[Volantangel] Playing Cards + Photography

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Re: [Volantangel] Playing Cards + Photography

Unread post by volantangel »

WHY DONT YOU LIKE MY FINGERS ! haha just kidding I wasn't too happy with those myself, but I just wanted to offer something different. I just thought of what else I could do.. Maybe the jokers will have to go lol

Edit: I just thought of something else to do with the joker, now I wonder how many cards are going to be left once I'm done with everything lol
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Re: [Volantangel] Playing Cards + Photography

Unread post by chach »

I think throwing them into a campfire or fireplace would look pretty shweet. But I'm also wondering how many purists nearly had a heart attack at seeing a deck purposefully destroyed.
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Re: [Volantangel] Playing Cards + Photography

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So i went back and tried to do a little better with the idea, i think it turned out much better this time, but like usual, the fire is difficult to manage. I name this, the girl with the fiery hair. 8-) I know it would be better if i managed to capture the top of the flames, but im all out of jokers & ad cards, if anyone wants to donate a couple i might try it again :lol: :lol:
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Re: [Volantangel] Playing Cards + Photography

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That's awesome! Lighter fluid?
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Re: [Volantangel] Playing Cards + Photography

Unread post by volantangel »

Eoghann wrote:That's awesome! Lighter fluid?
Haha it was much better than my initial attempt i feel, it wasnt lighter fluid, I used a flammable glue, not sure how much toxics i breathed in that night :? :?
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Re: [Volantangel] Playing Cards + Photography

Unread post by chach »

The third one would be cool if the fire matched the direction of her hair. Flip the card, light it up and take pics then pull a 180 in post.
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Re: [Volantangel] Playing Cards + Photography

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:shock: WOW.. Fantastic :D
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Re: [Volantangel] Playing Cards + Photography

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chach wrote:The third one would be cool if the fire matched the direction of her hair. Flip the card, light it up and take pics then pull a 180 in post.
I know what you mean, but it would be strange if the fire was going downwards. What i originally intended was for the fire to move from right to left, ending in a whip like action, but i couldnt get my fan to a low enough power that it doesnt blow everything away so i gave up on that idea :lol: Well but im out of jokers, used up both, perhaps one day when i get my hands on another ignite deck i might try a reattempt.

Thanks Jase !
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Re: [Volantangel] Playing Cards + Photography

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Volant, When are you going to burn those Venexianas? Just to see if the gold will melt? :lol:
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Re: [Volantangel] Playing Cards + Photography

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Lotrek wrote:Volant, When are you going to burn those Venexianas? Just to see if the gold will melt? :lol:
The day when you are able to replicate the gold foiling process on a mass production level 8-)
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Re: [Volantangel] Playing Cards + Photography

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Maybe ask for some of the wonky misprints? :)
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Re: [Volantangel] Playing Cards + Photography

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Awesome pictures! I LOVE the last one.
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Re: [Volantangel] Playing Cards + Photography

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Haha thanks dragonsoul !

Lotrek if you are interested in seeing some wonky good cards being burnt, add some into my package when you send it over :D
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Re: [Volantangel] Playing Cards + Photography

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So i did something for the BVCargo contest, help vote on facebook =D I went for the dark glowing treasure chest :D

My entry: https://www.facebook.com/BrainVessel/ph ... =1&theater
Sher's entry : https://www.facebook.com/BrainVessel/ph ... =1&theater
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Re: [Volantangel] Playing Cards + Photography

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Bah! I'm not even gonna try anymore! :lol:

Mmmm...chocolate coins....

Nice work! :)
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Re: [Volantangel] Playing Cards + Photography

Unread post by Jock1971 »

Hi Volantangel. :D
Some awesome looking pictures once again, i`m not on facebook so i can`t vote for either you or Sher, But i wish both of you good luck in the contest. Even thought i think you don`t need any luck with those entries. ;)
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Re: [Volantangel] Playing Cards + Photography

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How could i not do something for the 2014UC Annual Deck ?? Lotreks work has been absolutely amazing :lol:
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Re: [Volantangel] Playing Cards + Photography

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Re: [Volantangel] Playing Cards + Photography

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montecarlojoe wrote:Witchcraft!
Haha its not witchcraft, just clever camera angles ! Kindly like magic, all about the angles !
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Re: [Volantangel] Playing Cards + Photography

Unread post by volantangel »

A set that ive been seeking out for quite awhile. The printing of the black legacy decks at least on the tuckbox looks pixellated and im not convinced of the quality, however i have not opened the deck up to play with it yet, so I still have reservations about the deck.
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Re: [Volantangel] Playing Cards + Photography

Unread post by Jock1971 »

Hi Volantangel. :)
I was a backer for the original Legacy kickstarter . i did managed to get the Red & Blue decks as add-ons in another kickstarter which should be here soon.
But have not got a black... Have you tried yours yet and is it worth me looking out for a pack?
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Re: [Volantangel] Playing Cards + Photography

Unread post by volantangel »

Hey jase!

Love it when i have an excuse to open decks up XD. Ok here is my take. I only opened up the black and the red, red should be representative of both red & blue.

Tuck Box
-Black, Printing resolution not as good, Linen finish (perhaps that is what affected the resolution), No embossing, blank on the inside. Cello is looser than uspcc, however tear strip works well.

-Red, excellent printing resolution, glossy finish, very nice embossing, with embossed reveal on the side flap, printed on the inside, nice tight cello, tear strip still useless.

-Black, printing resolution is slightly better than tuckbox, however black ink seems to too heavy and encroaches a little on the other colours resulting in slight loss in detail. Embossed finish. Clumps when fanning, doesnt faro well. Stock is very thick and stiff, 2-3 cards thicker than the red deck, difficult to faro but do-able, takes breaking in. Springs are more difficult due to the stiffer stock, however dribbles are perfectly fine.

-Red, Good printing resolution, embossed finish, good fans, faros, springs, dribbles. typical uspcc.

Black- less elaborate AOS due to the omission of the bike logo. Does not have the nice back ground on the card faces that the red deck has. Indices are all white, and pips are red or gold, would be better if they were just red/gold throughout. 2 Ad cards, 1 joker and 1 double backer, no idea why they didnt use 2 jokers. Also due to the dark red on black nature of the red cards, some detail isnt easily discernible easily.

Red - Elaborate AOS. nice intricate background on the faces of the cards. The red cards are red, black cards are blue. 2 jokers, 1 double backer, 1 red back + blue back.

If you are a collector that must get all colours/ Limited editions and dont really open your decks and is able to get these at an uninflated price, i would say why not, the black deck is of decent quality, not top notch but much better than novelty decks.

If you are a card player/collector who opens their deck up to look at the cards, i would say well unless you can get these cheap, its not a big loss to not have it in your collection, and you will be far happier with the red and blue decks which are excellent. But if these come cheap, why not?

If you are a flourisher/magician, nah just stay away, these arent the quality you are used to.

ps. I took pictures, but im a little lazy to upload them :lol: :lol: the review should be detailed enough
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Re: [Volantangel] Playing Cards + Photography

Unread post by Lotrek »

Wow! I just saw your photos of Grotesque. AMAZING! Thank you Kai! :-)
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Re: [Volantangel] Playing Cards + Photography

Unread post by volantangel »

Lotrek wrote:Wow! I just saw your photos of Grotesque. AMAZING! Thank you Kai! :-)
Thank you for giving me such great material to work with :) it's really a gorgeous deck ! I wonder what other goodies I'll be able to take pictures of soon :)
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Re: [Volantangel] Playing Cards + Photography

Unread post by Jock1971 »

Thanks for the review Volantangel :D
While i do like 1 of every deck in a set it is not essential. I`ve seen the black pack with a retail price of £13 over here. So taking that into account and with you less than enthusiastic review i`ll think i will hold off from getting a pack unless i can pick them up dirt cheap on e-bay.
Thanks again :D
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Re: [Volantangel] Playing Cards + Photography

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Glad you found my review useful =)
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Re: [Volantangel] Playing Cards + Photography

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Another beautiful deck by Chris Chelko !
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Re: [Volantangel] Playing Cards + Photography

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A little something for Lotrek! Whats on your wrist?
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Re: [Volantangel] Playing Cards + Photography

Unread post by Lotrek »

Very cool Volant! I have the feeling that you'll soon need to see that deck again! ;-D
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Re: [Volantangel] Playing Cards + Photography

Unread post by volantangel »

Some awesome goodies from Lotrek, and just showing off my favourite print out of all the courts =)

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