First, SUPER excited to see you'll be putting some time in on the site.
I had done PHP in the past and would have been willing to assist there time permitting, but not sure about Drupal. Work has been pretty busy lately and likely to get worse so learning something new might be too much. Don't worry though, I'll keep giving you ideas to keep you busy.
If you do open it up to others would there be a test site or would you have a trial period before people get too much power before they are proven? You've done a great job so far and I would also hate to have our work deleted because somebody forget a mundane detail and put a decimal point in the wrong spot.

I do think getting others to help out would be awesome though. I wonder if you could arrange it so it would be more flexible and work with other kinds of collections. At that point you would potentially have a larger pool of developers to help out. Rename the code source repository 'Collection Database' or something and then people could install it to track lighters, baseball cards, die cast cards, coins, whatever. The crowd sourced aspect is a pretty big deal and what's out there is either very customized and not flexible or just very basic. Few if any really offer the more social/crowd sourced aspect, although PCDB could use some clarity and improvements there eventually too.