Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - SHIPPING

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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - halt

Unread post by alvinhy »

My speculation about the whole issue would be that Erik had miscalculated the costs of the shipping/fulfillment and has ran out of cash.
He talked about how the Niagara shipping company would charge him an arm and a leg if they took the decks off the skids. Shouldn't that be discussed with the fulfilment company before hand about all costs?

I think the buskers deck was to gain enough profit so he can use that money to ship the remaining of the mana decks. But there wasn't enough. That is why he only shipped part of the big orders of Mana and some small orders.

Well, thats just what I think happened and what I would probably do if I didn't have enough cash for my projects (thank god I took math classes seriously in high school).
All in all, Hope Erik does come through this crap and fulfill all the decks. Shipping costs are extremely high for projects like ours. My previous projects shipping eats about 50% of the funds.
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - halt

Unread post by Gareth »

sms69x wrote: And he also blocked comments on his business page on facebook (" onclick=";return false;), so can't post my message there anymore.
Next step that I'm considering is to report the page to FB, arguing that he is trying to promote himself to rip people off as he did with the KS project. Maybe this is a bit to harsh, but if FB gets enough claims they sure may close his page. Let's see.
So... let me see, if we assume he's run into financial difficulties paying for postage (which IS speculation)... you're planning on taking away the only way he's likely to get to afford posting the decks? Sounds completely logical.
sms69x wrote:So next time please consider, before post, if your information is anyway good, otherwise keep it to yourself.
Seriously? You don't like the message - or it doesn't fit into your view that Erik is a scheming con-man - so you want to censor it?

I get that many want to punish Erik for real and/or perceived issues, but this constant harping and annoying him is really counter productive. If Mike (and others) are right with where he is at now, spending more time shouting and threatening him is only going to make it harder for him to ever resurface.
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - halt

Unread post by vasta41 »

Gareth wrote:...this constant harping and annoying him is really counter productive.
I wildly disagree. Don't get me wrong- I'm not calling for his head nor do I want to punish him but for all intents and purposes HE STOLE OUR MONEY (for the time being anyway)! If you want to let a snake oil salesman take your money and not say a peep about it, that's your fault. I, on the other hand, gave Erik my money out of faith that he'd either deliver a product on time or at least in a reasonable amount of time OR explain why he can't and I haven't received either. Neither have the majority of backers. And you think we're just supposed to be quite about it? Pat him on the back and say, "it's okay, Erik- you'll pull through this. Have fun with our money AND products in the meantime!" No way!!

Again, I'm not calling for his head (like some here) and unlike most, I'll still be happy if (BIG if) I ever get my decks. But the suggestion to either post uplifting comments or keep quiet is asinine. If this happened in any other line of business Erik would be considered a crook who can't be trusted and there would be an uproar.

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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - halt

Unread post by sms69x »

Gareth wrote: So... let me see, if we assume he's run into financial difficulties paying for postage (which IS speculation)... you're planning on taking away the only way he's likely to get to afford posting the decks? Sounds completely logical.
Since he is not shipping anything nor refunding anyone that is not happy with the campaign, yeah, I think that let other people know that they may run into a con-artist is a good thing to do.
Gareth wrote:Seriously? You don't like the message - or it doesn't fit into your view that Erik is a scheming con-man - so you want to censor it?
No, by all means, but letting people know that you are in touch with the guy and not providing any good information isn't something that is worth to post, and since we all know that Mike already got his decks makes the post even more frustating, as I said, I would love to be on the other side with my decks and be away from this mess that Erik put us through.
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - halt

Unread post by 4.of.Clubs »

Gareth wrote: Seriously? You don't like the message - or it doesn't fit into your view that Erik is a scheming con-man - so you want to censor it?
I just can't understand that if people are able to contact him, wouldn't they try to figure out why the decks hasn't shipped? They had a conversation, are you telling me the topic didn't come up? If it did, what was the outcome?! I know Mike already got his decks and by no means does he have to figure out when we will get ours. It's Erik's mess, not Mike's. But I do agree comments with zero info doesn't help us at all.

I've been trying to understandable and see that projects have its difficulties and delays. But as this thing go on, seeing how all the reseller's had gotten their decks and we've seen nothing (or any update and response) is just annoying. It's apparent he's not stuck in a hole somewhere, he has access to facebook, internet, KS, just refuses to do anything about it. I'd maybe let it go if it was lik $15, but I pledged $100 of my hard earned money. So yeah, I'm pissed.

I wonder if he's just going to let the fulfillment company keep all the decks and call it a day. He's got all the money already anyways.
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - halt

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

Guys & gals, my statement that he had finally responded to my Facebook Messenger wasn't meant as a taunt, nor was I saying anything other than what I said.

I am not going to recount it word for word, but essentially:

After listening for a few weeks, I decided the best tact to take was ask if there was any way I could help, and knowing that I had gotten no reply from email, going in, I stated that I didn't need an explanation.

His response was that there was nothing I could do.

That's pretty much it. I didn't press him for answers. It will come out eventually, although IMHO not soon enough at this point. I just wanted to see if there might be some way to bridge the gap. Erik is a big boy, he knows that he screwed up. I don't know any more, or obviously I would have said so...

I already ran an end run and asked Dave what he knew, and I guess nobody appreciates the fact that I was just trying to figure out how to help, in spite of the facts.
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - halt

Unread post by Bruno »

Aaaand for th'record alzo ....
Erik never asked for, nor ever expected sympathy from anybody. Ever. Least of all from UC. The stupid sympathy angle is just that, a UC construct.
For .... Ze Rrrrec-ord.
Carry on.
O, I beg of you your comprehensions,
yet laugh at your contempts ....
my only competition is with myselves.

But Lèse-majesté, especially >Normans, natch.

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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - halt

Unread post by snsdmonkey »

Bruno wrote:Aaaand for th'record alzo ....
Erik never asked for, nor ever expected sympathy from anybody. Ever. Least of all from UC. The stupid sympathy angle is just that, a UC construct.
For .... Ze Rrrrec-ord.
Carry on.
I never asked Erik if he wanted my sympathy. The stupid sympathy angle is just people trying to make excuses for a thief who deceived us throughout fulfilment, kissed a few of the big players' feet and when he finally got caught out has gone into hiding.

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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - halt

Unread post by Cbkimble »

Honestly, at first I would've considered him to have made just a really bad financial decision, but after this lack of communication, I have to call him a crook now.

He could have completely kept a majority of the abuse to a minimum if he had only kept communication and been honest with us. I don't buy the line about the fulfillment company being the problem and I don't give one shit about his personal issues. This is purely business and when you try to mix business with personal life, problems will always arise.
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - halt

Unread post by sinjin7 »

Bruno wrote:Aaaand for th'record alzo ....
Erik never asked for, nor ever expected sympathy from anybody. Ever. Least of all from UC. The stupid sympathy angle is just that, a UC construct.
For .... Ze Rrrrec-ord.
Carry on.
"I too have a regular job, a business, and a family that I'm juggling delicately."

"We're close to the finish line and I could use the positive support rather than the aggression at this point. The stress is enormous."

"First off, I want to thank many of you who’ve been so supportive and positive over this project. Your patience is unbelievable! It is your kind messages of support, encouragement and understanding that keeps me going."

"today’s update couldn’t be any more difficult, frustrating and disheartening for me, because I know I'm letting everyone down again and I will have to face yet another string of violent reactions, personal attacks and nasty hurtful messages from some backers. Giving this kind of update is never easy for anyone to do so I hope you'll understand what I'm going through here - even just a little."

"People are upset. I get it. I’ve read it many times over the duration of this project and I know I won't see the end of it anytime soon. I’m enduring as much as I can, but I hope you’ll understand that I may not respond to hurtful messages and comments, because it’s just poison, it drags me and other good people down, it’s counter productive and it really doesn’t help the situation."

"obviously I’m not looking for more hate."

This sure sounds like a lot off begging for sympathy from Erik, NOT just a UC construct. All the above are direct quotes from Erik from his KS campaign, so its ALL ON THE RECORD. I'm not making any of this up, I don't put words in Erik's mouth for him, and I don't pretend to speak for him (unlike one person :roll: )

The beautiful thing about "Ze Rrrrec-ord" is that its out there for all to see and can be used to disprove foolish and silly assertions.
Carry on
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - halt

Unread post by Bruno »

Unsurprisingly, an appeal from the heart to your Humanity, sinjin, an appeal for some Humanity, after all the vilification, is plainly beyond you.
What a carry on.
O, I beg of you your comprehensions,
yet laugh at your contempts ....
my only competition is with myselves.

But Lèse-majesté, especially >Normans, natch.

Is jarnstill the Ars of the Hors Nebulous ?
Neigh .... the Effluxor of the Omniverse ??
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - halt

Unread post by montecarlojoe »

All he's done is take your claim and show that it was incorrect.

Whether or not the quoted text is an acceptable excuse is another question.

Whether or not other members live up to your standard of humanity is probably a question best kept to yourself ;)
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - halt

Unread post by Bruno »

A subtle distinction beyond you too then.
Vilification, Demonising .... all part of the truncated ethics purveyed in this tale.
The man is Begging for a higher reasoning, but no, you will line up for your pound.
O, I beg of you your comprehensions,
yet laugh at your contempts ....
my only competition is with myselves.

But Lèse-majesté, especially >Normans, natch.

Is jarnstill the Ars of the Hors Nebulous ?
Neigh .... the Effluxor of the Omniverse ??
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - halt

Unread post by TGunitedcardists »

Bruno wrote:A subtle distinction beyond you too then.
Vilification, Demonising .... all part of the truncated ethics purveyed in this tale.
The man is Begging for a higher reasoning, but no, you will line up for your pound.
Translation: No, I will never admit I was completely wrong and I don't know what I'm talking about, yet I continue.
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - halt

Unread post by montecarlojoe »

Bruno wrote:A subtle distinction beyond you too then.
Vilification, Demonising .... all part of the truncated ethics purveyed in this tale.
The man is Begging for a higher reasoning, but no, you will line up for your pound.
I never said I wasn't sympathetic (though I am waiting for my decks too).

But facts are facts - you made a claim that was demonstrably false.

I would appreciate it if you kept judgements of my character or intelligence to yourself.

Higher reasoning and requests for understanding and patience is fine - and he would get it - if he took the time to communicate regularly and manage our expectations. Unfortunately the silence is deafening.
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - halt

Unread post by ecNate »


Bee bop ba boo dee doop!!!


It's been so long waiting on this I decided to go back and review the KickStarter project and related updates. There sure were a lot of problems getting the tuck right and finding a place to do it. I sure hope these end up going out eventually since it was my first/last Mana backed project, but in my opinion has the potential to be the best one. I'm not sure how I'll personally respond, but I sincerely hope whatever the issues are he comes to terms with them and gets this wrapped up and tries to make amends and continue on in some capacity with evidence of learning from this and seeing that such a situation never happens again.

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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - halt

Unread post by Bruno »

Sorry you got caught in that volley, MCJ. P.M. for you.
And sincere thanks to you too, the ever reliable ecNate.
O, I beg of you your comprehensions,
yet laugh at your contempts ....
my only competition is with myselves.

But Lèse-majesté, especially >Normans, natch.

Is jarnstill the Ars of the Hors Nebulous ?
Neigh .... the Effluxor of the Omniverse ??
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - halt

Unread post by adanyeva2 »

I'm waiting these decks for almost 2 years now. I didn't receive anything. I pledged for the full Mana collection ($150!!!) and I must consider them lost and I swindled. I tried to contact this man and no word was replied. It is a shame.
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - halt

Unread post by hikeeba »

Anyone is Washington State? They seem to know how to handle this: ... d-project/" onclick=";return false;

If he doesn't want the help to make it right then we need to get the law involved.
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - halt

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

hikeeba wrote:Anyone is Washington State? They seem to know how to handle this: ... d-project/" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

If he doesn't want the help to make it right then we need to get the law involved.
Having worked for the Executive Office for United States Attorneys for 8 years, I can tell you that the US Attorneys in Washington can't do squat about someone who lives in Canada.
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - halt

Unread post by hikeeba »

Mike Ratledge wrote:
hikeeba wrote:Anyone is Washington State? They seem to know how to handle this: ... d-project/" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;.

If he doesn't want the help to make it right then we need to get the law involved.
Having worked for the Executive Office for United States Attorneys for 8 years, I can tell you that the US Attorneys in Washington can't do squat about someone who lives in Canada.
That's why it's nice to have good diplomatic relations! Let's get him extradited! Use your pull!
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - halt

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

hikeeba wrote:
Mike Ratledge wrote:
hikeeba wrote:Anyone is Washington State? They seem to know how to handle this: ... d-project/" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;..

If he doesn't want the help to make it right then we need to get the law involved.
Having worked for the Executive Office for United States Attorneys for 8 years, I can tell you that the US Attorneys in Washington can't do squat about someone who lives in Canada.
That's why it's nice to have good diplomatic relations! Let's get him extradited! Use your pull!
LMAO... 20 years playing James Bond was enough for me. After I went back to Department of State, then U S Cybercom (read NSA - it's the military side of National Security) I retired, although I keep my Top Secret clearance by consulting for the FBI's InfraGard.
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - halt

Unread post by montecarlojoe »

Now you've told us that, how long till the G-Men turn up to silence us lol ??
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - halt

Unread post by Tayranno »

Mike Ratledge wrote: LMAO... 20 years playing James Bond was enough for me. After I went back to Department of State, then U S Cybercom (read NSA - it's the military side of National Security) I retired, although I keep my Top Secret clearance by consulting for the FBI's InfraGard.
Is the Denmark flag part of your cover? :lol:
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - halt

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

montecarlojoe wrote:Now you've told us that, how long till the G-Men turn up to silence us lol ??
Good point. I can't even tell you where I went for the State Department, but I speak Danish, not Turkish... :lol:
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - halt

Unread post by billdragon »

emmm, mana is a really cool deck
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - halt

Unread post by vasta41 »

billdragon wrote:emmm, mana is a really cool deck
Curing cancer is cool too but we're more likely to see that before we get our decks.
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - halt

Unread post by Talisman »

I've been wondering if Erik has possession of the Sybil inventory now that it seems that the decks won't be fulfilled from that fulfillment company in Buffalo, NY. If so, I may have to make arrangements with him to get my cards if I can get contact with him and meaning that I'd have to pay again to have them shipped to me.
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - halt

Unread post by Justin O. »

Talisman wrote:... If so, I may have to make arrangements with him to get my cards if I can get contact with him and meaning that I'd have to pay again to have them shipped to me.
I'm not going to pay shipping twice, waiting this long is penance enough.
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - halt

Unread post by CBJ »

Update #49

" Hi everyone. I’ve neglected my backers and I know you all deserve better than this and I deserve every bit of your anger, hate, insults and criticism. I’m very sorry for the lack of communication.

Despite my lack of presence, I have NOT abandoned this project. I know that may be hard to believe because of my negligence. I completely understand that. But that being said, I truly have not abandoned this project. Take that however you want.

This project has become a hell for me. Everything that could go wrong did go wrong. It cost me more money than projected, it is now over a year late in delivery, fulfillment is at a stall and I’ve let down all of you.

My first batches of shipments was not a good experience at all. Not only was the service horrible, it cost me a lot more than expected. This is a huge concern to me, because I could not justify over paying on terrible shipping services. I felt I was being taken advantaged of and what’s worse is that I didn’t have any alternative options.

Needless to say, things got pretty ugly between the fulfillment company and me. Pretty strong words were exchanged. It got to a point where we were not communicating on a professional level. We basically lost contact for over a month. I even considered pulling out all the Sybil decks from the Niagara warehouse without any feasible option to store the decks and fulfill the project on my own. If I did that, it would have cost me so much more money that I didn’t have.

I did not know how to explain this to all of you knowing I would get more backlash from backers. Knowing that I failed this project yet again. All I could do was step away from it temporarily and focus on getting my other KS project (Buskers) completed and out of the way. Otherwise it would have been two major problems for me to deal with.

During that time, I made a decision to redirect the entire Buskers project from Niagara to my old shipping partner in Ohio, where we got the job done quickly. Buskers was completed and fulfilled, but not without its own setbacks. You may be asking why I didn’t send Sybil to Ohio as well. The thought did cross my mind, but it wasn’t that simple nor was it practical. I would have done it if it didn’t mean costing me more money.

On top of all of my KS problems, there is also my personal life that has its own share of problems. I’m sorry, but my own personal life, family and work must take priority. Otherwise, things would have been a lot worse for me now and the Sybil project would not be moving at all. I have to admit there was even a point when the Sybil problems seemed quite trivial and tiny in comparison to what I was dealing with in my own life. I cannot expect any of you to empathize or understand any of this, but if you’ve ever gone through some tough times in your life, then I hope you’ll understand even just a little.

Funds have depleted and I’ve lost a lot of money on this project already. Much of that had to do with the redo of the tuck boxes, the first batch of shipments, and the fast and steady decline of the Canadian dollar, which affected both Buskers and Sybil heavily last year. Back in 2014 (during the KS campaign) the US/Canadian dollar was $1USD = $1.08CDN. Last year it dropped to $1.35CDN. That is a huge drop in our dollar. To give you some perspective of what that translates to for the cost to produce Sybil, which include the decks, uncut sheets, the coins, both tuck box manufacturing, the collector boxes, and the shipping between China to Taiwan to US was just over $31,000 USD, at an average of $1.28 that equates to over $39,680.

This year, the dollar has been floating between $1.35 to $1.42. So for every $1000 USD I spend for shipping, it will cost me $350 to $400+ more. That’s not peanuts. It is offensive and literally debilitating to any Canadian business that relies on US suppliers. Not to mention that USPS has also increased their rates and has changed the way they charge international packages.

I want you all to know that I am still working on this project and I have not abandoned it. The fulfillment company and I are back to communicating to get things moving again. We’ve made “peace” so to speak. They are making efforts to offer better rates for me, which is a small consolation to the already damaged situation. Deliveries will be slow. But I’m busting my ass off to get things delivered even if it’s a little at a time. I’m chipping away at it. I’ve been blessed with some good friends that have offered their help and support. To those people - Thank you! You know who you are!

This week I will be visiting the Niagara warehouse to prep packages and train some staff there on how to package the decks carefully. I have packed all the past batches that have gone out so far. I’m a bit of a control freak when it comes to packing these decks but I cannot always be in Niagara to do the job. Now I must make sure that this staff knows exactly how these decks must be packaged to ensure the best protection.

Anyone who knows me and my past projects will tell you that I WILL deliver. I even delivered on Buskers, which was after the fact. Sybil is a very specific case of a chain reaction of one problem after another after another after another. I’ve lost sleep over it, gotten sick over it, taken a lot of abuse over it and I’ve even lost work over it. I’m physically, mentally and emotionally spent over these playing cards.

All I can do right now is work at it and eventually get these decks delivered. I cannot say when, because I really don’t know. Just know that they WILL eventually get delivered. This will take me a while to get done, but I will not stop until it is done.

Again, I apologize for my missteps in this project, for the lack of communication and obviously for the delays. I’m hoping for better updates in the future.

Erik "

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