Underground Playing Cards: Diamond Edition- (KS)

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Underground Playing Cards: Diamond Edition- (KS)

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Re: Underground Playing Cards: Diamond Edition- (KS)

Unread post by Bikefanatic »

Ugliest tuck of the year?
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Re: Underground Playing Cards: Diamond Edition- (KS)

Unread post by Yashi »

These don't deserve to be my best friend.
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Re: Underground Playing Cards: Diamond Edition- (KS)

Unread post by badpete69 »

i invited Danielle to come over for feedback and comments
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Re: Underground Playing Cards: Diamond Edition- (KS)

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

huh... I'm supposed to be polite these days, so I'll reserve comment. Too bad they didn't come here before they went public.
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Re: Underground Playing Cards: Diamond Edition- (KS) (wap)

Unread post by StanKindLee »

Some of the pledge tiers have an estimated deck delivery of August... unless USPCC was given the money months ago to print these, it's not going to happen.
-- $tanley
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Re: Underground Playing Cards: Diamond Edition- (KS) (wap)

Unread post by Cbkimble »

Maybe they used paint b/c they couldnt afford a better program.
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Re: Underground Playing Cards: Diamond Edition- (KS)

Unread post by Eoghann »


...or constructive feedback. Not everyone can be expert designers like every single user in this forum.
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Re: Underground Playing Cards: Diamond Edition- (KS)

Unread post by badpete69 »

and when the creator is that hot, gimme a brick please :lol: :lol:
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Re: Underground Playing Cards: Diamond Edition- (KS)

Unread post by halcyondaze »

So I've been talking to the creator, and have also encouraged her to come here. So the face cards and pips are all standard. She's also stated that the delivery date is incorrect but she can't change it.

With that information, I am pretty sure this is another deck that's not getting funded. There's been quite a few lately that just don't make the cut.
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Re: Underground Playing Cards: Diamond Edition- (KS)

Unread post by supcomtabz »

I think it'd be wise for her to relaunch since the delivery date is off. It's a HUGE sticking factor to some people and it's not worth the anger issues.

I admire the effort, but it's just not clean enough design wise for me to want to buy a deck.
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Re: Underground Playing Cards: Diamond Edition- (KS)

Unread post by dhmagic »

Hi everyone!

Yes, the creator here.

So just to address a few of your concerns.

Yes I know the delivery dates were off. Thanks to Ken for pointing that out. I was able to adjust most of them, but there are a few that since I was already backed on that tier, I could not adjust. I will however be posting an update soon to tell people that it has come to my attention and what the real estimated dates are.

A few people have asked me about why there are not custom court cards. (I am about to upload the picture of the Ace). Since this was my first deck, I did not want to ask for a higher goal in order to have those custom. I know that that is a disappointment for some and I do apologize, but I can promise you the next will have custom courts assuming this is funded.

I apologize that the design is not up to par with what you all want. It has been a work in progress and I am content with the results. I know that for the next deck I should DEFINITELY come over here first, but at this point, I am just going to try to get funded as much as I can. While I understand that some of you are doubting the funding of this project, I would really appreciate all of the support that I can. I have been watching and backing many decks for months, and have seen both custom courts and not get funded.

Again, thank you everyone for your thoughts, and I'll be sure to come over here next time :)
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Re: Underground Playing Cards: Diamond Edition- (KS)

Unread post by PlayingCardz »

These colors ! :roll:
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Re: Underground Playing Cards: Diamond Edition- (KS)

Unread post by Aussie888 »

One thing that (for me) could make the back look a bit better would be to have a small space between the bases of the diamonds, pull the thick triangles out a bit, and move the thin pin-stripe in a bit.
Also the transition from the purple/black to the white outline seems a bit severe. Not sure how I'd address that though.

Just my thoughts. Otherwise I can't really complain based on what I've seen.
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Re: Underground Playing Cards: Diamond Edition- (KS)

Unread post by Sher »

Welcome, dhmagic! :D

I put you in the deck artist group :) Good luck with your project.
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Re: Underground Playing Cards: Diamond Edition- (KS)

Unread post by StanKindLee »

dhmagic wrote: I was able to adjust most of them, but there are a few that since I was already backed on that tier, I could not adjust.
You can still fix this... go in and edit the total number available for the tier to the number of people who have already pledged - this will prevent others from using that tier level. Then go and create identical tier levels except with the intended delivery dates. You should still post an update about the initially incorrect delivery dates for the benefit of those who have already pledged.

About the back design - check out the IFS wiki - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iterated_function_system" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; ... That diamond figure would be a great image to fractalize.
-- $tanley
Flame Fractal deck - http://freakiebeat.com/index.php/flame- ... -in-spades" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Animation of the Flame Fractal deck - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9Kq0BA8w9w" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: Underground Playing Cards: Diamond Edition- (KS)

Unread post by dhmagic »

@stankindlee Thank you! I will do that now! Great to know!
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Re: Underground Playing Cards: Diamond Edition- (KS)

Unread post by Widdee »

Danielle, I think your art just needs to be more dimensional. Half tones would help a lot to pop the artwork. You can work with what you have and give it more pop. Speaking of "pop", that is something we talk a lot about here. The first impression of a deck is just as it is with people, very important. You need to hit your viewer between the eyes.

Eta- a couple of our expert designers could probably help you play with this , it's not uncommon for deck creators to make changes to the art during the campaign.
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Re: Underground Playing Cards: Diamond Edition- (KS)

Unread post by Stockholm17 »


Danielle... I´ll be straight forward. To me this design needs an extreme-make-over if you really want to do a nice deck of playing cards. It does not have to be a piece of art, but this one just looks like a sketch, a 20 minutes job.
Sorry if I´m so direct, but this deck does not work at all.
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Re: Underground Playing Cards: Diamond Edition- (KS)

Unread post by Godzillian »

dhmagic wrote:I apologize that the design is not up to par with what you all want. It has been a work in progress and I am content with the results.
I don't know if you've seen the last few Kickstarter decks, but I've seen better decks fail to reach their funding goal. I don't know how you could be content with the results, if none of us are content with yours. Art is a fickle thing - it needs to appeal to not only the creator, but the creator's audience as well.

I think you should cancel this project immediately, and spend that time focusing on a better design. If you let this Kickstarter drag on hopelessly, you will end up wasting your own time imo. However, it is your choice to make. Just beware, I have seen better designs fail because of their lack of funding. The pile of failed projects just keep growing and growing and growing...

EDIT: It's difficult to provide critique on the deck itself, because it is flawed by design. The bottom shard of the diamond looks really strange and out of place with the rest of the diamond shape. Colours are strange, why grey for the diamond, why purple and black? Stripes look like they're added as an after-thought and do not accentuate the design... etc etc. But most of all, it looks unprofessional. It looks like a 20-minute (time quoted from Lotrek EDIT Designkiller*** man I get these 2 usernames mixed up all the time) Paint job. You may have put a lot of hours into considering and developing the design, but in the end, what we get is what we see.
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Re: Underground Playing Cards: Diamond Edition- (KS)

Unread post by Stockholm17 »

ah... just noticed "designed by Erin Quintana"

I do think that Erin does not have the competence to design/draw/illustrate something.
The tuckbox for example. The glue area is the glue area, it's supposed to be glued and hidden. Is that the bar-code? :D
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Re: Underground Playing Cards: Diamond Edition- (KS) (wap)

Unread post by Cbkimble »

That's just a mean thing to say LG. :)
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Re: Underground Playing Cards: Diamond Edition- (KS) (wap)

Unread post by Strag »

Cbkimble wrote:That's just a mean thing to say LG. :)
Sometimes the truth can be harsh. Reality is a suscessful project will require a lot of attention to detail which is just not being shown by this project.

I have to agree that the graphics look incomplete and amateurish to me. The lack of customisation will also just not get it done in today's playing card market, which should be obvious from what is out there if proper research had been done.
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Re: Underground Playing Cards: Diamond Edition- (KS) (wap)

Unread post by Cbkimble »

I was just giving Lorenzo a hard time. I completely agree with the consensus here.
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Re: Underground Playing Cards: Diamond Edition- (KS)

Unread post by supcomtabz »

There's a difference between "your stuff is terrible" and "hey here's some reasons why this could be a lot better." I appreciate those kind of critiques myself and I hope they continue. That's really nice of folks to give helpful feedback (even if it's a bit harsh).
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Re: Underground Playing Cards: Diamond Edition- (KS)

Unread post by Sher »

supcomtabz wrote:There's a difference between "your stuff is terrible" and "hey here's some reasons why this could be a lot better." I appreciate those kind of critiques myself and I hope they continue. That's really nice of folks to give helpful feedback (even if it's a bit harsh).
I agree.
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Re: Underground Playing Cards: Diamond Edition- (KS)

Unread post by montecarlojoe »

Designkiller wrote:ah... just noticed "designed by Erin Quintana"

I do think that Erin does not have the competence to design/draw/illustrate something.
The tuckbox for example. The glue area is the glue area, it's supposed to be glued and hidden. Is that the bar-code? :D
To be fair that barcode on teh glue area seems to be part of the template / die. The same thing is evident on teh Gorilla tuck die.

Having said that, the design is a little stale and I don't perosnally find the colour scheme attractive.
It might have worked if there was a theme that carried through to the pips / courts...
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Re: Underground Playing Cards: Diamond Edition- (KS)

Unread post by DukeBoy »

on your add on section for you color choices you have Zebra (stripe) listed but Cow (splotches) pictured.
10-4 over and out
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Re: Underground Playing Cards: Diamond Edition- (KS)

Unread post by Stockholm17 »

I know I´ve been harsh

but that´s a clear fact to me. The person who designed this is has zero competence in graphic design.
It´s like me trying to do a surgical operation O_O

that´s how i perceive this :)
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Re: Underground Playing Cards: Diamond Edition- (KS)

Unread post by vasta41 »

Designkiller wrote:I know I´ve been harsh

but that´s a clear fact to me. The person who designed this is has zero competence in graphic design.
It´s like me trying to do a surgical operation O_O

that´s how i perceive this :)
I think everyone is more testy than usual about "being harsh" on this thread because the designer is a female.
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