"Brand New From @davidblaine and @expertpcc #expertpcc "

Yep, yep - I told you all that there was something going on with DB in the pictures using Exquisite Bold decks. Nothing is a coincidence.shadowkat wrote:That back isn't as epic as the original split spades, but it was printed by EPCC. I wonder if the new Gatorback Riders are USPCC or EPCC... Thanks for posting CBJ.
Maybe not - right now, Julian!PlayingCardz wrote:Looks like to be a collaboration with Microsoft !
With people commenting, "thank you for an amazing show"Amazing time, thank you team and thank you Microsoft
what's wrong with EPCC? I don't have a deck from them yet but I've heard good things about them from a lot of people especially about the fact that they're decks are usually REALLY well centered.sinjin7 wrote:This is pretty disappointing, both in terms of the "minimalist" back design and the choice of printers.
Sinjin is a cardist, and he prefers USPCC decks for cardistry, I believe mostly because of USPCC's air cushion finish.Mirror wrote:what's wrong with EPCC? I don't have a deck from them yet but I've heard good things about them from a lot of people especially about the fact that they're decks are usually REALLY well centered.sinjin7 wrote:This is pretty disappointing, both in terms of the "minimalist" back design and the choice of printers.
I'm a casual cardist and I prefer EPCC decks for cardistry. Packets stick together but still fan great. This DB deck looks extremely boring, but since it was a free giveway for employees, it's passable as a cheap and economic design. But... it's just that - passable. This deck will not go far in terms of rarity AND quality of design.Sher wrote:Sinjin is a cardist, and he prefers USPCC decks for cardistry, I believe mostly because of USPCC's air cushion finish.Mirror wrote:what's wrong with EPCC? I don't have a deck from them yet but I've heard good things about them from a lot of people especially about the fact that they're decks are usually REALLY well centered.sinjin7 wrote:This is pretty disappointing, both in terms of the "minimalist" back design and the choice of printers.
Not for sale indeedvolantangel wrote:Nah this is a gift to commemorate DB's performance at the microsoft office, so i think all the staff got hold one one or more decks, not for sale apparently.
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