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Re: UC2019 Annual Deck by Montenzi (wap)

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2019 6:41 am
by Bradius
SirCrunoke, if you like that green gilding, did you get any of Alex Chen’s Emerald Insights decks? They were done in the same green gilding.

Re: UC2019 Annual Deck by Montenzi

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2019 9:38 am
by TheGentlemanWake
Maybe a bit off topic, but I do mention THIS SPECIFIC THREAD at the end and in the Description. :)

Re: UC2019 Annual Deck by Montenzi

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2019 10:14 am
by Harvonsgard
TheGentlemanWake wrote:Maybe a bit off topic...
No worries at all. The Tally-Ho Summer Fan thread just has evolved into a hockey thread, so you are quite on topic here :D .

Re: UC2019 Annual Deck by Montenzi

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2019 3:30 pm
by vasta41
shiroo56 wrote:
TheGentlemanWake wrote:Maybe a bit off topic...
No worries at all. The Tally-Ho Summer Fan thread just has evolved into a hockey thread, so you are quite on topic here :D .
My bad.

Re: UC2019 Annual Deck by Montenzi

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2019 6:29 pm
by montenzi
TheGentlemanWake wrote:Maybe a bit off topic, but I do mention THIS SPECIFIC THREAD at the end and in the Description. :)
Thank you!!! :mrgreen:

Re: UC2019 Annual Deck by Montenzi

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2019 11:05 pm
by montenzi
vasta41 wrote: 4. Reasonably priced
What' is "reasonable" in our case?

Specifications: Cartamundi, foil on both sides of the cards, premium box (printed by Cartamundi) with foil and embossing, 1500-3000 decks.

After weeks of planning, I have something in mind. I don't want to produce a player's edition of this deck (borderless, green).

Instead, we can have one edition with foil only and another edition (with borders and white background on faces) without foil on cards. For a box: premium paper without foil and embossing.
Foil for the back or faces is a stretch goal.

Re: UC2019 Annual Deck by Montenzi

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 7:14 am
by tapunan
Bradius wrote:I definitely do NOT like the idea of a UC "Member's Only" deck for the campaign. I do like having a limited tier as I have always gotten it and enjoyed it. However, I would not go crazy if we didn't have it. Seriously though, I mean ANYONE can register here, so what is the point? Do we need to have been here a certain amount of time or posted a certain number of times to be a "member"?

Okay, I've said my opinion on this matter. Funny, this is my 2,500th post. Hopefully that qualifies me as a UC member by most definitions.
I agree that "IF" possible - then maybe a small token like a signed card or stickers for UC members would be great. As for the point of it - it can be a nice promotion. Not sure but Kickstarter allows external website "promotion" but you can probably mention this in the campaign and say something like "UC members get a special gift- not a member yet - register here". Even if you just get say 10% of the new members to be active here or in card collecting - that would be great.

Re: UC2019 Annual Deck by Montenzi

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 7:23 am
by vasta41
montenzi wrote:...we can have one edition with foil only and another edition (with borders and white background on faces) without foil on cards.
...And THIS:
montenzi wrote:Foil for the back or faces is a stretch goal.
Would be perfect IMO. A few editions of the deck would be nice (and probable) but I would hope that not all the decks are blinged out. I may be in a minority here but I think one deck should be "basic-ish" as sort of a way to appreciate the foil/bling on the other deck(s) more.

The other reason I suggest this is because I know you'll be making many more decks in the future and most if not all of them will contain massive amounts of bling. However, no matter what you do here I am in and I don't think you could possibly screw this up. :ucstar:

Re: UC2019 Annual Deck by Montenzi

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 9:04 am
by Magic Tapp
Alex - please do consider embossing the tucks. It really makes a difference.

Re: UC2019 Annual Deck by Montenzi

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 10:41 am
by montenzi
I think that we don't need two green decks :mrgreen: [IMG removed[

Re: UC2019 Annual Deck by Montenzi (wap)

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 11:34 am
by Bradius
Just take my money and stop teasing me. I love it.

Re: UC2019 Annual Deck by Montenzi

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 11:51 am
by brownsl
Yes, I agree ... just take my money! These look very nice.

Re: UC2019 Annual Deck by Montenzi

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 12:05 pm
by hsbc
+1 for embossing :D I'd much, much rather have an embossed tuck than gilding

Re: UC2019 Annual Deck by Montenzi

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 12:38 pm
by Bradius
You might make the “roses” go from dark red at base to a lighter red at the tips the fit other color graduation going on (which looks great BTW)

Re: UC2019 Annual Deck by Montenzi

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 1:32 pm
by Mike Ratledge
montenzi wrote:I think that we don't need two green decks :mrgreen:



With foil ( just in case ):
Damn, that looks great, Alex!

Re: UC2019 Annual Deck by Montenzi

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 2:43 pm
by Magic Tapp
I am really loving this kaleidoscope feeling that I get from the backs.

Re: UC2019 Annual Deck by Montenzi

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 2:59 pm
by brownsl
I concur, +1 for embossing.

Re: UC2019 Annual Deck by Montenzi

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 5:02 pm
by MagikFingerz
Please, just go for that last one, it's awesome. I can't take this purgatory of variations any more...

Re: UC2019 Annual Deck by Montenzi

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 5:54 pm
by PrincessTrouble
montenzi wrote:I think that we don't need two green decks :mrgreen:

With foil ( just in case ):

Re: UC2019 Annual Deck by Montenzi

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 7:03 pm
by Decknowledgy
montenzi wrote:I think that we don't need two green decks :mrgreen:

With foil ( just in case ):
Don't know about the corners, feels a bit... empty?

Re: UC2019 Annual Deck by Montenzi

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 8:04 pm
by montenzi
Thanks! :mrgreen:
Decknowledgy wrote:Don't know about the corners, feels a bit... empty?
I had no time for more variations at 3am :D It's a concept.
Bradius wrote:You might make the “roses” go from dark red at base to a lighter red at the tips the fit other color graduation going on (which looks great BTW)
Agree! I tried NEON colors and probably left this red neon. I'll need to change it to something less vibrant.

I like this colorful back a lot! So now have more concerns about the borderless back than I had before. But I have some ideas :mrgreen:

p.s. embossing on a box is 100% confirmed, there is nothing to worry about

Re: UC2019 Annual Deck by Montenzi

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 11:09 pm
by brownsl
MagikFingerz wrote:Please, just go for that last one, it's awesome. I can't take this purgatory of variations any more...
Lol, I totally agree.

Re: UC2019 Annual Deck by Montenzi

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 4:44 pm
by Mike Ratledge
montenzi wrote:
I like this colorful back a lot! So now have more concerns about the borderless back than I had before. But I have some ideas :mrgreen:
I try not to overly influence our annual artist's design, but I really like the idea of a borderless deck, and the new rendering of the back looks sweet! (as already noted). Foiled looks beyond cool.

I forgot to point out that the green gilding looks simply awesome, also! (and agree with you that we don't need two green decks. Perhaps experiment with swapping reds and greens to make a primarily red back?)
Image removed by owner request

Re: UC2019 Annual Deck by Montenzi

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 5:08 pm
by Bradius
Don't know about the corners, feels a bit... empty?
In looking at the design, I agree with Decknowledgy on this point. It seems like we have a square design on a rectangular space and the top and bottom of the cards are not balanced. I think if you lengthened the orange "leaves" to reach further in the top and bottom, the design would be more rectangular. However I could be mistaken. In any event, the design is amazing.

Re: UC2019 Annual Deck by Montenzi

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 5:52 pm
by STLBluesNut
I love the orange on this!

Sent from my Galaxy 8 using Tapatalk

Re: UC2019 Annual Deck by Montenzi

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 5:56 pm
by montenzi
Yes, it's all about finding a balance! I'll move green or orange. It can be done easily as I already like this back a lot!

BTW, there is no symmetry, but it will be fixed ;)

I also had this (two days old sketches): [DELETED]

Re: UC2019 Annual Deck by Montenzi

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 6:11 pm
by Bradius
Actually, I prefer the previous version. The color combination and fading is just...stunning. It is kind of like a perfect fruit salad. I can't describe it, but it is spot on. Maybe it is the green shades balancing/complementing the orange and red shades better.

Re: UC2019 Annual Deck by Montenzi

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2019 9:56 am
by montenzi
Mike Ratledge wrote:
montenzi wrote:
I forgot to point out that the green gilding looks simply awesome, also! (and agree with you that we don't need two green decks. Perhaps experiment with swapping reds and greens to make a primarily red back?)
I am not sure about red. But I tried green. Both blue and green looks ok for a background. What about corners and cherry red on flowers?

[IMG removed]

Re: UC2019 Annual Deck by Montenzi

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2019 10:02 am
by Decknowledgy
Immediate greatness for fanning with that orange on the corners!!
I like the darker red too, it gives a more substantial look to it.

Re: UC2019 Annual Deck by Montenzi

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2019 10:11 am
by SirCrunoke
I think in cut1078 the background is too much the same color as the stripes, while in cut1073 it is ok due to foiling I think. But the blue looks better I think. Also I think it kinda gets a bit too much if you also fill in the corners that much, in my opinion. You can fill them but now there is nearly no background. That is just what I am feeling. But the foiled cut1073 still looks very good. The others are looking good to, not to say anything else.