The Guild Of Artisans by Theory11

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Re: The Guild Of Artisans by Theory11

Unread post by Ryric »

Looks like someone suffered a paper it in the line of duty (bandage on index finger)
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Re: The Guild Of Artisans by Theory11

Unread post by MJF »

hand folded? Seriously? ... just have a machine do it and get me my decks on time...

Days I've been waiting since making my order:

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Re: The Guild Of Artisans by Theory11

Unread post by siegismyname »

Maybe they flew the undone boxes and decks to LV instead of flying them 3 to Erlanger. That would make more sense. This is also not the first time t11 decks have been hand assembled. Didn't they do that with the gold monarchs?

Re: The Guild Of Artisans by Theory11

Unread post by Russell »

MJF wrote:hand folded? Seriously? ... just have a machine do it and get me my decks on time...
Days I've been waiting since making my order:

I'm sure (for some reason) hand folding must be quicker. Otherwise, why would they do it?

>waiting 19 days and griping
>deck going instantly to storage-box

Yes, I agree they should have said something when they realized it wouldn't be ready within a week of orders.
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Re: The Guild Of Artisans by Theory11

Unread post by walrus »

cosmicsecret wrote:
Encarded wrote:Via instagram, "Each of these boxes was hand folded by Andrei Jikh, Michael James, and Bryant Aucoin. We worked through the night to personally help USPC finish as many decks as possible today!"

So T11 flies 3 (relatively famous) people from one side of the country to the other, to help USPCC package decks. That seems...rather odd. Somehow USPCC had the manpower to package up thousands of my decks without my help, perhaps because that's what I pay them for? Bizarre.

god bless i´m not the only one who found this status message unbelievable.
but who knows what kind of contract Andrei and Michael have with T11.... (here is soo much space for sarcasm left...but i will leave it to walrus to make the bad jokes)
Hmmm...thank you for the aknowledgement. I pride myself on stupid jokes.
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Re: The Guild Of Artisans by Theory11

Unread post by cosmicsecret »

MJF wrote:hand folded? Seriously? ... just have a machine do it and get me my decks on time...

Days I've been waiting since making my order:

That´s how we international customers feel when waiting for our orders to arive,it´s nice isnt it? :D
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Re: The Guild Of Artisans by Theory11

Unread post by MJF »

Russell wrote:>waiting 19 days and griping
>deck going instantly to storage-box
What does it matter what I do with my decks? Business is business. I paid for an item and should get it within a reasonable time... Even the items I've ordered from Kenneth get here faster than that and that's going through the Hong Kong mail service...

The problem is Theory 11 basically labeled a pre-order as a regular sale - that's been hashed out already though on this board.
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Re: The Guild Of Artisans by Theory11

Unread post by walrus »

I agree with you MJF. You payed for it you should get it on time. I think Russ is just pointing out how whacked we collectors are sometimes, I know I fit right in that category.
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Re: The Guild Of Artisans by Theory11

Unread post by Assassino13 »

Personally, I really like the box and back design. But the lack of customization from such a big company puts me off.
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Re: The Guild Of Artisans by Theory11

Unread post by Encarded »

I'm not upset about it or anything, I just find this particular update so curious. I know for a fact that USPCC can take a stack of 5000 uncut sheets and a bunch of flat boxes and turn them into finished, cellophaned decks in 1 day.

Aurum required taking the special laser cut decks and pulling them off the line to do by hand. This was a highly-out-of-the-ordinary procedure. We talked about it and felt it was necessary to preserve the delicate laser cut detail, but doing those by hand required some non-routine employee scheduling and approvals to be done.

The Artisan deck is just a regular deck. USPCC should shovel them through the machines and in a day or two you'd have tens of thousands of decks ready to go. I can't think of any reason people like Andrei would need to be assembling decks, other than for marketing. If that stack of boxes in the picture was a hundred decks, it would take longer to put those unassembled tuck boxes into packing, ship them Fedex, open them up, fold them, glue them, put the cards in, and cellophane them then it would to simply blast them through the automated machines.

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Re: The Guild Of Artisans by Theory11

Unread post by Ryric »

Something got screwed up and they lost their place in line?
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Re: The Guild Of Artisans by Theory11

Unread post by CBJ »

Ryric wrote:Something got screwed up and they lost their place in line?
Considering T11 and USPC have a partnership, I find this HIGHLY unlikely ... rtnership/" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

I can not see T11 getting bumper from the line... actually I would think the opposite.. they could jump the line .

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Re: The Guild Of Artisans by Theory11

Unread post by BMPokerworld »

CBJ wrote:
Ryric wrote:Something got screwed up and they lost their place in line?
Considering T11 and USPC have a partnership, I find this HIGHLY unlikely ... rtnership/" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

I can not see T11 getting bumper from the line... actually I would thin the opposite.. they could jump the line .

I think the partnership is over.

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Re: The Guild Of Artisans by Theory11

Unread post by alric »

Encarded wrote:I'm not upset about it or anything, I just find this particular update so curious.
Well, I AM upset about it. T11, get your f@cking 3 stooges out of the way and let the USPS do their thing so you can ship out the decks you were supposed to get to us weeks ago. Putting out pictures of you morons folding boxes don't excuse or justify being so late with these decks. Just f@cking admit you screwed up and make it up to us by offering a free upgrade to expedited shipping on a future order to make up for being so slow with these!

Its so typical that T11 would use this fiasco as another opportunity to feed us more pretentious hype. No one is going to believe those f@ckers folding boxes is actually going to speed anything up. Does anyone even think T11 has anyone checking our boards to get a sense of their customer's satisfaction with their service? F@ck, I feel stupid for even asking that question, of course these morons don't give a $#!t about customer service.....
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Re: The Guild Of Artisans by Theory11

Unread post by wsop_legacy »

Encarded wrote:Via instagram, "Each of these boxes was hand folded by Andrei Jikh, Michael James, and Bryant Aucoin. We worked through the night to personally help USPC finish as many decks as possible today!"

So T11 flies 3 (relatively famous) people from one side of the country to the other, to help USPCC package decks. That seems...rather odd. Somehow USPCC had the manpower to package up thousands of my decks without my help, perhaps because that's what I pay them for? Bizarre.

Not something I would be proud of. Whats next? Will they be licking the cellophane and seal on with their own saliva? What was T11 thinking about with that picture? Who's the person with the band-aid that will be touching my cards before I get them? I guess the germs and blood stains will make the deck more collectible?

I love T11 decks, especially this year... But this is really bad.
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Re: The Guild Of Artisans by Theory11

Unread post by twiscold »

Is this the reason why two of my last T11 decks weren't glued properly? :x
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Re: The Guild Of Artisans by Theory11

Unread post by hikeeba »

Just received mine today. The Collector's Edition box is not disappointing to me. The deck is in cellophane in side the box, which itself is in cellophane - gives a very crinkly sound before opening. Fanned and faroed nicely out of the box. Black/gold combo not too bad. 2 Jokers, double-back and ad card. The borders on mine are not even, so if they paid for Q1 they should get a refund. Overall, not too bad. (But then again, I wasn't really expecting anything, so they beat that expectation hands down!)
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Re: The Guild Of Artisans by Theory11

Unread post by wsop_legacy »

hikeeba wrote:Just received mine today. The Collector's Edition box is not disappointing to me. The deck is in cellophane in side the box, which itself is in cellophane - gives a very crinkly sound before opening. Fanned and faroed nicely out of the box. Black/gold combo not too bad. 2 Jokers, double-back and ad card. The borders on mine are not even, so if they paid for Q1 they should get a refund. Overall, not too bad. (But then again, I wasn't really expecting anything, so they beat that expectation hands down!)
Hearing the decks have double cellophane (cards and box) makes up for the hand folded boxes. I'm a little confused what exactly happened at USPCC though. USSPC makes T11 fold their own boxes but then manages to seal and cellophane the decks. Why? I was only kidding about licking cellophane on the decks with their own saliva. Feels like one big joke on us, yet its not April Fools day. Do we dare question what they did or should we just be happy the decks were delivered better then anticipated after the delay?
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Re: The Guild Of Artisans by Theory11

Unread post by Andrei Jikh »

First and foremost, let me clarify the situation. I'll be 100000% transparent. I've been working with theory11 for the past 4.5 years, from managing artists, to taking care of flights, hotels, marketing, product photography, filming/editing from teasers to trailers (90% of theory11's videos/photos in the past 4.5 years), judging/hosting Saturday Night Contests, managing social media (twitter, fb, instagram, youtube), reviewing the Wire, Reviews Queue, Media Section, etc. That is my deal with theory11. I'd like to personally address a few things.

We always push the boundaries with everything we do, including shipping. This time, it was partly our fault. 100%. Looking back at it, we should have labeled it as a PRE-sale, but at the time, we had no way of knowing this would happen. The thick paper of the Artisans did NOT allow Bicycle's machines to properly stuff the decks into the tuck cases without ruining them. We had waited an entire week after Black Friday, HOPING, USPCC would clear the situation and find a resolution, we pressed them hard to get it done. Let's keep things clear and in perspective, theory11 is the largest custom client, HOWEVER, not the only client. They too have priorities and other customers to deal with. Furthermore, it's difficult to push someone to get something as tedious as hand folding tuck cases on those who are not personally invested in the outcome - ESPECIALLY when their team is relatively small for a company as large as them. They too have limited personnel that bust their chops to get everyday tasks done.

Moving forward. I got a call from Jonathan Bayme on Saturday, telling me I had 12 hours to pack and personally fly down to Cincinnati with Michael James and Bryant AuCoin (our VP of Operations) to sort out the situation. We figured USPCC would be more on their game if they had their client present to watch them. Despite the efforts, USPCC did not have enough man power and dedication to work solely on our product, so guess what? We had to do it ourselves. It was literally the only way to get it done.

Typically speaking, this is NOT our job, not our responsibility but it meant the difference between being right and not giving a crap about the customers, or hurting our ego and doing it ourselves so we can somehow rectify the situation. We did just that. Hand folding over 5,000 tuck cases to prep them for their old SLOW machines (because the faster newer ones were more picky about thick paper and lack of scoring). After literally 16 hours of folding at blistering speed, we were able to get the decks prepped and ready to FedEx overnight to our warehouse. Our guy Bryant stayed behind because naively USPCC wanted to ship the finished decks to our warehouse via ground, which would have taken an additional week. It didn't make sense, but USPCC does a LOT of things that do NOT make sense. They're a big company with lots of bureaucracy and rules to follow. We had to convince them to let us do this in the first place.

At the end of the day, who do we blame? We could blame our tuck case manufacturer for not scoring the boxes enough. We could blame ourselves for not predicting this and pushing too close to the deadline (as we always have and for the most part succeed), or we could blame USPCC for their incompetence. It doesn't really matter because we did the only thing we could. Get it done ourselves.

I still literally have blisters on my hands from this whole fiasco as I'm typing. I expected no less - smurf happens. Marketing purposes? Ha, I have nothing better to do on my personal weekend than fly to an unknown town close to holidays and stay in a hotel room all weekend while folding thousands of boxes.

The real truth is we care about every single customer and it was our way of saying thank you. It was and is the LEAST we can do. We made a mistake. Actions speak louder than words, and we put our best foot forward. What I did not expect, is this kind of a response from you guys. Prior to jumping to conclusions and offending the very same people who bust their ass to get things done, I feel the least that can be said, is nothing that's personally hurtful to the team and myself. Perhaps a lighter POSITIVE attitude would go a long way in having some voices heard.
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Re: The Guild Of Artisans by Theory11

Unread post by badpete69 »

Welcome to the UC forums and thanks for taking the time to stop by and explain what happened. Looking forward to receiving my Artisan box
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Re: The Guild Of Artisans by Theory11

Unread post by walrus »

I can say the Artisans box is stunning, great work with that.
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Re: The Guild Of Artisans by Theory11

Unread post by jsa056 »

Andrei Jikh wrote: At the end of the day, who do we blame? We could blame our tuck case manufacturer for not scoring the boxes enough. We could blame ourselves for not predicting this and pushing too close to the deadline (as we always have and for the most part succeed), or we could blame USPCC for their incompetence. It doesn't really matter because we did the only thing we could. Get it done ourselves.

I still literally have blisters on my hands from this whole fiasco as I'm typing. I expected no less - smurf happens. Marketing purposes? Ha, I have nothing better to do on my personal weekend than fly to an unknown town close to holidays and stay in a hotel room all weekend while folding thousands of boxes.

The real truth is we care about every single customer and it was our way of saying thank you. It was and is the LEAST we can do. We made a mistake. Actions speak louder than words, and we put our best foot forward. What I did not expect, is this kind of a response from you guys. Prior to jumping to conclusions and offending the very same people who bust their ass to get things done, I feel the least that can be said, is nothing that's personally hurtful to the team and myself. Perhaps a lighter POSITIVE attitude would go a long way in having some voices heard.
First, thanks for all your efforts and for the response to all the questions as to why this was done the way it was.

I think a decent portion of the negativity was due to the fact we've been waiting almost three weeks with very little explanation. Also, T11 customer service told me "Currently we were waiting on a new shipment of Artisans to fill the incredible volume of orders we've had recently. We'll be restocking Artisans very soon and we'll ship your order right away. " New shipment? Restocking? Seems like T11 just didn't have them. So while transparency after the fact is great, there should have been more up front.

That said, I know the delay wasn't your fault, there's def more blame on the USPCC, not to mention problems no one could predict. I'm really looking forward to getting my collector's box soon. Thanks!
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Re: The Guild Of Artisans by Theory11

Unread post by alric »

Andrei Jikh wrote:First and foremost, let me clarify the situation.....This time, it was partly our fault. 100%. Looking back at it, we should have labeled it as a PRE-sale, but at the time, we had no way of knowing this would happen. The thick paper of the Artisans did NOT allow Bicycle's machines to properly stuff the decks into the tuck cases without ruining them.....Let's keep things clear and in perspective, theory11 is the largest custom client.....At the end of the day, who do we blame? We could blame our tuck case manufacturer for not scoring the boxes enough. We could blame ourselves for not predicting this and pushing too close to the deadline (as we always have and for the most part succeed), or we could blame USPCC for their incompetence.....The real truth is we care about every single customer and it was our way of saying thank you. It was and is the LEAST we can do. We made a mistake. Actions speak louder than words, and we put our best foot forward. What I did not expect, is this kind of a response from you guys. Prior to jumping to conclusions and offending the very same people who bust their ass to get things done, I feel the least that can be said, is nothing that's personally hurtful to the team and myself. Perhaps a lighter POSITIVE attitude would go a long way in having some voices heard.
I'll start out by saying I appreciate someone from T11 FINALLY coming to UC to explain themselves. Almost every other custom deck company has made an effort to make their presence known here at UC except for T11 until this point. Let's see if this is a one-time thing or if you guys participate on our forums on a more regular basis. I also want to say I remember you from the Decknique days and appreciate your skills as a cardist.

Now that I got the niceties out of the way, I've got a lot off issues I want to address. I'm going to refer to your quote above now. "This time, it was partly our fault. 100%". WTF??? If you're going to take responsibility, then own it. Don't say "partly our fault" and then "100%". You ask "at the end of the day, who do we blame?" and proceed to throw the tuck box manufacturer and the "incompetent" USPCC under the bus. I'm hearing more finger pointing rather than acceptance of responsibility.

You have the balls to come on our boards and say that you didn't expect the kind of responses that were expressed here? You feel that we are offending you guys, who are busting your asses to get things done? I'll tell you what, WE are the ones who gave you our MONEY and were mislead by YOUR false advertising and had to endure excessive delay, and I'm supposed to feel sorry for YOU for folding tuck boxes? You guys are so out of touch with reality and the effects of your actions and marketing, its literally pathetic! After all your screwed up releases, crashing servers, grotesque over-hype, over-priced shipping rates, and lack of transparency of the actual number of "rare" decks produced, you have the audacity to come and say you didn't expect our negative response! And then you lecture us on having a lighter, positive attitude after all this? ARE YOU F@CKING SERIOUS!!! Why don't you go and reflect on your 'stellar' customer service from your White Monarch fiasco all the way through to this latest Artisan disaster and then come back and offer a real apology with no excuses.

You say actions speak louder than words. You're absolutely right, that's exactly why we're so p!ssed at T11. You say the thick card stock of the Artisans is the cause of them not fitting into the tuck boxes which is why you had to fold and pack the Artisans by hand. I'm going to use calipers to measure the card stock of the Artisans and they BETTER be thicker than any of your other decks.

The bottom line is that you took our hard earned money, just get us our damned decks. I look forward to your response.
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Re: The Guild Of Artisans by Theory11

Unread post by Josh »

alric, for the most part i have agreed with you about t11 being ass holes most of the time, but don't you think that you might be taking this a little over board for playing cards?

Ya, they lied a little to possible make more money... sounds like normal business to me. However, i feel their response here was more than enough and the community should probably move on past this.

Also, he didn't mean the CARDS were thicker; he meant that the tuck box was a little to thick, which then caused the tuck to rip when the cards were shoved into the tuck.
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Re: The Guild Of Artisans by Theory11

Unread post by wsop_legacy »

Andrei Jikh wrote:First and foremost, let me clarify the situation. I'll be 100000% transparent. I've been working with theory11 for the past 4.5 years, from managing artists, to taking care of flights, hotels, marketing, product photography, filming/editing from teasers to trailers (90% of theory11's videos/photos in the past 4.5 years), judging/hosting Saturday Night Contests, managing social media (twitter, fb, instagram, youtube), reviewing the Wire, Reviews Queue, Media Section, etc. That is my deal with theory11. I'd like to personally address a few things.

We always push the boundaries with everything we do, including shipping. This time, it was partly our fault. 100%. Looking back at it, we should have labeled it as a PRE-sale, but at the time, we had no way of knowing this would happen. The thick paper of the Artisans did NOT allow Bicycle's machines to properly stuff the decks into the tuck cases without ruining them. We had waited an entire week after Black Friday, HOPING, USPCC would clear the situation and find a resolution, we pressed them hard to get it done. Let's keep things clear and in perspective, theory11 is the largest custom client, HOWEVER, not the only client. They too have priorities and other customers to deal with. Furthermore, it's difficult to push someone to get something as tedious as hand folding tuck cases on those who are not personally invested in the outcome - ESPECIALLY when their team is relatively small for a company as large as them. They too have limited personnel that bust their chops to get everyday tasks done.

Moving forward. I got a call from Jonathan Bayme on Saturday, telling me I had 12 hours to pack and personally fly down to Cincinnati with Michael James and Bryant AuCoin (our VP of Operations) to sort out the situation. We figured USPCC would be more on their game if they had their client present to watch them. Despite the efforts, USPCC did not have enough man power and dedication to work solely on our product, so guess what? We had to do it ourselves. It was literally the only way to get it done.

Typically speaking, this is NOT our job, not our responsibility but it meant the difference between being right and not giving a crap about the customers, or hurting our ego and doing it ourselves so we can somehow rectify the situation. We did just that. Hand folding over 5,000 tuck cases to prep them for their old SLOW machines (because the faster newer ones were more picky about thick paper and lack of scoring). After literally 16 hours of folding at blistering speed, we were able to get the decks prepped and ready to FedEx overnight to our warehouse. Our guy Bryant stayed behind because naively USPCC wanted to ship the finished decks to our warehouse via ground, which would have taken an additional week. It didn't make sense, but USPCC does a LOT of things that do NOT make sense. They're a big company with lots of bureaucracy and rules to follow. We had to convince them to let us do this in the first place.

At the end of the day, who do we blame? We could blame our tuck case manufacturer for not scoring the boxes enough. We could blame ourselves for not predicting this and pushing too close to the deadline (as we always have and for the most part succeed), or we could blame USPCC for their incompetence. It doesn't really matter because we did the only thing we could. Get it done ourselves.

I still literally have blisters on my hands from this whole fiasco as I'm typing. I expected no less - smurf happens. Marketing purposes? Ha, I have nothing better to do on my personal weekend than fly to an unknown town close to holidays and stay in a hotel room all weekend while folding thousands of boxes.

The real truth is we care about every single customer and it was our way of saying thank you. It was and is the LEAST we can do. We made a mistake. Actions speak louder than words, and we put our best foot forward. What I did not expect, is this kind of a response from you guys. Prior to jumping to conclusions and offending the very same people who bust their ass to get things done, I feel the least that can be said, is nothing that's personally hurtful to the team and myself. Perhaps a lighter POSITIVE attitude would go a long way in having some voices heard.
Personally I was in no rush to get the decks. I buy decks for me. No one else I know cares about custom playing cards. Its one of those guilty pleasures I don't talk about much with people. No worries as far as Christmas was concerned, although I know I CANT speak for the rest of the customers. The transparency is appreciated but this would have been much better received had it come from Theory 11 officially by email. Not looking to blame anyone more then the other (USPCC) but the public relations side of Theory 11 regarding this matter defiantly could have been handled much better. I was a bit shocked at the picture I saw band-aids and all. It only lead me to believe the worst about the manufacturing of this particular deck. A simple honest explanation would have been fine. Maybe not for all but most.
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Re: The Guild Of Artisans by Theory11

Unread post by Andrei Jikh »

Holy moly. I'm not sure how much clearer I can put this into words, I have accepted as much responsibility as anyone could have. No one is pointing fingers - although there is plenty to go around, including at ourselves. Which we have accepted as clear as day.

Yes, I do have the balls to come to your forum and address your sense of worldly entitlements. We do understand you paid your hard earned $6.95 for a deck of cards... and I certainly do not care for your sympathy. What I do care for, is understanding. An understanding without personal insult to myself and the team who worked hard to make this happen. Mistakes happen in the manufacturing process, we would certainly love to predict them but hey, we're human beings too. Crazy right? I don't believe it either.

Let me get this straight. We're out of touch with reality because you don't find our marketing to be suitable? Please, tell me more. Before you do go off on a crazy rant, let me address a few specifics that are not related to this issue that you brought up.

Screwed up releases / grotesque over hype, no idea what those specifics entail so I'll skip that.

Crashed servers. They happen. It's happened to literally every company. We try to prepare, prepare, and over prepare. Sometimes it happens! Very difficult to predict. I won't pretend to be an expert about web and coding, but my common sense tells me this much - no company WANTS to crash on a busy day of release. No company wants to deal with the crazy repercussions of p'ssed customers and support calls. Finally, no company WANTS to deal with misunderstanding people like yourself. Trust me.

Over priced shipping rates. Let's get one thing clear, we do NOT control the prices of shipping companies, we try to use the cheapest options possible. We do NOT make a profit on our shipping. I've talked about this with Jonathan Bayme (CEO) and asked him, "Jonathan, how come we don't charge $12 PER deck and have free/cheap shipping options?" Do you see where I'm going? If it makes you sleep better at night THINKING that you're getting a better value for paying more for a product and less for shipping, be my guest! I think our transparency speaks for itself. Our products are marketed at face value which we find to be fair and competitive - what their worth.

"Rare decks". I agree theory11 makes mistakes, I've been open in saying that since the beginning, but one thing I will fight you up and down about, is that theory11's integrity is what I will put first and foremost against any test. I'll put my own reputation on the line in saying that we have NEVER misled anyone with regards to how many decks we print. Have we ever made decks for the purpose of making them rare for the buzz and marketing? Yep, common marketing strategy. Have we ever "planned" to make a mistake so we can destroy an entire run to leave just a hundred decks around? (Original Gold Monarchs) No, it was a legitimate mistake and a decision on behalf of Jonathan Bayme who did not like the lackluster contrast the gold had on the back of the navy blue of the Monarchs. As for me? I wanted to strangle him for scrapping thousands of decks for such a silly reason. I actually loved the original Monarchs. HOWEVER, we did turn it into an opportunity to buzz our never ending search for perfection. We pursue perfection to this day - but we're not perfect, and we make mistakes.

We cannot disclose specifically "HOW MANY" because we're a competitive business, and we're not the only ones. That's not my choice to make. If I ever meet anyone in real life, I'm very open about it but the internet is a different scenario. However, you don't need specifics to know that we have never forged or fudged any numbers. Ever. Never have, and never will. What good does that really do anyway? Again, if it makes you sleep better at night thinking you know something everyone else doesn't - you'd be sorely wrong.

It seems you have a lot of elaborate theories to explain for a lot of simple things. At the end of the day, we're an online magic company that makes magic tricks. Our main audience is 16 year old teenage boys. How much simpler does it get? We're not illuminati looking to make a quick profit from your $6.95. Seriously? I've read some crazy things on this forum from some of your suggestions to people thinking we split profits from backdoor ebay sellers. Holy moly. Looking forward to hearing more of your elaborate theories about our evil schemes and lies. Jezzuz.

Yes, I do have the audacity of coming on your forum and lecturing you about positivity. Get a clue.
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Re: The Guild Of Artisans by Theory11

Unread post by walrus »

Look, it is not all of us. I think this angst is not just about this deck. T11 has been making great decks but the hype and server crashes just about everytime a release comes about brings about some anger. Also, most of us feel when we buy a "limited deck" we should have a bit more info on it. Some of your competition gives up exact numbers so I do not think it would put you at a disadvantage, I think it may make your customers feel better about jumping in. So unforunatley the this deck was kind of like the straw that broke the walrus back. If you had come on here if the release was done correctly I bet you would be hearing a lot of positive things. I was not getting upset as I new I would get the cards eventually. I really like what T11 puts out, both magic and cards. I do wish they could do something about the srevers when a release comes about. I am sure by now they must realize what they are doing does not work.
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Andrei Jikh
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Re: The Guild Of Artisans by Theory11

Unread post by Andrei Jikh »

walrus wrote:Look, it is not all of us. I think this angst is not just about this deck. T11 has been making great decks but the hype and server crashes just about everytime a release comes about brings about some anger. Also, most of us feel when we buy a "limited deck" we should have a bit more info on it. Some of your competition gives up exact numbers so I do not think it would put you at a disadvantage, I think it may make your customers feel better about jumping in. So unforunatley the this deck was kind of like the straw that broke the walrus back. I had come on here if the release was done correctly I bet you would be hearing a lot of positive things. I was not getting upset as I new I would get the eventually. I really like what T11 puts out, both magic and cards. I do wish they could do something about the srevers when a release comes about. I am sure by now the must realize what they are doing does not work.
theory11 is a business as any other, we market and hype products like anyone else. Sometimes, it gets out of hand and we crash. I've addressed that in my previous post. No one wants to be suffering the consequences of that EVEN IF conspiracy theories of those decks being priced high on ebay (or elsewhere) thereafter are true (which they aren't). How do I know? Because there's about ten thousand other ways to make a profit that doesn't involve risking a company's reputation for a few bucks. I still don't get how that's so difficult to understand. We aim to please everyone but inevitably, that will not always happen. theory11 is not perfect but I'll be the first and last to say we have never intentionally misled or lied to customers. We have made mistakes unintentionally, and we have done and always will do our utmost to make it up to our customers to the best of our ability.

I will take your response into consideration as far as releasing "exact quantities" but I believe we've specified in the past as to how many quantities we print when it is in fact a limited release. We simply do not disclose an unlimited release. Either way, lack of disclosure is not the same as impropriety. I hope you understand. Again, I will let Jonathan know. Thanks!
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Re: The Guild Of Artisans by Theory11

Unread post by Evan »

Thank you for stopping by Andrei! I received my decks today and am very pleased with them, especially the insanely beautiful tuck box. I really wish that the site had said pre-order, but in my opinion, the wait was worth it.

While you're here, I just want to say that I would really like to see another fully custom deck from T11. Your back designs are great, and the tuck boxes are always awesome, but the faces are always standard, and the exact same color scheme! Please do some more customization with the faces of the decks.
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Andrei Jikh
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Re: The Guild Of Artisans by Theory11

Unread post by Andrei Jikh »

Evan wrote:Thank you for stopping by Andrei! I received my decks today and am very pleased with them, especially the insanely beautiful tuck box. I really wish that the site had said pre-order, but in my opinion, the wait was worth it.

While you're here, I just want to say that I would really like to see another fully custom deck from T11. Your back designs are great, and the tuck boxes are always awesome, but the faces are always standard, and the exact same color scheme! Please do some more customization with the faces of the decks.
Thanks Evan, saw your fb pictures, deck looks great. I've talked to JB about doing custom court cards but I don't think that's in the plans. We get a lot of positive response from magicians that need to use their gaff cards and such. But I will say this - we are releasing a custom deck with custom faces and it's one of my favorites, it's very fun and unlike anything we've ever done. #hype hype hype. In all seriousness, it's great and it has custom faces! Yay!
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