Lotrek wrote:JacksonRobinson wrote:
Honestly after seeing how nice these decks are first hand you should just send the remaining 40 to me and I'll ship them out personally wrapped in gold plated diapers. To ensure they don't get a scratch or ding on them..
Thank you Jackson!
@all: I know that Jackson was beaten here in the past but after I met him in Cleveland I can only say that he really is a great guy! And I'm glad he's back.
Yeah, I've been 'defending' Jackson for awhile. People think we're related.
I'm just a huge fan of his work, and people make mistakes. Sound familiar?
It is great to have him back at UC because he wasn't around when I started contributing. His interaction with us, and his insight into the business, is very invaluable (same with you and Guru). It's also great for the combination of him and us, because he can get 'live' feedback from his customers/fans on his deck designs.
Just to be clear: I'm not against a couple of deck variants (more than 3 different colors is too much, though, IMO). As Adonael said, "it's nice to have choices." I'm just against saying one thing, and doing another.