The Esquire Deck

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Re: The Esquire Deck

Unread post by InvictusPlayers »

ryzellon wrote:I see that the vertical bars/empty space to either side of the central "E"s are pretty consistently present in all your iterations. Is that a design aesthetic you're set on keeping? I don't see the necessity of a tripartite design, and having a little more interplay between the sections would do a lot to alleviate the starkness of the black bars (which I think are boring, but if that's something you want to keep, well, you're the boss).

I wish I could be more helpful in describing what I'd prefer to see, but the best I can manage is something rather MS Paint-y. The arrows indicate the direction I'd like to see the design expand, and the curves/lines indicate the edge of what I'd like to see moved.
Thanks for the input! I really appreciate you taking the time to respond.

I settled on having the large center piece quite early on in my design and it's something I've carried over from iteration to iteration. I actually like the split from the centerpiece on both sides especially in conjunction with the thin black border because I feel it gives the design some unique character. From a distance the 3 separate panels have a nice regal quality. At least that's how I think of it when I see it from a distance. When it's printed full size the size reduction gives an entirely different feel than when you see it blown up huge on a computer screen.
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