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Re: Culturae Animalis

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2019 9:04 pm
by Decknowledgy
Per latest update, EPCC is now an official stretchgoal!
And the moment you've been waiting for, Stretch Goal 4. This is a big one.

If we reach ¥1,000,000 (143%)

I will upgrade printers to the Expert Playing Card Company (EPCC)! Let me be clear - I think my current printer is excellent and their work would produce a stunning deck we will all be gloriously happy to hold. What's more, with our current funding the printing and shipping would be covered. By changing to EPCC ¥1,000,000 would cover printing and my obligations to you, however we would have to reach about ¥1,250,000 to also cover shipping. So this would mean a very large investment from me personally also. I have listened to what you really want and this is for the cardists. EPCC, with their well-known Superior and Skull and Bones brands, are industry leaders of innovation and quality. Unlike USPCC, they specialise in creative projects just like this, and have also sourced processes they don't usually use just for us, including the soy ink, so that none of the ethos behind this project is lost. This is also important for the people that support the project for its humanitarian reasons. Though the deck in its current state would be exquisite, this upgrade in print would help us reach a wider audience post-printing. The more post-printing profit (say that quickly) we can make, and the more interest that comes from cardists, magicians, players and so on, the more we can then spread the word about our causes and raise to help ARK and the abandoned and displaced animals of Japan. Reaching this goal will make a significant jump in difference!
Currently there are over 200 Followers to this campaign - if everyone ordered a single deck of hand-drawn, stunningly gold gilded, morally driven cards today, we would surpass Stretch Goal 4 overnight.

Also, if one single supporter of this cause and project changed to the epic Daemon or Angel tiers it would see us past Stretch Goal 4 and possibly save the life of the most endangered cat on the planet today. For anyone that does this in the next 3 days - I will add a half-brick.




Re: Culturae Animalis

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2019 9:31 pm
by JackBrutusPenny
hsbc wrote:I promise you that no one here would vote for PrintNinja - we're picky! :lol: - unless it was the only way for the deck to exist ever or something?? :? :lol: But remember art cards like this get a bit more of a pass from people - almost funded! :D

I'd also love to see a full-color version, but I'd recommend finishing this campaign, taking your time with the second version, and launching that on its own later on :mrgreen:
As Decknowlodgy has posted - if you like the art work and the ethos behind the project, you can now get on board and ensure that it's brought to you by EPCC! I've tried to listen and this is what II'Ve heard!

Re: Culturae Animalis

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2019 9:36 pm
by JackBrutusPenny
Harvonsgard wrote:Image


Kind of crazy, kind of whimsical :D . Not sure about the printer though. Print Ninja... :|
Hey, I really appreciate you bringing this thread to UC! I wondered if you'd consider editing your first post on the page to show that I've listened to you guys about the printer and now it's up to you all to help bring it to a printer that is better known for creative but professional playing cards (I also consulted USPCC, who I know you are a big fan of, but EPCC did seem more accommodating to my ethos and customising needs). With your help I can see this through to the best product it can be - what you are all hoping for - and to help the abandoned animals of Japan more effectively.

Re: Culturae Animalis

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2019 2:38 am
by Harvonsgard
Harvonsgard wrote:Kind of crazy, kind of whimsical :D and beautiful. Always check the campaign for updates, since the creator is pretty active and always asking for and listening to feedback from the community! Therefore get involved and blast those strech goals! :D

Re: Culturae Animalis

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2019 3:02 am
by JackBrutusPenny
Harvonsgard wrote:
Harvonsgard wrote:Kind of crazy, kind of whimsical :D and beautiful. Always check the campaign for updates, since the creator is pretty active and always asking for and listening to feedback from the community! Therefore get involved and blast those strech goals! :D
Thank you!

Re: Culturae Animalis

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2019 11:57 pm
by shermjack
I was OTG when this project launched and now that I have had time to review it, I am in, especially with the possibility of EPCC printing the deck (shouldn't be hard since the project is already at 130%)! :D

Re: Culturae Animalis

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2019 12:12 am
by JackBrutusPenny
shermjack wrote:I was OTG when this project launched and now that I have had time to review it, I am in, especially with the possibility of EPCC printing the deck (shouldn't be hard since the project is already at 130%)! :D
Thank you for your support! With your help and the rest of the community we can bring it into the hands of EPCC! I am also listening carefully to backers in the campaign updates and comments and we are helping the whole project grow together, so the earlier people get involved the more involvement they will have! I look forward bringing the best cards I possibly can straight to you!

Re: Culturae Animalis

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 3:42 pm
by BaconWise
Congrats on hitting Stretch Goal #4, Jack! I guess that means EPCC printing, y'all :ugdance: :ugdance:

Re: Culturae Animalis

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 4:17 pm
by JackBrutusPenny
BaconWise wrote:Congrats on hitting Stretch Goal #4, Jack! I guess that means EPCC printing, y'all :ugdance: :ugdance:
Thank you! Yes, Culturae Animalis, with all its bells and whistles, is now coming to you through EPCC!

For those that already backed - thank you for bringing us to this point! Please consider telling anyone who might find this project as lovely as you do about it!
For those that haven't yet - this is now everything you wanted so time to jump on board!

Re: Culturae Animalis

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 5:17 pm
by shermjack
Congrats on hitting the fourth stretch goal! Can't wait for the decks now! :ugdance:

Re: Culturae Animalis

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 6:28 pm
by Decknowledgy
How much is the cost increase for you to change printer?

Re: Culturae Animalis

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 7:01 pm
by JackBrutusPenny
shermjack wrote:Congrats on hitting the fourth stretch goal! Can't wait for the decks now! :ugdance:
Thank you! I'm delighted to bring them to you by EPCC. I can't wait to get them in your hands, and should be in perfect time for a glorious Christmas display (/gift?).
I hope to keep the campaign going strongly though its last week and beyond - trying to keep you all in the loop with updates.

Re: Culturae Animalis

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 8:35 pm
by JackBrutusPenny
Decknowledgy wrote:How much is the cost increase for you to change printer?
Sorry, I must not have seen this as perhaps it jumped page for me. (Sorry it's all in Japanese yen, just knock of 2 zeros and its approximately US dollars if you're more familiar with that currency) The original cost with PrintNinja was about ¥500,000 so I set a goal of ¥700,000 to cover Kickstarter fees and shipping costs. With the upgrade to EPCC the printing costs alone at ¥950,000, plus I must pay for shipping from port to my location + import tax, processing and shipping onwards to backers, plus Kickstarter fees. I estimate it will cost about ¥1,250,000 so any difference under that I'm currently investing in. There are a lot of variables and it's hard to be specific - for instance, I don't know what tax will come to, or my domestic shipping method from port to my location yet. Does that answer your question?

Re: Culturae Animalis

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 12:01 pm
by BaconWise
So I just updated my pledge for two decks and it looks like you have crossed the threshold for Stretch Goal #5! You are now sitting at 1,151,149 yen! Embossing, here we come! Very excited for you, Jack, and for the Mountain Gorilla! We'll name him Ernesto.

Re: Culturae Animalis

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 9:01 pm
by JackBrutusPenny
BaconWise wrote:So I just updated my pledge for two decks and it looks like you have crossed the threshold for Stretch Goal #5! You are now sitting at 1,151,149 yen! Embossing, here we come! Very excited for you, Jack, and for the Mountain Gorilla! We'll name him Ernesto.
Thank you!

Yes, I'm about to update the campaign now - with our final stretch. I think the cards are now as high in quality as they could be for my campaign and I'm delighted by that. I will have to up the price following kickstarter so indeed now was the time to make sure you got your second deck ;)

The lobster has officially been adopted and I will post information. Little Culturae Animalis is out there growing up in a hatchery. But the Gorilla, he is a wild beast with years of experience and probably a name all of his own already, so I'm sure he wouldn't take too kindly to me jumping in and telling him he had his name wrong all this time and that I knew what he should be called. This I will have to take a more delicate approach and simply ask him for a message for everyone and their effort in adopting him and bringing him into our family!

Re: Culturae Animalis

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2019 6:08 am
by PipChick
to be completely honest, although I loved the art the moment I saw this deck, I initially scoffed at the price for the quality of printer these cards were originally planned to be produced by...

Now with the switch to EPCC (!!!) :ugdance: , backing was an absolute no-brainer and I immediately jumped right on board without hesitation. I mean, sure, it's a pricey deck but for top-quality art produced at top-quality level, this deck is gunna be epic and am so excited and glad I could finally feel confident in backing. Plus, I honestly couldn't praise you enough for taking the time and effort to seek out, listen to and consider feedback from your backers and the community as a whole in making this decision despite it being at a much bigger risk of personal cost in bearing the offset of shipping expenses. It is definitely appreciated and we all thank you for such active engagement in showing us that you're doing all that you can to make this an amazing project for everyone and anyone to be a part of - thanks!

I cannot wait to see more from you and am loving the prospects of potentially seeing a v2 fully-colored variant of this deck because the art and nobal cause that this deck is all about it is just too too good... more please! :D

Re: Culturae Animalis

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2019 6:42 am
by Outsider
You switched printers to EPCC? This makes me reconsider, that was my main hesitation.

Also, Amy is back! Pop the champagne!

Re: Culturae Animalis

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2019 7:36 am
by JackBrutusPenny
Outsider wrote:You switched printers to EPCC? This makes me reconsider, that was my main hesitation.

Also, Amy is back! Pop the champagne!
Consider all the champagne popped!

Yes, I have worked closely with members of this community and listened carefully. I added a printer upgrade to EPCC as a stretch and now it's completely finalised - formatting tuck with them now. So please do reconsider this lovely, intricate art deck, and for its great ethos too! Only 4 days to go - and prices will go up due to printer upgrade costs/quality post launch!

If you have any question - feel free to ask anytime.

Re: Culturae Animalis

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2019 9:01 am
by daddobrendt
PipChick wrote:to be completely honest, although I loved the art the moment I saw this deck, I initially scoffed at the price for the quality of printer these cards were originally planned to be produced by...

Now with the switch to EPCC (!!!) :ugdance: , backing was an absolute no-brainer and I immediately jumped right on board without hesitation. I mean, sure, it's a pricey deck but for top-quality art produced at top-quality level, this deck is gunna be epic and am so excited and glad I could finally feel confident in backing. Plus, I honestly couldn't praise you enough for taking the time and effort to seek out, listen to and consider feedback from your backers and the community as a whole in making this decision despite it being at a much bigger risk of personal cost in bearing the offset of shipping expenses. It is definitely appreciated and we all thank you for such active engagement in showing us that you're doing all that you can to make this an amazing project for everyone and anyone to be a part of - thanks!

I cannot wait to see more from you and am loving the prospects of potentially seeing a v2 fully-colored variant of this deck because the art and nobal cause that this deck is all about it is just too too good... more please! :D
+1 - 100%

Great work JBP!

Re: Culturae Animalis

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 12:42 am
by JackBrutusPenny
Brendt00 wrote: +1 - 100%

Great work JBP!
I'm not sure I understand the numbering there, but thank you! I have set out to listen and work with you all to make the best possible deck I can, and I'm glad I did and will continue to in all my projects!

Re: Culturae Animalis

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 12:51 am
by JackBrutusPenny
PipChick wrote:to be completely honest, although I loved the art the moment I saw this deck, I initially scoffed at the price for the quality of printer these cards were originally planned to be produced by...

Now with the switch to EPCC (!!!) :ugdance: , backing was an absolute no-brainer and I immediately jumped right on board without hesitation. I mean, sure, it's a pricey deck but for top-quality art produced at top-quality level, this deck is gunna be epic and am so excited and glad I could finally feel confident in backing. Plus, I honestly couldn't praise you enough for taking the time and effort to seek out, listen to and consider feedback from your backers and the community as a whole in making this decision despite it being at a much bigger risk of personal cost in bearing the offset of shipping expenses. It is definitely appreciated and we all thank you for such active engagement in showing us that you're doing all that you can to make this an amazing project for everyone and anyone to be a part of - thanks!

I cannot wait to see more from you and am loving the prospects of potentially seeing a v2 fully-colored variant of this deck because the art and nobal cause that this deck is all about it is just too too good... more please! :D
Hey PipChick - sorry I missed this before. I'm delighted you appreciate the risk I took, and how I'm trying to involve the community and also listen and learn from them. In all my projects I strive to make the absolute best I can, and I'm not ashamed to say I've learnt a lot from you and think this deck will be stunning, in part, thanks to you all. I already have ideas for the next project, and it may incorporate elements of this deck but I always push my work beyond and make everything original - so I encourage people to get these decks while they are available, and think you'll be equally interested in what I have to bring in the future. I want my name as a member of this community and as a playing card illustrator/designer to become ubiquitous - to both spread my work, which is full of my passion and heart, and with it to carry my messages of now sustainable business should be, and how it can give back!

Re: Culturae Animalis

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 4:42 am
by Decknowledgy
200% reached!! I hope this helps you cover logistic costs, Jack :D

Re: Culturae Animalis

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 6:16 am
by PipChick
JackBrutusPenny wrote:Hey PipChick - sorry I missed this before. I'm delighted you appreciate the risk I took, and how I'm trying to involve the community and also listen and learn from them. In all my projects I strive to make the absolute best I can, and I'm not ashamed to say I've learnt a lot from you and think this deck will be stunning, in part, thanks to you all. I already have ideas for the next project, and it may incorporate elements of this deck but I always push my work beyond and make everything original - so I encourage people to get these decks while they are available, and think you'll be equally interested in what I have to bring in the future. I want my name as a member of this community and as a playing card illustrator/designer to become ubiquitous - to both spread my work, which is full of my passion and heart, and with it to carry my messages of now sustainable business should be, and how it can give back!
I am like so living for this all right here ^

congrats once again Jack on all the success of the KS so far and please do share your future plans/projects with us here at UC - we love getting involved and helping out where/when we can to see the progression of your skills and development of your brand reach their fullest potential in bigger and better projects to come. So glad to see you so enthused and devoted to being a part of our awesome UC community and thanks again for your engagement - hope to see more again soon! :ucstar: :ucstar: :ucstar: :ucstar: :ucstar:

Re: Culturae Animalis

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 2:37 am
by JackBrutusPenny
PipChick wrote: congrats once again Jack on all the success of the KS so far and please do share your future plans/projects with us here at UC - we love getting involved and helping out where/when we can to see the progression of your skills and development of your brand reach their fullest potential in bigger and better projects to come. So glad to see you so enthused and devoted to being a part of our awesome UC community and thanks again for your engagement - hope to see more again soon! :ucstar: :ucstar: :ucstar: :ucstar: :ucstar:
Thank you pipchick!

And to everyone else on here, less than 20 hours remaining to order your beautiful deck at lower than retail Kickstarter prices, and help the environment and animal welfare while at it!


Re: Culturae Animalis

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2019 12:22 am
by JackBrutusPenny
Thank you everyone for your feedback and support through this process. I have sent an update to all backers about my plans and how I will keep you informed of the progress in printing and shipping. For now, I'm going to rest for an evening. But I look forward to bringing you this intricate art deck with all its passion - and to continuing my relationship with you all here at UC.

Re: Culturae Animalis

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2019 10:32 am
by BaconWise
Great campaign so far, Jack. Now crack that whip so we can see these before the end of the year and have them in the running for some DOTY categories :)

Re: Culturae Animalis

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2019 9:25 pm
by JackBrutusPenny
BaconWise wrote:Great campaign so far, Jack. Now crack that whip so we can see these before the end of the year and have them in the running for some DOTY categories :)
Oh yes, DOTY contender, whip being cracked ;)

Re: Culturae Animalis

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 4:56 am
by Decknowledgy
Jack gave an update of the proofs..... :o :o :o







That FOILED tuck. :shock:

Btw, I think Jack's court cards should be nominated for Court Card of the Year :drool:

Re: Culturae Animalis

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 5:22 am
by Harvonsgard
Wow... that is what I call a shiny tuck. :D With that tuck box I'll definetly would put it in the deck of the year category aswell.

Re: Culturae Animalis

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 10:01 am
by STLBluesNut
I didn't really care for the courts so I didn't get these, but that tucks is Crazy! Perhaps for the right price I'll pick one up later.

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