Cats and Dogs Royale playing cards relaunch now on KS

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Cats and Dogs Royale playing cards relaunch now on KS

Unread post by badpete69 »

Take two







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Re: Cats and Dogs Royale playing cards and CatSnapp app KS

Unread post by jerichoholic »

If they had a goal that was more reasonable for this type of deck they might actually fund, but $16,000 is way too high of a goal.
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Re: Cats and Dogs Royale playing cards and CatSnapp app KS

Unread post by Collector »

jerichoholic wrote:If they had a goal that was more reasonable for this type of deck they might actually fund, but $16,000 is way too high of a goal.
Too high for the decks or too high for the mobile program?

The artist doesn't have Kickstarter experience at all -> bad planning. These playing card designs are really nice. Taking into account only cat-lovers, these decks can have enormous success in case of their reasonable planning and positioning.

p.s. [a little secret - these decks were printed earlier] ... ad-taylor/
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Re: Cats and Dogs Royale playing cards and CatSnapp app KS

Unread post by Gareth »

Collector wrote:The artist doesn't have Kickstarter experience at all -> bad planning. These playing card designs are really nice. Taking into account only cat-lovers, these decks can have enormous success in case of their reasonable planning and positioning.

p.s. [a little secret - these decks were printed earlier] ... ad-taylor/
Yes, the decks are way too expensive and there doesn't appear to be any way to get more than 1. i.e. $15 pledge gets the cat deck and the mobile game. But it's $50 for the dog deck as well. To be successful as it is, he'll need 1,000+ backers - which for a project like this just isn't likely.

$16,500 NZD is about $11,500 USD for comparison, so it probably looks more expensive than it really is. The fact that this is in the 'Publishing' category just shows how unplanned this is - there just doesn't appear to be any focus for the campaign - is it the cards, or the game?

Thanks for the link - the cards look much better in more detail. I know a few people who'd probably enjoy these, so if there was something like a mixed brick for around $100-$120 NZD I could be interested, but this needs a lot of work.
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Re: Cats and Dogs Royale playing cards and CatSnapp app KS

Unread post by ecNate »

This is totally the kind of weird crap I would get, just because it's weird and good artwork too. Yeah, it's kitsch and tasteless, but it's zany. I like it. The structure of this project is just too messed up though. I have no interest in an app, but want both decks. Why is dog deck in the super elite package only? Do over.

You'll also note he addresses the cost a bit in the FAQ and also admits he should have done app and cards separate. I agree, but at the very least and perhaps better would be to focus on the decks and then have the apps as a separate solo tier and as an addon. Really needs more options on getting cat or dog or both, plus multiples.

I went ahead and pledged for it just to keep updated on any changes and new attempts. I also shared this thread so hopefully he can get some advice and make this work.
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Re: Cats and Dogs Royale playing cards and CatSnapp app KS

Unread post by geradtaylor »

Thanks for the interest in the cards! Although the previous post is incorrect - the cards have never been printed. I promoted them online to see what sort of interest there was a while ago but didn't go ahead at that point with printing them. I agree (being a total and ignorant newbie) that the Kickstarter project was not thought through very well and is not viable in it's present form. I think the best thing to do is is as you advised ecNate, cancel the project and just do the cards as a first take. Hopefully those who have pledged will do so again. Also perhaps do a smaller run of them initially to bring the cost down a bit - although the scales of economy don't work nearly so well with a smaller run of say 1000.
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Re: Cats and Dogs Royale playing cards relaunch now on KS

Unread post by geradtaylor »

I have relaunched the project here: ... ying-cards" onclick=";return false;

I am still aiming to get enough to print 5000 units to keep the costs down and have offered rewards that make a bit more sense. Any further comments are welcome!
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Re: Cats and Dogs Royale playing cards relaunch now on KS

Unread post by badpete69 »

Gerad I already had updated the first post with pics so you are good to go. My only comment is $15 shipping for 1 deck???? Holy fudge :ugthink: :ugthink:
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Re: Cats and Dogs Royale playing cards relaunch now on KS

Unread post by geradtaylor »

Faantastic. Thanks for posting the images.

Unfortunately the cost of shipping from NZ to the States or UK at (US$10) NZ$15 is ridiculous completely nullifying a $15 pledge unless the shipping is charged for. That's the best price I can get out of NZPost and they're generally cheaper than courier companies.
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Re: Cats and Dogs Royale playing cards relaunch now on KS

Unread post by geradtaylor »

... I've reduced the shipping cost on the $15 pledge to $10 and will subsidise the rest. Obviously if I charged no shipping for this pledge the pledge would virtually only cover the shipping.
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Re: Cats and Dogs Royale playing cards relaunch now on KS

Unread post by Eoghann »

$47 NZD is $32.44 USD for one of each shipped to it's pretty on par with most of KS projects live right now. Still steep but not as exorbitant as I thought.
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Re: Cats and Dogs Royale playing cards relaunch now on KS

Unread post by ecNate »

Well contracting out shipping direct from the US can often reduce expenses since chances are 75%+ of backers will be from US/Canada. Probably too late to figure that out for this project, but something to keep in mind if you ever do this again. I wish I could remember who Explore project used coming from Australia ( ... y-imagine/" onclick=";return false;). They may have used a US based fulfillment center, but perhaps not...anyhow it was quite reasonable and workable for them.
Kings Wild also has a fullfillment branch, but not sure where they moved that info site too - ... ment-unite

The NZ$ will turn people off right away, unfamiliar and some have to pay small foreign transaction fee, but unfortately many won't immediately make the NZD vs USD connection and see it as too expensive. It's not totally out of line compared to other projects, but a bit high still. Especially since it's not EPCC or USPCC as the printer.

However, I did see you plan to use a tin container instead of a standard tuckcase. Again, I really think the greater appeal is for a standard tuck which I assume would also be cheaper. That said, almost everybody here will want some kind of printed container and not just shrinkwrap or a generic plastic box, so glad you're not skimping there. Anyhow, since you already relaunched too late to make adjustments here and for cost, but something to consider on future efforts.
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Re: Cats and Dogs Royale playing cards relaunch now on KS

Unread post by DragonSoul »

The 2 of each pledge is about $42 US. Very reasonable. What I don't see is a price for add-ons. I know a couple of folks who are crazy about cats in particular. They would find these amusing.
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Re: Cats and Dogs Royale playing cards and CatSnapp app KS

Unread post by Collector »

geradtaylor wrote:...Although the previous post is incorrect - the cards have never been printed. I promoted them online to see what sort of interest there was a while ago but didn't go ahead at that point with printing them...
As you understand, my appropriate knowledge is based on your own information provided in comments to the post. Also your appropriate behance page had other information in 2013. Pre-order on Etsy and some on-line promotion are different things. In the end of the day, both really don’t prove the fact of the production. I don’t have reasons do not believe you. But be careful with wording next time.

Legends Playing Card Company and its fulfilment center will add backers for your playing card project on Kickstarter and make cheaper international shipping for the whole world.
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Re: Cats and Dogs Royale playing cards relaunch now on KS

Unread post by jerichoholic »

Well this has been cancelled. Not sure why the creator waited until almost the last day to cancel.
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Re: Cats and Dogs Royale playing cards relaunch now on KS

Unread post by ecNate »

Yeah, it's too bad. It was definitely rushed though without really understanding how to run a KS project, especially a card one. Then on having problems pointed out was far too quickly rushed into a relaunch without getting it all right. Hopefully the time is taken now to regroup and do it right, because this is the kind of weird crap I love. Whimsical animal decks usually have a tough time, but with proper planning, a cheap printer, the right distribution and correct pricing I think this could make it on a round 2.
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