Heretic cards by Lorenzo

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Re: Heretic cards by Lorenzo: launches on KS 3 pm EDT 25-May

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

OK, as we wait and get ready to refresh, refresh, refresh - let's think about a few things:

First of all, since we're not bound by tradition in this deck(s), what if we wanted to print 57 (or even 58) cards? Why not? That's one thing that having 54 cards on the uncut sheets gives you: it's evenly divisible by 2 AND 3, so you can easily make it 28 times 2 cards or 18 times 3 different cards - without wasting a single space, and even if it were 58 cards you could print 13 times 4 cards and have two spare slots - not much waste there, either: less than 4% of the second sheet or 1/2% overall (since it's 4 decks with 2 sheets, you divide by 8). You could even do 5 or 6 more cards, but we're rapidly approaching the practical limits of what would fit comfortably in a standard tuck.

What are the benefits? Well, unlimited flexibility, and also the ability to make something truly different, including gaff cards for magicians and cardists.

The only draw-back? The single uncut sheet won't have all of those cards in it. In my mind, it's a very good trade-off: you can have 55, 56 or even 57 cards per deck with absolutely no waste. The uncut sheet is slightly different than what USPCC makes, but - not that much. It's 22 1/2" wide and 24" tall (just do the math: poker cards are 2.5" wide times 9 and 3" tall times 8). Now - is this precisely exact? No, it's not - the cards are made to a metric standard - which everybody but the United States (and the Philipines, I think?) use. Even Canadians do metric - why don't we? I'll leave that to discuss later - we tried to back in the 80's, but people were so resistant to change it just didn't work. I'm told that a more precise dimension is 57.3 x 61.3 cm or roughly 22.5" wide x 24.1" tall.

The latest "master" finish and paper is superb! It's the same thing that Legends PCC calls their "diamond" finish (and paper). If you haven't tried a recent Expert of Legends deck - you need to! These cards literally handle like a dream! They aren't "smelly" as people had noted in the past, although frankly all card decks have a little scent. That's only natural, the process itself leads to the scent, paper & ink whether in a traditional analog process or the most up-to-date digital format always has a residue, be it noticeable or insignificant. I've got two decks at my finger-tips right now (both obviously VERY recent): one is "Requiem" deck, the other a deck of "Owl Eyes".

They both handle superbly! Each is slightly different - of course, but in fact they both are quite usable "right out of the box" or tuck, if you will. OK, enough for now... (TBC)
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Re: Heretic cards by Lorenzo: launches on KS 3 pm EDT 25-May

Unread post by volantangel »

Mikey if the extra cards are printed on a different sheet, any idea how they are assembled ? Why not make heretic a 58 card deck ?
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Re: Heretic cards by Lorenzo: launches on KS 3 pm EDT 25-May

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

volantangel wrote:Mikey if the extra cards are printed on a different sheet, any idea how they are assembled ? Why not make heretic a 58 card deck ?
To be honest, no - but I have to assume that in a digital world it's simply a matter of setting things up correctly. I do know that there have already been other decks made with 56 cards, so going to 57 isn't a stretch (pun intended this time)...
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Re: Heretic cards by Lorenzo: launches on KS 3 pm EDT 25-May

Unread post by volantangel »

Haha ok so we know that epcc uses a sheet that's 54 cards, but what we don't know is how the extra cards get assembled into the deck it is, but wouldn't that mean that it would require new printing plates if the extra cards are on a different sheet ? Would the quotation still remain the same ?

Ok sooo, currently requiem stands at 56 cards right ?
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Re: Heretic cards by Lorenzo: launches on KS 3 pm EDT 25-May

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

volantangel wrote:Haha ok so we know that epcc uses a sheet that's 54 cards, but what we don't know is how the extra cards get assembled into the deck it is, but wouldn't that mean that it would require new printing plates if the extra cards are on a different sheet ? Would the quotation still remain the same ?

Ok sooo, currently requiem stands at 56 cards right ?
Setup costs for two sheets are the same whether you use a single card or multiples, I'd have to assume, although I haven't asked that specific question. Basically each time you use another color that's another plate, and since you're using two sheets you're doubling the costs - of the plates only. The fact is that with Expert (or Legends) the costs just don't add up as quickly as they do on USPCC. I can't imagine what the quote looked like for the "Texas" cards - simply because of the fact that it required two sheets, and their process has got to be a manual one, I'm almost certain.

As it is now, 56 cards, that is correct. :ugdance:

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Re: Heretic cards by Lorenzo: launches on KS 3 pm EDT 25-May

Unread post by nECr0MaNCeD »

I like the sound of all of this. Here is my question. Since it is very unlikely the extra cards will be printed as singles, there would be a second sheet, right. 58 cards would mean a 54 card sheet and a 4 card sheet I am assuming. That makes for all kinds of cool display possibilities.
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Re: Heretic cards by Lorenzo: launches on KS 3 pm EDT 25-May

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

nECr0MaNCeD wrote:I like the sound of all of this. Here is my question. Since it is very unlikely the extra cards will be printed as singles, there would be a second sheet, right. 58 cards would mean a 54 card sheet and a 4 card sheet I am assuming. That makes for all kinds of cool display possibilities.
Well, no. That was my point before. You can have more than 54 cards in the deck, but only those 54 - the basic 52 + 2 Jokers - are in the uncut. Frankly I've thought about it, and it just really doesn't make sense to have an uncut sheet that only has 1 or 2 unique cards on it.
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Re: Heretic cards by Lorenzo: launches on KS 3 pm EDT 25-May

Unread post by badpete69 »

The countdown timer is off by one hour. Mike trying to fool the pledgers? hehehehehehe
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Re: Heretic cards by Lorenzo: launches on KS 3 pm EDT 25-May

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

badpete69 wrote:The countdown timer is off by one hour. Mike trying to fool the pledgers? hehehehehehe
There's a "bug" in the phpBB version 2.0.12 software that doesn't automatically adjust for Daylight Saving Time. It's correct for me, but if it's off by an hour you likely need to go to the "User Control Panel" and adjust the DST on. I do it out of habit, but it's the 3rd tab over "Board Preferences" down around the bottom ("Summer Time/DST is in effect:" yes/no). If it's more than an hour off you'll need to adjust the Time Zone setting right above it ("My timezone" dropdown).

Actually, now that I think about it - that would be a nightmare, since not everybody changes at the same time (or even does, like eastern part of Indiana and all of Arizona).
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Re: Heretic cards by Lorenzo: launches on KS 3 pm EDT 25-May

Unread post by badpete69 »

Weird every settings is OK and the correct time zone is shown. I still see the timer saying that there is a little less than 4 hours left weird
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Re: Heretic cards by Lorenzo: launches on KS 3 pm EDT 25-May

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

badpete69 wrote:Weird every settings is OK and the correct time zone is shown. I still see the timer saying that there is a little less than 4 hours left weird
Isn't that correct?
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Re: Heretic cards by Lorenzo: launches on KS 3 pm EDT 25-May

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

MagikFingerz wrote:
badpete69 wrote:Weird every settings is OK and the correct time zone is shown. I still see the timer saying that there is a little less than 4 hours left weird
Isn't that correct?
Two hours and 30+ minutes right now...

It's 12:26PM here, so it should be 18.26 in Sweden, no? 21.00 is the 'right' time for CET.
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Re: Heretic cards by Lorenzo: launches on KS 3 pm EDT 25-May

Unread post by badpete69 »

If the deck comes out at noon eastern time that is in 2 hours 34 minutes but the timer shows 3 hours 30 min
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Re: Heretic cards by Lorenzo: launches on KS 3 pm EDT 25-May

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There I fixed the timer changed the code had -5 and it should have been -4
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Re: Heretic cards by Lorenzo: launches on KS 3 pm EDT 25-May

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Damn, I would have been an hour late if you guys hadn't fixed it. Thanks :D
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Re: Heretic cards by Lorenzo: launches on KS 3 pm EDT 25-May

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You are welcome my friend. Someone has to keep Mike in line right? :D :D
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Re: Heretic cards by Lorenzo: launches on KS 3 pm EDT 25-May

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

MagikFingerz wrote:Damn, I would have been an hour late if you guys hadn't fixed it. Thanks :D
True - I didn't notice.
badpete69 wrote:You are welcome my friend. Someone has to keep Mike in line right? :D :D
Oh, so right! :roll:
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Re: Heretic cards by Lorenzo: launches on KS 3 pm EDT 25-May

Unread post by Cbkimble »

I sure wasnt depending on the first time. I've got several set and I'm watching for them all.
Feeding the addiction one deck at a time.
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Re: Heretic cards by Lorenzo: launches on KS 3 pm EDT 25-May

Unread post by volantangel »

Damn i cant join you guys at the launch, after champions league finals last night, no more 4+am nights for me, ill catch y'all in the morning
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Re: Heretic cards by Lorenzo: launches on KS 3 pm EDT 25-May

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

volantangel wrote:Damn i cant join you guys at the launch, after champions league finals last night, no more 4+am nights for me, ill catch y'all in the morning
I'll save a beer for you, Kai!

Adding to the previously posted Heresy:
  • Lower prices for all, everybody is an Early Bird!
  • Dynamic Rewards (uncut sheets and bricks).
  • Lower international shipping prices.
  • Many features already in the basic version.
  • The 55th card will be decided by the backers during the campaign.
  • There is the chance to have the 56th and the 57th card, both chosen by the backers.
  • Printed by Expert Playing Card Company / Conjuring Arts (NYC) with Master Finish. This is same finish as the Exquisite deck (watch the review here). Read FAQs to understand the choice.
  • No add-ons (no dice, t-shirts, coins, prints). I will focus only on the deck (but surprises will pop up during the campaign).
  • All the decks will be numbered (on the seal).
  • One run, no reprint. Limited Edition for real. No overproduction.
(the FAQ will be posted later - it's already on the KS campaign page)
...and - we're down to 90 minutes!
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Re: Heretic cards by Lorenzo: launches on KS 3 pm EDT 25-May

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

badpete69 wrote:If the deck comes out at noon eastern time that is in 2 hours 34 minutes but the timer shows 3 hours 30 min
Ah, pooh. I set the timezone offset to "-5" which is correct during non-DST, but it's "-4" right now. Should be correct now, I fixed it - errr - we both fixed it?

I moved it to the OP, and here it is again: (I'll cut it out of that post and put the "kickup" bbCode macro in once it launches)
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Re: Heretic cards by Lorenzo: launches on KS 3 pm EDT 25-May

Unread post by caramelo »

Any direct link??
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Re: Heretic cards by Lorenzo: launches on KS 3 pm EDT 25-May

Unread post by cosmicsecret »

i´m so pumped!!!! :D :drool:
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Re: Heretic cards by Lorenzo: launches on KS 3 pm EDT 25-May

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

caramelo wrote:Any direct link??
No, guys & gals: Lorenzo wants it to be a fair fight for those 3 Prototype decks. Everybody starts on even footing.

I'll tell you EXACTLY when he launches - we're connected realtime.

Just for historical purposes: the easiest way to find it is highlight "Requiem Team" (go to "Requiem" deck if you need to) and refresh - it will change from 1 to 2 when he pushes the green button.)
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Re: Heretic cards by Lorenzo: launches on KS 3 pm EDT 25-May

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

Go, go, go, go!
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Re: Heretic cards by Lorenzo: launches on KS 3 pm EDT 25-May

Unread post by rousselle »

Gone, gone, gone.
This space intentionally left blank.
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Re: Heretic cards by Lorenzo: launches on KS 3 pm EDT 25-May

Unread post by badpete69 »

Who's that Pierre who is always first?? :D :D :D :D :D
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Re: Heretic cards by Lorenzo: launches on KS 3 pm EDT 25-May

Unread post by Eoghann »

Look at it go! Woooooo! Good luck Lorenzo! :)
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Re: Heretic cards by Lorenzo: launches on KS 3 pm EDT 25-May

Unread post by Widdee »

Missed the proto but did get the early brick. Woot!
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Re: Heretic cards by Lorenzo: launches on KS 3 pm EDT 25-May

Unread post by rousselle »

I was shut out. I wanted the EB brick, and the system stalled after I entered my Amazon password. Once it finally finished loading, it said, "Too late, sucker, you lose."


PS: Congrats, Lorenzo, on such a fast start out of the gate! This deck is going to rock!
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