UC KS Watchdogs (A strategy for tracking delays)

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Re: A strategy for dealing with deadbeat Kickstarters

Unread post by nECr0MaNCeD »

My list looks much like Cbkimble's minus the Steampunk Bandits and Malam decks.

As for Elements and Alien (st)ink... nothing since the last update on Jan 9th just saying he still doesn't have an ETA and he is still too busy working his day job a grueling 45 hours a week to post more updates. Still no answer to the questions I posed. "Have you signed the contract with the printer?", "Are the cards in the queue at the printer?" and "Has the printer given you an ETA?". I sent an e-mail to EPCC asking them that went unanswered. I expected that and don't blame them. Since it's clear no contact has been signed it'll be several months, if ever we see these cards.
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Re: A strategy for dealing with deadbeat Kickstarters

Unread post by Cbkimble »

I figured I'd update my list since it's been a month.

I did receive all these rewards
- Heretic (September)
- Golden Spike (October)
- Steampunk Bandits (November)
- Draconian (January)
- Prisma Visions Tarot (December)

I'm still waiting on these
- Call of Cthulu Writhing Dark (August)
- Mayhem (October) - looks like shipping wont be complete till mid March from my understanding
- Seasons (December)
- Malam (November)
- Empire "Bloodlines" (December)
- Black Book Manifesto (January)
- Mana Playing Cards No 3 (January)
- Choice (January)
- Arcanum (January)

added to the list due in February and haven't received:
-Bicycle Titanic Playing Cards - USPCC has printed. Waiting on EPCC.
-Venexiana Dark - No work from EPCC when printing will be complete
-Four Beasts Playing Cards - Should be delivering
-Russian Folk Art Playing Cards - began shipping February 10
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Re: A strategy for dealing with deadbeat Kickstarters

Unread post by rjtomlinson1977 »

Have some of the Titanic from USPCC but have more coming. Still waiting on EPCC. Not sure how much longer for EPCC but once we get the rest from USPCC we should be able to start fulfilling orders mid March. We're already sorting The special seal orders.
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Re: A strategy for dealing with deadbeat Kickstarters

Unread post by Gareth »

Cbkimble wrote:-Russian Folk Art Playing Cards - began shipping February 10
My decks arrived (at my shipping consolidator) today from Natalia. Yours probably aren't far away.

I guess my biggest wait is on Seasons - largely because I went a little big on the pledging :-) - the latest update from Alex (Feb 3) is that USPCC has it queued for mid-march..... delays getting the embossing right on the tucks seem partially responsible.
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Re: A strategy for dealing with deadbeat Kickstarters

Unread post by Bikefanatic »

Noel Quiles who developed completed KS decks didn't follow through with Bicycle Meridian. His profile was deleted sometime. Also Nathanael Mortensen still has people waiting on decks from two projects.
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Re: A strategy for dealing with deadbeat Kickstarters

Unread post by rousselle »

For those who are interested:

As of my last post on January nineteenth, I was expecting 14 decks that had been previously expected to ship in September, October, November, December, or January. There were also a few decks I was anticipating for February.

In the time since I made my last post on the subject, I received decks from one project originally slated for September (Heretic), three from October (Muertos - Day of the Dead, Golden Spike, Get MADE), one from November (Impressions), one from January (Draconian), and even one on schedule expected in February (Russian Folk Art). In the meantime, I'll add to my list of "eagerly anticipated decks" two projects that were originally estimated to ship in February.

Here are the 10 Kickstarter decks that were anticipated around September, October, November, December, January, or February that I still eagerly await:
  • Hawaiian (September) -- As of February 18th, "shipping is continuing." I'd ordered a Standard deck, which they say they still haven't received their complete shipment of, so I suppose shipment of this one could be any day now....
  • Malam (November) -- Still waiting for a proof of the tuck box, as of Feb 9th. One gets the sense that progress is happening, but really... very... slowly....
  • Empire "Bloodlines" (December) -- "Stage 1 shipping" to backers began as of Jan 16. No news since then.
  • 1876, Mauger Quadruplicate Restoration (December) -- As of February 2nd, some decks were expected the second week of the month, while some others were expected this coming week, and shipping would take place as soon as they arrived. No word since then. Since my order included some of the latter batch, I imagine my order won't ship until late next week at the earliest.
  • Black Book Manifesto (January) -- As of February 12th, still waiting for decks to arrive so that they can begin fulfillment.
  • Mana Playing Cards No 3 (January) -- As of February 9th, Erik is shopping for a new tuck box manufacturer, since each of the manufacturers he had spoken with thus far didn't want to or wasn't able to produce the tuck as designed. No SWAG on a new estimated fulfillment time frame.
  • Metropol Lux (January) -- As of January 25th, the West Coast port "strike" (for lack of a better word) resulted in re-routing of the decks in-bound from Taiwan. No news yet as to when they will (or if they have) arrive(d).
  • Coat of Arms (January) -- As of Jan 21st, cards from both USPCC and LPCC anticipated approximately mid-February. No news since then.
  • Bicycle Titanic (February) -- RJ noted just a couple of posts ago that his USPCC order is streaming in, and work on sorting decks by customized seals has begun, with fulfillment likely to begin in mid-March.
  • Venexiana Dark (February) -- As of February 8th, Lotrek was still awaiting an update from the factory on anticipated ship date.
Gotta say, I've enjoyed all of the decks I've received so far this year, and some of them are absolute stand-outs. 2015 is already giving 2014 a run for it's money in terms of quality and design.

Glad to see how some of the rest of your are doing on yours, as well. Information is power, and all that. :)
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Re: A strategy for dealing with deadbeat Kickstarters

Unread post by rousselle »

For those who are interested:

As of my last post on February 22nd, I was expecting 10 decks that had been previously expected to ship in September, October, November, December, January, or February. Notice, that's six months of waiting, in the oldest outstanding case.

In the time since I made my last post on the subject, I finally received the last remaining deck from a project originally anticipated for September (Hawaiian)... and that's it. I've certainly received a number of other decks, but none of them were for projects that I backed on Kickstarter (although one was for a KS project I bought from after funding had closed.) Gotta say... the last several weeks have not been good for Kickstarter projects.

So, here's the list of KS projects I am eagerly anticipating that had originally projected ship dates from as far back as last October up through this month (March). Notice I'm adding two to the list for this month:
  • Malam (November) -- As of March 11th, a final decision has been made on the tuck case, which presumably means that production may now commence.
  • Empire "Bloodlines" (December) -- Per the last update on Feb 25th, the Limited Editions should be available to begin delivery any day now. Orders with the Warrior guards are impacted by a redesign. (The Warrior guard doesn't affect me, but I did order LEs.)
  • 1876, Mauger Quadruplicate Restoration (December) -- The remainder of the editions they were waiting for were due to arrive at their warehouse within a few days, as of their post on March 10th, with shipping to backers presumably to begin this week.
  • Black Book Manifesto (January) -- As of today, March 16th, still waiting for decks to arrive so that they can begin fulfillment. They are expecting to receive their decks possibly by the end of this week.
  • Mana Playing Cards No 3 (January) -- Per an update posted on March 13th, a new tuck manufacturer has been selected to provide mock-ups of the redesigned tucks; mock-ups are anticipated to reach Mana in 7 to 10 days.
  • Metropol Lux (January) -- The re-routed decks finally arrived in North America, and are "on the rails" bound for the East Coast from the West. Decks should arrive at Metropol Central (in Ontario) by roughly March 23rd, with shipping to begin soon thereafter.
  • Coat of Arms (January) -- As of February 25th, the EPCC decks were further delayed, and are now expected to leave the factory by around March 26th, with shipping from there to Arizona expected to take 2 to 3 weeks.
  • Bicycle Titanic (February) -- Per a March 11th update, fulfillment has begun on pledges that didn't include the deluxe editions, which are still being finalized at the EPCC factory.
  • Venexiana Dark (February) -- As of March 6th, the tuck proofs revealed a need for some tweaks, which are underway. Lotrek is very satisfied with the proofs for the cards themselves.
  • Recore (March) -- fulfillment is in progress; my decks are expected to arrive within a day or two.
  • The Coven (March) -- production at EPCC was held up for Chinese New Year (per an update on March 8th). Kirk anticipates having more news soon about the production schedule.
I'm not being facetious when I say I am eagerly anticipating each of these projects. And, despite delays, I have full confidence that all of these will be fulfilled. It is interesting to note, however, how we are still feeling the pinch from severe production delays both at USPCC and EPCC/LPCC, combined with shipping delays from the recent port labor slow-down felt along the west coast of North America. Hopefully we'll start to see the backlog start to clear in the near future.

What are the rest of y'all experiencing with regard to your KS projects?
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Re: A strategy for dealing with deadbeat Kickstarters

Unread post by decibelhz »

In addition to all the above decks that Rousselle listed, here are the ones I'm still waiting on :

Pirate CARRds by Don Maitz (Dec) - Some have reported receiving theirs but I'm still waiting on my deck. Last update was on 2/22 mentioned how busy Don is and that though shipping may be slow, we wlll eventually receive the decks

Twins Edition Refined (Feb) - this guys has been awful at updating backers since the campaign ended. His last update informed backers of a very bad infection that he had to have minor surgery on which was why he hasn't sent any updates but that he would be receiving the cards from USPCC at the port soon. That was a month ago. Out of all the decks on this list, I am most concerned about this one.

SEASONS playing cards (Dec) - These are supposed to arrive mid-March

Choice playing cards (Jan) - Shared proofs from EPCC on 2/11. No update since.

Rongo Rongo (Mar) - MAOI tucks have arrived. They expect to receive decks from USPCC in April and start fulfillment in May

Amigos (Dec) - updated ship date is 4/16

Feudal Ninja (Mar) - Update came in yesterday and the cards are printing at USPCC now. The tucks finished printing last week and they expect to receive the decks sometime next week at which point they will begin fulfillment.

Defunctorum and Defunctorum Cruor(Mar) - according to the update the cards have arrived and should start shipping out any day now

Arcanum (Jan) - I received my tracking from Gamblers and should receive my decks in the following days

Life Comes in # (Feb) - As of 3/7, the cards are all in but they have to be assembled as each cardsin the deck came in separate packs, then placed in the tuck boxes then shipped

Fishing for Compliments (Mar) - Proofs from Legends approved and production should wrap on 3/20 and shipped to backers in April

Tendril Ascendant and Nightfall (Mar) -Cards are printed and should arrive next week and fulfillment to begin in the near future

Silly Macabre (Feb) - according to update yesterday, everything has been shipped out to US backers and international backers are getting theirs sent this week

i thinks that's all for now.
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Re: A strategy for dealing with deadbeat Kickstarters

Unread post by Lotrek »

As far as HMPC is concerned, and although I see that backers show me great understanding and confidence regarding delays, I cannot justify people waiting for months before they get my decks. As I've stated in my ICONS campaign, this is the last time that my backers will have to wait more than 40 days to get their rewards, regardless of the printing company.

However, it's true that in most cases the delay isn't the creator's fault. I believe there is no honest designer who is happy having people waiting while he/she does other things than completing the artwork.
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Re: A strategy for dealing with deadbeat Kickstarters

Unread post by jerichoholic »

There are things that the creators could do to make things better such as having the art done and approved in advance, or at least before the project ends, and avoiding using multiple printers for decks, among other things. The only one that can successfully get away with using more than one printer without major hassles is Gamblers because they can print their own decks through Liberty.
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Re: A strategy for dealing with deadbeat Kickstarters

Unread post by Cbkimble »

jerichoholic wrote:There are things that the creators could do to make things better such as having the art done and approved in advance, or at least before the project ends, and avoiding using multiple printers for decks, among other things. The only one that can successfully get away with using more than one printer without major hassles is Gamblers because they can print their own decks through Liberty.
You're forgetting that most project's artwork gets tweaked during the project. Having the artwork completed is difficult when you're at the mercy of your backers and it makes backers feel more involved in the artwork.

I could go on and on but at the end of the day, most delays are due simply to how backed up printers are due to so many decks being created. There is nothing a creator can do about that.
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Re: A strategy for dealing with deadbeat Kickstarters

Unread post by sprouts1115 »

Cbkimble wrote:
jerichoholic wrote:There are things that the creators could do to make things better such as having the art done and approved in advance, or at least before the project ends, and avoiding using multiple printers for decks, among other things. The only one that can successfully get away with using more than one printer without major hassles is Gamblers because they can print their own decks through Liberty.
You're forgetting that most project's artwork gets tweaked during the project. Having the artwork completed is difficult when you're at the mercy of your backers and it makes backers feel more involved in the artwork.

I could go on and on but at the end of the day, most delays are due simply to how backed up printers are due to so many decks being created. There is nothing a creator can do about that.
What should happen is they come here or there before they post a Kickstarter.
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Re: A strategy for dealing with deadbeat Kickstarters (wap)

Unread post by Cbkimble »

Then they might have the artwork completed. Still have to wait on the printer.
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Re: A strategy for dealing with deadbeat Kickstarters

Unread post by jerichoholic »

And a lot of the times they don't have artwork completed, take for instance Steampunk Beginnings, just sent out a message saying they finished making changes, that apparently took 2 months to make, on a project that was funded in October I believe. Malam has been having the same delays. As have others. There are changes that can be implemented before the project ends anyway.
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Re: A strategy for dealing with deadbeat Kickstarters

Unread post by Talisman »

I received the Empire "Bloodlines" in the mail yesterday. I don't know if this is the right place to post this, but I know they were kind of late.
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Re: A strategy for dealing with deadbeat Kickstarters

Unread post by rousselle »

Talisman wrote:I received the Empire "Bloodlines" in the mail yesterday. I don't know if this is the right place to post this, but I know they were kind of late.
Just got mine yesterday, too. Good news for backers! I'm sure Lee was happy to get this project "un-stuck." He does great work.

Very happy to have these decks in hand. In fact, whenever I receive decks, it improves my mood for the day. :D

I've also received the "Redcore" deck from CPC (this was just a day or so after I last posted my list of "eagerly anticipated" decks), so I'm happy to cross that off my list, as well.

Hmmm. I should post an update to my list soon, as we're about to enter a new month, for which I have three or four new decks to add for the month of April... :)
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Re: A strategy for dealing with deadbeat Kickstarters

Unread post by Cbkimble »

rousselle wrote:Hmmm. I should post an update to my list soon, as we're about to enter a new month, for which I have three or four new decks to add for the month of April... :)
I'll be updating mine Wednesday or Thursday once I get home.

I did receive all these rewards
-Empire "Bloodlines"
-Four Beasts Playing Cards
-Russian Folk Art Playing Cards

I'm still waiting on these
- Call of Cthulu Writhing Dark (August)
- Seasons (December)
- Malam (November)
- Black Book Manifesto (January)
- Mana Playing Cards No 3 (January)
- Choice (January)
- Bicycle Titanic Playing Cards (February)
- Venexiana Dark (February)
- Fishing for Compliments (March)
- Tendril Ascendent & Nightfall (March)
- The Coven (March)

added to the list due in April and haven't received:
- Grimoire series part 1
- Delirium
- Scarlet Tall Ho
- Different Deck Greenback Edition
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Re: A strategy for dealing with deadbeat Kickstarters

Unread post by rousselle »

Time to update for April!

As of my post a couple weeks ago, I was expecting 11 decks that had been previously expected to ship in November, December, January, February, or March.

Since then, I finally received my pledge for Empire Bloodlines (originally anticipated to ship in December) and the Redcore deck (which arrived on time in March). As I noted last time, the last several weeks have not been good for Kickstarter projects.

So, here's the list of KS projects I am eagerly anticipating that had originally projected ship dates from as far back as last November up through this month (April). Notice I'm adding five (!) to the list for this month:
  • Malam (November) -- No news since March 11th, by which time a final decision had been made on the tuck case, which presumably meant that production may now commence.
  • 1876, Mauger Quadruplicate Restoration (December) -- As of a comment posted a few days go, the project creators say that shipping should conclude by the end of next week (April 10th). I have not yet received any tracking information, so I must be in the trailing end of the shipments.
  • Black Book Manifesto (January) -- As of March 30th, the cards are in and packing has commenced. Shipping should be underway shortly.
  • Mana Playing Cards No 3 (January) -- Per an update posted on March 29th, new sample tucks have arrived and they appear to be very close to what Erik has in mind. He is giving his feedback to the manufacturer, and expects to move on to the next step soon.
  • Metropol Lux (January) -- In a comment two days ago, Mike said that 75% of the packages are shipped, and he expects shipping to be completed by the end of this weekend. Shipment notifications are going out as he has time to update backerkit.
  • Coat of Arms (January) -- As of March 23rd, decks are expected in by mid to late April, with shipping to commence thereafter.
  • Bicycle Titanic (February) -- Per an April 1st update, the Deluxe decks from EPCC are expected to arrive in Pennsylvania in mid to late April, with fulfillment going full gangbusters once they arrive.
  • Venexiana Dark (February) -- As of March 6th, the tuck proofs revealed a need for some tweaks, which are underway. Lotrek is very satisfied with the proofs for the cards themselves.
  • The Coven (March) -- As of March 21st, Kirk is awaiting the proofs from EPCC. Forward progress, but slow.
  • Grimoire (April) -- As of March 6th, awaiting proofs from EPCC.
  • Delirium (April) -- Cards are printed and heading to the US. Allow for a month to arrive before fulfillment can begin.
  • Scarlett Tally Ho (April) -- Per the last update on March 10th: "We are on track for our originally stated April delivery date."
  • Different Deck Greenback Edition (April) -- Despite Brian breaking his leg toward the end of the campaign, everything is in production and he expects to ship on time by the end of April. Check out Update #6 for an alluded-to contest regarding guessing which card is caught up in his leg cast....
  • Memento (April) -- Lawrence at LPCC reports that the artwork is in and moving into production on schedule. However, he also notes that Valerio made a mistake by putting April as the anticipated fulfillment month; rather, the project is three months out (July).
I'm not being facetious when I say I am eagerly anticipating each of these projects. And, despite delays (for some of them), I have full confidence that all of these will be fulfilled. It is interesting to note, however, how EPCC is starting to take a hit for unexpected delays in production. This is certainly not universally the case, but many of the above mentioned projects that are running later than planned are attributing those delays to their Taiwan manufacturer. I sincerely hope these kinks are worked out, as I very much enjoy the quality of the decks from EPCC/LPCC.

What are the rest of y'all experiencing with regard to your KS projects?
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Re: A strategy for dealing with deadbeat Kickstarters

Unread post by nECr0MaNCeD »

Thanks for the updates and the massive amount of typing it took to post it Rousselle. I am pledged for nearly half of the same decks. I'll add my own to the list. (And echo your sentiments about receiving mine, except Elements)

Elements (September 2014) Last update was January 9th. Not really an update he just went into detail about how busy he was with his new job. His website is still down, although he stated 2 months ago it was just for "maintenance/updates". This is now 6 months late and should go into the hall of shame in my opinion. I doubt I'll ever get my pledge.

Call of Cthulhu: The Writhing Dark - Extended Edition (August 2014) Pledges going out slowly and Shane posted here for members to let him know if they hadn't gotten theirs. I am sure I will get these eventually. I am basing this on other members opinions that I trust.

Seasons (December 2014) Only adding this as mine haven't gotten here yet. Shipping is well underway and mine will be here soon.

Tendril Ascendant & Nightfall (March 2015) As of last update on April 1st fulfillment is well underway. There is a slight delay with coins but it isn't expected to impact fulfillment much.
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Re: A strategy for dealing with deadbeat Kickstarters

Unread post by rousselle »

Time to update for May!

As of my post last month, I was expecting 14 Kickstarter decks that had been previously expected to ship in November, December, January, February, March, or April.

Since then, I did receive a few of them, including one that was originally anticipated in December (Mauger Quadruplicate Restoration), two from January (Black Book Manifesto and Metropol Lux), and two on schedule in April (Scarlett Tally-Ho and Different Green Deck). All of these decks were great, and I'm happy to add them to my collection. Still... I can't wait to get my hands on the rest!

So, here's the list of KS projects I am eagerly anticipating that had originally projected ship dates from as far back as last November up through this month (May). Notice I'm adding another 8 (yes, 8!) to the list for this month:
  • Malam (November) -- As of April 10th, Michael reports that printing is underway, than the proofs look excellent, and he's waiting to hear from Bill (Kalush, at EPCC) on expected timing for delivery.
  • Mana Playing Cards No 3 (January) -- At the end of April, Erik reported that the tuck boxes are now in production. Once they are ready, they'll head to Taiwan for boxing up the cards, and then back to the US for distribution. So, I'm guessing we're still a couple months out.
  • Coat of Arms (January) -- As of April 24th, the Coat of Arms deck had arrived in LA and was making its way to Arizona for distribution. Orders that included the Dark Ages deck would be further delayed, however, as those decks aren't slated to leave Taiwan until May 12th.
  • Bicycle Titanic (February) -- Yesterday, RJ reported that the decks are due to arrive in PA this week, and that distribution to backers will begin full steam ahead over this coming weekend.
  • Venexiana Dark (February) -- As of April 18th, the decks are anticipated to leave Taiwan by around May 15th.
  • The Coven (March) -- As of April 18th, Kirk has received the printed proofs, and loves the way they look. Printing, he is told, could take up to 35 days.
  • Grimoire (April) -- As of April 13th, they anticipate being able to start shipping out orders by the end of May.
  • Delirium (April) -- The cards arrived in the US at the end of April, and should be on their way to Michigan for distribution.
  • Memento (April) -- Lawrence at LPCC reports that the artwork is in and moving into production on schedule. However, he also notes that Valerio made a mistake by putting April as the anticipated fulfillment month; rather, the project is three months out (July).
  • Uusi Classic (May) -- I've already received my tracking number for this one, so... :)
  • Whispering Imps Gamesters (May) -- As of an update from April 17th, Chris still anticipates shipping by the end of May.
  • Whispering Imps Gamesters Limited Edition (May) -- Ditto.
  • Mardi Gras (May) -- At the beginning of April, the artwork was turned in to the printer and was awaiting a slot in the print queue.
  • Bicycle Spirit (May) -- Backerkits were to be locked down as of April 30th so that production could begin. So, there.
  • Gettysburg (May) -- Cards have arrived and shipping out to backers is to begin this week, according to yesterday's project update.
  • Icons Imperial Edition (May) -- As of the end of April, printing is completed and foiling is set to begin.
  • Spectrum 52 and Spectrum Edge (May) -- Cosmo reported on April 24th that things are going smoothly at USPCC and that surveys will be sent out to backers shortly.
As before, so again: I'm not being facetious when I say I am eagerly anticipating each of these projects. And, despite delays (for some of them), I have full confidence that all of these will be fulfilled.

Where some of the delays are simply the result of (previously unexpected) long printer queues at EPCC/LPCC, many of the delays are also the result of project creators making changes to the art/printing once physical proofs revealed that the project was heading in a less-than-perfect direction. Quite frankly, I'd rather have a fantastic deck from Lotrek a month or two later than originally scheduled, than have a less-than-awesome Venexiana rushed to get to me "on time." I love the fact that these project creators are going the extra mile to make sure the results match the their intentions.

That said... a lot of the decks I listed above are anticipated to ship this month. This is going to be a good month for card collectors!

What are the rest of y'all experiencing with regard to your KS projects?
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Re: A strategy for dealing with deadbeat Kickstarters

Unread post by DragonSoul »

My list is the same with a few additions:

September - Hawaiian... I finally got a response to my messages a week ago and Gavin promised he would send them out the next day. Hopefully, they'll land in my mailbox today. However, I still didn't get a tracking # so we'll see.

December - Three Amigos... per last update they were on the way from EPCC. Expected shipping will be mid-late May?

March - Defunctorum Cruor and Chess... per last update shipping completed 4/30. Hopefully they'll arrive today or tomorrow.

April - RongoRongo3... per last update USPCC should ship to them this week so expected shipping will be mid-late May.

April - Noble... per last update decks arrived so shipping this week.

April - Different (green)... currently shipping but, I haven't received mine yet. Again, maybe today?

May - Retro Deck (white)... per last update on track for shipping by late May.

May - No.17... in production with USPCC. Estimated early-mid June.

May - Love is... cards arrived 4/24 with incorrect tuck embossing. Some backers have chosen to accept them but, I chose to wait for corrected tucks.
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Re: A strategy for dealing with deadbeat Kickstarters

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

Let's go ahead and say that just about anybody who has tried to coordinate two companies in production has been double hosed because one or the other bit them in the arse.

My advice of late to project management people has been to take their most reasonable estimate and add two months. Nobody gripes if decks get there early...
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Re: A strategy for dealing with deadbeat Kickstarters

Unread post by JacksonRobinson »

I always allow for 14 weeks (no matter who is printing my decks) from the end of the project. Any thing less you are asking for trouble and to deliver late.
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Re: A strategy for dealing with deadbeat Kickstarters

Unread post by cherrynukacola »

As it's June here and I've had a couple of complications this month, I thought I'd share how I'm doing with my card kickstarters:

Due in Feb:
Titanic - Shipped
Dark Venexianna - Printed, sailing to port

Due in March:
Rongo Rongo - Shipped
Feudal Ninja/Samurai - Cards received, but missing cardguards ordered. Last I heard, they are waiting on receiving some more so that they can send them on to me.
The Coven - Printed, sailing to port

Due in April:
Grimoire - Because of mismanagement of inventory, I will no longer be receiving the painted deck I add-on. Was offered coins, black, additional Grimoire deck or refund in compensation - I chose refund, still haven't received that. Other decks are in process of being shipped.
Memento - waiting to print

Due in May:
Icons - reprinting
Spirit - Waiting on black decks, sailing to port
Retro - Waiting to print

Due in June:
Vintage Vampire - Art submitted

How are the rest of you doing?
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Re: A strategy for dealing with deadbeat Kickstarters

Unread post by rousselle »

Well, as cherrynukacola points out above... it's time to update for June!

As of my post last month, I was expecting a whopping 17 Kickstarter decks that had been previously expected to ship in November, January, February, March, April, or May.

While I didn't receive nearly half that many, I did, nonetheless, receive quite a few. Originally-anticipated-to-deliver-in-January's Coat of Arms deck (and coin) arrived this past month, and while the cards were good, the coin was great. The Titanic decks (February) and Civil Unrest: Gettysburg (May) arrived together, and RJ's design work remains top notch. I haven't done so, yet, but I still plan to comment in their respective threads about these cards, because they deserve some attention (Titanic being printed by two different printers and Gettysburg by a third, which provides a rich opportunity for comparison). Delerium (April) knocked it out of the proverbial park, far exceeding my expectations. Uusi Classic (May), like Gettysburg, arrived right on time and, frankly, I enjoyed these more than I expected to, as well. Uusi sets the bar very high, and this design didn't excite me as much as some of their previous efforts during the pledge phase, but in person? Awesome.

That's five KS projects I received in May, which really did make it an enjoyable month for me (especially when combined with the shiny Bicycle foil decks, etc.)

So, here's the list of KS projects I am eagerly anticipating that had originally projected ship dates from as far back as last November up through this month (June). Notice I'm adding only one to the list for this month:
  • Malam (November) -- As of May 10th, Michael reported that the cards were printed as of the week before and ready to leave the factory. That would imply that they should arrive in the US right about now, if they haven't already, and that shipping should begin before too long.
  • Mana Playing Cards No 3 (January) -- At the end of April, Erik reported that the tuck boxes are now in production, with shipping those to the factory for final assembly, and then shipping to North America to follow.
  • Venexiana Dark (February) -- As of May 27th, the decks are already on their way to Chicago from Taiwan. Shipping should begin by the end of this month.
  • The Coven (March) -- As of May 24th, printing was nearing completion and slated to start it's boat-ride to the US by May 27th. So, shipping to backers should hopefully also commence by the end of this month.
  • Grimoire (April) -- As of May 30th, shipping to backers has commenced!
  • Memento (April) -- As of May 25th, printing is slated to begin near the end of June, and fulfillment is expected to begin in mid-July.
  • Whispering Imps Gamesters (May) -- As of an update from May 19th, revisions to the artwork pushed printing to the end of May; fulfillment is now expected in July.
  • Whispering Imps Gamesters Limited Edition (May) -- Ditto.
  • Mardi Gras (May) -- As of an update on May 19th, Dave was still awaiting physical proofs to approve before printing could begin (which was to happen by end of May). As such, fulfillment is most likely to happen in July.
  • Bicycle Spirit (May) -- As of May 21st, USPCC decks are in, while EPCC decks were about to start the month-long boat ride to North America.
  • Icons Imperial Edition (May) -- Lotrek is aiming for perfection here, and the foiling process produced some undesired artifacts, so he is having the decks reprinted. He currently anticipates that the decks will be completed in June.
  • Spectrum 52 and Spectrum Edge (May) -- There was a color problem for one of the cards on one of the decks, and since the colors of the backs is the whole point of this deck, this has led to a slight delay. Cosmo currently anticipates fulfillment in June.
  • US ARMY (June) -- Jackson reports that printing is complete, and fulfillment will commence once he has settled into his new digs in Austin, TX. Final delivery is still anticipated to be right on time in June.
I'll repeat a recurring theme: may of these decks that have delays are being given a great deal of vocal support from backers where the project creators are doing a good job of communicating the delays and the reasons behind them. Most backers (myself included) really do want to see the project creators' visions realized rather than compromised to hit an arbitrary deadline. That said, in a couple of cases, the lack of stellar communication is also leading the backers to start to grumble about those projects. Communication really is key.

I'll also note that while many of these projects are being delayed so that they can live up to the exacting standards of their creators, we are again seeing an increasing amount of the delays being attributable to an incredible backlog at the printer for EPCC/LPCC. This really is too bad; I find myself favoring their decks, and if these delays continue, I'm guessing fewer decks going forward will be EPCC/LPCC.

While several of the decks on my list above are slated to arrive this month, quite a few of them are also currently anticipated for July delivery. Let the summer of playing cards commence!

What are the rest of y'all experiencing with regard to your KS projects?
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Re: A strategy for dealing with deadbeat Kickstarters

Unread post by cosmicsecret »

Well i have recieved most of my KS Projects which i have participated with - only missing ones are ;
Venexiana Dark , Mana Sybil , Spirit decks and the Cthulhu decks from Shawn.
I decided to move out of Kickstarter backing since i will be able to pick up the decks later from the retailers at LOWER cost plus big savings on shippings and customs fees.
In example the Feudal Ninja and Samuari decks, can grab them now for 25% less then i paid on kickstarter without any waits/delays.
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Re: A strategy for dealing with deadbeat Kickstarters

Unread post by nECr0MaNCeD »

All of mine are already detailed above except Elements from Alien (ST)Ink. I tracked down the artist he used (Literally) and sent him a message via FB. It seems he hasn't been fully paid either. (Surprise) It had been two months without an update and a couple days after I sent the message to the artist a message magically appeared. Same exact update as the last, which is to say BS. So he has at least three decks partially or totally unfulfilled. The Wine deck still has backers grumbling about no rewards and Elements as well as the Flowers Infinity Edition.
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Re: A strategy for dealing with deadbeat Kickstarters

Unread post by DragonSoul »

I crossed off an amazing 12 (and a half) Kickstarters from my list in May! :ugdance:
Three Amigos
Coat of Arms
Defunctorum Cruor
RongoRongo 3
Different (green)
Love is...

The half was Hawaiian. I pledged for a special brick which included their previous 8-bit decks. 1 year after funding and 8 months past the due date I finally received my pledge but, 4 decks were incorrect. I am currently waiting on the correct decks. :evil:

My list of anticipated decks (from oldest due date to newest) is:
Mana Sybil
Venexiana Dark
The Coven
Grimoire Series
Gamesters & Gamesters LE
Mardi Gras
Icons Imperial
Retro (white)
No. 17
Spectrum 52 & Edge

June due dates are:
Monster Pin Up Girls
Vintage Vampires
Love is a Smoke

I'm one of those folks who usually get 1 - 3 decks of any given design so I'm not out lots of money if any fails to deliver but, I can say that right now I'm not really worried about any of them. I feel extremely confident that all of these will deliver.
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Re: A strategy for dealing with deadbeat Kickstarters

Unread post by rousselle »

I have the No. 17 deck anticipated in July. You have it listed as already being expected to ship. Are we talking about the same No. 17 on Kickstarter?
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Re: A strategy for dealing with deadbeat Kickstarters

Unread post by badpete69 »

I think you guys should change the title of this thread as you are tracking projects that are by no means late like the NO 17 deck. Calling Lorenzo a deadbeat how dare you hehehe... Or start a new thread that tracks projects or something
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