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Re: 2019 edition Jerry's Nugget

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 2:29 pm
by gacktvam
ChumpofSpades wrote:USPCC and Expert Playing Card Company will collaborate to resurrect JNuggs this summer on Kickstarter.
Are you serious!?

Re: Jerry’s Nuggets reprint soon to be on Kickstarter

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 3:07 pm
by Decknowledgy
Besides the preview gift box done by Experts and as shown in TGW's IG story, I'm interested to know how Expert plays a role in this deck haha

Re: Jerry’s Nuggets reprint soon to be on Kickstarter

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 7:52 pm
by sinjin7
Ok, there's just too many red flags going on here. Jerry's Nugget casino has no need to crowdfund their own deck, they can just go directly to the USPCC and reprint their design. There is no reason for EPCC to be involved in any aspect of this project whatsoever. I am now convinced that despite the claims that these are "authentic" reproductions, the Jerry's Nugget casino will have nothing to do with the actual production of these decks. Someone is simply taking the Chicken Nugget concept one step further and is planning to actually reprint the deck by paying Jerry's Nugget Casino for a license to reproduce their decks.

I guess at the end of the day it doesn't matter if the actual casino or some Joe Blow produced these decks as long as they look identical to the original decks, even if they can never handle the same way. I have no doubt the KS campaign will be wildly successful given the prices the original JNs go for on eBay.. Just don't get your hopes up too high in thinking these will be official, authentic decks made by Jerry's Nugget Casino. It'll be from some dude who had the bright idea to get a license from the casino to make copies.

Re: Jerry’s Nuggets reprint soon to be on Kickstarter

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 10:56 pm
by STLBluesNut
To each their own I suppose. Even if this deck was $5 per and printed by USPCC I wouldn't bite. I think the style is plain and everything around it is on par with the rest of the hype decks. Minimal design and everyone likes them just because everyone else does.

The self perpetuating cycle of they're popular because they are popular. Tbh, I'd buy a Bocopo original knock off at $10 first.

Sent from my Galaxy 8 using Tapatalk

Re: Jerry’s Nuggets reprint soon to be on Kickstarter

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 11:45 pm
by JacksonRobinson
sinjin7 wrote:Ok, there's just too many red flags going on here. Jerry's Nugget casino has no need to crowdfund their own deck, they can just go directly to the USPCC and reprint their design. There is no reason for EPCC to be involved in any aspect of this project whatsoever. I am now convinced that despite the claims that these are "authentic" reproductions, the Jerry's Nugget casino will have nothing to do with the actual production of these decks. Someone is simply taking the Chicken Nugget concept one step further and is planning to actually reprint the deck by paying Jerry's Nugget Casino for a license to reproduce their decks.

I guess at the end of the day it doesn't matter if the actual casino or some Joe Blow produced these decks as long as they look identical to the original decks, even if they can never handle the same way. I have no doubt the KS campaign will be wildly successful given the prices the original JNs go for on eBay.. Just don't get your hopes up too high in thinking these will be official, authentic decks made by Jerry's Nugget Casino. It'll be from some dude who had the bright idea to get a license from the casino to make copies.
This is first hand knowledge, EPCC has received an official license from The Jerry's Nugget Casino and is reprtoduncing these in collaboration with Jerry's. They will also be Manufactured by USPCC on modern stock

Re: Jerry’s Nuggets reprint soon to be on Kickstarter

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 1:49 am
by sinjin7
So it looks like the Joe Blow who took out the license is Bill Kalush. I wonder what further collaboration is needed once Jerry's Nugget issued the license to reprint a deck? At least Kalush is using the USPCC to print the cards instead of EPCC. There would've been a revolt if Kalush used EPCC China to make these reprints with their crappy JN finish. I'm guessing the license cost a pretty penny, which is why Kalush is resorting to crowdfunding to make the reprints. I still don't know why Jerry's Nugget don't just reprint the deck themselves, but kudos to Kalush for coming up with the idea and running with it. I hope he can do the project justice.

Re: Jerry’s Nuggets reprint soon to be on Kickstarter

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 4:51 am
by Petkoski

Coming July 1st.

Re: Jerry’s Nuggets reprint soon to be on Kickstarter

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 5:11 am
by Decknowledgy
MCU: This is the most ambitious crossover
Experts, USPCC, Jerry's:


Re: Jerry’s Nuggets reprint soon to be on Kickstarter

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 9:32 am
by Decknowledgy
David just put up a (p)review of these:

Anyone have any information of the USPCC Web press finish?

Re: Jerry’s Nuggets reprint soon to be on Kickstarter

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 10:26 am
by TheGentlemanWake
I'll have a review at some point. Unfortunately I wish my videos were quicker and easier to produce and I could have it out now... feels like I'm always a day late. :D

Re: Jerry’s Nuggets reprint soon to be on Kickstarter

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 10:31 am
by Decknowledgy
TheGentlemanWake wrote:I'll have a review at some point. Unfortunately I wish my videos were quicker and easier to produce and I could have it out now... feels like I'm always a day late. :D
Hey TGW, don't worry man, I don't believe reviews depend on the quickness. All reviewers out there have their styles and strengths, it's not like we won't watch yours just because someone else got it out first. After all, your cinematography is unmatched 8-)

Re: Jerry’s Nuggets reprint soon to be on Kickstarter

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 10:57 am
by Mike Ratledge
Bill Kalush, I know you are out there lurking. I suppose that because of the relationship with 52+Joker you remain silent?

Now would be a great time to chime in! This looks like a truly epic collab, can you please provide details?

Re: Jerry’s Nuggets reprint soon to be on Kickstarter

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 12:46 pm
by aronprins
Mike Ratledge wrote:Bill Kalush, I know you are out there lurking. I suppose that because of the relationship with 52+Joker you remain silent?

Now would be a great time to chime in! This looks like a truly epic collab, can you please provide details?
Hey Mike,

Though I'm not Bill, I'm happy to let you know we've just released a new info page at" onclick=";return false;

I'll try to check in to see if there are any additional questions that arise, and if possible answer them :)


Re: Jerry’s Nuggets reprint soon to be on Kickstarter

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 1:53 pm
by Azid
Good to know who are the men behind this project, no red flags for me.

I watched David's video and if you look close this is a "Preview Edition":
JN1.png (242.33 KiB) Viewed 3306 times
Imo 2 things of this "Preview Edition" should be changed to the final product :
1. What about the red cellophane pull stripe ?
2. Why do they use a standard USPCC seal instead of a tax stamp type seal ?

Hanson Chien put a little more effort in the Chicken Nuggets which have the red stripe & seal like original Jerry's Nuggets did.

The bottom of the tuck is fine, so everyone can see in 1 second that's a reprint deck. A good thing imo.

I think this campaign will blast through the roof, maybe even more then Mint2.

Re: Jerry’s Nuggets reprint soon to be on Kickstarter

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 4:44 pm
by hsbc
Not the greatest picture, but EPCC posted this display case(?) on Instagram


Re: Jerry’s Nuggets reprint soon to be on Kickstarter

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 5:27 pm
by hsbc
Azid wrote:I think this campaign will blast through the roof, maybe even more then Mint2.
I really don't know about that, people don't seem too thrilled about these here, or on Instagram, or on reddit.... the entire appeal of Jerry's Nuggets is the finish :roll: There are better-looking casino decks from the same era and there are better-looking modern decks that imitate the 'casino style.' This is pretty obviously just an attempt to cash in on the brand :x

And how is EPCC actually involved? The cards are USPCC-produced - what, are they just making the tuck cases? Seems to be needlessly complex :ugthink:

Re: Jerry’s Nuggets reprint soon to be on Kickstarter

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 5:31 pm
by MagikFingerz
hsbc wrote:
Azid wrote:I think this campaign will blast through the roof, maybe even more then Mint2.
I really don't know about that, people don't seem too thrilled about these here, or on Instagram, or on reddit.... the entire appeal of Jerry's Nuggets is the finish :roll: There are better-looking casino decks from the same era and there are better-looking modern decks that imitate the 'casino style.' This is pretty obviously just an attempt to cash in on the brand :x

And how is EPCC actually involved? The cards are USPCC-produced - what, are they just making the tuck cases? Seems to be needlessly complex :ugthink:
I'm guessing since it's Bill Kalush that bought the license, he wants EPCC involved for PR reasons. And like the box says: "Distributed by EPCC", whatever that means.

Re: Jerry’s Nuggets reprint soon to be on Kickstarter

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 9:25 pm
by STLBluesNut
Azid wrote:
I think this campaign will blast through the roof, maybe even more then Mint2.
For that to happen it would need to double The Parlour and Luminosity. If it does i will be sick. This reprint hype deck? Almost no design to this.

I don't even really understand the hype of the originals which are only hyped due to rarity and the finish in the first place. Neither of which will be present here. This is the epitome of a hype deck.

Just wtf.

Sent from my Galaxy 8 using Tapatalk

Re: Jerry’s Nuggets reprint soon to be on Kickstarter

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 9:27 pm
by Joker and the Thief
These are really cool! These days we only really use our own cards we produce, but have a huge soft spot for vintage decks and find ourselves using decks like steamboats, bees and arrcos.

Thinking that we'll be backing these when they come out.

Re: Jerry’s Nuggets reprint soon to be on Kickstarter

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2019 12:49 am
by guru
STLBluesNut wrote: This is the epitome of a hype deck.

Most of the Playing Card industry is built on hype itself.

Original JNuggs, cheap China replicas, then Chicken Nuggets, JN finish & now this reprint - a hype from first to last.

Re: Jerry’s Nuggets reprint soon to be on Kickstarter

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2019 1:33 am
by Harvonsgard
hsbc wrote:I really don't know about that, people don't seem too thrilled about these here, or on Instagram, or on reddit....
I wouldn't say this observation is wrong, but I wouldn't agree either. Just because there is no loud and vocal crowd, doesn't mean that there isn't a huge interest. I sensed a huge enough curiosity on instagram.
hsbc wrote:...the entire appeal of Jerry's Nuggets is the finish
That is what the resellers tell you :lol:. Jerry's Nuggets are a nice anecdote in casino playing cards history. They are something special, due to the reasons we all heard 1001 times; BUT most of the appeal is the "I own something exclusive/expensive, you don't own!"-appeal.
hsbc wrote:This is pretty obviously just an attempt to cash in on the brand.
We all have to feed our families :D

Re: Jerry’s Nuggets reprint soon to be on Kickstarter

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2019 2:11 pm
by TheGentlemanWake
I'm excited to announce a contest partnership with EPCC... we'll be giving away a set of JN Preview decks (with black case) to 5 LUCKY WINNERS. Details on my PREview vid wednesday morning.

Re: Jerry’s Nuggets reprint soon to be on Kickstarter

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2019 3:10 pm
by sinjin7
I don't think JN reprints will blow up to a $500,000.00+ campaign, but I think there will be a healthy interest because as guru noted above, all things related to Jerry's Nuggets come with so much hype. I'm interested to see what involvement the Jerry's Nugget casino has in this campaign since Kalush is claiming some sort of "collaboration" beyond just the issuance of the license, unless that's also just hype.

Re: Jerry’s Nuggets reprint soon to be on Kickstarter

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2019 9:40 am
by TheGentlemanWake
Video preview up!

Re: Jerry’s Nuggets reprint soon to be on Kickstarter

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2019 3:53 pm
by sinjin7
Great video as always, TGW. I just want to clarify a few points:

You made the following statement: "Despite Expert's very long established history of printing their own decks, which they do abroad in their Taiwan and Chinese facilities..." So EPCC's "very long established history" is all of about 6 years only. They were not in existence prior to 2013 and their first deck, Global Titans, were released in July of 2013. For point of reference, the USPCC probably have printed more decks last month than EPCC has printed in their entire existence. They do not own the Taiwanese or Chinese printers, either, they merely contract with them to print their decks, just like Hanson Chien or you and I can.

The French magician who bought up most of the remaining stock of JN decks back in the 1990's is Dominique Duvivier.

Any modern USPCC deck should handle better than a deck of JNs, even one out of a freshly opened box. JNs are close to half a century old after all, and they're only finished on one side. The fact that they handle as well as they do for being such an old, vintage deck is a testament to the quality of the deck in general, and the special thin, yet stiff card stock is one of the most durable stocks ever make. Dan Buck's JN is extremely worn and he's been probably using that deck over the past 10 years, and it's still usable.

Re: Jerry’s Nuggets reprint soon to be on Kickstarter

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2019 9:53 pm
by Bradius
Excellent points Sinjin. It is just hard for me to get excited about this deck. As you said, this deck will handle differently than the originals, and probably much better. However, I just don't like them. I guess I am a spoiled collector of playing card art, and this just is about as far as you can get from that in a standard and frankly hideous design perspective. It is nice that others are super hyped. I am glad others have different tastes, but this is likely an easy pass for me.

Re: Jerry’s Nuggets reprint soon to be on Kickstarter

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2019 5:16 am
by Decknowledgy
I'm trying to reason with myself what significance does this deck hold for me as a card lover. The only possible reason that may urge me to pick one up is that this deck is a collaboration between the most unthinkable: Experts, USPCC, Jerry's (license sold to EPCC), and adding the fact that Cartamundi just bought out USPCC.

Even this is a far-fetched idea. Aside from that, there's just too much "standardness" in this deck

Re: Jerry’s Nuggets reprint soon to be on Kickstarter

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2019 6:18 am
by theCapraAegagrus
It is stupid and I don't like it.*

*Said as Ron Burgundy.

Re: Jerry’s Nuggets reprint soon to be on Kickstarter

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2019 6:39 am
by macstrat
Bradius wrote:I guess I am a spoiled collector of playing card art, and this just is about as far as you can get from that in a standard and frankly hideous design perspective. It is nice that others are super hyped. I am glad others have different tastes, but this is likely an easy pass for me.
As a collector for the art, I agree, there is nothing special about these for me. But as a fan of the history of cards, these play as vital a roll as the reproduction cards from us game systems. There is a story behind every deck, and many of those stories are what catch some people's interest in the subject. I know I'll never get my hands on an original deck, so for me having these is the next best thing to tell people about the way cards used to be made, and at a price point where they can not only take away a story, but a small piece of that history with them.

Re: Jerry’s Nuggets reprint soon to be on Kickstarter

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2019 8:19 am
by MagikFingerz
macstrat wrote:
Bradius wrote:I guess I am a spoiled collector of playing card art, and this just is about as far as you can get from that in a standard and frankly hideous design perspective. It is nice that others are super hyped. I am glad others have different tastes, but this is likely an easy pass for me.
As a collector for the art, I agree, there is nothing special about these for me. But as a fan of the history of cards, these play as vital a roll as the reproduction cards from us game systems. There is a story behind every deck, and many of those stories are what catch some people's interest in the subject. I know I'll never get my hands on an original deck, so for me having these is the next best thing to tell people about the way cards used to be made, and at a price point where they can not only take away a story, but a small piece of that history with them.
This is going to be the case for me too, IF I decide to get them. Will depend heavily on the price.