The Game is On! Sherlock Holmes Based Playing Cards (KS)

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The Game is On! Sherlock Holmes Based Playing Cards (KS)

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From Shane Tyree


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Re: The Game is On! Sherlock Holmes Based Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by Stockholm17 »

O_O ehm... i mean, uhm. not for me
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Re: The Game is On! Sherlock Holmes Based Playing Cards (KS)

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Not for me, either..
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Re: The Game is On! Sherlock Holmes Based Playing Cards (KS)

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"Bite more than you can chew and then chew it"

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Re: The Game is On! Sherlock Holmes Based Playing Cards (KS)

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Is this a joke?
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Re: The Game is On! Sherlock Holmes Based Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by Sher »

They should have put, "The game is afoot!" instead.

The deck is a spin on the Sherlock Otter meme:
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Re: The Game is On! Sherlock Holmes Based Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by cosmicsecret »

With all those other great decks comming up soon (Heretic,Lotrek´s next deck etc.) easy pass on this one.
I doubt that this one will fund.
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Re: The Game is On! Sherlock Holmes Based Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by Eoghann »

Shane also commented that he's working on his own take on the Sherlock deck. Wonder if Jackson will put a stop to it. He is holding the rights but that doesn't seem to be slowing anybody down.
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Re: The Game is On! Sherlock Holmes Based Playing Cards (KS)

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Re: The Game is On! Sherlock Holmes Based Playing Cards (KS)

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Easy pass.
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Re: The Game is On! Sherlock Holmes Based Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

huh? This could get messy, unfortunately. Damn...
"You can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself"
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Re: The Game is On! Sherlock Holmes Based Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by Yashi »

Eoghann wrote:Shane also commented that he's working on his own take on the Sherlock deck. Wonder if Jackson will put a stop to it. He is holding the rights but that doesn't seem to be slowing anybody down.
This is by Shane but the artwork isn't. When I read "Sherlock Holmes Based Playing Cards," I was NOT expecting these.

Re: The Game is On! Sherlock Holmes Based Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by vjose32 »

One has to wonder why they don't just create their own Kickstarter page and launch it themselves instead of using Shane's account since it isn't his deck.
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Re: The Game is On! Sherlock Holmes Based Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by snsdmonkey »

I actually like the artwork haha! But it seems more to belong to a children's book about Sherlock Holmes rather than a deck.
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Re: The Game is On! Sherlock Holmes Based Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by Eoghann »

Yashi wrote:
Eoghann wrote:Shane also commented that he's working on his own take on the Sherlock deck. Wonder if Jackson will put a stop to it. He is holding the rights but that doesn't seem to be slowing anybody down.
This is by Shane but the artwork isn't. When I read "Sherlock Holmes Based Playing Cards," I was NOT expecting these.

Check out the latest writhing dark update. A stretch goal for the otter deck is a proper Sherlock deck, drawn by Shane. So I understand.

Re: The Game is On! Sherlock Holmes Based Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by vjose32 »

Eoghann wrote:
Yashi wrote:
Eoghann wrote:Shane also commented that he's working on his own take on the Sherlock deck. Wonder if Jackson will put a stop to it. He is holding the rights but that doesn't seem to be slowing anybody down.
This is by Shane but the artwork isn't. When I read "Sherlock Holmes Based Playing Cards," I was NOT expecting these.

Check out the latest writhing dark update. A stretch goal for the otter deck is a proper Sherlock deck, drawn by Shane. So I understand.
No it seems like it is just a black and white version of the regular deck in this project, not a different deck. I'm not even sure how they expect to hit any goals.
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Re: The Game is On! Sherlock Holmes Based Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by th4mo »

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Re: The Game is On! Sherlock Holmes Based Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by snsdmonkey »

vjose32 wrote:
Eoghann wrote:
Yashi wrote:
Eoghann wrote:Shane also commented that he's working on his own take on the Sherlock deck. Wonder if Jackson will put a stop to it. He is holding the rights but that doesn't seem to be slowing anybody down.
This is by Shane but the artwork isn't. When I read "Sherlock Holmes Based Playing Cards," I was NOT expecting these.

Check out the latest writhing dark update. A stretch goal for the otter deck is a proper Sherlock deck, drawn by Shane. So I understand.
No it seems like it is just a black and white version of the regular deck in this project, not a different deck. I'm not even sure how they expect to hit any goals.
The last stretch goal is especially poor as well...
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Re: The Game is On! Sherlock Holmes Based Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by Cbkimble »

But if you pledge in the first 24 hours you get a sticker.
Feeding the addiction one deck at a time.
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Re: The Game is On! Sherlock Holmes Based Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by Eoghann »

Those don't look like otters to me. :lol:
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Re: The Game is On! Sherlock Holmes Based Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by Godzillian »

I like it. I don't see anything wrong with the artwork. I don't think I'll be in for a deck of these, cuz of too many decks coming out (Turtleback Tallys, Heretics...), but I hope they fund.
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Re: The Game is On! Sherlock Holmes Based Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by supcomtabz »

Hey guys!

My name is Tabz, I'm the gal running The Game is On! deck project. Thanks for all your remarks, let me clear some stuff up! :D

Shane and I are doing this project together. He just launched his own company, but I've been working with him for awhile now and, in order to free up some time for him to work on just drawing, I'm running the day to day stuff on this one.

The art for the first deck is, indeed, based on the otter meme. It's drawn by Mindy Hagan. It's a parody of the modern Sherlock and therefore it's called "The Game is On" because that's what Sherlock says in that series. Shane's deck, based on the original stories, will be called "The Game is Afoot." I write kids books, so I like playful and cartoony - I know not everyone does, so that's why we have two playing card decks (hopefully).

The second deck (the stretch goal of 40,221) is a deck by Shane that is NOT otters. It's Victorian Sherlock Holmes and black & white. I've seen some really rough ideas of what he'd like to do for his deck, it looks fantastic.

The last stretch goal is for a card game called Pairs designed by James Earnest and Paul Peterson.

Jackson is very aware of our project, he has the authorization of the Doyle estate for Sherlock Holmes named playing cards. Since then though, the US copyright issue was overturned for the characters of Holmes and Watson and anything from the first 50 stories of the Sherlock Holmes canon are public domain. That said, Shane made sure to talk to him first and he's okay with our project.
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Re: The Game is On! Sherlock Holmes Based Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by supcomtabz »

Here's the coin that Shane has come up with for the 28, 221 goal!
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Re: The Game is On! Sherlock Holmes Based Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by Cbkimble »

They're running on clouds.
Feeding the addiction one deck at a time.
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Re: The Game is On! Sherlock Holmes Based Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by supcomtabz »

Grass, I believe they're out on the moors. The clouds are behind them.
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Re: The Game is On! Sherlock Holmes Based Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by ryzellon »

It kind of looks like Earthrise in the background. Is that intended to be a moon with clouds/smoke in front of it?
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Re: The Game is On! Sherlock Holmes Based Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by supcomtabz »

I believe it is the moon, but I can see what you're saying that it looks like the earth as well.

Possibly Holmes is chasing Moriarty in space! Just kidding.
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Re: The Game is On! Sherlock Holmes Based Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by supcomtabz »

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Re: The Game is On! Sherlock Holmes Based Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by supcomtabz »

All of the court cards:
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Re: The Game is On! Sherlock Holmes Based Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by snsdmonkey »

Full bleed courts? Dayum...
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