Split Spades Design..

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Split Spades Design..

Unread post by Angelous »

I hope everyone is well!
I was thinking of making some personalized cards and have always loved the Split Spades design. Is there anyway I could use that design or does anyone have it or a version of it that I can alter with photoshop? If so please let me know asap, thank you so much! :ugdance:
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Re: Split Spades Design..

Unread post by Eoghann »

Nobody can stop you from using any design in the world. It's when you try to profit from it that they release the hounds.
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Re: Split Spades Design..

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

Mark Stutzman has good lawyers (artist, DB would want a cut, also). Between the two you'll need new shorts...
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Re: Split Spades Design..

Unread post by montecarlojoe »

... unless of course you can find prior art... an example of a split spade design used before David Blaine used it as a clever monogram.
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