Hello all,
As I'm working away at the Grimoire series designs, I wanted to share the deck back from my first solo project.
CardBackInks1.jpg (236.4 KiB) Viewed 4075 times
These are just the inks and I won't be launching the project until I wrap up the art for the Grimoire decks, but I was hoping to get your input on metallic inks. I want to color the card back and deck with Gold metallic, purple and green.
Definitely colour the back ! Not sure if you can use that many metallic inks, you will have to check with the printing company, although mardis gras is crazy, dont go TOO crazy on the colours =D
The back looks good. I can't wait to see the colored version. I can't offer any advice on which colors to use though since I'm no artist but I like the colors you've chosen. Maybe you should just post a colored version and we'll comment on that.
Glad you guys like the back. Unfortunately because it takes so long to print decks it would be virtually impossible to get them done before mardis gras.
Took a short break today from the necromancy deck (there should be some new artwork later today in an update) to do some quick color variants of the Mardis Gras card back.
I like the top one as well. I also think that it would be awesome to have two decks. Since Mardi Gras is celebrated around the world to "live it up" a bit before the coming fast/Lent, it would be in keeping with this to have the two decks be polar opposites. Why not invert the green and purple? Of course this is just an idea and I have little to know artistic sense so it may not even work. Just an idea. Looking great by the way.
@daveEdgerly - I'm very excited about this deck. You have so much potential. I can see why ppl like the top one. It shows a little white negative space. Make one demo back a little bit brighter. Really like the badge in the corners. I saw this bird deck and I wish they made the back of card like yours with corner badges. I like the way you made the lips the center element. You have a good theme... https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/lu ... d?ref=card
Screenshot 2014-11-22 08.44.32.png (303.8 KiB) Viewed 3881 times
I might suggest for the suits using Gold for Hearts, Green for Diamonds, and Purple for Clubs. Black is Black.....
Screenshot 2014-11-22 08.49.40.png (39.78 KiB) Viewed 3880 times
sprouts1115 wrote:@daveEdgerly - I'm very excited about this deck. You have so much potential. I can see why ppl like the top one. It shows a little white negative space. Make one demo back a little bit brighter. Really like the badge in the corners. I saw this bird deck and I wish they made the back of card like yours with corner badges. I like the way you made the lips the center element. You have a good theme... https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/lu ... d?ref=card
Very well put. Exactly what I was thinking but you put it far better than I can.
Is the same color for the gold used in the first an third back? If so I like the first one, if not turning the whites lines to purple on the first back might look killer. Can't wait to see the courts.
pcggamer wrote:Is the same color for the gold used in the first an third back? If so I like the first one, if not turning the whites lines to purple on the first back might look killer. Can't wait to see the courts.
So I guess what pcggamer is suggesting. Keep the purple background shadow lines and the halo gold effect, but kill the darker gold space and make it all white. Yea, I have to agree that might look interesting, but now purple would be his theme color. With a Mardi Gras deck that might not be so bad.
Screenshot 2014-11-22 12.32.17.png (144.5 KiB) Viewed 3280 times
It's hard not to look like KW if you are doing a version of standard courts. As I do more of the mardis gras krewes the costumes will get more lavish. Hopefully the colors will set them appart as well.
Awesome stuff - Love the card backs - the colours on the back designs are great - possibly could be even more saturated though - MardiGras is big and bold and in your face!
Is there a coloured version of the king too? Because I have a feeling I will be overusing the word "awesome" in this topic...
And with all these beads thrown around are the queens... y'know... ?
montecarlojoe wrote:Awesome stuff - Love the card backs - the colours on the back designs are great - possibly could be even more saturated though - MardiGras is big and bold and in your face!
Is there a coloured version of the king too? Because I have a feeling I will be overusing the word "awesome" in this topic...
And with all these beads thrown around are the queens... y'know... ?
Ha! thanks! there will be a colored version soon. I've been tinkering with this deck while I'm finishing the Grimoire decks for Edgy brothers. I won't be doing any topless queens even though there are going to be beads everywhere. Believe it or not, most New orleans natives hate the "show us your ...." custom. I will try to make this deck as fun and festive as possible, while hopefully remaining true to some of the history of the celebration.