add-ons and reward tiers

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add-ons and reward tiers

Unread post by fars »

wouldnt it be easier for a KS creator to just do the different increments of decks in reward tiers and add-ons for non-deck rewards? (ie. posters, coins)

I'm looking at some of the campaigns on KS and calculating add-ons, seems much pricier than pledging the reward tiers. Is this common for campaigns to make more off add-on decks?
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Re: add-ons and reward tiers

Unread post by montecarlojoe »

One factor in that is that in the tiers packaging and shipping of the bulk of the tier can be taken into account - which is tricky to do with addons.

Another factor is that the addons may constitute a whole new printing run with likely fewer decks being bought, or shorter runs which cost more per deck to print. The cost of that run needs to be covered too.

I doub't creators are making more off addons than the basic tiers even if they do cost a dollar or so more per deck.
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Re: add-ons and reward tiers

Unread post by fars »

I always thought be easier to keep track with tier rewards strictly for decks. Add-ons is anything besides decks (coins, posters etc.). I do notice a price difference in some campaigns between tier pledge and add-ons.

Thanks for offering your insight.
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