Eoghann wrote:This is hands down my favorite "stuffed in the attic for centuries" themed deck.
What's this rider back trademark issue you mentioned?
I don' understand what they're replacing if they're overstocked.
When Jarden bought USPCC, they enacted stricter policies where custom decks were no longer able to "modify" the rider back design in their decks. Some of the "art" gaffs like a blurred rider back or any other modifications to the rider back were no longer able to be produced. The best description that I've heard was to envision the rider back design as a rubber stamp. Anything that modifies the shape of that stamp would not be allowed, since it will weaken their trademark. The Merz "Trace" decks, and others, are OK because they keep the rider back design intact and just use different colors, while the "aging" effect on the 1800s involves drawing cracks into the design of the deck. My assumption is that is what is prompting the modification of the deck.
Regarding the over-stocked / clearance discrepance, I see what you're saying. Maybe they already got the new design in-house and it's sitting in the warehouse until the current stock sells through. USPC custom division often gets backed up during the end of the year in advance of the holiday season. I wouldn't be surprised if E ordered the decks in advance to ensure there weren't any shortages during the Christmas season.