I have seen similar threads on other forums I frequent, and I always seem to learn things about people from them, so I figured I would create one here.
The explanations of mine are pretty boring, but I'll start anyway:
]=====[ MY USER NAME]=====[
I first accessed the Internet in 1996, when I created an account on AOL.
I had to choose a User Name (although they called them "Screen names" there).
Lacking imagination, I wanted mine to be "Robert Lancaster" (my "real life" name), but the longest a Screen name could be there was ten characters (I think because they created a folder for each user on their server, and whatever OS they used on their server was limited to folder names being to more than ten characters in length).
"Lancaster" is nine characters all by it's self, so I tried "RLancaster", but it was already taken, as was "BLancaster" ("B" for Bob).
I tried adding my middle initial: "RSLancaster", thinking that it might still be available, but even THAT was too long (by only one character).
Which character could I take out of "Lancaster", but still leave it pronounced pretty much correctly? I decided that the "e" was it.
I tried the Screen name "RSLancastr", and it was accepted! Today, eighteen years later, not only is my email address STILL "RSLancastr@aol.com, but I have used the User Name "RSLancastr" on every Internet site I've ever been to which requires a user name,
(Okay, I TOLD you that mine was boring. Yours doesn't have to be as boring - or as long).
]=====[ MY AVATAR]=====[
It's based on the logo of my "Stop Sylvia Browne" web site (http://www.StopSylvia.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;).
I created it for my avatar on a forum where I am best known for my Skeptical work (such as my Stop Sylvia site), and have used it on many forums ever since, mostly because I am too lazy to create a new/different avatar for every forum I frequent.
Okay, those are MY explanations. What are yours?