2. We are working on possibly amending the shipping prices.
3. I'll let Mike answer this one.
4. Multiple reward option - when you click "contribute to this project" or "choose this reward", you are taken to a page that lists all the rewards. there are check boxes next to each reward, and you can check as many as you like.
5. That "Self Fulfillment" on there is misleading. On the form that the creator fills out, there is a question, "Self fulfillment?" and all of them answered no, which displays the Guaranteed Rewards Delivery logo. If opting for self-fulfillment, then we don't use the logo. (Gambler's is actually doing self-fulfillment, but they are a fulfillment partner and the use of fulfillment partners means "Guaranteed Rewards Delivery," which is why they answered no, to the self-fulfillment question, so the logo will be displayed).
6. We will do that, but for now priority is on major glitches. By this I mean we need to ensure first that the coding is right so pledges can be made and payments are processed properly.
To clarify, the shipping prices I listed were for domestic shipping, not international. I can't guarantee you that international will be the same price, but I don't think a brick will cost $50 to ship.mmiikk wrote:i was charged 55 USD a couple of days ago, to get a brick to me here in australia, and that was first class not priority- so i think what ive seen of the prices so far is really good.
edit- i tell a lie, it was 50usd which converted to 55 aussie dollars