may be lost causes (although they still bear watching). I'm likely to write off one of these soon, but the Natalia Silva decks... as long as she continues to design decks for other people to sell, I feel like we need to keep her abandoned projects at the top of the list and in everybody's minds.

And you? What deliveries are you currently anticipating from non-retail outlets?

Re: UC KS Watchdogs (A strategy for tracking delays)

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2020 11:37 am
by BaconWise
Thanks for the update, Allan!

I would add two to the list:

- Walhalla: Deck of the Valkyries. Scheduled for a December 2019 fulfillment. Updated three weeks ago to say fulfillment was ready to start with NPCC, so I am not sure what is causing the delay...
- Alis Luminis. Scheduled for March fulfillment and backers just received an update that shipping has commenced, so I don't foresee any issues with receiving this deck on time :ugdance:

Re: UC KS Watchdogs (A strategy for tracking delays)

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 1:08 am
by rousselle
Well, as Marches go... holy crap.

Little wonder, with how much the COVID-19 shit has hit the World Wide Fan, that playing card projects have become slightly less than blip in our daily lives. And yet, here I am, noting that my life has been brightened when the postal carrier has brought me playing cards which did, indeed, happen a couple times in this otherwise dreadful month of March.

Will Roya's Eclipse Comic Vintage Reproduction Transformation Decks (originally anticipated to be fulfilled in March '20) arrived right on time in the middle of the month, while the Royal Crown project arrived at the ol' rousselle mailbox on April 2nd, just barely into the original anticipated month of fulfillment before it could even get added to the list.

So, one project drops off the list and another arrives before it could be added. Only two decks were originally expected to be delivered in April, so the total on the list edges up one, to 14:
  • Muertos (January '18) -- No word since Halloween 2018, when Natalia posted that this project was still in work. Natalia's earlier decks are now available for sale on, which tells me she's still active and trying to raise money from her back inventory, which is all fine and well, but I don't see any indication that the resulting funds are being used to help fulfill this project.
  • Avalon (May '18) -- See above.
  • Sun Tzu (July '18) -- No word since an update posted in late May '18.
  • EPHEMERID Precious Metal Edition (September '19) -- Mr Cup has launched a new project on KS with additional versions of this deck to try to raise more funds in order to fulfill both this project and the new one (at the same time). He had, at one point, said he hopes to ship everything out in April.
  • Dance of Death, V1, V2, V3 (October '19) -- There's been no word from Sergey since the update in November. In the meantime, he appears to have sold a quantity of his decks to Murphy's for distribution. There's been no indication regarding his intention to fulfill orders from backers.
  • Butterfly Silver & Gold (November '19) -- In an update in early March, production was anticipated to be completed at the end of April. With the COVID-19 situation, Ondrej informs his backers that Cartamundi is now anticipating production time to slip by another month.
  • Prescription (January '20) -- Felix reported just today that COVID-19 is impacting production, resulting in further delays to this project.
  • Modern Idols (February '20) -- Gio reports that as of yesterday, fulfillment has commenced! GW tells him that shipping may be slower than usual -- they are working, but social distancing does impact their operations -- but the work has begun and we should see tracking numbers soon.
  • UC2019 №7 (February '20) -- As of just a few hours ago, production is currently expected to be completed within a few more days. Then, on to Montenzi for fulfillment!
  • Stories (March '20) -- As of mid-March, they had finalized the art and were waiting to be added to USPCC's production queue. Given that USPCC is pausing production because of COVID-19, anticipate that fulfillment on this one is going to be further delayed.
  • Vivaldi Playing Cards {ƒƒ} (March '20) -- As of mid-March, production of the cards themselves was looking to wrap up at USPCC by the end of March. However, in the last couple weeks, that may well have changed. That last update anticipated fulfillment in the first half of April.
  • DeLand Centennial - Daisy & Nifty Marked (March '20) -- In an update from a few days ago, the shutdown at USPCC at the end of March is also impacting this project, which was otherwise just humming along. More news will be posted as it develops.
  • Charmers (April '20) -- As of a month ago, production was in full swing and the photos of the results looked great. No word as to how close production is/was to wrapping up, or what impact COVID-19 may be having here.
  • The Rocket Deck (April '20) -- Arjit posted a comment a couple weeks ago indicating that production had not yet, as of that time, been impacted by the novel coronavirus, but he did indicate some concern that even if production went off without a hitch, shipping might be impacted by import restrictions.
14 projects that had originally been expected to be in my hands either by now or by the end of this month (April). It's exciting to know that, in these trying times, a couple of these projects may yet find their way to me before the month is out. But for most of the others, even if they aren't apparently lost causes, they are likely going to be experiencing a slower path to my mailbox. In the grand scheme of things, there are worse problems to have. But, even so, it'll be nice to get them when they do finally make their way to me.

And you? What deliveries are you currently anticipating from non-retail outlets?

Re: UC KS Watchdogs (A strategy for tracking delays)

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 2:55 pm
by PiazzaDelivery
rousselle wrote:...even if they aren't apparently lost causes...
Is this a thing? Creators aren't compelled to deliver on their products once they take our money? I've been been at card collecting for about 18 months, so I've yet to encounter this, but this would be very surprising to me.

Re: UC KS Watchdogs (A strategy for tracking delays)

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 11:18 am
by RichK
PiazzaDelivery wrote:
rousselle wrote:...even if they aren't apparently lost causes...
Is this a thing? Creators aren't compelled to deliver on their products once they take our money? I've been been at card collecting for about 18 months, so I've yet to encounter this, but this would be very surprising to me.
Creators aren't compelled to deliver products. If they don't they get a bad reputation. Natalia Silva used to put out great decks but something happened and she had 5 projects but nothing was delivered. Now she's disappeared with my money for 4 projects which I trusted her to deliver. As rousselle said about the Muertos deck she's gone.
The Dance of Death, which I backed, was Sergey's 2nd project. He had major shipping issues with first project then a printing error on 2nd project. He was going to print correct cards and send them with decks but didn't. He's disappeared too. The decks sold to Murphy's are the error decks.

Since you're relatively new expect printing delays but look for updates from the creators. PM them through Kickstarter or see how they reply to comments. And read what the people posting here on a project have to say about the project. The details like "low funding goal", "unknown printer", "first time creator", shipping concerns, etc. should be warning bells, especially first time creators. They don't account for that, don't have enough money, and just run away. Not all are gong to do run but if your gut says "no" follow it.

Re: UC KS Watchdogs (A strategy for tracking delays)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 7:47 pm
BaconWise wrote: Fri Mar 06, 2020 11:37 am - Walhalla: Deck of the Valkyries. Scheduled for a December 2019 fulfillment. Updated three weeks ago to say fulfillment was ready to start with NPCC, so I am not sure what is causing the delay...
The latest update (May 10) says "Fulfillment Complete". The creator posted a list with 756 tracking numbers for both Walhalla campaigns. But about 50 % of these numbers are "not found in the system". I tried to find out if any of these numbers have changed their status since the list was posted. A couple of tracking numbers got their first tracking entry on May 19 (Acceptance 79026 LVIV 26 UKRAINE). Then you have to go back to April 30 to find the next "acceptance date", and then again back to April 10. It looks like that NPCC sends out a few packages every three weeks. If they continue at this speed, they will be shipping out Walhalla packages within the next two years.

I know it's a difficult time. But claiming that 100 % has been fulfilled while 50 % of the packages hasn't been shipped yet is at least "strange" ...

Re: UC KS Watchdogs (A strategy for tracking delays)

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 9:14 am
by brownsl
Apparently, I am one of the fortunate backers to receive their reward. I got it in early May and am located in the US.

Re: UC KS Watchdogs (A strategy for tracking delays)

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 1:16 pm
by rousselle
So, I missed posting last month. Sorry about that. Time to play ketchup!

Er... catch-up.

I'm happy to report that Gio's Modern Idols (originally anticipated to arrive in February '20) found their way to the ol' rousselle mailbox since my last report, as did the Vivaldi Playing Cards {ƒƒ} (originally expected in March '20). Woo-hoo! Two projects drop off the list! Meanwhile, six additional projects were originally forecast to be delivered in May or June, so the total on the list heads north by a net count of four, to 18:
  • Muertos (January '18) -- No word since Halloween 2018, when Natalia posted that this project was still in work. Natalia's earlier decks are now available for sale on, which tells me she's still active and trying to raise money from her back inventory, which is all fine and well, but I hadn't seen any indication that the resulting funds are being used to help fulfill this project... until something weird happened with one of her other projects:
  • Avalon (May '18) -- In early May, Natalia logged onto KS and sent out surveys (to capture shipping addresses) for this project, which implied that she was preparing this project to ship out. There have been no updates, however, and there's no word on when (or if) shipping will actually commence. Still... signs of life!
  • Sun Tzu (July '18) -- No word since an update posted in late May '18.
  • EPHEMERID Precious Metal Edition (September '19) -- A recent post says that tucks are on their way to the facility in Ukraine from which the project will be fulfilled. No estimate yet as to when fulfillment will start.
  • Dance of Death, V1, V2, V3 (October '19) -- There's been no word from Sergey since the update in November. In the meantime, he appears to have sold a quantity of his decks to Murphy's for distribution. There's been no indication regarding his intention to fulfill orders from backers.
  • Butterfly Silver & Gold (November '19) -- In a recent update, we've been informed that there was a miscommunication on the production schedule at Cartamundi, and the decks will ship later than anticipated. Further, Andrej has decided to have the decks shipped to him before they go to the fulfillment centers, so he can be certain everything is okay.
  • Prescription (January '20) -- Felix posted an update in early May indicating that production should be resuming at USPCC soon, as they were preparing to re-open their production facilities.
  • UC2019 №7 (February '20) -- Fulfillment has begun, and I hear these babies are beautiful. I haven't received a tracking number yet, but GW has started the ball rolling this week for US backers.
  • Stories (March '20) -- As of a couple weeks ago, Dan popped in to tell us that production is still delayed because of the COVID-19-related plant closures, but that he's continuing to see things through.
  • DeLand Centennial - Daisy & Nifty Marked (March '20) -- A recent update notes that USPCC anticipates completing production on this deck mid-June, and from there, to the fulfillment center.
  • Charmers (April '20) -- On May 1st, Kellar posted that Cartamundi is having supply issues with the inks they want to use for these cards. So, we wait.
  • The Rocket Deck (April '20) -- Arjit continues to stay in contact with backers via the comments section on his project. He says he anticipates good news from Cartamundi soon, and will be sharing an update with details once he has them.
  • The Green Man (May '20) -- A couple weeks ago, Jocu posted that EU fulfillment has completed and that US fulfillment would be beginning soon. There have been comments from backers in the US who have started to receive their decks. So, hopefully mine will be on their way soon!
  • Titanic Tarot (June '20) -- Robert posted yesterday that as soon as he receives the packing material he needs, fulfillment will begin.
  • Amazons Spartans (June '20) -- About a month ago, Agitcom posted that they are waiting for USPCC to produce their cards, and that they remained hopeful that fulfillment could begin in June.
  • Infinitum (June '20) -- Ben posted yesterday that they, too, are waiting for USPCC to produce their cards, and he'll let us know when he has more details to share.
  • Commoners (June '20) -- Ian reports that the cards are produced and in hand, but he's waiting for the tuck boxes, which are to be produced in Scotland, where Covid-19-related restrictions are not yet lifted (as of yesterday), so he needs to continue to wait for those.
  • Sovereign (June '20) -- Jody posted just a couple weeks ago that USPCC has provided him with a production schedule, and he's also waiting on the metal card holders, but everything is otherwise on track and he anticipates fulfillment to begin in August.
So, that's a total of 18 Kickstarter playing card-related projects that had originally been expected to be in my hands either by now or by the end of this month (June). It's exciting to know that, in these trying times, several of these are likely to arrive at my mailbox before the month is over. Understandably, several of the others are still experiencing Covid-19-related delays. In the grand scheme of things, there are worse problems to have. But, even so, it'll be nice to get them when they do finally make their way to me.

And you? What deliveries are you currently anticipating from non-retail outlets?

Re: UC KS Watchdogs (A strategy for tracking delays)

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2020 1:14 am
by BaconWise
Centurion (Vanda)- June - Updated on 5/21 to address a lengthy absence from the campaign (and for his other Stories campaign). No further details on progress provided since then.
Lucky Playing Cards (Docs Playing Cards) - April - Updated on 6/1 to state the decks are complete and they are simply awaiting delivery of the decks to begin fulfillment.
V-Twin Playing Cards (Aristo) - May - Updated on 5/29 to state they were low in the queue for USPCC once they reopened. They are expecting mid- to late-June to begin fulfillment.
Goketsu (Card Experiment) - May - Last updated in mid-May to state they were low in the queue for USPCC and simply awaiting the cards to move forward.
Rulers of Korea (Junghee Kim) - May - Updated 6/5 to state her project was in the queue, but USPCC has yet to update her on the status for printing.
Luchadores (Emmanuel Valtierra) - May - Updated on 6/6 to state the decks have been printed and are on their way to the Dallas fulfillment center.
Deus Vult (Design Imperator) - April - Updated 6/4 to state the cards are done but there are severe shipping restrictions, so those will move out of NPCC as soon as those COVID issues clear up.

Re: UC KS Watchdogs (A strategy for tracking delays)

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 4:03 am
by rousselle
I'm a little over a week behind with my monthly update, but at least I'm not a full month behind. So, yay me, I guess.

Not a ton of action at the ol' rousselle mailbox in June, although my UC2019 №7 (originally projected to arrive in February '20) did land, and oh my goodness, were they worth the wait. These decks, along with the Crypt decks (which I should have had on this list but didn't, because... well, because) absolutely made my month of June. I also received a very pleasant set of decks from The Green Man campaign (May '20), so darn close to "on time" you'd be forgiven for forgetting we live in a time of COVID, and Agitcom's Amazons Spartans (June '20) actually hit their projected ship date. Well done!

So, three projects drop off the list! (And Crypt arrives before it can be added!) Meanwhile, six additional projects were originally forecast to be delivered in July, so the total on the list grows by a net count of three, to 21 (the longest this list has been in a couple years):
  • Muertos (January '18) -- No word since Halloween 2018, when Natalia posted that this project was still in work. A few of Natalia's decks are available for sale on, which indicates she's still active and trying to raise money from her back inventory, but there hasn't yet been any indication that the resulting funds are being used to help fulfill this project.
  • Avalon (May '18) -- In early May of this year, Natalia logged onto KS and sent out surveys (to capture shipping addresses) for this project, which implied that she was preparing this project to ship out. Nothing since then.
  • Sun Tzu (July '18) -- No word since an update posted in late May '18.
  • EPHEMERID Precious Metal Edition (September '19) -- A post in late June indicates that more items have arrived at the fulfillment center, but there are still other items yet to arrive.
  • Dance of Death, V1, V2, V3 (October '19) -- There's been no word from Sergey since the update in November of last year. In the meantime, he appears to have sold a quantity of his decks to Murphy's for distribution. There's been no indication regarding his intention to fulfill orders from backers.
  • Butterfly Silver & Gold (November '19) -- As of a day or two ago, some decks have been finalized and some of those have started shipping out to backers, although some of the remaining decks and items for the project have yet to be finished. Ondrej provided a rough projection of how long he expects the rest of the project to take, and it looks like fulfillment really ramps up in August.
  • Prescription (January '20) -- In an update at the end of June, Felix indicated that GW appears to be running behind, but he expects fulfillment to come together soon-ish.
  • Stories (March '20) -- David recently posted that the project is progressing, that it's complicated, but it's taking shape.
  • DeLand Centennial - Daisy & Nifty Marked (March '20) -- Kevin reports that manufacturing is completed and fulfillment is likely not too far away at this point.
  • Charmers (April '20) -- A couple days ago, Lotrek posted to show photos of printed decks, and indicated that production is well underway.
  • The Rocket Deck (April '20) -- Arjit reported at the end of June that proofs looked good and Cartamundi was to begin printing soon.
  • Titanic Tarot (June '20) -- In a recent post, Robert said that fulfillment has begun and the first two arrivals included reports of damaged goods. Later reports in the comments section say that everything is arriving in great shape, so there's reason to hope these will be arriving soon.
  • Infinitum (June '20) -- Ben posted toward the end of June that proofs were approved and he expected production to begin soon.
  • Commoners (June '20) -- Ian reports that the cards are produced and in hand, but he's waiting for the tuck boxes, which are to be produced in Scotland, where Covid-19-related restrictions continue to plague (so to speak) the factory in question.
  • Sovereign (June '20) -- Jody posted in May that USPCC has provided him with a production schedule, and he's also waiting on the metal card holders, but everything is otherwise on track and he anticipates fulfillment to begin in August. He confirmed his August projected time frame a few days ago.
  • El Reino de Los Muertos - Expert Edition (July '20) -- As of yesterday, the printing process is nearing completion and Cartamundi may be ready to ship out the decks by the second half of the month, with fulfillment to backers presumably not far behind.
  • Aqua Deck (July '20) -- From yesterday's update: "Just to let everyone know that we're still on schedule to start having these decks shipped at the end of July and should complete by mid-August 2020."
  • Uranium & Biohazard 52 (July '20) -- In a recent update, the creator posted that production is humming along and that he's optimistic that fulfillment will commence in early August.
  • Cotta's Almanac #1 Transformation Reproduction (July '20) -- Will reports that USPCC anticipates production will be completed by the end of July, and therefore fulfillment can begin from PCD world headquarters in August.
  • Arcadia Signature Edition (July '20) -- Christian also posted a couple days ago that USPCC expects this project to be finished by the end of July, then shipped to GW for fulfillment most likely in August.
  • Italia Divina (July '20) -- In a stunning case of deja vu, Gio reported at the end of June that USPCC predicts they'll be completing production by around the end of July, and then these bad Larrys will be shipped to GW for fulfillment... most likely in August.
So, that's a total of 21 Kickstarter playing card-related projects that had originally been expected to be in my hands either by now or by the end of this month (July). The list has gotten unusually long, with a large part of the reason laying at the feet of COVID-19, but keep in mind that being on this list isn't a bad thing. It just means that the project is nearing (or has passed) the originally anticipated fulfillment month, and we're hoping to see that the project creator is still engaging with the backers. Notice that in most of the cases above, they are. I've only got three project creators on the list who appear to be silent, and two of them are apparently still working behind the scenes to offload inventory, even if they are not (yet) fulfilling their obligations to their backers. It's exciting to realize that *most* of the decks on this list will be in my hands before too much longer. But, for those that may not be, it's also good to continue to keep an eye on things, and hopefully by doing so, we can encourage the creators to re-engage with us. I'd still rather have the decks I pledged for in my hands than have to write them off.

And you? What deliveries are you currently anticipating from non-retail outlets?

Re: UC KS Watchdogs (A strategy for tracking delays)

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2020 3:46 am
by rousselle
I'm a little *less than* a week behind with my monthly update, so I continue to improve!

Not a ton of action at the ol' rousselle mailbox in July. My Butterfly Silver & Gold decks arrived (originally anticipated for fulfillment in November '19), and I could hear the hearts of all you tuckists breaking as I opened up my only gilded silver and gilded gold decks. That was sweet. Penguin sent me my DeLand Centennial - Daisy & Nifty Marked decks (March '20), as well. The Eternal Reign project from Riffle Shuffle arrived in July a couple months before it was anticipated (September '20), so it didn't even get to be *added* to the list! Way to go! Oh, and I'll note that I've received half of my pledge for the Titanic Tarot project, and the rest is on it's way (so, it doesn't come off the list yet, but it's close!)

So, two and a half projects drop off the list, while one arrives before it can even be added. Meanwhile, three additional projects (that I backed) were originally forecast to be delivered in August, so the total on the list grows by a net count of one (half), to 22 (ish):
  • Muertos (January '18) -- No word since Halloween 2018, when Natalia posted that this project was still in work. A few of Natalia's decks are available for sale on, which indicates she's still active and trying to raise money from her back inventory, but there hasn't yet been any indication that the resulting funds are being used to help fulfill this project.
  • Avalon (May '18) -- In early May of this year, Natalia logged onto KS and sent out surveys (to capture shipping addresses) for this project, which implied that she was preparing this project to ship out. Nothing since then.
  • Sun Tzu (July '18) -- No word since an update posted in late May '18.
  • EPHEMERID Precious Metal Edition (September '19) -- A post in late July anticipates production to wrap up in August, and fulfillment to commence in September. He did post photos of the work in progress.
  • Dance of Death, V1, V2, V3 (October '19) -- There's been no word from Sergey since the update in November '19. In the meantime, he appears to have sold a quantity of his decks to Murphy's for distribution. There's been no indication regarding his intention to fulfill orders from backers.
  • Prescription (January '20) -- Last Monday, Felix posted that GW had shipped out all the decks, but nobody had received their tracking numbers yet. As of today, tracking numbers and decks are starting to be posted in the comments section as having been received, so mine will likely be on their way to me soon, too.
  • Stories (March '20) -- David posted at the end of June that the project is progressing, that it's complicated, but it's taking shape.
  • Charmers (April '20) -- Early in July, Lotrek posted to show photos of printed decks, and indicated that production is well underway.
  • The Rocket Deck (April '20) -- Arjit reported two weeks ago that manufacturing is completed, and now the decks are on their way to the fulfillment center.
  • Titanic Tarot (June '20) -- The decks are all shipped and many have arrived. What I've received so far is in great shape, and the rest of the order is on it's way. Woo-hoo!
  • Infinitum (June '20) -- Ben posted on the last day of July that the contract is signed, proofs are approved, and production should begin soon.
  • Commoners (June '20) -- Ian reports that the decks are assembled and shipping is commencing. Some commenters (in the UK) have indicated they're already receiving decks.
  • Sovereign (June '20) -- In recent updates, Jody indicates fulfillment is imminent.
  • El Reino de Los Muertos - Expert Edition (July '20) -- As of early July, the printing process is nearing completion and Cartamundi may have been ready to ship out the decks by the second half of the month, with fulfillment to backers presumably not far behind. Awaiting further news.
  • Aqua Deck (July '20) -- Still on target (for their revised target) for fulfillment this month (August).
  • Uranium & Biohazard 52 (July '20) -- In a recent update, word is that production continues and fulfillment should begin soonishly.
  • Cotta's Almanac #1 Transformation Reproduction (July '20) -- Will reports that surveys will be sent out at the end of this week, and fulfillment will commence soon thereafter.
  • Arcadia Signature Edition (July '20) -- Christian recently posted that the cards are ready and on their way to GW, with fulfillment expected to commence soon.
  • Italia Divina (July '20) -- Gio likewise reports that production is completed, assembly appears to be underway, and fulfillment should commence mid- to late-August.
  • The Photography Deck (August '20) -- BackerKit surveys will be sent out in a week or two, while production hums along. We should hear more about fulfillment soonishly.
  • Ascension Playing Cards Vol. 2 (August '20) -- At the end of June, Steve reported that production was moving along swimmingly. A reply in the comments section indicates that there will be another update shortly, presumably with information regarding how close we are to fulfillment.
  • Keymaster Tarot (August '20) -- Currently, most of the production is completed, and what remains continues to move forward, albeit at a slightly delayed pace. If the current estimated completion dates hold, fulfillment will not be particularly late.
So, that's a total of 22 Kickstarter playing card-related projects that had originally been expected to be in my hands either by now or by the end of this month (August). The list has gotten unusually long, with a large part of the reason laying at the feet of COVID-19, but keep in mind that being on this list isn't a bad thing. It just means that the project is nearing (or has passed) the originally anticipated fulfillment month, and we're hoping to see that the project creator is still engaging with the backers.

Notice that in most of the cases above, the project creators *are* still engaging with their backers. I've only got three project creators on the list who appear to be silent, and two of them are apparently still working behind the scenes to offload inventory, even if they are not (yet) fulfilling their obligations to their backers. It's exciting to realize that *most* of the decks on this list will be in my hands before too much longer. But, for those that may not be, it's also good to continue to keep an eye on things, and hopefully by doing so, we can encourage the creators to re-engage with us. I'd still rather have the decks I pledged for in my hands than have to write them off.

And you? What deliveries are you currently anticipating from non-retail outlets?

Re: UC KS Watchdogs (A strategy for tracking delays)

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2020 2:49 am
by rousselle
Welcome to the fifth day of the month! I'm late, but holding steady at only five days! (Well, okay, this will probably post after midnight, but still....)

Finally received my Natalia Silva decks in August. Just kidding! But, I did receive the Prescription deck (originally anticipated for fulfillment in January '20). My second Titanic Tarot (June '20) arrived, so that's all wrapped up. Commoners (June '20) arrived at Chez Rousselle just today, so let's remove that from the list, as well. MPC's Aqua deck (July '20) also comes off the list, as that arrived a week or two ago.

So, four projects drop off the list, while one additional project (that I backed) was originally forecast to be delivered in September, so the total on the list shrinks a little by a net count of three, to 19:
  • Muertos (January '18) -- No word since Halloween 2018, when Natalia posted that this project was still in work. No word since.
  • Avalon (May '18) -- In early May of this year, Natalia logged onto KS and sent out surveys (to capture shipping addresses) for this project, which implied that she was preparing this project to ship out. Nothing since then.
  • Sun Tzu (July '18) -- No word since an update posted in late May '18.
  • EPHEMERID Precious Metal Edition (September '19) -- In an update posted August 26, "Production is almost finished." They're applying the seals to the last of the decks.
  • Dance of Death, V1, V2, V3 (October '19) -- There's been no word from Sergey since the update in November '19.
  • Stories (March '20) -- David posted at the end of June that the project is progressing, that it's complicated, but it's taking shape. Been quiet since then.
  • Charmers (April '20) -- Early in August, more photos of decks-in-progress, but no word yet on anticipated fulfillment time frame.
  • The Rocket Deck (April '20) -- Arjit posted a survey of backers in mid-August to see if backers wanted to attempt fulfillment now that decks are ready, or wait for international shipping to stablize, and the consensus was reported to be to wait a few weeks before initiating fulfillment.
  • Infinitum (June '20) -- Ben posted a couple days ago that production at USPCC is underway, and the project continues to move forward.
  • Sovereign (June '20) -- Jody posted in late-ish August that GW is finalizing some last production details (like gilding), and the fulfillment will likely commence in mid-September.
  • El Reino de Los Muertos - Expert Edition (July '20) -- As of a couple days ago, production is completed and Cartamundi is preparing to ship out the decks. Fulfillment for European backers is expected to commence by the end of September, while fulfillment for the US backers may end up starting sometime in November.
  • Uranium & Biohazard 52 (July '20) -- Dave was hoping that fulfillment would begin a couple weeks ago, but when they discovered a few issues (like, some decks being in completely random order), fixing those issues led to a bit of a delay. He's air freighting the decks for North America to GW, and fulfillment should commence soon.
  • Cotta's Almanac #1 Transformation Reproduction (July '20) -- Will reported yesterday that shipping out to customers has begun and should be completed by the end of next week.
  • Arcadia Signature Edition (July '20) -- Christian recently posted in the comments section that GW has the decks and they should start shipping out this coming week.
  • Italia Divina (July '20) -- Gio likewise reports that backers should have their decks in their hands this month. (That's decks with an 'e'.)
  • The Photography Deck (August '20) -- As of September 1st, decks are being shipped out in batches, the first batch having already been shipped, and the next few batches will be completed within the month of September.
  • Ascension Playing Cards Vol. 2 (August '20) -- Steve posted recently a breakdown of the production status, and the project continues apace.
  • Keymaster Tarot (August '20) -- The cards had to be reprinted due to a manufacturing defect, but otherwise, the project continues marching forward. Once again, I need to offer a tip of the proverbial cap to Lorenzo for his detailed updates. He really does keep his backers in the loop every step of the way.
  • Apocalisse (September '20) -- Shipping is imminent!
So, that's a total of 19 Kickstarter playing card-related projects that had originally been expected to be in my hands either by now or by the end of this month (September). The list has gotten unusually long, with a large part of the reason laying at the feet of COVID-19, but keep in mind that being on this list isn't a bad thing. It just means that the project is nearing (or has passed) the originally anticipated fulfillment month, and we're hoping to see that the project creator is still engaging with the backers.

What strikes me the most this time around is how many projects report that they anticipate fulfillment *this month*. September could be a very happy, happy month at the Rousselle mailbox.

And you? What deliveries are you currently anticipating from non-retail outlets?

Re: UC KS Watchdogs (A strategy for tracking delays)

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2020 3:21 am
by PiazzaDelivery
rousselle wrote: Sun Sep 06, 2020 2:49 am And you? What deliveries are you currently anticipating from non-retail outlets?
Among those meant to be arriving soon-ish, I'm also waiting for Infinitum, as well as Warrior Women, Florentia, and Like Lightning.

Re: UC KS Watchdogs (A strategy for tracking delays)

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 3:03 am
by rousselle
Welcome to the fifth day of the month! I'm late (again), but I'm consistent, so I got *that* going for me.

September wasn't a super busy month at Chez Rousselle, but most of the Kickstarter projects I received were coin-related rather than playing card-related. Two playing card projects that did arrive were Will Roya's Cotta's Almanac #1 Transformation Reproduction and Gio's Italia Divina, both originally anticipated for July '20 fulfillment. Another, Randy Butterfield's King of Tigers, actually arrived a month *before* it was anticipated. That's not too shabby, given how much Covid-19 has slowed everything down, but given how many other projects have also been in the queue, it's a little disappointing that only two projects drop off the list (and a third misses the list before it can even be added.)

Since the only project that was supposed to be added to the list for this month (October) has arrived early, that means the list drops down a total of two projects, to 17:
  • Muertos (January '18) -- No word since Halloween 2018, when Natalia posted that this project was still in work.
  • Avalon (May '18) -- In early May of this year, Natalia logged onto KS and sent out surveys (to capture shipping addresses) for this project, which implied that she was preparing this project to ship out. Nothing since then.
  • Sun Tzu (July '18) -- No word since an update posted in late May '18.
  • EPHEMERID Precious Metal Edition (September '19) -- In an update posted September 15, Mr Cup said he was still waiting for the decks from NPCC.
  • Dance of Death, V1, V2, V3 (October '19) -- For the first time since November '19, Sergey posted an update on September 7th apologizing for the radio silence and saying that he would try to ship out the decks, but that having the print run fixed can't happen right now, and fulfillment will be in dribs and drabs while he scrapes together the funds to do so. I'm glad he hasn't disappeared and that he says he's going to make the effort. I'll be happier, of course, once he actually makes the effort. Still... it's a step in the right direction.
  • Stories (March '20) -- David posted an update on September 11 saying that there continue to be issues to iron out and other demands on his time, and to thank backers for their patience, he offered a $19 credit on his store (to cover the cost of any single deck, essentially). He stresses that he's not going to disappear, but that it will still take time for him to get this project wrapped up.
  • Charmers (April '20) -- In a post on September 13, more pictures of decks and cards, and the promise that fulfillment will start soon. In a comment a few days ago, reiteration that fulfillment will start soon.
  • The Rocket Deck (April '20) -- Arjit posted a survey of backers in mid-August to see if backers wanted to attempt fulfillment now that decks are ready, or wait for international shipping to stablize, and the consensus was reported to be to wait a few weeks before initiating fulfillment. Arjit remains engaged in the comments section, and remains optimistic that shipping will be able to commence soon. (I get the impression he's shipping from India, where non-essential items are more problematic to ship out internationally.)
  • Infinitum (June '20) -- Ben posted in mid-September that production continues apace, and he's hoping for fulfillment to commence sometime within the next few weeks.
  • Sovereign (June '20) -- As of a couple days ago, it sounds like gilding took longer than expected, but he remains optimistic that shipping can commence soon (within a few weeks?).
  • El Reino de Los Muertos - Expert Edition (July '20) -- As of a few days ago, fulfillment to European backers should commence soon, and the cards are on their way to GW for fulfillment for the US, but no ETA just yet.
  • Uranium & Biohazard 52 (July '20) -- Dave recently reported an issue with how the tuckboxes were handled has rendered many of them scuffed, so he's having them reprinted and using an outer black band to guard against the scuffing that the machine had created. So, another minor delay, but still moving forward.
  • Arcadia Signature Edition (July '20) -- Christian posted an update a couple weeks ago saying that everything is at GW and ready to go. However, they are short-staffed, so fulfillment hasn't kicked off yet. Should hopefully happen soon.
  • The Photography Deck (August '20) -- Shipping continues in batches, but the last couple batches will be delayed because of a customs hold-up on importing some of the paper for the tuck boxes. The first two batches have already been shipped out; the last couple batches will be delayed by a couple weeks or so, most likely.
  • Ascension Playing Cards Vol. 2 (August '20) -- Steve posted earlier today (well, yesterday, at this point) that they are running into delays with gilding decks, so he will break fulfillment up into to batches: those without gilded decks will ship out starting at the end of October; those packages with gilded decks will need a little more time.
  • Keymaster Tarot (August '20) -- Similarly, with a brief delay in the completion of the Ultimate sets, orders that do not have any Ultimate decks will commence shipping in mid-October; those with Ultimates, and also the uncut sheets (shipping separately, regardless) will commence shipping out at the end of October.
  • Apocalisse (September '20) -- I have a tracking number for my order, so should be on its way!
So, that's a total of 17 Kickstarter playing card-related projects that had originally been expected to be in my hands either by now or by the end of this month (October). The list has gotten unusually long, with a large part of the reason laying at the feet of COVID-19, but keep in mind that being on this list isn't a bad thing. It just means that the project is nearing (or has passed) the originally anticipated fulfillment month, and we're hoping to see that the project creator is still engaging with the backers.

As of last month, a number of projects were anticipating fulfillment imminently. That didn't come to pass for some of them, but *now* they are expected imminently. Hopefully, October will see more decks arriving at Chez Rousselle.

And you? What deliveries are you currently anticipating from non-retail outlets?

Re: UC KS Watchdogs (A strategy for tracking delays)

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 6:56 am
by aznh
might as well remove the Muetos & Avalon from your list

no one expects the decks at this point and they’re NOT communicating with anyone

could take ur list to 15, just satin’

Re: UC KS Watchdogs (A strategy for tracking delays)

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2020 7:04 am
by rousselle
Losing track of time, what with there no longer being any distinction between weekdays and weekends, plus the stress of the US elections and so on.

Nonetheless, here is my slightly late monthly Watchdogs report!

Like the several previous months, it seemed like a whole bunch of decks were supposed to be on their way to Chez Rousselle, but only a few actually arrived. In October, the arrivals included Uranium & Biohazard 52 (originally anticipated for fulfillment in July '20), Arcadia Signature Edition (also originally anticipated in July '20), and Apocalisse (September '20).

With four new projects being added to the list because they were originally expected to see fulfillment this month, and three dropping off the list, that brings the list up a net total of one project:
  • Muertos (January '18) -- No word since Halloween 2018, when Natalia posted that this project was still in work.
  • Avalon (May '18) -- In early May of this year, Natalia logged onto KS and sent out surveys (to capture shipping addresses) for this project, which implied that she was preparing this project to ship out. Nothing since then.
  • Sun Tzu (July '18) -- No word since an update posted in late May '18. See my notes on this project below in the wrap-up for the month.
  • EPHEMERID Precious Metal Edition (September '19) -- In an update posted at the end of October, Mr Cup says that NPCC is finally shipping him the product for fulfillment. The courrier was to pick up the shipment earlier this week....
  • Dance of Death, V1, V2, V3 (October '19) -- For the first time since November '19, Sergey posted an update on September 7th apologizing for the radio silence and saying that he would try to ship out the decks, but that having the print run fixed can't happen right now, and fulfillment will be in dribs and drabs while he scrapes together the funds to do so. There's been no traction since then; commenters have indicated they reached out to him and they do not believe the decks will be forthcoming.
  • Stories (March '20) -- David posted an update on September 11 saying that there continue to be issues to iron out and other demands on his time, and to thank backers for their patience, he offered a $19 credit on his store (to cover the cost of any single deck, essentially). He stresses that he's not going to disappear, but that it will still take time for him to get this project wrapped up.
  • Charmers (April '20) -- In an update posted at the end of October, Lotrek apologizes for being late and says that fulfillment will start soon.
  • The Rocket Deck (April '20) -- Arjit posted recently: "The shipping date of all decks is November 10th."
  • Infinitum (June '20) -- Ben posted just a couple days ago that USPCC reports the decks are ready to be sent to GW for fulfillment, while GW reports issues with the tucks. Ben anticipates getting those issues resolved soon.
  • Sovereign (June '20) -- Jody posted about three weeks into October that shipping would start "next week." Yesterday, someone asked in the comments how it's going, and Jody responded that he's still waiting on word from GW that they've started. So... fulfillment is all queued up at GW and ready for them to commence.
  • El Reino de Los Muertos - Expert Edition (July '20) -- As of a couple days ago, the cards are still on their way to GW for fulfillment for the US, with no ETA just yet.
  • The Photography Deck (August '20) -- I have a tracking number for this one, but it doesn't appear in the USPS system just yet. And so, I wait....
  • Ascension Playing Cards Vol. 2 (August '20) -- Steve posted a couple days ago that there's been an issue with some of the collateral items going missing in transit, so he's re-ordering those, and backers who didn't order gilded decks should have their packages sent out before too long.
  • Keymaster Tarot (August '20) -- Some packages (for people who didn't order the Ultimate edition) have started shipping, but production on the Ultimate edition is slated to wrap up in the middle of December, with fulfillment waiting until after the Christmas holiday rush.
  • Cotta's Almanac #2 (November '20) -- Surveys have been sent out and Will anticipates having the decks to ship out before too long.
  • The Graphic Cheatsheet (November '20) -- In an update posted at the very end of October, we're informed that Cartamundi anticipates completing production during the first half of December.
  • Paisley Royals (November '20) -- As of the first week of October, they were still confident in a November fulfillment.
  • Oz Tarot (November '20) -- Robert reported a couple weeks ago that work at the printers seems to be a bit slow at the moment, but work on the boxes is coming along nicely.
So, that's a total of 18 Kickstarter playing card-related projects that had originally been expected to be in my hands either by now or by the end of this month (November). The list has gotten unusually long, with a large part of the reason laying at the feet of COVID-19, but keep in mind that being on this list isn't a bad thing. It just means that the project is nearing (or has passed) the originally anticipated fulfillment month, and we're hoping to see that the project creator is still engaging with the backers.

As of last month, a number of projects were anticipating fulfillment imminently. That didn't come to pass for some of them, but *now* they are expected imminently. Hopefully, November will see more decks arriving at Chez Rousselle.

Last month, aznh posed the question of dropping the Natalia Silva decks from the list, since the prospects of those projects being fulfilled are not good. However, as long as she continues to sell her playing card designs (and the actual cards) to and through other resellers and project creators, it makes sense to keep her on the watchdog list. She's still active int he community, and it is worth keeping a reminder of her outstanding obligations alive in people's memories. DRodriguez, though, of the Sun Tzu deck, appears to have genuinely disappeared altogether, and if there's no activity by this time next month, I do believe I will finally give up and write him off.

And you? What deliveries are you currently anticipating from non-retail outlets? Do you agree or disagree with keeping Natalia on this list and/or removing DRodriguez?

Re: UC KS Watchdogs (A strategy for tracking delays)

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2020 11:48 am
by PiazzaDelivery
Also waiting for Infinitum, as well as Like Lightning and Florentia, although they're all COVID delayed. Got a few more, but they're not in the fulfillment stage yet.

And no, I think you should keep them there forever. Let them serve as a reminder that Kickstarter pledges are not guaranteed. And that those who don't deliver should be shamed.

Re: UC KS Watchdogs (A strategy for tracking delays)

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2020 11:25 pm
by jerichoholic
Oh yes a likely story from the Stories project. He is starting to turn that corner into Nataliaville.

Re: UC KS Watchdogs (A strategy for tracking delays)

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 1:59 pm
by BaconWise
- Hellcats (October) - Early-December fulfillment, per the last update
- Natives (September) - this deck is in fulfillment and should be arriving any day now :)
- Meadowlark (October) - Gilded backers will see fulfillment in the next couple of weeks, per the last update.
- Circus (September) - NPCC is incredibly slow. Still waiting on a printing correction.
- Centurio - WHO KNOWS?

Re: UC KS Watchdogs (A strategy for tracking delays)

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 11:23 am
by masagin303
I've just received a tracking info for "El Reino de Los Muertos" deck.

Re: UC KS Watchdogs (A strategy for tracking delays)

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 4:26 pm
by rousselle
I spent an hour or two slogging through all kinds of updates and information to update this month's list, and lost it all because of a password retention problem with my browser and the site.


I'll work it again later. Sorry I don't have December's list posted yet.


Re: UC KS Watchdogs (A strategy for tracking delays)

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 8:42 pm
by Strag
Starting to think Vanda may need to be on it. 4 weeks ago he said Centurio was shipping the next week. Since then no updates and no comments from anyone receiving decks or sightings in the wild. Concerning.

Re: UC KS Watchdogs (A strategy for tracking delays)

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 8:55 am
by Strag
Just to follow up on Vanda, he has now sent emails about a sale on his web site but no responses on KS. Starting to think he spent the money elsewhere and backers are left holding...nothing.

Re: UC KS Watchdogs (A strategy for tracking delays)

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 8:41 am
by Entaro
Strag wrote: Mon Dec 14, 2020 8:55 am Just to follow up on Vanda, he has now sent emails about a sale on his web site but no responses on KS. Starting to think he spent the money elsewhere and backers are left holding...nothing.
Was just reading about this over on reddit, sounds like he hasn't even logged in on KS in over a month and people who ordered from the sale are saying it's not getting fulfilled and they're getting no email responses, certainly doesn't sound like a good situation