The Hive Deck - New King's Wild Deck Now Available

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Re: The Hive Deck - New King's Wild Deck Now Available

Unread post by nECr0MaNCeD »

MagikFingerz wrote:But think of it this way; with the amount of comments that occurred when you had a leave of absence from this place, I'd say it's pretty clear that most of us WANT you here.
Spot on. And since the majority of members were not part of those discussions/threads. Leaving would be a major disservice to them.
MagikFingerz wrote:And anyone who critiques you (constructively, and more things may be constructive than you'd think) usually do so because they want you to (continue to) succeed.
Again. Spot on. two quotes that sum this up nicely...

"Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning"---Bill Gates
"Telling the truth and making someone cry is better than telling a lie and making them smile"---Paolo Coelho
MagikFingerz wrote:There will be those that are never happy, and those that are simply in a bad mood and takes it out on you, but those people are everywhere.
Take a look at the millions of comments around the internet by people who work in customer service that detail the crap they have had to put up with. Take the high road. Stay calm and professional and everyone else will see you, and them, in the proper light.
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Re: The Hive Deck - New King's Wild Deck Now Available

Unread post by sinjin7 »

JacksonRobinson wrote:If you want to label me a "company man" then a place like this is bad for business because more often than not it serves not constructive purpose when its a boys club and not a community forum.

Que Berating...
Whether this place is bad for your business or not is 100% dependent on you. Other companies like Uusi, Lotrek, Encarded, Midnight Card Company, Stockholm 17, and Alex Chin (just to name a few) do great business here. They’ve all had varying degrees of criticism in the past, but they all nip things in the bud by conducting themselves in a professional manner befitting successful companies.

What they don’t do is come here and call us “boys”. What they don’t do is promise us one thing, then change directions on us, then have the gall to be putt off by us criticizing your mistakes – this is how all your issues here have started with the Moriarty v.1 fiasco. You used to have universal support from everyone here at UC, myself included. But you got exposed with your surly attitude and your thin skin and whining about how its not fair we can be free to speak our minds but you can’t. Many UC members have already made great posts illustrating why you’re different from us precisely because you’re a business now. We’re not the one asking you for money or support. We’re not trying to sell you jack. You can’t say the same. If you don’t get that you’re held to a different standard of professionalism by now, you probably never will.

You seem to like to single me out amongst all the other “boys” you have a problem with. You also have referenced my “Cricket” post multiple times now. That post was so clearly over the top that no one took it seriously. I also didn’t have to put the word “satire” in parenthesis after every sentence because it was that obvious. At the time, there were a lot of people unhappy with you and all I was trying to do was to lighten the mood by posting something humorous while making a point. It seems to me you’re looking for any excuse to put words in my mouth and mischaracterize my posts to make me this Jackson Robinson persecutor, even when I’m saying complementary things about you. Take my previous post for example:
sinjin7 wrote:Like many people already mentioned, Sher was spot on with her comments, and even Jackson agreed with her. I think a lot of misunderstandings could be avoided if people took just a little more time to read posts a bit more carefully and not put words in other people's mouths or posts. Because its the internet, sometimes its hard to get a good read on someone's intent by just reading words, and its hard to discern if someone is trying to be sarcastic or funny and things could be taken the wrong way. All I wanted to know was what was the correlation between a limited print run and uncut sheets, and pointed out that if he gives full disclosure about the print run of the uncuts, then we wouldn't have any questions or wrong ideas about it. That was it. Maybe due to the way I worded my post, or because of our history, Jackson may have taken it the wrong way, I don't know.

I think Jackson is a passionate guy when it comes to his craft. I actually think he's a pretty funny dude (at times) as well. He's definitely talented, which is why any of us care what he says or does. Its pretty boring when a company is too buttoned up and PC, so I don't mind seeing a little spirit and actual honesty. But you can't go too far the other way and speak your mind too bluntly to the point of being unprofessional, either. Its a tough balance to find and Jackson is a new company and he's still trying to find that balance, I think. At the end of the day, I appreciate the fact that he still comes here to UC to take the heat and face the music like he's done in this thread and in the Thunderdome.
I want you, or anyone else, to tell me what aspect of this post merited the rant you followed it up with? I was actually making an excuse for you by pointing out that maybe you misunderstood me because its difficult to read intent online, an that second paragraph was actually a defense of you! Like I’ve said before, I’ve gone over all my posts concerning you, and while I’ve been tough on you, I can’t find any post where I’ve crossed the line or was offensive. All this is now so old that I'm almost missing the crickets . .

I want to sincerely apologize to everyone (especially those who actually read everything down to this point) for this ridiculously loooong post. I feel like Mike Ratledge! ;)
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Re: The Hive Deck - New King's Wild Deck Now Available

Unread post by StanKindLee »

JacksonRobinson wrote:@Sher

Your absolutely right, and I totally see your point. I should responded to Sinjin7 with "What more info are you looking for me disclose" and that be it.
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Re: The Hive Deck - New King's Wild Deck Now Available

Unread post by Marcus »

I usually stay out of these things for a good reason, but.. What the hell.

In my eyes, it goes with the territory that you're going to be held to a higher standard when you are representing a company on any public forum. When I was here posting a few years ago (or rather, at the old UC) I was here because I wanted to personally. But since I was an employee of Ellusionist back then I also knew that no matter what I did I would be representing them in other people's eyes. My posts wouldn't necessarily be the opinions of E, but they would be reflections of what an employee of E was writing. I did the exact same thing when I was with Murphy's later on and even though I resigned over a year ago now I still keep that in mind when I'm posting most times though I'm trying to ease up a bit. We took a LOT of heat from time to time (Red Artifice, anyone? :D ) but that's part of the deal. Sometimes it was justified, sometimes it wasn't. So anything valid you take to heart and the rest you don't.


This forum, and the old UC, can be very fast to jump to conclusions. No, it's not everyone but the climate historically has been one where people are quick to pass judgment. And there have been a few who seemingly often assume that companies are out to screw them. A mindset I just can't understand personally, but that might be because I've seen both sides of the business. Are there companies that have made decisions giving off vibes of not really caring about their customers? Yes, I would say so. But that's not the standard and I'd rather people started waiting a bit and sometimes give the benefit of the doubt instead of throwing around insults and passing judgment. That would create a nicer, more attractive forum climate for everyone - both the existing users, potential new users and company representatives.

With this said, I'm speaking in general terms here, so neither Jackson nor sinjin7 should look at this as being an attack on either of them.

Now, what were we talking about? Oh, right, the Hive decks!
Yes, I might be the guy you remember from that thing at that place way back when.
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Re: The Hive Deck - New King's Wild Deck Now Available

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

sinjin7 wrote:I want to sincerely apologize to everyone for this ridiculously loooong post. I feel like Mike Ratledge! ;)
Seriously? Even I don't feel like Mike Ratledge right now.
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Re: The Hive Deck - New King's Wild Deck Now Available

Unread post by vasta41 »

Mike Ratledge wrote:
sinjin7 wrote:I want to sincerely apologize to everyone for this ridiculously loooong post. I feel like Mike Ratledge! ;)
Seriously? Even I don't feel like Mike Ratledge right now.
Will the real Mike Ratledge please stand up.
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Re: The Hive Deck - New King's Wild Deck Now Available

Unread post by sprouts1115 »

@vasta41 - Hmm maybe...
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Re: The Hive Deck - New King's Wild Deck Now Available

Unread post by bamabenz »

Got a surprise in my mailbox today.


Pretty freaking cool.

Thanks Brendan!

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Re: The Hive Deck - New King's Wild Deck Now Available

Unread post by Sher »

Cool, the illustrations on the cards are really cute. :)
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Re: The Hive Deck - New King's Wild Deck Now Available

Unread post by sinjin7 »

Well well well, what do you know? The Hive decks, along with a bunch of other Jackson decks, are available on Touch of Modern: ... 625aa311b0

You can get both Hive decks for $24.99 + $5.00 shipping for 2 decks, or $8.00 shipping for 4 decks. In case you're interested, here are prices for Jackson's decks:

2 deck set of Civil War decks = $21.99
Independence Crown or Continental = $11.99 each
Branded Silver Certificate = $14.99 each
Holmes Edition = $14.99 each
Moriarty Edition = $14.99 each

So Brendan and Jackson sold the Hive deck for $18.00 + shipping and now they're being blown out at Touch of Modern for just $12.50 + shipping. I guess this is where the other 200 decks went. :roll:
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Re: The Hive Deck - New King's Wild Deck Now Available

Unread post by rousselle »

Wish I had noticed that TouchOfModern has a "refer a friend" program before I placed my order, SinJin. You could have gotten a $20 referal bonus after I placed my order! (And I could have gotten $10 off!) Rats!

If anyone else decides to order from TouchOfModern, let me (or SinJin!) know, and we'll extend you an invitation which should be good for $10 off your purchase. :)
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Re: The Hive Deck - New King's Wild Deck Now Available

Unread post by Foulblade »

Ah looks like a good deal but no shipping to Australia. Anyone keen to help me buy and ship to Aus :P
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Re: The Hive Deck - New King's Wild Deck Now Available

Unread post by volantangel »

While this is a great deal for everyone who waited (like me), got both the hive sets and civil war sets for approx $30 altogether (you gotta make the discounts work for you, should have another $20 credit). I wonder what the fans of KW who jumped in by the bricks on day one are thinking, if i were them, its probably gonna feel like a shot in the gut.
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Re: The Hive Deck - New King's Wild Deck Now Available

Unread post by Sher »

Jumping on this. This is the link to my invite, if anyone is thinking of becoming a member:" onclick=";return false;
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Re: The Hive Deck - New King's Wild Deck Now Available

Unread post by cosmicsecret »

Hmm with those invites there are a good amount of money in the savings!
but you get the $20 invite bonus when the order has shipped which means in 3-4 weeks according to the shopping cart of ToM.
It´s just too bad that they don´t ship outside the USA :|
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Re: The Hive Deck - New King's Wild Deck Now Available

Unread post by Sher »

They used to give you credit immediately once a person you invited signed up, but they figured out quickly that that wouldn't work very well since someone could just create so many email accounts and TOM accounts. So now, whoever you invite has to have placed an order. I got the Civil War decks with my $10 discount. I doubt I'll receive the $20 discount in time to purchase the Hive decks, though, so I'm debating on them at the moment.
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Re: The Hive Deck - New King's Wild Deck Now Available

Unread post by volantangel »

Sher wrote:Jumping on this. This is the link to my invite, if anyone is thinking of becoming a member:" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
Strategy which i posted in the other thread, edited slightly for sher =):

(FULL DISCLOSURE: Sher gets credit if you use her link to sign up for a new account and buy something, but hey why not right? Also if you are getting both decks, sign up for two accounts, use your code to link to the second account to get credit for your first account, dont use the same account to buy both decks, its cheaper even with the combined shipping, as you have a starting $10 credit + $20 credit back to your first account.)
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Re: The Hive Deck - New King's Wild Deck Now Available

Unread post by ddorn »

I just used my $15 credit I got for being a member. They give those out, on occasion.

Anyway, I'm getting 2 Hive decks for $15, shipped. Happy for the coinciding credit. I've missed a few of their other deck sales (TOM) as I still couldn't hack the cost + plus shipping.

Win - Win :D

Anyway, someone once linked TOM for a different deck, and I signed up for their newsletter. I've thoroughly enjoyed "window shopping" for things I'll never be able to afford. Though they do have some decent priced items, on occasion.
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Re: The Hive Deck - New King's Wild Deck Now Available

Unread post by PlayingCardz »

We bought 12 sets on TouchOfModern, here is what we received :
2014-10-30 16.33.16.jpg
Yup, that's 4 cellophaned unbranded silver certificate deck instead of the missing 2 sets ... someone there needs glasses :geek: :geek: :geek:
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Re: The Hive Deck - New King's Wild Deck Now Available

Unread post by Eoghann »

I can understand the blue one but the red?

Maybe they ran out? :/
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Re: The Hive Deck - New King's Wild Deck Now Available

Unread post by PlayingCardz »

Eoghann wrote:I can understand the blue one but the red?

Maybe they ran out? :/
Or the guys is colorblind on top of needing glasses :shock:
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