Cardistry DVDs/Downloads for a Rookie

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Cardistry DVDs/Downloads for a Rookie

Unread post by DXFalcon44 »

I have been into Card Magic on and off, and know the basics with that. I also own Genesis V1 by Andrei Jikh. I have studied that DVD and feel I have the basic gist of everything on there. I know The WERM by Dan & Dave, which is pretty basic. I want a DVD that will teach me full flourishes, I currently only know and perform one full flourish, and am learning Virus by Noel Heath on youtube via FontaineCards channel. I have looked at DVDs and downloads such as The Trilogy by Dan & Dave, Vortex by Anthony Chanut, Solo by Michael James, Outbreak by Ladislas Toubart, and Papercuts by Chris Hestnes. I would prefer to spend $40 or less, basically ruling out the Trilogy for now. Unless anyone believes it's essential to being one of the first DVDs I learn from.

Thanks in advance for any helpful replies,
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