"Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) - deck fulfillment shipped!

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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now live on KS

Unread post by Thirdway Industries »

volantangel wrote:One last discounted brick tier out there for anyone that is still looking ! Project is over 90% at the moment =D
Yesterday night was crazy :)
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now live on KS

Unread post by sms69x »

So I stayed up last night to see if I could get one of those DB... Was expecting something special with a nice price, but, unfortunally that was not what happened, those BD were nothing more than some EB, nothing really special for us UC members, still at a 6 deck DB I would pay $12.5 per deck, sorry but that's too much. Don't get me wrong, I relly appretiate what you're doing, it's very nice of you being here and hearing what we have to say, and even trying to get some advantages for us, but as I mentioned before, this project was overpriced since the start, so I think we can't expect anything special price-wise!

Either way I snag a DB 6 decks, as I didn't want anyone out of this community to get it!! So if anyone is interested in it just let me know.
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now live on KS

Unread post by volantangel »

sms69x wrote:So I stayed up last night to see if I could get one of those DB... Was expecting something special with a nice price, but, unfortunally that was not what happened, those BD were nothing more than some EB, nothing really special for us UC members, still at a 6 deck DB I would pay $12.5 per deck, sorry but that's too much. Don't get me wrong, I relly appretiate what you're doing, it's very nice of you being here and hearing what we have to say, and even trying to get some advantages for us, but as I mentioned before, this project was overpriced since the start, so I think we can't expect anything special price-wise!

Either way I snag a DB 6 decks, as I didn't want anyone out of this community to get it!! So if anyone is interested in it just let me know.
I really dont know, $12.5 a deck shipped is actually pretty good comparing it to some of the other projects out there isnt it ?
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now live on KS

Unread post by sms69x »

volantangel wrote: I really dont know, $12.5 a deck shipped is actually pretty good comparing it to some of the other projects out there isnt it ?
You can say its good, not pretty good, but I think I'm still mad as this was supouse to be the anual UC deck as thus being more a promotional deck rather than a profit deck. I expected that this deck wouldn't cost me more that $11 each, and even this value was the top that I was willing to give, I like the artwork but not in love with it, and being an EPCC deck also doesn't make me excited... And with the Venexiana dark almost leading me to bankrupt, and with the Uusi classic, this deck, at this price, has to be left for another time...

Choices, we have to deal with them!!! :D
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now live on KS

Unread post by volantangel »

I really dont think that you can compare this deck or the previous grotesque deck by lotrek to the one done by randy 2 years ago. The level of customization is completely different, and randy offered to design the deck pro bono. What you are getting here is a full customised deck with the holographic printing you have seen on zenith, i think $12.5 shipped is really quite a good price.
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now live on KS

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

I have to say I wasn't overly blown away by these "crazy" birds either. $1 less per deck than the early bird isn't what I'd call "crazy", and with the Int shipping added it didn't equate to a big difference from a 2 deck pledge. Also, I had no interest in getting 4 or 6 decks.

Not complaining though, I was able to snag one of the 2 deck EBs that I missed the first time around.
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now live on KS

Unread post by snsdmonkey »

Thirdway Industries wrote:
Will the Signature Edition be a different tuck?
Probably not, I think "signature" as a signed and improved "regular" deck. However I want to add features that will made it unique.
Okay, curious to find out what these features are then.
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now live on KS

Unread post by Thirdway Industries »

Yeah, ive me some time to work on it. Today I'm making the uncut sheet, probably finished tomorrow!
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now live on KS

Unread post by sprouts1115 »

@Thirdway Industries - I'm starting to like these cards. Your keeping the traditional theme. Like the QoS with the flower and scepter. They kind of remind me of Jokers. Makes me wonder if a deck has been made using a traditional theme using nothing but Jokers for the courts. I'm sure people wouldn't mind Queen Jokers. The real Jokers would have to be really unique to stand out from the crowd.
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now live on KS

Unread post by Thirdway Industries »

Thank you, Sprouts!

I think this is really a good idea, however it's a bit late for Delirium Prism and Insomnia. However, I have a "mistery" stretch goal.......
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now live on KS

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Almost funded. Just a but more to go. :)
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now live on KS

Unread post by volantangel »

sprouts1115 wrote:@Thirdway Industries - I'm starting to like these cards. Your keeping the traditional theme. Like the QoS with the flower and scepter. They kind of remind me of Jokers. Makes me wonder if a deck has been made using a traditional theme using nothing but Jokers for the courts. I'm sure people wouldn't mind Queen Jokers. The real Jokers would have to be really unique to stand out from the crowd.
Sprouts you have great jokers, its the best part about your deck, why not you head in that direction yourself and get the same artist to do up all the courts
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now funded on KS

Unread post by Thirdway Industries »

Guys...we are FUNDED!
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now funded on KS

Unread post by StanKindLee »

Right on!

I have a database of KS decks, and one of the data points I collect is which day of the campaign it reached funding... Delirium noted.
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now funded on KS

Unread post by Fes »

Nice, congratulations on very early funding Giovanni. :D What are the odds of us seeing a card guard for this deck during the campaign or post campaign?
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now funded on KS

Unread post by Lotrek »

Complimenti Giovanni! :D
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now funded on KS

Unread post by Thirdway Industries »

@Fes Thank You! I wanted to focus on the cards only, so I was thinking about no gadgets like coins or dices, but maybe it's a good idea. Give me some time to think about it. Of course if someone else have suggestions about coins are appreciated!

@Lotrek: Grazie mille :)
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now funded on KS

Unread post by Eoghann »

Fantastic! Congrats on funding!
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now funded on KS

Unread post by Thirdway Industries »

Thank you Eoghann!

Here is the uncut in good resolution.
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now funded on KS

Unread post by Bikefanatic »

I just noticed the number cards have a background which is done right because a lot of us are spoiled by two way designs.
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now funded on KS

Unread post by ecNate »

Bikefanatic wrote:I just noticed the number cards have a background which is done right because a lot of us are spoiled by two way designs.

Agree, this is very well done and the uncut looks great. I just really wish I could get WAF to dedicate more space to uncuts, but she doesn't even know about most of them since I have a new spot already dedicated in the space I'm still finishing off. Excellent, excellent job on this!
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now funded on KS

Unread post by Thirdway Industries »

Hi there guys,
I'm working on the signature edition and I want to share with you some thoughts.
This is not the final edition, and tweak can be made, I'm also going to follow you advices.

Here is a prevew:
What does the Delirium Signature Edition contains?

- x2 Signed Decks (2 Prism or 1 Prism & 1 Insomnnia, if unlocked)
- x2 Certificates, signed with "signature" rubber stamp
- A signed & stamped booklet (around 20 pages, contains infomations and artwork of the courts, jokers and aces, with mirrored cover - the design is in progress)
- ONLY FOR UNITEDCARDISTS MEMBERS - a special illustration on mirrored paper, signed, with rubber stamp

- If Delirium Mystery will be unlocked, will be added FREE, signed, with its certificate.

I'm also thinking a way to customize the deck much, maybe a sticker on signature deck.

The price will be 100$ for everything, shipping from Italy included (read below)

--- Why I decided to make the "Signature Edition" with 2 decks? Because shipping from Italy is high (more than 10€), and I had to charge a lot even for 1 signature deck. The shipping for 2 decks is almost the same, so I thought to give all my backers as much as I can, optimizing the package. One of the most "expensive" feature of this deck, in fact, is the signature itself. Consider the shipping for 100 Decks from Unites States to Italy, and the shipping from the Pizza's Land to your home :)

I will make no more than 100 Signature edition. I'll give UC members priority (you can book one immediatly if you want, of course consider this is a preview and not the final version. - booking doesn't force you to buy when it will be available.) If you want to book, comment here or send me a mail to giovanni@thirdway.it
Every UC member can buy MAX two Signature Edition (4 decks)

Let me know your thoughts on this, okay? We have time to make changes ;)


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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now funded on KS

Unread post by snsdmonkey »

100 signature editions seems a bit high considering how many decks have been 'funded' as of now. And as I raised before, if the tuck is not redesigned where will we see the signature?
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now funded on KS

Unread post by Thirdway Industries »

100 is the max number I can manage, but if you think it would be more rare (and interesting) if I lower the limit to 50, I may do it.

About the signature, I was thinking below the deck, with a black marker.
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now funded on KS

Unread post by snsdmonkey »

Thirdway Industries wrote:100 is the max number I can manage, but if you think it would be more rare (and interesting) if I lower the limit to 50, I may do it.

About the signature, I was thinking below the deck, with a black marker.
Surprised more people aren't helping you out here. With a signature deck I highly recommend a tuck change. Don't know how viable it is for you but if I were to get one, I'd want it to be different from the usual apart from a signature and numbering. Also I don't see how your idea would work on the tuck given.
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now funded on KS

Unread post by chach »

Not to mention, and I may be reading this incorrectly and if so I apologize, but rubber stamping the signatures on the certs? That's kinda cheap IMO. No way would I spend $100 for 2 decks w/o any changes that are simply signed along with rubber stamped COAs and a few other things.
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now funded on KS

Unread post by SpecialK »

Getting progressively less enthused for this deck. The signature decks don't seem appealing at all. I'm planning on dropping my early bird brick tomorrow - if someone wants let me know.

Will hang onto the "delirium bird" for now, but we'll see.
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now funded on KS

Unread post by Sher »

Instead of the bottom of the deck (which cannot be seen most of the time when it is being displayed), maybe a signature sleeve similar to those used for the Seasons, Independence, and Golden Spike? This makes the signature removable, so some might not like this, but it allows the signature to be more displayed. I know there is also the alternative to simply sign on the very front of the tuck, but I just like signature sleeves cuz they look nice and the ink won't accidentally scratch off like it does when directly on the cello. Maybe the deck can have a special numbered seal and then the sleeve can have the matching number.
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now funded on KS

Unread post by snsdmonkey »

chach wrote:Not to mention, and I may be reading this incorrectly and if so I apologize, but rubber stamping the signatures on the certs? That's kinda cheap IMO. No way would I spend $100 for 2 decks w/o any changes that are simply signed along with rubber stamped COAs and a few other things.
Yeh basically you'd be paying $80 for 2 signatures, COAs and a 20-page brochure...
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now funded on KS

Unread post by Yashi »

What's the minimum of EPCC for tuck swaps?
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