Life As A Web Designer

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Life As A Web Designer

Unread post by SeanWhelan »

Hey Everyone!
Been awhile since I've been here. Since my Galvanic deck was created and printed, my life changed so much! My intention for creating those cards was to get my name out there and to show I have potential as an artist. Some might love them and others can care less for the designs, but again it was to show what I can push myself to do.

That was exactly what happened though! I landed a full time Web Developer position and can't believe its been a full year already since I got this position!

What do I do exactly? I work for a company called Ordereze and we are a marketing/website company focusing on mom and pop restaurants. I create design concepts, marketing material for social media and emai and I program the sites from scratch.

Since I started I have created and coded up just over 470 websites to date! We're a small company (roughly 40 people) and we knock out sites fast. Almost 60-70 a month.

Check out an example site we've been working on for a few weeks now. I created the site entirely from scratch and helped developed the backend platform we use which helps create various layout pages:" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

Keep in mind that is a rough draft copy so some links may not work and you might see a few bugs here and there. But this is the direction I wanted to move the company towards. Cleaner, modern looking sites.

But yeah I just wanted to drop in and say hey to everyone again since this site gave me such great support in the past and wanted to show you all where it got me. And to prove this can happen to any of you!

Sean Whelan
Web Developer/Graphic Artist
Creator/Designer of Bicycle Galvanic Playing Cards

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Re: Life As A Web Designer

Unread post by volantangel »

Welcome back Sean ! Any plans to once again take on the challenging task of designing a deck for us again ?
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Re: Life As A Web Designer

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

Good to have you here again, Sean! And great to hear you're doing well :)
- Tom

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Re: Life As A Web Designer

Unread post by sprouts1115 »

@SeanWhelan - I rEmember you. And it's all positive...
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Re: Life As A Web Designer

Unread post by sinjin7 »

Congrats, Sean! You were one of the earlier deck designers who came to UC and was receptive to our feedback. I'm glad you were able to parlay your experience creating your own Bicycle custom playing cards into professional advancement. When you have time, you should consider another custom deck, or even reviving Lucent (which I liked and was disappointed it didn't fund).
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Re: Life As A Web Designer

Unread post by SeanWhelan »

Thank you for the support guys as usual, thats why I love this site. I can't believe how "main stream" playing have grown over the year. I def want to re-launch my Lucent deck and hopefully can get funded now that so many people collect decks
Creator/Designer of Bicycle Galvanic Playing Cards

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