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Re: Hercules - Gamblers Warehouse
Posted: Wed May 09, 2018 11:56 am
by Gamblers Warehouse
Bicycle Hercules to be released on KS tomorrow 05/10/2018 at 10 am CST !!
Stay tuned.
Re: Hercules - Gamblers Warehouse
Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 10:44 am
by vasta41
These are now live:
$11 for a Bicycle-branded deck shipped is great! Dare I say old school pricing

And $16 for non-Bicycle-branded but includes embossing and foiled tuck cases.
Re: Guess The Name ?? 1st Person Gets Free Deck
Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 11:28 am
by rousselle
Gamblers Warehouse wrote:This is the Limited Edition with foiling.
Ah, I see, you were referring to the tuck, whereas I was referring to the card backs themselves.
Any chance of making foil or metallic inks on the cards themselves a stretch goal?
Re: Hercules - Gamblers Warehouse
Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 1:22 pm
by pstaehlin
When again might we expect to have this deck available?
Re: Hercules - Gamblers Warehouse
Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 2:02 pm
by Bradius
Estimated delivery is October 2018. Keep in mind it does take awhile after the campaign clears and funds are finally received. Kickstarter playing card projects do take awhile. Six months from the time funds are received is not unreasonable.
Re: Hercules - Gamblers Warehouse
Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 4:07 pm
by vasta41
Bradius wrote:Six months from the time funds are received is not unreasonable.
Especially since these guys are veterans.
Re: Hercules - Gamblers Warehouse
Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 7:49 pm
by Spectre
Six months is very reasonable. But GW's Spirit II campaign took over a year to get to me. To be fair, they did have an issue with the gilded decks, but i wish they were a little more transparent and kept the backers in the loop. It appeared to me as a backer that they moved on to other projects and gave up on the Spirit II campaign altogether. In the end, everything showed up, albeit quite a bit longer than six months....
I said i wouldn't back a deck of theirs again. But i guess time heals all wounds. That and these look to good to pass up. I'm in for a few of each...
Re: Hercules - Gamblers Warehouse
Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 7:38 am
by flashcards
GW, you guys know that you are using the British spelling of labors which is "labours". Just like "color" is spelled "colour". As an American, I have no problem with this; I personally still prefer to spell "theater" as "theatre". It's certainly a valid choice (like choosing Hercules over Heracles) although perhaps a bit unexpected from a company based in Texas. I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything; I just thought it was a neat touch. Regardless, the cards are awesome and the price is reasonable (for a change) so I'm very happy to be a part of this campaign no matter how you choose to spell things.
Re: Hercules - Gamblers Warehouse
Posted: Sat May 12, 2018 10:17 pm
by Adonael
I didn't even notice they were spelling Labour the correct way, good catch. I'm interested in the special edition, black cards aren't high in appeal for me, but might not be able to swing the cost of two decks to get one, so I'll wait until the 48 hour reminder to decide what to do, I quite like the artwork.
Re: Hercules - Gamblers Warehouse
Posted: Sun May 13, 2018 6:44 am
by guru
Spectre wrote:Six months is very reasonable. But GW's Spirit II campaign took over a year to get to me. To be fair, they did have an issue with the gilded decks, but i wish they were a little more transparent and kept the backers in the loop. It appeared to me as a backer that they moved on to other projects and gave up on the Spirit II campaign altogether. In the end, everything showed up, albeit quite a bit longer than six months....
I said i wouldn't back a deck of theirs again. But i guess time heals all wounds. That and these look to good to pass up. I'm in for a few of each...
I think we should be seeing gilded decks as signature or platinum edition in this Kickstarter as well given they are the ones who are doing gilt edging for a number of other designers

Re: Hercules - Gamblers Warehouse
Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 10:10 pm
by portcullis
I'm guessing the mini-deck was a flop as it didn't arrive with the decks?? Applied for a part refund.
Re: Hercules - Gamblers Warehouse
Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 10:21 pm
by macstrat
These look remarkably like the garibaldi castle deck...
Images here: ... 3475528491
Re: Hercules - Gamblers Warehouse
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 2:26 am
by Magic Tapp
portcullis wrote:I'm guessing the mini-deck was a flop as it didn't arrive with the decks?? Applied for a part refund.
I am not sure what is happening there but you are not the only one who received a partial order. I am still missing a poker set.
I have sent a DM to the creators but have not heard back yet (which is not too surprising given the appalling way interact with their customers).
Re: Hercules - Gamblers Warehouse
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 12:17 pm
by rousselle
This is weird. This is the second thread I've seen where people are bashing = Gamblers Warehouse (for all intents and purposes), and for a very long time, they were actually quite reliable. They even had one or two folks hang out here on the UC and participate in discussions. I noticed (yes, when Victor pointed it out) that their website was getting stale, with links going bad, etc. But... does anybody know what's happening with them? Obviously, they are landing a great deal of fulfillment business. But, if their fulfillment efforts are also starting to slip... that's not a good sign.
So far, I haven't experienced much bad luck with their fulfillment, but it's disturbing to hear that others are. Does anybody here know anybody who works there? Are things going okay over there?

Re: Hercules - Gamblers Warehouse (wap)
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 12:44 pm
by macstrat
I try to order from them as little as possible. As you mentioned, half their site doesnt work. Their shipments take FOREVER. I literally get things ordered from china quicker. I like seeing their name in ks campaigns, because it shows me that the creator did their homework, but I'll never go out of my way for them.
I prefer Will is a nice guy, site is maintained and working, ships fast, good prices, and responds to emails and issues very quickly. (Not ment to be an ad, just a comparison)
Re: Hercules - Gamblers Warehouse
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 1:56 pm
by Magic Tapp
With respect to this particular campaign, I should have noticed that their interaction with backers was at best underwhelming even before the campaign ended and afterwards they went completely incommunicado.
I am particularly unimpressed given their affiliation with GW who, of all people, should know how to handle fulfilment. And it is not like they had thousands of backers in this campaign - 432 investors with US$15.5k raised... I am missing my US$200+ poker set and it is not like it is their first KS project.
I think they should really send their staff to someone like Alex Chin or Lorenzo to learn how to handle a campaign from start to finish.
And do not get me started on GW who have this really unhelpful habit of sending shipping notices without mentioning what is it that is being sent which (given how much fulfilment they are handling these days) drives me up the wall.
My impression is that GW bit way more than they can chew and the cracks start to show.
Re: Hercules - Gamblers Warehouse
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 1:58 pm
by Magic Tapp
macstrat wrote:I prefer Will is a nice guy, site is maintained and working, ships fast, good prices, and responds to emails and issues very quickly. (Not ment to be an ad, just a comparison)
Now that I wholeheartedly agree with. My experience with Will has always been nothing short of excellent.