Chord Cards KS

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Chord Cards KS

Unread post by jerichoholic »

Sorry but who wants to learn how to play guitar with a deck of cards? Seems like it would be a pain in the rear to me. They even have a custom brick box for some reason.

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Re: Chord Cards KS

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

I think it's a rather neat idea. Certainly not for card collectors, and the practical use may be limited, but I think they deserve props for a creative use of custom playing cards.
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Re: Chord Cards KS

Unread post by rousselle »

Next thing you know, someone will make a deck glorifying bowling splits.

Oh, wait.

At least nobody has started making puns about this deck the way we did with some of the others. But don't fret, I'm sure someone will string a few together in the neck of time.
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Re: Chord Cards KS

Unread post by th4mo »

rousselle wrote: At least nobody has started making puns about this deck the way we did with some of the others. But don't fret, I'm sure someone will string a few together in the neck of time.
Oh jeez... where is the "UNTHANK" button!!! :ugthink: :lol:
Keep it Sizzlin'!
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Re: Chord Cards KS

Unread post by RickDavidson »

All I hear is a nasty thwack as you try to strum a chord before the card falls out. Problem is guitars are different neck widths and lengths. Nice to see thinking outside the box tho.

Stuck a chord with me there Rousselle. Maybe it just needs a little fune tuning. Pull a few strings and it'll be on key.
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Re: Chord Cards KS

Unread post by Tcumminsky »

MagikFingerz wrote:I think it's a rather neat idea. Certainly not for card collectors, and the practical use may be limited, but I think they deserve props for a creative use of custom playing cards.
I totally agree! It's nice to know someone actually gets the true value of this deck! :):):)
I don't speak for the world of guitar learners like SOME people, but I have had a lot of positive feedback from those who have trouble learning! :)
They say that having a visual guide helps immensely, and that they are able to learn more quickly by having this visual aid that shows them where to place there fingers for each chord!
I think it's a fabulous idea that should be shared to all guitar learner's and teacher's alike from all over! :):):)
We all learn in our own way and pace, and have been told that this is a great way to start!

It's rather simple, really!...
You just place the card in the fret (the different size of frets is so miniscule by comparison that it in no way interferes with the function of the guide), set your fingers to match the guide, remove the card and strum!

Sorry to dissapoint those who thought that the guitar was played with card still in place...this is an assumption that came from just looking at the pics, and not reading about the deck's function. ;)

Quote from the Creator directly - "I did not make this deck to gain fortune or for the average Collector! I created this deck to help those, like my little brother, to better understand and learn how to play! I know that some learn better visually, so when I drew an example on a regular card from an old deck I had to show him where to place his fingers...he picked it up so quickly that it occurred to me that this could help others as well!"

Kudos to the Creator for thinking Outside the box! :):):)

And a special thanks to you, @MagikFingerz, for seeing the decks true worth with an open mind! {warm smile}

Thanks for reading! :):):)
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Re: Chord Cards KS

Unread post by sprouts1115 »

Tcumminsky - Are you the creator? If so, you get a badge.

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Re: Chord Cards KS - Ukulele Deck

Unread post by Tcumminsky »

***30 Hrs Left!***
#Ukulele Deck on #Kickstarter via #ChordCards
Chord Cards Ukulele Deck
Chord Cards Ukulele Deck
Chord Cards Ukulele Deck.jpg (165.74 KiB) Viewed 1203 times
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Re: Chord Cards KS

Unread post by Tcumminsky »

[quote="sprouts1115"]Tcumminsky - Are you the creator? If so, you get a badge.
No, I am a Supporter to the Creator :D
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Re: Chord Cards KS

Unread post by loadcartoons »

Hey guys this is Logan K. the creator of ChordCards and I'm glad to hear some really awesome and kind things about my project on here, just like all 177 backer who all think its great idea to use playing cards to learn guitar chords, Keep up the good work!
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Re: Chord Cards KS

Unread post by iCollectPlayingCards »

Successfully funded and not only that, but for every deck sold the guys are sending a deck to troops serving overseas. I'm in for a couple of decks and an uncut. I reckon it's a great idea, and fair play for the gesture.
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Re: Chord Cards KS

Unread post by iCollectPlayingCards »

MagikFingerz wrote:I think it's a rather neat idea. Certainly not for card collectors, and the practical use may be limited, but I think they deserve props for a creative use of custom playing cards.
Hate to be an upstart but I'm a card collector, have been for 30 years, and I have pledged for these. I think what we each have in our collections is a matter of personal choice. That's why no 2 card collectors on here will ever have the exact same decks in their collection. I like or I don't. I want them in my collection or I don't. And I want these :)
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