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Re: The Games Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 12:08 pm
by MagikFingerz
Haven't owned a console since my modded PS2. I'm definitely more of a PC gamer, I feel most games are better played with a mouse and keyboard. But of course, for social gaming you can't beat a console with some good racing/sports/FPS games.

Re: The Games Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 12:49 pm
by Godzillian
MagikFingerz wrote:Haven't owned a console since my modded PS2. I'm definitely more of a PC gamer, I feel most games are better played with a mouse and keyboard. But of course, for social gaming you can't beat a console with some good racing/sports/FPS games.
I prefer Mouse + Keyboard for FPS, ARPGs, RPGs and MOBAs. Faster to react. The joystick is too slow for me.
But 2D games and arcade games are great with console, especially if they're made for the joystick + button-mashing.

Also, when the hell is Fallout 4 coming out? Damnit Bethesda...

Re: The Games Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 12:55 pm
by MagikFingerz
Actually, I spoke too soon. I DO have a console, ever hear about the OUYA? Not that it's much of a console compared to PS and XBOX, but it's cheap and a lot of fun. Mostly because of emulators.

Re: The Games Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 2:03 pm
by Gruul
Godzillian wrote:
Gruul wrote:Good to see a lighthearted thread!

Boardgames/ tcg
Playing: King of tokoyo, suburbia, dominion, race for the galaxy, agricola, trains and stations, ticket to ride, Magic the gathering, Android Netrunner, haunting at house on the hill, incan gold, carcassonne, dominate species, sentinels of the multiverse (I am an analog gaming nut)

Want to play: That new Marvel dice game, Dungeon quest (the one that looks like it has 20 expansions)

Video Games

Playing: Huge Borderlands Fan, Walking dead season 2, hearthstone, League of Legends

WTP: Wolf among us, watchdogs.

If anybody is in the Sacramento Area, let me know.
Hey hey hey, here's my if you want to Hearthstone: Godzillian#1856 :D
I finally dusted off my hearthstone account and added you Godzillian. The new expansion and cards look pretty fun.

Re: The Games Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 7:46 pm
by chach
Guess I'm the lone xbox guy here. Used to be big PC gamer, still fiddle around with the various StarCrafts and Diablos but haven't used my PC as a hardcore gaming system in ages. That may change with Assassin's Creed Unity coming out though. I'd rather invest in a new video card for 1/2 price of an xbox one, but then again, the xbox one does do a lot of other cool stuff.

I'm sure I'll upgrade to one eventually but for right now (knock on wood) my 360 keeps chugging along. Just went through a bender playing Stick of Truth after renting from Redbox. Damn that game was funny, better than the TV show I'd say.

As for tabletop games I'd like to play but don't have any friends nearby anymore that do. Used to be big into D&D in highschool and some Magic the Gathering, but life happens people grow up and go separate ways and as my brother pointed out the other day, we are now closer to 2030 than when I graduated highschool in 97.

That said, my nephew is interested in Warhammer 40k, keeps drooling over the town setup at the local comic shop whenever we go there, so who knows, maybe I'll be able to team up with him and get in on some local action and get my ass kicked in person by people 1/3 my age. At least in person they wouldn't be able to scream profanities in my ear like they do via xbox live. Or maybe they would, IDK.

Re: The Games Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 10:42 pm
by nECr0MaNCeD
MagikFingerz wrote:Haven't owned a console since my modded PS2. I'm definitely more of a PC gamer, I feel most games are better played with a mouse and keyboard. But of course, for social gaming you can't beat a console with some good racing/sports/FPS games.
Ahhh, a fellow PC gamer. I have tried consoles a couple times but I am too attached to my KB and mouse. That being said, I retired from gaming (mostly) back in February. Too many let downs and promises not kept.

Re: The Games Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 11:27 pm
by UtterFool
chach wrote:Guess I'm the lone xbox guy here. Used to be big PC gamer, still fiddle around with the various StarCrafts and Diablos but haven't used my PC as a hardcore gaming system in ages. That may change with Assassin's Creed Unity coming out though. I'd rather invest in a new video card for 1/2 price of an xbox one, but then again, the xbox one does do a lot of other cool stuff.

I'm sure I'll upgrade to one eventually but for right now (knock on wood) my 360 keeps chugging along. Just went through a bender playing Stick of Truth after renting from Redbox. Damn that game was funny, better than the TV show I'd say.

As for tabletop games I'd like to play but don't have any friends nearby anymore that do. Used to be big into D&D in highschool and some Magic the Gathering, but life happens people grow up and go separate ways and as my brother pointed out the other day, we are now closer to 2030 than when I graduated highschool in 97.

That said, my nephew is interested in Warhammer 40k, keeps drooling over the town setup at the local comic shop whenever we go there, so who knows, maybe I'll be able to team up with him and get in on some local action and get my ass kicked in person by people 1/3 my age. At least in person they wouldn't be able to scream profanities in my ear like they do via xbox live. Or maybe they would, IDK.

You are not alone Chach

I too love my x-box 360... Although I doubt I will ever purchase a xbone. It just doesn't have anything extra than what the 360 has, at least anything that interests me. I will probably hold off from any of the new gen consoles for quite awhile.

And then there is Boardgames
My Boardgames collection probably rivals my playing card collection in number. Certainly much greater in size.
When I moved to our new place last year I packed up my games and found that I had about 42 cubic feet of board games.
It is certainly my first obsession as I have spent way more on kickstarter on Boardgames then cards.
The nice thing about it is that I only have been burned on 2 Board game campaigns versus the dozen card campaigns... But that is a story for a different thread.

Any of you that are in NC and want to stop by and play some board games... I am always game!!

Get it
Always game

Never mind

Re: The Games Thread

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 12:30 am
by albinodragon
I'm an Xbone user (and Xbox 360 for all the older games like Borderlands). I wouldn't recommend it unless there are some games on there you just really want to play. The big one I was interested in was Quantum Break and it still isn't out. Titanfall was okay if you got in early and Destiny looks to be fun (but not until September). Generally I prefer console gaming because I don't have to worry about driver compatibility issues or other hardware issues.

Chach - If you remember what a money sink Magic: The Gathering was, any kind of miniatures game like Warhammer is just as bad, if not worse. You have been warned :-)

Re: The Games Thread

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 8:55 am
by Smocito
I haven't found a videogames thread but this one will do :D

Assassins Creed Origins and Odissey Discovery Tours are free on PC for a limited time.

You just have to create a UPlay account (if you don't have one yet - it's Ubisoft's store/software and it's needed to play their games)

Re: The Games Thread

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 10:35 am
by theCapraAegagrus
I've been playing more Warzone lately than NHL...

Re: The Games Thread

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 3:59 pm
by BaconWise
I've been dumping some hours into Borderlands 3. Finished both playthroughs with FL4K (Normal and True Vault Hunter) and now I'm going back to unlock achievements like a completionist idiot. This game is so fun but I am kinda bummed you can't get all the achievements solo. Several require cooperation and I don't play well with others :)

Re: The Games Thread

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 4:37 am
by Harvonsgard
Not good with others? So you're either the noob, that gets screamed at because he has to be carried by the teammates or you're the one on the screaming end? :D

Re: The Games Thread

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 11:48 am
by BaconWise
Harvonsgard wrote: Thu May 21, 2020 4:37 am Not good with others? So you're either the noob, that gets screamed at because he has to be carried by the teammates or you're the one on the screaming end? :D
I'm too casual to even attempt being the noob in the group :lol: I don't like co-op games because there are folks who take it too seriously and it's all they do. I had some bad experiences with WoW and didn't enjoy how bitchy those groups can get. I guess you could say I have been practicing social distancing for a long time in regards to multiplayer :D

Re: The Games Thread

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 1:03 pm
by Harvonsgard
Haha, yeah. Guys that aren't actual e-sportlers but still take games that serious suck. I ran into a wannabe pro one day playing co-op SC2. His first line was, "You're not supposed to play that degree of difficulty with a level that low. Don't expect me to carry you!". I was just like f-ing leave if you think I can't carry my own weight.
Just because I don't grind all day to level characters doesn't mean I can't play.
I'm totally the opposite. I actually like carrying others makes a win much more of an accomplishment. But I didn't play online for 2 or 3 years now. And I never played shooting games online with random folks, only with friends.

Re: The Games Thread

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 4:35 pm
by Smocito
I've been playing The Division 1 and 2 for a few years now...
I hope things won't get to that point...

In case you don't know what the game is about:

Re: The Games Thread

Posted: Tue May 26, 2020 3:56 am
by MagikFingerz
Got hooked (again) on Star Wars: The Old Republic just before the Covid lockdown began. I now have 7, soon to be 8, characters at max level, gear for half of them, and no free time left...

Re: The Games Thread

Posted: Tue May 26, 2020 4:05 am
by Harvonsgard
Is that what you meant with IRL duties? :P

Re: The Games Thread

Posted: Tue May 26, 2020 6:29 am
by theCapraAegagrus
BaconWise wrote: Thu May 21, 2020 11:48 am
Harvonsgard wrote: Thu May 21, 2020 4:37 am Not good with others? So you're either the noob, that gets screamed at because he has to be carried by the teammates or you're the one on the screaming end? :D
I'm too casual to even attempt being the noob in the group :lol: I don't like co-op games because there are folks who take it too seriously and it's all they do. I had some bad experiences with WoW and didn't enjoy how bitchy those groups can get. I guess you could say I have been practicing social distancing for a long time in regards to multiplayer :D
Story time.

My friends and I are some of the best you'll find on PS4 NHL 20. Have been for a long time. We're a combination of excellence and good times. I know the kinda people you're talking about, though. They don't actually wanna play the game; They just want to win. They don't have fun in the process. Only seeing that "W" brings them any... Joy...? If you can call it that... We've played with some mediocre people as long as their personality is humorous.

Take it to Warzone. My best friend told me it's free and cross-platform. Cool; Downloaded it. A couple of my NHL buddies (we're really close friends, have each other's phones numbers, etc) download it, too. My best friend's other buddies from IRL are such a drag that he basically immediately ditches them for our regiment because "we're more his style". For him, fun > finish. We've finished 2nd a few times, too. So, we're not just garbage who joke around.

People are just so focused on outcome over opportunity that it consumes them. Do I like losing? No. Chances are I'm not gonna come close to winning every game. If you don't enjoy the process, then I personally don't see the point.

Re: The Games Thread

Posted: Wed May 27, 2020 12:20 pm
by MagikFingerz
Harvonsgard wrote: Tue May 26, 2020 4:05 am Is that what you meant with IRL duties? :P
Busted :lol:

Honestly though, more IRL duties has lead to limited free time, which I usually prefer spending on a good game than trawl a forum (if I have to choose). Even one as awesome as this one. It also didn't help that the site was down for some time, and that I'm not really buying decks anymore due to having to pay customs charges on everything. I'm just tending an ever-growing wishlist at this point :cry:

Re: The Games Thread

Posted: Wed May 27, 2020 1:07 pm
by rousselle
Dog help me, but my kids somehow got me to start playing Fortnite. And, now I play it daily... even on days they are at their mom's house.
