"Twisted" by Dark Matter KK (WIP)

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"Twisted" by Dark Matter KK (WIP)

Unread post by darkmatter »


I have temporarily abandoned my deck "Constellation", and started working on a completely different concept. My new deck tentatively named "Twisted" is in the works. I will be re-imagining some of the courts from my "Vellichor" deck, (the ones I love) the rest will be new.

This first card was based on the King of Clubs from my last deck. I have included a King of Diamonds version as well, but that is only so you could see the diamond pip and how the red suits look... but all face cards will be unique. In short, you are viewing the King of Clubs.

Marker cards will use my own pips and pip layout, but will be mostly standard... example coming soon.

I am open to all comments, so fire away. If I didn't want your opinions I wouldn't post a WIP.

Thanks in advance,
~ Mat

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Re: "Twisted" by Dark Matter KK (WIP)

Unread post by Kleetz »

Digging the Kings, though the back design doesn't really match in my opinion. It's too... simple? The courts have good depth while the back seems like it's missing something.

Looking forward to more!

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Re: "Twisted" by Dark Matter KK (WIP)

Unread post by sprouts1115 »

darkmatter - It's great that your putting your artwork out there and saying "Hey, what do you think". I'll keep it simple. Ppl don't like repeating courts. I'm sure people can give you examples. The courts need to be different. A card by itself needs to be readable near and at a distance. Different Images works better rather than different colors. I also notice you don't use a suit indicator. It also helps distinguish the card suit at a distance.
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Re: "Twisted" by Dark Matter KK (WIP)

Unread post by darkmatter »

sprouts1115 wrote:darkmatter - It's great that your putting your artwork out there and saying "Hey, what do you think". I'll keep it simple. Ppl don't like repeating courts. I'm sure people can give you examples. The courts need to be different. A card by itself needs to be readable near and at a distance. Different Images works better rather than different colors. I also notice you don't use a suit indicator. It also helps distinguish the card suit at a distance.

Mr. Sprouts

The deck won't have repeating courts I just used it to show what my diamond pip looks like, that cards is the king of clubs.... read my original post again.

I'm also confused about the suit indicator comment. I have pips on both cards?? Can you rephrase??

- M
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Re: "Twisted" by Dark Matter KK (WIP)

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

Sprouts: I think you may need to include this explanation every time this comes up, since it seems very few has actually heard of suit indicators as a term.

darkmatter: A suit indicator is the big pip that traditionally is put on court cards, which is separate from the indices. The indices are in the corner and have the value and a pip, while the suit indicator is a separate bigger pip usually located on either side of the court's head. Its function is to make the suit more distinguishable from a distance.
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Re: "Twisted" by Dark Matter KK (WIP)

Unread post by NCarter »

I always like the bizzaro creative decks like this.

Its still early stages but I look forward to seeing a full suit!
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Re: "Twisted" by Dark Matter KK (WIP)

Unread post by darkmatter »

I messed around with a suit indicator on the K of S, comments welcome. I'm not sure if I like it, and it just might get in the way of the art on other courts already in the works... I'll have to see as this deck progresses.

I numbered the kings, so if you'd like to comment just reference that number.

Included 2 marker cards as well... and still messing with the backs... I'm not in love with them yet.

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Re: "Twisted" by Dark Matter KK (WIP)

Unread post by Levent Suberk »

There is no pictures of Twisted cards.
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Re: "Twisted" by Dark Matter KK (WIP)

Unread post by ecNate »

Not a fan of the color scheme, it's still a dark theme, but doesn't give off a dark vibe as much. I'm also not a fan of the colors no matter the context so perhaps it's just me. I'm also not a steam punk fan so hoping your other courts will not be full of octopus and steampunk-like content from the first deck. Even with all that, I'm interested. It's weird enough and hoping the rest add even more. I really wished you had used more of the creepy sources and made a full deck of the same style of Vellichor clubs and jokers. That's actually close to something I was planning on doing and use public domain victorian macabre art. So if you don't....

Anyhow, as for which suit indicator, it's an art deck more than a functional one and this is a minor point in function IMO. Therefore, I say #1 or #3 if you think it's needed. #2 is interesting, but it just makes me wonder if it would be more interesting if it was placed right in the middle and the court design worked around it.
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Re: "Twisted" by Dark Matter KK (WIP)

Unread post by darkmatter »

I really wished you had used more of the creepy sources and made a full deck of the same style of Vellichor clubs and jokers. That's actually close to something I was planning on doing and use public domain victorian macabre art. So if you don't....
Sorry you don't dig the color scheme... My last deck was so dark, I want to go the other way on this one.

My wife was just saying this to me last night... that I should make a "playable" version of my Vellichor deck. (My personal favorite is the clubs for sure.) I was thinking of putting up a poll as to which suit from that deck they'd like to see flushed out into a full deck.... but I'm not sure which section of UC that type of thing would go in... anyone know??

If you guys want it... I'll make it.

~ Mat
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Re: "Twisted" by Dark Matter KK (WIP)

Unread post by ecNate »

darkmatter wrote:I was thinking of putting up a poll as to which suit from that deck they'd like to see flushed out into a full deck.... but I'm not sure which section of UC that type of thing would go in... anyone know??

If you guys want it... I'll make it.

~ Mat
That would be the 'Custom Deck Drafting Board' where you are posting now. Just create a new thread for it. I'll save my comments and suggestions for that until you get it up.

DO IT!!!!!!!!
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Re: "Twisted" by Dark Matter KK (WIP)

Unread post by Levent Suberk »

Can you see the images? There are img letters instead of images. Perhaps I could not see them in my browser.
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Re: "Twisted" by Dark Matter KK (WIP)

Unread post by ecNate »

Levent Suberk wrote:Can you see the images? There are img letters instead of images. Perhaps I could not see them in my browser.
Yes, I will download and attach for you.
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Re: "Twisted" by Dark Matter KK (WIP)

Unread post by Levent Suberk »

Thanks ecNate.

I confused with the shape of spade, I realized it is a club. A different shape will be good. Drawings and colors are very good. Second example is best.
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Re: "Twisted" by Dark Matter KK (WIP)

Unread post by sprouts1115 »

MagikFingerz wrote:Sprouts: I think you may need to include this explanation every time this comes up, since it seems very few has actually heard of suit indicators as a term.

darkmatter: A suit indicator is the big pip that traditionally is put on court cards, which is separate from the indices. The indices are in the corner and have the value and a pip, while the suit indicator is a separate bigger pip usually located on either side of the court's head. Its function is to make the suit more distinguishable from a distance.
That is the definition. I'll try to quote that later.

darkmatter - #1 is an art deck. Sometimes they make the suit index larger to compensate for no suit indicator. #2 I've seen in some Tarot Cards. #3 is standard. You could have a #4 with the indicator on the right side. And lastly, #5 where it's in the court itself. Lately, I've seen it break up into parts to form the suit indicator... A club 3 parts? spade 4 parts? and a diamond 4 parts?... Basically, It a bunch of little badges to make a suit.

You have lots of options:
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