Urban Design Series: NYC - Playing Cards now on KS

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Urban Design Series: NYC - Playing Cards now on KS

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Re: Urban Design Series: NYC - Playing Cards now on KS

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

It's kinda weird and sad, but it seems like the two-way courts somehow diminish the magnitude of the architecture of the buildings displayed. Might just be me, but mirroring a building with itself takes away something that's essential for how impressive structures are perceived.

In addition to that, the color scheme and background center elements are way too eclectic for my taste. And whoever thought striped backgrounds on the number cards looked good should really-- ...yeah, I'll just stop right there :ugthink:
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Re: Urban Design Series: NYC - Playing Cards now on KS

Unread post by ecNate »

Agree with all Tom said. I was super excited from the title until I saw images. Even with EB pricing, I'm out. I love skyscraper and NYC architecture too, what could have been. :(

With all the drumbeats for mirrored courts, this is a prime example when sometimes you need to break out of tradition and picky functionality for the sake of the art. Although, that alone wouldn't even come close to saving this one.
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Re: Urban Design Series: NYC - Playing Cards now on KS

Unread post by Widdee »

Not overly nuts about the two-way courts either, or the back of the tuck with that diagonal split scheme, but I liked the overall feel of the Chromatic deck so went for the standard/mini combo.
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Re: Urban Design Series: NYC - Playing Cards now on KS

Unread post by Bikefanatic »

The backgrounds are ugly but the courts are designed very good because they're 2-way.
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Re: Urban Design Series: NYC - Playing Cards now on KS

Unread post by th4mo »

I also like the way the 2-way courts look. Not a fan of the number cards at all, and the gray deck is an easy pass for me. But I am an urban design guy, so I had to pick up one of the colored EB's.
If this one makes its goal, I'm curious to see which city they go with next...
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Re: Urban Design Series: NYC - Playing Cards now on KS

Unread post by ecNate »

That chromatic one did grow on me, but since I'm cutting back on buying new decks I couldn't quite pull the trigger. That background and number cards couldn't quite overcome even the EB pricing. Also just noticed who is putting this out, they are getting better I think, but still have some work to go. Hopefully other decks in this series will correct these issues.
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Re: Urban Design Series: NYC - Playing Cards now on KS

Unread post by Cbkimble »

MagikFingerz wrote:It's kinda weird and sad, but it seems like the two-way courts somehow diminish the magnitude of the architecture of the buildings displayed. Might just be me, but mirroring a building with itself takes away something that's essential for how impressive structures are perceived.
I agree, the mirrored courts don't do the building justice simply b/c they are centered. Maybe sliding them slightly off center would solve that issue.
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Re: Urban Design Series: NYC - Playing Cards now on KS

Unread post by SeanWhelan »

Being from Long Island.....wheres the statue of liberty!?
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Re: Urban Design Series: NYC - Playing Cards now on KS

Unread post by ecNate »

I still dislike quite a few things about this, especially the background and number cards, but I did finally jump in on the chromatic. I'm too much of a skyscraper fan to let it go. Now, if only enough other people can get past the issues or if they will quickly improve it so it gets funded!
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Re: Urban Design Series: NYC - Playing Cards now on KS

Unread post by Sher »

I like this deck and I like the colors, even the alternating background. I wish the goal was lower, since it will be printed by mpc and epcc is a stretch goal. Keeping my eye on it for now.
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Re: Urban Design Series: NYC - Playing Cards now on KS

Unread post by ecNate »

They just announced this will be relaunched on April 28 with a switch to MPC printing. Not sure why they can't have EPCC stretch goal or why only an 8 day campaign though???

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/un ... ts/1187850
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Re: Urban Design Series: NYC - Playing Cards now on KS

Unread post by jerichoholic »

Well they could, you know, make the artwork better so that it would actually fund, but I guess that would require too much work.
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