Kings Wild Project - National Pastime Baseball Deck

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Re: Kings Wild Project - National Pastime Baseball Deck

Unread post by Godzillian »

vasta41 wrote:Add Army to the list... and the rest of the troops soon too.
Actually I just found JR's post on KWP's upcoming decks.
JacksonRobinson wrote: 1. HIVE
2. Kings Wild Tally Ho "Turtle Back"
3. Classified Deck :)
4. Army Deck
5. Classified Deck :)
6. Marines Deck
Now we can add
Baseball Trio,
Fed 52 2nd Ed,
Crimson Arrow / Navigator, &
KW Signature Series
to that list. I don't suppose either of those decks is either of the "Classified" decks?
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Re: Kings Wild Project - National Pastime Baseball Deck

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

Godzillian wrote:
vasta41 wrote:Add Army to the list... and the rest of the troops soon too.
Actually I just found JR's post on KWP's upcoming decks.
JacksonRobinson wrote: 1. HIVE
2. Kings Wild Tally Ho "Turtle Back"
3. Classified Deck :)
4. Army Deck
5. Classified Deck :)
6. Marines Deck
Now we can add the Baseball Trio, Fed 52 2nd Ed & Crimson Arrow / Navigator to that list. I don't suppose either of those decks is either of the "Classified" decks?
Well, only Jackson can say for certain, but I'm fairly certain that the "National Pastime" decks were one of the 'classified' ones.

I'm not certain about this either, but I think until he announced it, Fed 2nd Edition was the other.
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Re: Kings Wild Project - National Pastime Baseball Deck

Unread post by sinjin7 »

Godzillian wrote:I think we need a release schedule from KWP. There's a lot of upcoming KWP decks, and there's new teasers coming out every week. We have...

Independence (KS funded)
Moriarty V2 (KS funded)
Turtleback Tallys
Crimson Arrow / Navigators
Fed 52 2nd Ed

Are all of these planned for a 2014 release? :O

On topic, I love these baseball designs. I really hope they're UPSCC, but that's just personal preference. I do know that if it's UPSCC, I'll be getting 4 of each. Otherwise, EPCC = 2 of each for me.
Don't forget the King's Wild Signature Series.
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Re: Kings Wild Project - National Pastime Baseball Deck

Unread post by wahl0108 »

Why must Arrows and Navigator be so far down the list? :(

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Re: Kings Wild Project - National Pastime Baseball Deck

Unread post by Eoghann »

Huh. And here I thought we were all about deep frying and binge drinking. Baseball, whodda thought?
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Re: Kings Wild Project - National Pastime Baseball Deck

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

Eoghann wrote:Huh. And here I thought we were all about deep frying and binge drinking. Baseball, whodda thought?
I'll give you deep frying, but binge drinking? You've never been to Europe, have you? :ugthink:
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Re: Kings Wild Project - National Pastime Baseball Deck

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Re: Kings Wild Project - National Pastime Baseball Deck

Unread post by Bikefanatic »

I will pledge in July, I like the red tuck the best because it has the most designs on it with the balls, bats and stars.
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Re: Kings Wild Project - National Pastime Baseball Deck

Unread post by Diamond Back »

I'm excited for this deck, going to definitely pledge to these. The white one is my favorite of the bunch from what I seen so far.
Why must there be 3 different versions, my poor wallet can only handle so much high quality deck. :lol:
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Re: Kings Wild Project - National Pastime Baseball Deck

Unread post by Norbie »

Diamond Back wrote:... Why must there be 3 different versions, my poor wallet can only handle so much ...
Don't believe for a second that's all there is. :shock:

Expect even more ...
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Re: Kings Wild Project - National Pastime Baseball Deck

Unread post by Widdee »

Norbie wrote:
Don't believe for a second that's all there is. :shock:

Expect even more ...
Babe Ruth Gold LE, Lou Gehrig Black deck, Nut Scratcher Edition, Hot Dog Coin, Wooden box made from recycled baseball bats, the sky's the limit.
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Re: Kings Wild Project - National Pastime Baseball Deck

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Re: Kings Wild Project - National Pastime Baseball Deck

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JacksonRobinson wrote:Just Three.
That's good to hear!
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Re: Kings Wild Project - National Pastime Baseball Deck

Unread post by Norbie »

JacksonRobinson wrote:Just Three.

Thank you :D
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Re: Kings Wild Project - National Pastime Baseball Deck

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

JacksonRobinson wrote:Just Three.
No sliding for home with #4? Darn... :lol:
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Re: Kings Wild Project - National Pastime Baseball Deck

Unread post by Eoghann »

I'll wait for the Peanuts and Cracker Jack edition. :lol:
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Re: Kings Wild Project - National Pastime Baseball Deck

Unread post by Magic_Orthodoxy »

...can the add-ons be a Dodger Dog? Pop corn? Mitt oil? Signed baseballs?
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Re: Kings Wild Project - National Pastime Baseball Deck

Unread post by JokerzGamez »

Magic_Orthodoxy wrote:...can the add-ons be a Dodger Dog? Pop corn? Mitt oil? Signed baseballs?
A baseball big enough to store all 3 decks in?? :ugdance:
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Re: Kings Wild Project - National Pastime Baseball Deck

Unread post by Kruser »

I love baseball and I love JR, but these decks don't excite me. The design is too spare and abstract for a gritty game like baseball. Also, each deck is basically monochrome. You actually have to look quite closely to see that the decks have anything to do with baseball. And what's with the red, white and blue? We play baseball in Canada too!

I prefer my $3.99 Negro League cards ...

... Hope I didn't offend JR fans, but this looks more like draftsmanship than artistry.
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Re: Kings Wild Project - National Pastime Baseball Deck

Unread post by Yashi »

Kruser wrote:And what's with the red, white and blue? We play baseball in Canada too!
It's called "National" Pastime. I'm pretty sure Jackson is aware that baseball is played in other countries too.

And I think there's too few pictures of the actual deck to draw any conclusions. To my knowledge, the only teasers Jackson has released is his avatar and the tuckbox.
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Re: Kings Wild Project - National Pastime Baseball Deck

Unread post by snsdmonkey »

Kruser wrote:I love baseball and I love JR, but these decks don't excite me. The design is too spare and abstract for a gritty game like baseball. Also, each deck is basically monochrome. You actually have to look quite closely to see that the decks have anything to do with baseball. And what's with the red, white and blue? We play baseball in Canada too!

I prefer my $3.99 Negro League cards ...

... Hope I didn't offend JR fans, but this looks more like draftsmanship than artistry.
Definitely have not seen anywhere near enough to make such a judgement.
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Re: Kings Wild Project - National Pastime Baseball Deck

Unread post by Bikefanatic »

If a deck (with the red version) was colored red, white and blue on it then it'll look better than all 3.
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