"Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) - deck fulfillment shipped!

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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now live on KS

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

Firthetic wrote:
Mike Ratledge wrote:...
I think I was a lurker for a couple of months before I signed up, so that makes September 2013 about right. Maybe late August, so let's say about 14 months ago, give or take a few weeks. I'm thinking it was early September and I registered in November, or whatever it is it says over there on the left.

It's actually the first year anniversary of you officially joining the United Cardists forum (well at least in Singapore time)! :ugdance:
Yep, I didn't even notice. I just went over by two minutes, "year two"!
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now live on KS

Unread post by Strag »

Well if all costs are equal, I don't personally think the quality of EPCC cards is up there with USPCC yet and I wouldn't (and am not) willing to pay the same or higher prices. Because of International shipping it hits even hard... but $14ea shipped internationally for an EPCC half-brick? Sorry, not for this guy.

I appreciate the clarification on how the pricing has been set and what the financial relationship between the artists and yourself is.
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now live on KS

Unread post by StanKindLee »

Strag wrote:I don't personally think the quality of EPCC cards is up there with USPCC yet...
Looking at your collector/player badges, I will assume this comment comes form the perspective of a card player. Can you tell about some specific things... durability, shuffling, feel while holding the cards, etc?
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now live on KS

Unread post by sinjin7 »

StanKindLee wrote:
Strag wrote:I don't personally think the quality of EPCC cards is up there with USPCC yet...
Looking at your collector/player badges, I will assume this comment comes form the perspective of a card player. Can you tell about some specific things... durability, shuffling, feel while holding the cards, etc?
As far as stock is concerned, both USPCC & EPCC are good. Casino grade Bee stock from the UCPCC is thicker and stiffer, has excellent snap, and is very durable, but they require a little bit of breaking in. There is a reason why the top casinos demand this stock and its the highest grade stock the USPCC provides. EPCC stock is almost as thick but a bit softer, but still has good snap. Long term durability is still up in the air as EPCC is so new. All I know is that the early EPCC decks I got don't fare so well (especially Global Titans, which are very poor), but the newer stock seem to deform less than they used to after vigorous handling and project better long term durability. For stock, its truly a matter of personal preference.

After all these months, with EPCC/LPCC coming out with different formulation after formulation for their finish, they're still chasing the Air Cushion/Magic finish by USPCC. After a century of experience, the USPCC has developed a calendaring structure and pattern in their finish that produces a coefficients of friction that allows for a smooth, even, glide between the cards which allows for extremely consistent fanning, shuffling, and spreads. If anything, USPCC cards may be a bit too slippery initially for some. EPCC has greatly improved their finish, but they are still not there yet, which is why we're still seeing them reformulating and re-tweaking their finishes. Early decks were clumpy (despite how desperately they were hyped), but now they feel almost as "slippery" as USPCC. The greatest difference is that the EPCC finish is still not as even and uniform right out of the box. Close examination will show that the "dimples" in the EPCC deck is much shallower than the USPCC which makes them feel a bit plastic-y. Card players and magicians probably won't care about these subtle differences in finish, but cardists and card mechanics will definitely appreciate the differences.
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now live on KS

Unread post by Marcus »

Excellent post, sinjin7!, thank you for that!
Yes, I might be the guy you remember from that thing at that place way back when.
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now live on KS

Unread post by Thirdway Industries »

@Sinjin7 - Just... wow :)
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now live on KS

Unread post by Thirdway Industries »

// Important // Delirium birds coming

Hi there guys, I promised some benefits here, and here's the first one.
The day 4 november at 6,30PM NYC time (In Italy is 5 november , half past midnight) I'll upload an extra slot of "delirium birds" (like early bird, but crazy instead of early).

I won't announce this on my other media, ONLY here, for one time I'll make an exception about my newsletter on Thirdway Industries (that usually comes first). Of course everyone can catch them, but I think you'll have a big advantage knowing the exact time.

Also, why 18,30 NYC time? I wanted a different hours for people can't catch the first early birds because it was too late or early. The hour I am chosing is late for me, but I hope, cool for some of you.

Hope you like this idea and good luck catching the crazy birds :)
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now live on KS (wap)

Unread post by Cbkimble »

I am definitely intrigued by your use of "crazy bird". I'll have to check it out.
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now live on KS

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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now live on KS

Unread post by Bikefanatic »

So the crazy birds will be lower than $11?
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now live on KS

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

Bikefanatic wrote:So the crazy birds will be lower than $11?
I suppose Giovanni didn't post specifics, and maybe didn't want to, but I'll risk that he was tired, ready for bed and just left that out: it's a 4 deck pack and the cost is lower. Just like any other pledge tier, if we get to the Insomnia decks it can be 2+2 as well.
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now live on KS

Unread post by Thirdway Industries »

The Delirium Birds will be fat :)

As Mike said, 4x and half bricks will be released.

The price per deck will be lower than 11$

Get ready, they're coming in the next hours!!
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now live on KS

Unread post by Strag »

StanKindLee wrote:
Strag wrote:I don't personally think the quality of EPCC cards is up there with USPCC yet...
Looking at your collector/player badges, I will assume this comment comes form the perspective of a card player. Can you tell about some specific things... durability, shuffling, feel while holding the cards, etc?
Yes, it's as a card player. Durabilty, ability to shuffle "out of the pack" and general feel all come into play for me. I haven't found EPCC to be consistent from deck to deck in any of these categories whereas with a USPCC produced deck I know what I am getting.

Without consistentcy, how is a $14 per deck (shipped) price (and that's only if I purchase 6 decks!) possibly justified?

I'll try to jump on one of the "crazy birds" but given that it's 11:30PM here and I have to work in the morning, it's not likely I'll get one.
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now live on KS

Unread post by cosmicsecret »

Thirdway Industries wrote:// Important // Delirium birds coming

The day 4 november at 6,30PM NYC time (In Italy is 5 november , half past midnight) .....
So its in about 6 hours from now at Wednesday 5th of November 0.30 GMT +1 correct? :)
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now live on KS

Unread post by Thirdway Industries »

cosmicsecret wrote:
Thirdway Industries wrote:// Important // Delirium birds coming

The day 4 november at 6,30PM NYC time (In Italy is 5 november , half past midnight) .....
So its in about 6 hours from now at Wednesday 5th of November 0.30 GMT +1 correct? :)
More or less 6 hours from now :) I'll repost again before they comes!
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now live on KS

Unread post by Thirdway Industries »

Coming in around 3 hours!!!!
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now live on KS

Unread post by Thirdway Industries »

Ok guys, we're almost there. Birds are coming in minutes.
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now live on KS

Unread post by Thirdway Industries »

Hereee they areee!!!
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now live on KS

Unread post by chach »

Snagged myself a Delirium Bird.
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now live on KS

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The early worm catches the bird! Oh wait...
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now funded on KS

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[flash=] :oops: [/flash]This also opened up the single and double EBs with people switching if anybody is interested in those now.
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now live on KS (wap)

Unread post by Cbkimble »

Got my bird 4. $10 a deck.
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now live on KS

Unread post by Thirdway Industries »

Congrats, some catched those silly birds before I posted here "Here they aree".

There are plenty of Delirium Bird, and I think a lot of United Cardists can catch one without fight.

I am going (slowly) to write an update now, communicating to the other backers & socials that those rewards are open.

Besides the deck prices, marketing and "not so early birds" - I hope those ideas increase the fun and the craziness of this campaign for everyone. :)

I am going to continue this way, okay?
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now live on KS

Unread post by SuicideKing »

Thirdway Industries wrote: I am going to continue this way, okay?
Sure! Good idea. Thanks! Got my delirium bird. I like this deck more and more each time I see it!
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now live on KS

Unread post by Fes »

Hope there is a crazy brick one showing up next time. :)
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now live on KS

Unread post by snsdmonkey »

Awesome got a Delirium Bird as well!
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now live on KS

Unread post by Thirdway Industries »

No more "early birds" are planned for now :) The next craziness will probably be the Signature Edition.

Here are some ideas:

I am going to limit only 50 Signature Edition - I want give UC members priority, maybe with the same formula of the Delirium Bird.

The signature Edition will have a high cost because it have to cross the ocean twice. I have to bring some decks to my house, sign them and re-send with silly italian postal office who costs a LOT (ship one decks costs around 10 euros...funny uh?) - I am thinking around 55$ for one deck or 105$ for two (if we unlock the Insomnia). Shipping included anywhere in the world. I'm also thinking, if we unlock the Mystery Deck, to add it free (signature edition, of course) to everyone bought the double signature edition.

All my signature decks and protoypes will include the certificate, printed on super shiny mirrored stock, signed, numbered and with my rubber stamp o it ( Instagram for pics of the mirrored certificates & rubber stamps > http://instagram.com/thirdway_industries" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; ).

Signature are expensive, so I want add something special in every package. I am thinking on a small poster (big as 2 decks) on cool stock (maybe my mirrored one) , with an exclusive commemorative scene. Or a sticker? Or both?

Those are only proposals and can change, but if you have ideas, let me know! I would be happy to hear.
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now live on KS

Unread post by snsdmonkey »

Thirdway Industries wrote:No more "early birds" are planned for now :) The next craziness will probably be the Signature Edition.

Here are some ideas:

I am going to limit only 50 Signature Edition - I want give UC members priority, maybe with the same formula of the Delirium Bird.

The signature Edition will have a high cost because it have to cross the ocean twice. I have to bring some decks to my house, sign them and re-send with silly italian postal office who costs a LOT (ship one decks costs around 10 euros...funny uh?) - I am thinking around 55$ for one deck or 105$ for two (if we unlock the Insomnia). Shipping included anywhere in the world. I'm also thinking, if we unlock the Mystery Deck, to add it free (signature edition, of course) to everyone bought the double signature edition.

All my signature decks and protoypes will include the certificate, printed on super shiny mirrored stock, signed, numbered and with my rubber stamp o it ( Instagram for pics of the mirrored certificates & rubber stamps > http://instagram.com/thirdway_industries" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;. ).

Signature are expensive, so I want add something special in every package. I am thinking on a small poster (big as 2 decks) on cool stock (maybe my mirrored one) , with an exclusive commemorative scene. Or a sticker? Or both?

Those are only proposals and can change, but if you have ideas, let me know! I would be happy to hear.
Will the Signature Edition be a different tuck?
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now live on KS

Unread post by volantangel »

One last discounted brick tier out there for anyone that is still looking ! Project is over 90% at the moment =D
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Re: "Delirium" (UC2015 Deck) now live on KS

Unread post by Thirdway Industries »

Will the Signature Edition be a different tuck?
Probably not, I think "signature" as a signed and improved "regular" deck. However I want to add features that will made it unique.
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