ecNate wrote:Any guesses when it will sell out? Not knowing what original inventory was I would still guess within 12 hours, but if not then after 12 hours likely just 2-4 options left. It would be REALLY nice if at some point they update what's available for those who come late to the party.
One would think these will sell out quickly given the very reasonable prices Jackson is selling these for. Given that you get at most a 10% overrun from the USPCC, there should only be a few hundred of each deck. For example, the Moriarty v.2 indicates a print run of 2750 decks (if the deck seal is accurate), so there can only be at most 275 extra decks, and probably far less than that due to post KS sales on his site and the possibility there wasn't a full 10% overrun.
What has me curious is why aren't these decks be wrapped in cellophane? I get why they may not have a deck seal, but I can't see why these wouldn't be wrapped in cellophane. Maybe he's differentiating the overrun decks from the regular decks by removing the cellophane. Blowing out his excess inventory in this manner can potentially undercut the value of his decks, so maybe removing the cellophane wrap is one way he's trying to preserve the value of his regular decks.