Phonograph 5

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Re: Phonograph 5

Unread post by Bruno »

Diameter of that horn should encompass the spade edged design, at least.
The small horn would not reproduce the bass line sufficiently ....
Sound Reproduction is the Goal, after all.
Though reproduction is pushing it, 'Projection' would be a more accurate descripto, until the later developement of the (electric)stylus ....
Sound Projection.
Yup, that sounds better.
With the larger Horn.
Tuck is not representative of the gramophone era ....
Is there not a gramophone website to immerse yourself in .
They were all quite richly ornate, even in a superficial way (they were made to fit most markets), to fit into their period.
Hope this makes sense ....
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Re: Phonograph 5

Unread post by TGunitedcardists »

The tuck seems a little plain, but it's OK. Just OK though. Not enough to stop me from pledging for this one.

You might be overthinking it.

A suggestion: Reuse the phonograph 5 title and add the color phonograph from the joker card. Reuse the card back design for the back of the tuck.
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Re: Phonograph 5

Unread post by lms_jam »

I appreciate everyone's feedback and I have some new ideas for the tuck. I am wondering if the phonograph needs to be a bit smaller and have a circular frame around it? I still need to put something in the middle of the oval on the logo and the sides I like so they will stay. Not sure if I want the card back on the back of the box It gets overused I think what are your thoughts? Thanks Landry Boy I really like that card back and it does look good on the back of the box as I look at it.
Box front back 2.jpg
Box front close 2.jpg
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Re: Phonograph 5

Unread post by RichK »

Keep the card back on the back of the tuck.

What if you had the Phonograph 5 banner on top and Playing Cards banner below the phonograph picture? That way you could put a circle or something behind the phonograph picture.
I liked the tuck flap designs you had before too.
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Re: Phonograph 5

Unread post by Räpylätassu »

Only things that I can really critique is that the front seems a bit too empty, a bit too much white space. I agree with Rich that keep the back design as the bac of the tuck and have the previous design or something similar on the tongue flap.

This is honestly looking better by each update. Proof that it's smarter to take time and keep working on the design rather than publish something half done. This deck will be in my TOP 100 for sure.
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Re: Phonograph 5

Unread post by lms_jam »

Hello hope everyone had a good weekend. I am doing OK I have been working on some more ideas for the tuck box. The card back color has not been decided yet but I think the box is looking much better. What do you think? Thanks again Landry
Box front back 2.jpg
Box front close 2.jpg
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Re: Phonograph 5

Unread post by TGunitedcardists »

This is the best iteration yet. Only minor complaint is the gray color. For me, it's meh. But not enough to stop me from liking what you've shown.

The front of the tuck looks clean and classy. I like it. Back design as well. Final touches and let's get this project rolling.

Edit: Instead of gray, what about just plain white on the tuck? The banners have the black outline, so it should be fine. And all the back designs go well with white.
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Re: Phonograph 5

Unread post by shaitani »

My two cents and grain of salt:

I really like the courts.

I'm not a fan of this tuck at all, I think grey is not a great choice for the background color, I feel that the mix of crazy flowery lines clashes with the more detailed drawing of the phonograph, and I personally don't like the sides for this theme as they seem more circus-like than anything.

I also believe the idea of having the oval-framed phonograph actually better suits the version 2 back design (the repeating circle knots), which I actually kind of liked.
Then regarding the back in general, I actually do like this latest iteration of the back as well (I'm going to call it version 3). I think both version 2 and 3 are great designs, I would buy either one personally, but I do think you need to match the back design to the tuck design for it to have a sense of symphony.

Maybe you could release the version 3 back as the regular edition, and the version 2 back as a "poker edition" (similar to the Kings Wild Silver Arrows project), just a thought.

Anyway, I'm loving the work you're doing here, and I feel the input provided by everyone while sometimes contradictory is overall improving your work. Keep it up!
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Re: Phonograph 5

Unread post by lms_jam »

Hello everyone I did some more work on the tuck box and I really like how it turned out. I like the idea of having two decks one being the poker back and one being the regular edition. Now I just need to work on the other box. Thanks for the advice.
Box and card 2.jpg
Box front close 2.jpg
Box front back 2.jpg
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Re: Phonograph 5

Unread post by TGunitedcardists »

The new tuck works.

I don't understand what you mean by poker back and regular back.

If you want to produce 2 decks, I suggest to choose 2 colors from the deck you've shown.
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Re: Phonograph 5

Unread post by RichK »

TGunitedcardists wrote:The new tuck works.

I don't understand what you mean by poker back and regular back.

If you want to produce 2 decks, I suggest to choose 2 colors from the deck you've shown.
Agree on all points. Are you talking about a no border back?
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Re: Phonograph 5

Unread post by lms_jam »

shaitani wrote:My two cents and grain of salt:

Maybe you could release the version 3 back as the regular edition, and the version 2 back as a "poker edition" (similar to the Kings Wild Silver Arrows project), just a thought.
This is what I was thinking about doing having two decks just like the Superior Silver Arrows by JR. One is a poker back borderless, and the other is standard. Same courts maybe just change the colors.
two backs.jpg
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Re: Phonograph 5

Unread post by TGunitedcardists »

I like the back on the left. I don't like the back on the right. I would prefer two different colors of the back on the left.
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Re: Phonograph 5

Unread post by shaitani »

TGunitedcardists wrote:The new tuck works.

I don't understand what you mean by poker back and regular back.

If you want to produce 2 decks, I suggest to choose 2 colors from the deck you've shown.
lms_jam is referring to my comment above where I felt that the borderless repeating design could be used for a "poker back edition" (similar to Bee casino backs et al), and the other design could be used as a "regular edition" (similar to other bordered backs). KWP used this model for the Silver Arrows project.

The only trick would be to avoid doing multiple colors of each (e.g. each color in both poker and regular backs).
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Re: Phonograph 5

Unread post by lms_jam »

Hello everyone I appreciate your advice on this deck I think I will just be doing two decks. I want to try and use 2 foil colors on the tuck box, gold yellow and blue on the first deck. Gold yellow and green on the second deck. I have been talking to EPCC about card stock and the tuck box material. What do you guys think about the tuck box for the chameleons from Asi Wind they have a synthetic material. I was also thinking about just going with the diamond finish card stock again but another option could be the Elite finish. Thanks again Landry
Red playing_box_card_mockup.jpg
Purple playing_box_card_mockup.jpg
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Re: Phonograph 5

Unread post by RichK »

Why 2 decks of just a color swap? In the current KS marketplace getting 1 deck from a first time creator is tough. I'd stick with 1 deck depending on price since 2 will double the cost. Are you asking USPCC for quotes too? They might be less and no slow boat from China to delay delivery.
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Re: Phonograph 5

Unread post by lms_jam »

RichK wrote:Why 2 decks of just a color swap? In the current KS marketplace getting 1 deck from a first time creator is tough. I'd stick with 1 deck depending on price since 2 will double the cost. Are you asking USPCC for quotes too? They might be less and no slow boat from China to delay delivery.
Rich I'm not sure if you know, but this is my 4th deck. I understand all of what you are saying and I was thinking it would be hard to fund two decks I think I will have the second deck as a stretch goal. I thought about using the USPCC once but don't think I will. As much as I like some of the decks printed by them I don't like their quality control and I have heard about different issues with uncut sheets also. I used Legends Fulfillment for my last 2 decks and it went smooth and quick.
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Re: Phonograph 5

Unread post by TGunitedcardists »

What's the status of this project?
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Re: Phonograph 5

Unread post by lms_jam »

Hello everyone, sorry for the radio silence. I have been busy putting together my Kickstarter page. I am also trying to figure out who to use for fulfillment. I was thinking of using Art of Play but they seem a bit high compared to what I sent out recently for my last deck so I just asked for a quote from Gamblers. I will post a link to the KS page for you guys to preview soon. I have decided not to do foil because the design is to complex and I think foil has been getting overuse lately. There is the option to use UV spot color ink, but maybe if I do a second deck in the purple color. The second deck would be a stretch goal and limited to only 1000 if the first deck does well, not that I'm worried it just seem like KS with 2 decks struggle to make it. I also adjusted the colors and now they don't look as washed out. Again your thoughts are much appreciated. Thanks Landry
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Re: Phonograph 5

Unread post by JuFiN »

second deck as a stretch goal is definitely a safer bet. as for foil and the like, that is also a thing that could be a stretch goal, keeping things as simple as possible for the initial goal and having flashy stuff as stretch goals also helps keep funding goals low.
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Re: Phonograph 5

Unread post by lms_jam »

Here is the link to preview my Kickstarter page ... n=2b64f31d I would like to know what you think and I'm not sure when I launch yet. I hate to compete against some good people that are putting out decks soon. I will keep you posted as soon as I figure out when. Thanks again Landry
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Re: Phonograph 5

Unread post by TGunitedcardists »

lms_jam wrote:Here is the link to preview my Kickstarter page ... n=2b64f31d I would like to know what you think and I'm not sure when I launch yet. I hate to compete against some good people that are putting out decks soon. I will keep you posted as soon as I figure out when. Thanks again Landry
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Re: Phonograph 5

Unread post by lms_jam »

TGunitedcardists wrote:
lms_jam wrote:Here is the link to preview my Kickstarter page ... n=2b64f31d I would like to know what you think and I'm not sure when I launch yet. I hate to compete against some good people that are putting out decks soon. I will keep you posted as soon as I figure out when. Thanks again Landry
Any chance for a 4-deck early bird? Because I want 4 decks by the way!
I added a 4 deck early bird just for you my friend. I cant wait to get this deck out there.
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Re: Phonograph 5

Unread post by lms_jam »

Hello everyone I took a short break to relax and think and now I am getting back to work on this deck. I am talking to an artist about working on the tuck box and ace of spades for me. I have some ideas for the ace of spades and I would like to see what you think. I was looking at some old aces and I found this one with the lady and then I thought what if the ace of spades had Tomas Edison in the middle. I don't have any ideas yet for the tuck box just some sample tuck boxes from the time period. I will update you when we start working on the box later but for now we are just working on the ace of spades. Thanks Much Landry
Apollo Ace.jpg
Apollo Ace.jpg (82.61 KiB) Viewed 4195 times
Thomas_Edison.jpg (30.9 KiB) Viewed 4195 times
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Re: Phonograph 5

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Here is a rough sketch my artist came up with.
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Re: Phonograph 5

Unread post by TGunitedcardists »

The problem with drawing people is that there's a fine line between getting it right or not. So far, I would say, "not." The pose is pretty, "meh" with his hands in his pockets. In the drawing, you can see how the edges of the ace aren't really smooth.

In my opinion, a phonograph would be a better choice in the Ace. If you decide that Thomas Edison is what you really want to go with, search google images might give you some more ideas. ... 47&dpr=1.5" onclick=";return false;

I think a portrait shot might be a better option...something where it's from just below the shoulders to the top of the head: ... EDISON.jpg" onclick=";return false;

Or a more dynamic pose like this: ... detail.jpg" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Phonograph 5

Unread post by lms_jam »

This is the picture we are using at the moment. I also was wondering if he would look good I was hoping that because it’s just a rough sketch it will look better when done. I will talk to the artist and see if he can do a different pose.
2B0131F3-43B7-4D88-9A88-10FB8E0144C3.jpeg (29.98 KiB) Viewed 4172 times
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Re: Phonograph 5

Unread post by TGunitedcardists »

If that's the picture you like, I think start just above the first jacket button and make it much more realistic and detailed.

Think Ace with a head rather than Ace with a man with hands in his pockets.

I also don't think the stuff at the bottom of your new ace really add to the design. The ribbons and the banner don't really look good.
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Re: Phonograph 5

Unread post by lms_jam »

I know the drawing looks rough its just a rough sketch it will look great when it's done. As for the banners the bottom banner is similar to the banner on the original ace of spades. I wanted to tie in some elements but I don't really like the original ace of spades as much as some others. I'm really having trouble trying to come up with something that works with the courts and with the theme. I do appreciate your comments Thanks Landry
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Re: Phonograph 5

Unread post by RichK »

I'll hold on criticizing Edison since the sketch isn't done.

I agree with TG that you dson't need the ribbon since it hides the bottom of the Spade. If you want the ribbon put it below the full Spade since your original AoS has the ribbon below the Ace picture.
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