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Re: 2018 'Deck of the Year' Awards: DISCUSSION

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 12:42 am
by furrukhjamal
So this is it, voting in less than 24 hrs from where I live :)
The only problem, I have two favorites for almost every category. What do u suggest I flip a coin for them or something else hi tech :P

Re: 2018 'Deck of the Year' Awards: DISCUSSION

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 2:53 am
by Magic Tapp
furrukhjamal wrote:So this is it, voting in less than 24 hrs from where I live :)
The only problem, I have two favorites for almost every category. What do u suggest I flip a coin for them or something else hi tech :P
Well, you may also like to use an 8-ball [emoji3]

Re: 2018 'Deck of the Year' Awards: DISCUSSION

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 5:11 am
by PipChick
Magic Tapp wrote:
furrukhjamal wrote:So this is it, voting in less than 24 hrs from where I live :)
The only problem, I have two favorites for almost every category. What do u suggest I flip a coin for them or something else hi tech :P
Well, you may also like to use an 8-ball [emoji3]
well, I'm also facing that problem between a few decks in some category and I'm making my mind up by asking myself 'if there was only one card/deck I could use to only show off that one particular feature of the category it's nom'd in to impress someone not at all familiar with playing cards, which would I go for as THE gold-standard example of that feature??" It's tough because so many of the nom'd decks are so well deserving of the award, and, even though awards will recognize 1st, 2nd & 3rd place winners, we gotta only vote for the one we feel earns the title.

Best of luck in deciding - with such strong and amazing decks, I know it won't be easy! :D

Re: 2018 'Deck of the Year' Awards: DISCUSSION

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 5:56 pm
by guru
So, 20th Jan is here.....

Thanks Amy for your tireless efforts this year. People will remember your contribution for many years to come.

Re: 2018 'Deck of the Year' Awards: DISCUSSION

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 6:50 pm
by PipChick
guru wrote:So, 20th Jan is here.....

Thanks Amy for your tireless efforts this year. People will remember your contribution for many years to come.
think nothin' of it :ugking: lol :lol: :lol: :lol:


I just honestly hope it was worth the effort and we get more participation this year :ugdance:

Re: 2018 'Deck of the Year' Awards: DISCUSSION

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 7:43 pm
by Bradius
The UC DOTY awards back for 2018? Yeah, some chick organized it. Mary Pippins? PipSqueak. Something... :lol:

Re: 2018 'Deck of the Year' Awards: DISCUSSION

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 10:55 pm
by fdavidn
I have several new, very nice decks I would be happy to donate but they have all been opened. They’ve never been used other than shuffled at the most. Would open decks be acceptable to donate?

Re: 2018 'Deck of the Year' Awards: DISCUSSION

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 12:06 am
by Räpylätassu

Oh and Amy, AMAZING job organizing this. I'm just going to say it: You are the best thing to happend to this forum during the time I have been here. Your humor and positivity bring so much life to this forum everyday. I thank you for all of this.

You rock gurl!

Re: 2018 'Deck of the Year' Awards: NOMINATIONS

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 1:42 am
by arjun1616
awsome nominations

Re: 2018 'Deck of the Year' Awards: DISCUSSION

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 1:50 am
by furrukhjamal
Question: Im trying to pm the vote to Amy and I am getting an error that the requested user does not exist

Re: 2018 'Deck of the Year' Awards: DISCUSSION

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 4:20 am
by grantt
Am considering voting after a whole year of lurking. =)

Re: 2018 'Deck of the Year' Awards: DISCUSSION

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 5:05 am
by JacksandJokers
Votes are in.

I actually found it much easier this year to select my decks than I have done in the past - Hope I haven't missed something :?

Re: 2018 'Deck of the Year' Awards: DISCUSSION

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 6:11 am
by PipChick
fdavidn wrote:I have several new, very nice decks I would be happy to donate but they have all been opened. They’ve never been used other than shuffled at the most. Would open decks be acceptable to donate?
Hi fdavidn! Nice to see you make the jump from IG to join our little community here! Glad to have you and welcome! :ugdance:

And YES! of course you can donate open decks! We accept any and all donations contributed by anyone and everyone; donations can be of any size or value, and be anything relating to playing cards, cardistry and/or magic - we welcome all contributions and are grateful for your support!

Also, to everyone else, Donations are still being accepted and will continue to be so all throughout voting and up until prior to announcement and presentation of the Awards on March 1st, 2019 to all designers/producers in recognition of their amazing work. If you, or someone you know, would be interested in also contributing to UC and the 'Deck of the Year' Awards, please consider showing your support by making a donation of your choosing and declaring it in our 'Prize Donations' thread here. Any and all donations are very much appreciated and we all thank you for helping to make United Cardists the amazing community that it is.

Re: 2018 'Deck of the Year' Awards: DISCUSSION

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 6:13 am
by PipChick
furrukhjamal wrote:Question: Im trying to pm the vote to Amy and I am getting an error that the requested user does not exist
Weird, I most certainly do exist - I'm right here!! lol - just hit the PM button under my user name/avatar/info to the left from here to send in your votes!

thanks! :D

Re: 2018 'Deck of the Year' Awards: DISCUSSION

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 6:22 am
by PipChick
grantt wrote:Am considering voting after a whole year of lurking. =)
You most definitely should! And what's taken you so long to join in on the convo?!? lol well, we're just glad to have you engage & participate and what an amazing opportunity to do so too! :D

If you haven't already, you can also take a look at our nominations thread to see what decks others from the community have nom'd for each category to help you with voting. Of course, if the deck that has earned your vote hasn't been explicitly nom'd by anyone and isn't on listed among the nominated decks, you're also totally free to write it in and, as long as it is an eligible deck for 2018, it's valid and will be counted in our tabulations :)

If you have any questions about voting or anything else, please feel free to just ask! We're all super excited for this event and hope it will encourage new and old members to become more a part of the community and participate :)

Happy Voting! :ugdance:

Re: 2018 'Deck of the Year' Awards: DISCUSSION

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 6:46 am
by SteakBreak
I'm very happy and looking forward to help with my votes. Greetings from Portugal.

Enviado do meu WAS-LX1A através do Tapatalk

Re: 2018 'Deck of the Year' Awards: DISCUSSION

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 7:19 am
by PipChick
Okay, now a not so short update to everyone else: First off a huge THANK YOU to all the members that have already submitted votes - I'm so glad to see such enthused participation in getting your votes in early and it really starts off the DOTYs on the right foot with a strong first day of open voting! YAY! Thanks again - y'all are the best! :ugdance: :ucstar: :ucstar: :ucstar: :ucstar: :ucstar:

Right now, I'm waiting on a google doc from Allan that has been used in the past for tabulating votes and has been deemed incredibly helpful in keeping track of all participants and of everyone's votes. So, for those that already PM'ed me with their votes (which I thank you for!) I do see them and they are being kept safe in my inbox but you will only be receiving an official PM back in response when I got that google doc and your votes have been officially accounted for - this is only to prevent confusion and ensure that we stay organize and not miss anyone or anyone's votes. So in the meanwhile please sit tight and be patient - I'll be sure to account for your votes and message you back as soon as I get the google doc from Allan and can do so :)

Also, as maybe some of you have noticed, I've been mostly focusing my attention on updating IG with posts promoting the DOTYs in the last week leading up to today for the opening of voting because it's been incredibly helpful in directly reaching designers/producers to make them aware that we're recognizing & honoring their work in nominations but also to encourage them to use their own accounts to help further spread the word to their own followings about UC and our little DOTY event here. :ugdance:

So far, we've gotten a few shoutouts from our familiar UC fam like GW in his video reviews, and in IG stories from montenzi & guru, plus a shoutout from Lorenzo in his latest HoTRS campaign update that you can check out here, if you haven't already - as well as IG shoutouts from new fam from cartomancercards & a few other designers like Sam Hayles, Destino & Marcelo Simonetti - So we all owe them our appreciation for their help in bringing attention to UC & the DOTYs - THANK YOU!!! :ucstar: :ucstar: :ucstar: :ucstar: :ucstar:

However, I'll also be spending a bit of time, slowly but surely, over the next few weeks of the DOTYs to spread the word through other social media like FB and reddit to reach others that may be interested in participating. And, if you'd like to help, you can do so too by sharing and spreading the word using your own social media to help promote UC and the DOTYs!

Or, you can also help by reaching out to potential sponsors and ask for their support in donating to our prize giveaway contest; ooooorrr even consider donating yourself if you haven't already and would like to. So far, we've got 20 AMAZING prize donations contributed from the very generous members of our very own community that'll be going out to 20 lucky winners! But why not increase your odds of winning by helping to reach out to more potential sponsors for prize donations as well??? You never know the potential a casual tag, tweet, comment or post might have... so why not make the effort and try :D

Anyways, that's all for now! But again, thank you to those that have already voted and all those that have supported the DOTYs with their help in promotion & donations! Y'all are what make UC the amazing community that it is! So give yourself all a fistful of glitter to the face for all your awesomeness:


And let's make this year's 2018 DOTYs the best ever! YAY! :ugdance:

Re: 2018 'Deck of the Year' Awards: DISCUSSION

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 7:31 am
by Jocu
Hey guys! As our social media campaign has recently started a couple of months ahead of our KS campaign we'd be happy to include the contest in some of our posts, especially as we'll be teasing a lot of content and generally chatting about cards with people.

The UC instagram seems dormant but I'll continue to tag it and send people to the forum thread directly when I do a post. Happy to help as I'm sure to be relying on the community for feedback very soon :)


Re: 2018 'Deck of the Year' Awards: DISCUSSION

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 9:05 am
by Merlebird
I'm late to this party, but how are we defining a "rookie," here? I see Paul Guo's been nominated for Water Margin but he previously funded and delivered a hanafuda deck (Battle of Muscles). Should the category be understood as "Best Rookie (Poker) Deck?"

EDIT: Also, I am launching a write-in campaign for House of the Rising Spade for Best Extra Card. For your consideration:

Re: 2018 'Deck of the Year' Awards: DISCUSSION

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 11:58 am
by Bradius
I have sent in my votes. It was so tough this year because there were so many decks and designers worthy of recognition. Frankly, everyone that is nominated is deserving in each category. Best of luck to all of the nominees!

PipChick, special thanks to you for your hard work on this DOTY process. Thanks for taking the best of the ideas and making some great changes to the deck of the year competition. I hope it will not be too hard to tally all of the voting. You turned what was last year a daunting effort into something really manageable. BRAVO!!!

Re: 2018 'Deck of the Year' Awards: DISCUSSION

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 1:17 pm
by RichK
Bradius wrote:I have sent in my votes. It was so tough this year because there were so many decks and designers worthy of recognition. Frankly, everyone that is nominated is deserving in each category. Best of luck to all of the nominees!

PipChick, special thanks to you for your hard work on this DOTY process. Thanks for taking the best of the ideas and making some great changes to the deck of the year competition. I hope it will not be too hard to tally all of the voting. You turned what was last year a daunting effort into something really manageable. BRAVO!!!
Tough choices of worthy decks.

Re: 2018 'Deck of the Year' Awards: DISCUSSION

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 1:36 pm
by PipChick
Okay, so I'm bunching up a few responses to people into just one post rather than a bunch of single ones consecutively, so apologies in advance because it's going to be super long - sorry! :ugthink:

Jocu wrote:Hey guys! As our social media campaign has recently started a couple of months ahead of our KS campaign we'd be happy to include the contest in some of our posts, especially as we'll be teasing a lot of content and generally chatting about cards with people.

The UC instagram seems dormant but I'll continue to tag it and send people to the forum thread directly when I do a post. Happy to help as I'm sure to be relying on the community for feedback very soon :)

That would be like SO incredibly awesome! Thanks for the support Anthony!! And if y'all haven't checked out Jocu's IG yet, you def should here - I especially like the most recent WIP pic you posted of the deck you're working on and can't wait to see more as it develops:


Please do share more in our Deck Drafting Board section when you're ready! :D

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Merlebird wrote:I'm late to this party, but how are we defining a "rookie," here? I see Paul Guo's been nominated for Water Margin but he previously funded and delivered a hanafuda deck (Battle of Muscles). Should the category be understood as "Best Rookie (Poker) Deck?"
Yea, you're right; this probably should've been more clearly defined a loooong time ago and was a bit of an oversight. I think I (and probably many others too) had just assumed it was in specific reference to a designer's first attempt at creating a Poker Deck. This shouldn't have been just assumed as I totally see your point but I also think it should still stand as is for two reasons; 1.) I don't & haven't been keeping track of all the other decks outside of poker playing cards because, well, even just focusing on poker cards has been quite the time-consuming task in and of itself and, even though I admire tarots and hanafuda, it's really not my particular interest in the hobby - that's not to say they're not worth noting, but it's definitely not a task I'm willing to/can take on and, if there is enough expressed interest in this subset of playing cards, probably would be best for someone that is passionate in that particular area within the hobby to take on instead. And 2.) because we already have an award category specified for 'non-poker decks' in which about half of those designers nominated in that category would than also qualify for 'Rookie Deck' and I'm not sure it's really a fair comparison considering the types of decks are so totally different. It'd be like comparing apples to oranges.

The only solution I can offer is that if there is a demand as expressed in such a high interest among the community for more recognition of "non-poker" decks, than perhaps we can consider adding another distinct 'Rookie' category specified for 'non-poker' decks for next year's DOTYs; but honestly, there were only 5 total noms in the 'non-poker' deck category this year anyways, even though I'm certain there probably were many more of these types of decks created in 2018... many just aren't aware of them as made clear by the community in only being able to name so very few decks for nominations to begin with... :? So would it even be worth having to add a whole nother new category for potentially only 1 or 2 decks?? because I'm also not sure it'd be fair to group them together in the same category along with a majority of poker decks in which they probably wouldn't even have a fighting chance of winning because of such a low interest. Again, I can't really offer any solutions for this year's DOTYs as we're already underway, but just some of my own thoughts on the matter. Does anyone else have any opinions?? I'd love to hear others' perspectives too because it's definitely something to potentially consider for next year in an effort to continue finding ways in which we can improve upon the DOTY Awards to make every year the best ever lol :)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bradius wrote:PipChick, special thanks to you for your hard work on this DOTY process. Thanks for taking the best of the ideas and making some great changes to the deck of the year competition. I hope it will not be too hard to tally all of the voting. You turned what was last year a daunting effort into something really manageable. BRAVO!!!
Guys, it was a group effort; we all helped in deciding together what categories needed to stay and which to cut and y'all participated in the process of submitting nominations all in the common goal interest of streamlining the entire voting process to make it less daunting for all members and easier for new members to jump in and participate. I know at the beginning there was some resistance, which is totally understandable with all the big changes we've made, and the management of this year's DOTYs is by no means totally perfect as there's always things we can improve upon for next year, but I'd like to think that all the efforts and changes we did make will yield results in the best interest of the community as a whole... hopefully... maybe... we'll just have to wait and see lol :ugthink:

Also, I think it's worth noting that nothing I personally did in contribution to/for the DOTYs was anything extra extraordinary that anyone else here couldn't have also stepped up and done with all of y'all's help. As they say, it's teamwork that makes the dream work and any success attributed to this year's DOTYs is in thanks to everyone that participated to help make it happen - both in big and small efforts because it all counts. I couldn't have done it without you guys and y'all are the real MVPs of UC as you're the ones that make this community as great as it is. So just remember, you get out of the community just as much (if not more) as you put into the community and it takes all of us to maintain such an amazing place to share in this hobby together and be enjoyed by everyone - that's what being a part of a community is all about, right? :ugthink: :ugdance:

Re: 2018 'Deck of the Year' Awards: DISCUSSION

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 2:46 pm
by Magic Tapp
So my votes are also in. Had a really difficult time deciding on some of the categories - 2018 has been a fantastic year and we were really fortunate to see so many fabulous decks come out.

I would also echo what others said about Amy - you have done an amazing job and you do rock!

Re: 2018 'Deck of the Year' Awards: DISCUSSION

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 8:10 am
by furrukhjamal
Voted awaiting confirmation Pm

Re: 2018 'Deck of the Year' Awards: DISCUSSION

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 11:35 am
by theCapraAegagrus
The winners have been sent in by me this morning.

Re: 2018 'Deck of the Year' Awards: DISCUSSION

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 2:02 pm
by bryanmills21
Hey Pip! I need to be able to PM so that I can vote in the Deck of the year! Thank you!

Re: 2018 'Deck of the Year' Awards: DISCUSSION

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 4:59 pm
by Magic Tapp
TwoPiece wrote:The winners have been sent in by me this morning.
As ever, 2pc, you are being too modest [emoji14]

Re: 2018 'Deck of the Year' Awards: DISCUSSION

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 5:05 pm
by PipChick
bryanmills21 wrote:Hey Pip! I need to be able to PM so that I can vote in the Deck of the year! Thank you!
Hi Bryanmills21, your PM capabilities will be activated in just a short while - just hold tight! In the meanwhile, welcome to UC! We're glad to have you join us in our annual DOTY Awards and would love to learn more about you and your interests in the hobby :)

Re: 2018 'Deck of the Year' Awards: DISCUSSION

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 6:31 pm
by Jasonliu215
Hey, thanks so much for running these competitions. They give a great opportunity to see all the new decks that come out this year

Re: 2018 'Deck of the Year' Awards: DISCUSSION

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 8:03 pm
by PipChick
Jasonliu215 wrote:Hey, thanks so much for running these competitions. They give a great opportunity to see all the new decks that come out this year
yea most definitely! Not only does the DOTYs give us the opportunity to come together as a community and give recognition to the amazing designers & producers that make all decks we love and enjoy, but also the chance for us all to geek out about the hobby together lol :ugthink: :ugdance:

Welcome! we're glad to have you join us :D