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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by Strag »

It does certainly help me to better understand where the delays come from and why. My belief is that any relationship, whether between buyer and seller or between friends or even within a romantic settings fails not because of a lack of caring but because of a lack of trust and communication. These messages from Lotrek are the most compehensive look into the business model and process by which he creates, funds and sells decks that I have ever seen and for that level of communication and transparency I am grateful and much more understanding than I have been feeling about the whole situation.

I continue to believe that open and frequent communication is incredibly important to maintain such a relationship and to keep things healthy and continuing. I have seen the positive response he got here and on Patreon as good for his community and I am hopeful that he continues to be open about what is happening and why. I, for one, was completely in the dark about why new decks were being produced without previous decks being shipped. Maybe I should have read into previous communications or misunderstood something, I don't know.

Being a creator must be an incredibly hard job, especially when you have not only to create something artistic but also have the business acumen to make it something to make a living at. I wish I had used less inflammatory language, it clearly struck a nerve and wasn't my intention to be hurtful at all. I absolutely do not wish Lotrek any ill will whatsoever, I was simply frustrated. Probably the last I will have have to say on this topic, I think enough has been said by me.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by JazzBaloo »

Seems to me that it's a broken system. Money all gone in the garbage because of whatever printing stories and so it's always playing catchup. Continuously needing to create and sell more to pay for previous rewards. That is a polarizing issue. Lotrek patreon customers are patient!
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by Leachy19 »

Strag wrote: Sun Mar 09, 2025 2:00 pm It does certainly help me to better understand where the delays come from and why. My belief is that any relationship, whether between buyer and seller or between friends or even within a romantic settings fails not because of a lack of caring but because of a lack of trust and communication. These messages from Lotrek are the most compehensive look into the business model and process by which he creates, funds and sells decks that I have ever seen and for that level of communication and transparency I am grateful and much more understanding than I have been feeling about the whole situation.

I continue to believe that open and frequent communication is incredibly important to maintain such a relationship and to keep things healthy and continuing. I have seen the positive response he got here and on Patreon as good for his community and I am hopeful that he continues to be open about what is happening and why. I, for one, was completely in the dark about why new decks were being produced without previous decks being shipped. Maybe I should have read into previous communications or misunderstood something, I don't know.

Being a creator must be an incredibly hard job, especially when you have not only to create something artistic but also have the business acumen to make it something to make a living at. I wish I had used less inflammatory language, it clearly struck a nerve and wasn't my intention to be hurtful at all. I absolutely do not wish Lotrek any ill will whatsoever, I was simply frustrated. Probably the last I will have have to say on this topic, I think enough has been said by me.
I can see why some people could be frustrated - Lotrek himself would probably admit that he hasn’t been as informative on all these projects as he probably could have been but with all the projects he has going on I’m sure it’s pretty damn hard to do everything. I’m sure Lotrek will very much appreciate your post - good on ya Strag👊🏻
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by Bradius »

Thanks Strag for your comments.
JazzBaloo wrote: Sun Mar 09, 2025 2:09 pm Seems to me that it's a broken system. Money all gone in the garbage because of whatever printing stories and so it's always playing catchup. Continuously needing to create and sell more to pay for previous rewards. That is a polarizing issue. Lotrek patreon customers are patient!
I am not sure though that it is a broken system. Lotrek always wants to push the printing envelope. I think it is a compulsion. Whether it is trying to overlay multiple foils, perfecting a new varnish, use new types of stock, printing on dark paper. You name it. All those create failed efforts. What is cool is that he can do these in small batches. This is not something that a mainstream printer would do. Maybe B&N or a card printing company like them. Failures I think are a part of what he does. So, if you like his work, you have to deal with that his major creations are likely going to take a long time.

As I compare Qalif and Arabesque, I am just impressed at the improvements that have been made in production ability. In any event, I am still enjoying this new deck. It will have to hold me until the next one. I am really liking now having a series of his different decks handy to just compare with each other.

One concern that i have for Lotrek is the increased cost for production and shipping that just eats away at his profitability margin. In the end, he needs to make enough money to make it all worthwhile. I think selling them after they are produced may be the only solution. Still, there are a ton of us that just want to be on his guaranteed sale list.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by Lotrek »

Strag wrote: Sun Mar 09, 2025 2:00 pm It does certainly help me to better understand where the delays come from and why. My belief is that any relationship, whether between buyer and seller or between friends or even within a romantic settings fails not because of a lack of caring but because of a lack of trust and communication. These messages from Lotrek are the most compehensive look into the business model and process by which he creates, funds and sells decks that I have ever seen and for that level of communication and transparency I am grateful and much more understanding than I have been feeling about the whole situation.

I continue to believe that open and frequent communication is incredibly important to maintain such a relationship and to keep things healthy and continuing. I have seen the positive response he got here and on Patreon as good for his community and I am hopeful that he continues to be open about what is happening and why. I, for one, was completely in the dark about why new decks were being produced without previous decks being shipped. Maybe I should have read into previous communications or misunderstood something, I don't know.

Being a creator must be an incredibly hard job, especially when you have not only to create something artistic but also have the business acumen to make it something to make a living at. I wish I had used less inflammatory language, it clearly struck a nerve and wasn't my intention to be hurtful at all. I absolutely do not wish Lotrek any ill will whatsoever, I was simply frustrated. Probably the last I will have have to say on this topic, I think enough has been said by me.
Under that light, I feel I need to thank you, Strag. Your comment, although made me angry, sparked a reaction which was found enlightening by most -if not all- Patrons. I admit that I could be more informative (not transparent, because I believe I already am). The only reason I didn't mention all these things going on was that I thought I would sound like whining and -more important- I had the fear that people would think I'm making things up! Believe me, my printers drive me crazy although they're the best in the business.

Btw, I never thought you are toxic. I just felt your comment was unjust.

Thanks again for your unintentional help. ;)
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