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Re: Muertos - Day of the Dead Playing Cards (KS)

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 1:41 am
by Lotrek
Looks like the Day of the Dead is the new Cthulhu...
I'll take a nap.

Re: Muertos - Day of the Dead Playing Cards (KS)

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 1:49 am
by rjtomlinson1977
Can't fault him too much. Sometimes people come up with the same idea. When Colonial Unrest comes out this summer people will be harping me about turning the American Revolution into the next blood soaked zombie Cthulhu... poke it with a fork, over done theme. Colonial Unrest has been in the works since last September so maybe this guy was working on his long before the others.
On a side note, I do like the look of these cards.

Re: Muertos - Day of the Dead Playing Cards (KS)

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 6:45 am
by Strag
It's a bit odd to have your first updated be "backers only". I usually don't like that as it tends to mean they want something hidden. I know that's likely not the case here but still.

Prices are a bit high but would be worth it if stretch goals are reached (why is unlikely) and I agree that the funding period is too long. Starred for now but not backing yet.

Re: Muertos - Day of the Dead Playing Cards (KS)

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 8:53 am
by Magic_Orthodoxy
looks a lot like the Total Eclipse deck

Re: Muertos - Day of the Dead Playing Cards (KS)

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 1:09 pm
by SBurk49
I dunno guys. I really kinda dig these. Like... alot.

Y'all always seem to get on the same boat about designs and stuff and I lately have been in disagreement. Which makes me kind of feel like an idiot, but at the same time, makes me think y'all are just some weirdos. ;-)

Only reason I am NOT pledging. Bro, at $15 per deck, there had BETTER be Bicycle branding. ESPECIALLY since your using USPCC. Make it work, somehow.

Re: Muertos - Day of the Dead Playing Cards (KS)

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 1:21 pm
by MagikFingerz
SBurk49 wrote: Y'all always seem to get on the same boat about designs and stuff and I lately have been in disagreement. Which makes me kind of feel like an idiot, but at the same time, makes me think y'all are just some weirdos. ;-)
Because it's always either or, right? :ugthink:

I've said this before, but I really don't want anyone to feel like they can't disagree with what "most people" (ie other members) think about a deck. We have some harsh comments about decks and even their creators at times, but I still haven't seen anyone get "flamed" for liking or disliking a particular deck. And I hope that doesn't change. We may lose respect for deck designers/producers based on their actions, but I hope everyone here continues to respect each other regardless of their opinions.

I'll get off my MLK soap box now...

Re: Muertos - Day of the Dead Playing Cards (KS)

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 2:24 pm
by rousselle

While I've gone on record above noting that I want the gold parts to actually shine, and therefore would prefer foil over USPCC's metallic inks, I still like this design quite a bit. I'm pretty sure I even stated that I'm backing this deck. If I didn't, I'll state it now: I'm in for a couple decks, and am prepared to raise my pledge for the coin and for the second deck design, should that become available.

I think a few little tweaks could be made to make this deck even better, but I like it as it is, even so. So, SBurk49, you're not alone in liking this one!

Some are complaining that the Day of the Dead theme is becoming as ubiquitous as Cthulu or dragons or steampunk or zombies... I think we still have a ways to go before we reach that point. That said, as long as new projects find an interesting, appealing take on the subject and offer something that other projects don't, I'll be happy to back 'em. I love Chris O's deck. I love what the Edgy Brothers are doing (and can't wait to get my hands on those.) And, frankly, I think this deck totally adds to the conversation. Bring it on.

As for the price (I completely agree that $15 for a single deck is steep)... if this project gets close to opening up the second deck design, I'll be changing my pledge tier, and releasing my early bird pledge. I'll post here when that happens. :)

PS: MagikFingerz has made this point before, about how UC members should not be afraid to voice their opinions, even if they appear to be in the minority, and I completely agree. There's room for different tastes here! What we all have in common is a desire for some great cards, even if we define greatness differently amongst ourselves.

Re: Muertos - Day of the Dead Playing Cards (KS)

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 4:00 pm
by Eoghann
I've said it plenty of times as well: People shouldn't collect based on what other people say. They should collect for themselves and collect what pleases them. It's your money, and your collection! What everyone says ends up being irrelevant.
And don't be afraid to voice your tastes to the world. Sure some might give you sideways glances but others will join your gang of "misfits" eventually.

I can elaborate much more, but don't want you to slap me with a TL;DR. ;)

Re: Muertos - Day of the Dead Playing Cards (KS)

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 5:42 pm
by Widdee
Sher wrote:
Widdee wrote:Eyeballing the white Mourning Gold stretch deck wish this would have been the main and the blacks LE. I've gone in with the hope they reach the goal for these, but 60k is a lot of hope.
Actually they unlock as add-ons at $40k. At $60k every backer who pledges for three or more Night decks gets one Mourning Gold deck for free.
Thanks Sher, my bad for not reading that closer. I hope it gets to 40k cause I'd really like to pick up a handful of the whites.

Re: Muertos - Day of the Dead Playing Cards (KS)

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 5:49 pm
by Widdee
MagikFingerz wrote: Because it's always either or, right? :ugthink:

I've said this before, but I really don't want anyone to feel like they can't disagree with what "most people" (ie other members) think about a deck. We have some harsh comments about decks and even their creators at times, but I still haven't seen anyone get "flamed" for liking or disliking a particular deck. And I hope that doesn't change. We may lose respect for deck designers/producers based on their actions, but I hope everyone here continues to respect each other regardless of their opinions.

I'll get off my MLK soap box now...
This is true Magik and I actually think there's a good bit of healthy disagreement on these boards. Hopefully we won't get into any flame wars over a hobby that is meant for sheer fun.

Re: Muertos - Day of the Dead Playing Cards (KS)

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 7:23 pm
by samurai007
I really like the look of the deck. I took a healthy pause when I saw the price was $15, though. At $11 it would have been an easy yes, but $15? Well, I went ahead and pledged anyway, and I'm hoping an early bird opens up when the white deck goal is passed.

Re: Muertos - Day of the Dead Playing Cards (KS)

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 10:34 pm
by SBurk49
Eoghann wrote:And don't be afraid to voice your tastes to the world. Sure some might give you sideways glances but others will join your gang of "misfits" eventually.

I can elaborate much more, but don't want you to slap me with a TL;DR. ;)
I cant wait to lead this band of misfits. My mom says i have natural leadership ability.

And as far as the TL;DR...

Just keep it under two paragraphs of 3-5 Sentences and you have my attention. Anything over and i skim and read the last sentence. :)

Re: Muertos - Day of the Dead Playing Cards (KS)

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 1:03 pm
by steveminty
Hey guys! I just posted an update. I listened to your suggestions about the playability of the cards and ways to make the suits stand out from each other and I have come up with the enhanced suit design. I wanted to share it with you guys personally since you guys helped me! My design decisions in making it grey was to make it pop out and at the same time keep it in line with the current design choices. Anyways, let me know what you think!

Re: Muertos - Day of the Dead Playing Cards (KS)

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 4:47 pm
by OnTheGrind
I like the idea of the new change, but it's kind of confusing that the black suits are kept gold and the red suits are faded out/changed to black... Maybe if you did the opposite it would be better.

Re: Muertos - Day of the Dead Playing Cards (KS)

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 4:52 pm
by rousselle
OnTheGrind wrote:I like the idea of the new change, but it's kind of confusing that the black suits are kept gold and the red suits are faded out/changed to black... Maybe if you did the opposite it would be better.
I second that. I'd recommend either using OnTheGrind's suggestion there, or use red instead of blue/black for the hearts/diamonds. I'm not sure why you're avoiding red; I think a thoughtfully chosen shade of red can be used and still be classy without being garish or too evokative of blood, esp. if it's just the insides of the pips.

That said, though, I love the fact that you're listening and very carefully considering what to change while still being true to your vision. I continue to be excited about this project.

Re: Muertos - Day of the Dead Playing Cards (KS)

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 7:37 pm
by samurai007
Yep, make the clubs and spades grey instead of the hearts and diamonds and you've got a winner!

Re: Muertos - Day of the Dead Playing Cards (KS)

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 11:22 pm
by Bikefanatic
I fourth that of making the hearts and diamonds gold and the clubs and spades gray.

The gray goes good, I think red will make it look awkward.

Re: Muertos - Day of the Dead Playing Cards (KS)

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 6:07 am
by Mike Ratledge
I have to agree - it's just confusing and counter-intuitive... "5th!"

Re: Muertos - Day of the Dead Playing Cards (KS)

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 8:03 am
by Eoghann
Looking really good! And I (6th?) the suit color swapping please. :)

Re: Muertos - Day of the Dead Playing Cards (KS)

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 8:15 am
by Yashi
I think you shouldn't make it go from a lighter gray to a darker gray. I'd prefer it if it was just one shade of gray.

Re: Muertos - Day of the Dead Playing Cards (KS)

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 8:23 am
by MagikFingerz
Yashi wrote:I think you shouldn't make it go from a lighter gray to a darker gray. I'd prefer it if it was just one shade of gray.
Agreed, the graded shades makes them one-way.

Re: Muertos - Day of the Dead Playing Cards (KS) (wap)

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 10:58 pm
by Cbkimble
Just looked at this project again and I've seen a few wooden cards before, i just dont see how well they could hold up. I understand the collective aspect but not at those prices.

Re: Muertos - Day of the Dead Playing Cards (KS)

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 8:54 pm
by Widdee
The white Mourning Deck has been unlocked. This is what I was waiting for. Very nice looking, and have to admit I warmed up to the black edition the more I saw of the courts.

Re: Muertos - Day of the Dead Playing Cards (KS)

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 10:21 pm
by badpete69

Re: Muertos - Day of the Dead Playing Cards (KS)

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 10:25 pm
by Yashi
Widdee wrote:The white Mourning Deck has been unlocked. This is what I was waiting for. Very nice looking, and have to admit I warmed up to the black edition the more I saw of the courts.
Thanks for the heads up. I might pledge now. Strange though, I'm pretty sure I checked on this yesterday (my time) and it didn't seem that close to the 40k mark.

Re: Muertos - Day of the Dead Playing Cards (KS)

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 6:50 am
by MagikFingerz
The only thing stopping me from pledging now is the thick borders :(

Re: Muertos - Day of the Dead Playing Cards (KS)

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 7:01 am
by TLZ1979
Yashi wrote:
Widdee wrote:The white Mourning Deck has been unlocked. This is what I was waiting for. Very nice looking, and have to admit I warmed up to the black edition the more I saw of the courts.
Thanks for the heads up. I might pledge now. Strange though, I'm pretty sure I checked on this yesterday (my time) and it didn't seem that close to the 40k mark.
you aren't wrong at all,

last 2 days they picked up

146 new backers - $5,636 funding
160 new backers - $7,859 funding

when it was averaging about $800 dollars and 20 new backers a day for the 17 days. Not saying anything fishy is going on, just bizarre, as it was like anything new got released over the last 2 days.

Re: Muertos - Day of the Dead Playing Cards (KS)

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 7:20 am
by montecarlojoe
Something similar happened with one of the minimalist design decks - turned out he'd done a campus radio interview and about a trillion new pledges from design students dropped out of nowhere.

In this case I'd have mt red flags up IF the number of backers had been significantly fewer. The average on those days was around $50 a pop which isnt unreasonable.

Re: Muertos - Day of the Dead Playing Cards (KS)

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 8:15 am
by StanKindLee
TLZ1979 wrote:
last 2 days they picked up

146 new backers - $5,636 funding
160 new backers - $7,859 funding
Perhaps a successful targeted high volume marketing campaign.

Re: Muertos - Day of the Dead Playing Cards (KS)

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 5:19 pm
by Sher
Holy crap, this project jumped by 14k in one day :shock:

The graph looks exponential instead of linear. Wow.

The 60k stretch goal has been reached, which gives each backer that pledged 3 or more night decks a free mourning gold deck.

EDIT: I saw in the comments section that it may be because the deck was posted on 9gag?