"Venexiana Dark" by Lotrek: Funding(funded) on KS!

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Re: "Venexiana Dark" by Lotrek: Funding(funded) on KS!

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Damn - I'm going to wear out my F5 key tomorrow - I just know it!
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Re: "Venexiana Dark" by Lotrek: Funding(funded) on KS!

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Save that for Saturday. :lol:
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Re: "Venexiana Dark" by Lotrek: Funding(funded) on KS!

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

Lotrek wrote:
EvilDeck wrote:Hand-drawn jokers? You are crazy :D!
I confirm :lol:
ahahahaha - surely not? I know where I will be!
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Re: "Venexiana Dark" by Lotrek: Funding(funded) on KS!

Unread post by chach »

And it's live! GO GO GO GO!!!

Looks like quite a few people are going for both signature decks. Fun to watch the funding amount get a nice little boost.

Lotrek - Will you confirm people that they will be getting their decks and what numbers they are like you did w/ Grotesque?
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Re: "Venexiana Dark" by Lotrek: Funding(funded) on KS!

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Pledged for mine!
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Re: "Venexiana Dark" by Lotrek: Funding(funded) on KS!

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Why the rush Chach hehe? I am sure you are in like Flynn
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Re: "Venexiana Dark" by Lotrek: Funding(funded) on KS!

Unread post by chach »

badpete69 wrote:Why the rush Chach hehe? I am sure you are in like Flynn
Oh you know it. Something like this, I even fired up the PC instead of just putting through on my iPad.
e618a4e5a2b9988ff0f1339d62b8af22.jpg (11.8 KiB) Viewed 1765 times
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Re: "Venexiana Dark" by Lotrek: Funding(funded) on KS!

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I was wondering if Lotrek is able to identify pledges times or message in the comment section is needed.
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Re: "Venexiana Dark" by Lotrek: Funding(funded) on KS!

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Lotrek can see every single pledge and time of pledge
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Re: "Venexiana Dark" by Lotrek: Funding(funded) on KS!

Unread post by chach »

BTW - Looks like the Stretch Goal for metallic ink on the face of the cards was met. :ugdance:

You're going to have to tell us what your mystery goal @ 30k is pretty soon, Lotrek
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Re: "Venexiana Dark" by Lotrek: Funding(funded) on KS!

Unread post by Lotrek »

That was pretty crazy! Almost all decks flew in iunder 10 mins. Seriously, next time I'll have a time limit, not a deck number limit! :lol:
Thank you all, everyone who pledged has gotten their decks today. And Venexiana is now full of metallic inks! They're dripping to the floor! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: "Venexiana Dark" by Lotrek: Funding(funded) on KS!

Unread post by Lotrek »

chach wrote:And it's live! GO GO GO GO!!!

Looks like quite a few people are going for both signature decks. Fun to watch the funding amount get a nice little boost.

Lotrek - Will you confirm people that they will be getting their decks and what numbers they are like you did w/ Grotesque?
Of course but at the end of the project. There are always people cancelling, so numbering will change.
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Re: "Venexiana Dark" by Lotrek: Funding(funded) on KS! (wap)

Unread post by Cbkimble »

I'm dying to find out who changed their pledge first. Not sure if #1 set is taken yet or not. Looked like most were grabbing the pair.
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Re: "Venexiana Dark" by Lotrek: Funding(funded) on KS!

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

Got to go with a pair of these! 1 in 60 decks, and two of them? The Grotesque Signature Edition turned out beyond anyone's expectations. I am pretty certain that they look even better in real life than the renderings. I expect these will follow suit a notch up, each tuck customized, and not just the hand drawn Joker.
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Re: "Venexiana Dark" by Lotrek: Funding(funded) on KS!

Unread post by Sher »

Cb, I'm not sure what you mean. If a person pledges first, whether for a single deck or for a pair, whoever that person is, doesn't that person get #1?
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Re: "Venexiana Dark" by Lotrek: Funding(funded) on KS!

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

Pretty sure he has crashed by now, but I think they are assigned in the order received. I'm sure he will answer in the morning (in Greece).
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Re: "Venexiana Dark" by Lotrek: Funding(funded) on KS!

Unread post by Cbkimble »

Sher wrote:Cb, I'm not sure what you mean. If a person pledges first, whether for a single deck or for a pair, whoever that person is, doesn't that person get #1?
Well, I know someone that somehow always end up with #1. Lol.
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Re: "Venexiana Dark" by Lotrek: Funding(funded) on KS!

Unread post by rousselle »

Cbkimble wrote:
Sher wrote:Cb, I'm not sure what you mean. If a person pledges first, whether for a single deck or for a pair, whoever that person is, doesn't that person get #1?
Well, I know someone that somehow always end up with #1. Lol.
Bad Larry.
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Re: "Venexiana Dark" by Lotrek: Funding(funded) on KS!

Unread post by chach »

From the FAQ on the kickstarter page.
How do I know which number deck(s) I got?
At the end of the campaign I'll send you a message saying which number you got. This is because some people may cancel their pledge so others (with bigger number) will get their place.
The numbers will be given according to when you appear to have pledged in my dashboard.
So basically say person A has number 10 and Person B has 11. Person A cancels pledge, so Person B winds up with #10, and person C with 11 etc etc etc...

If person with Number 1 cancels then everyone moves up one number. Lotrek is able to see when each person upped their pledge and by how much they upped it, so he can assign order by time stamp. If it's like Grotesque, then the order you pledged in doesn't necessarily equal the number deck you will get as some people choose one deck instead of both. So while you may be 19th person to pledge you may get deck number 17 if some folk chose one deck over the other.
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Re: "Venexiana Dark" by Lotrek: Funding(funded) on KS!

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It's not exactly like Grotesque, there is not a limit to 60 backers(no matter how many decks they want) but the limit is to 120 decks. There is no backer numbering, only deck numbering.
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Re: "Venexiana Dark" by Lotrek: Funding(funded) on KS!

Unread post by Cbkimble »

Lotrek wrote:@Chach:

It's not exactly like Grotesque, there is not a limit to 60 backers(no matter how many decks they want) but the limit is to 120 decks. There is no backer numbering, only deck numbering.
So this time there may be single deck slots open when you open it up next time?
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Re: "Venexiana Dark" by Lotrek: Funding(funded) on KS!

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

Cbkimble wrote:
Lotrek wrote:@Chach:

It's not exactly like Grotesque, there is not a limit to 60 backers(no matter how many decks they want) but the limit is to 120 decks. There is no backer numbering, only deck numbering.
So this time there may be single deck slots open when you open it up next time?
Yep, the only thing is it's one or the other or both, not two of either one. $60 for either one, your pick. The 40 'slots' sold Saturday afternoon and 20 more slots will be available during the last week of the campaign, usually offset 12 hours to be fair to those people overseas and that work odd schedules.
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Re: "Venexiana Dark" by Lotrek: Funding(funded) on KS!

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Eoghann wrote:Save that for Saturday. :lol:
I smashed that key for a full 24 hours! - nd it worked too - I got one of each :)
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Re: "Venexiana Dark" by Lotrek: Funding(funded) on KS!

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montecarlojoe wrote:
Eoghann wrote:Save that for Saturday. :lol:
I smashed that key for a full 24 hours! - nd it worked too - I got one of each :)
Shoot I think I hit it about 4 times. Once just to make sure it was working. :)
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Re: "Venexiana Dark" by Lotrek: Funding(funded) on KS! (wap)

Unread post by Cbkimble »

I had completely forgot about it. Luckily, at 10 min till I looked at my phone. I was driving so I stopped and spent ten minutes refreshing.
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Re: "Venexiana Dark" by Lotrek: Funding(funded) on KS!

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"Bite more than you can chew and then chew it"

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Re: "Venexiana Dark" by Lotrek: Funding(funded) on KS!

Unread post by Eoghann »

The Brothel Madam. :)

Very nice.

Should I stop holding on to the hope of the error EB tier getting anything special or do I switch to the half brick already? :lol:
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Re: "Venexiana Dark" by Lotrek: Funding(funded) on KS!

Unread post by Lotrek »

Eoghann wrote:The Brothel Madam. :)
Well, in fact she is not taking money but she is giving. Maybe I should change her hand with the pouch...
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Re: "Venexiana Dark" by Lotrek: Funding(funded) on KS!

Unread post by chach »

Lotrek wrote:
Eoghann wrote:The Brothel Madam. :)
Well, in fact she is not taking money but she is giving. Maybe I should change her hand with the pouch...
I dunno, to me it looks like someone just dropped the money bag in her hand.
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Re: "Venexiana Dark" by Lotrek: Funding(funded) on KS!

Unread post by Eoghann »

If she's not the brothel madam, then it's the woman who hired the assassin to take out the other dude. :o
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