Glad you didn't go Minimalist. A friend sent this my way. Ultimate minimalism : ... =472356541" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
However considering you are calling this Less, I feel the courts have too much detail on them. Have you tried removing the patterns on the courts. Would be interesting to see them with just the lines of their clothes and different shades of solid colour making up the patterns or give them some texture. That would truly be less.
Of course, considering Lotrek's past decks, this deck really is less in comparison to his previous projects! Hopefully the price will also be a lot less...
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![MinimPlayingCards_3600x@2x.jpg (11.29 KiB) Viewed 1835 times Ultimate minimal playing cards](./download/file.php?id=19213&t=1&sid=707765430f7399e66fce63ddd7549d7d)
- Ultimate minimal playing cards