Tally-Ho Rose 6 deck Series (Reversed Back)

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Re: Tally-Ho Rose 6 deck Series (Reversed Back)

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

In case anyone here ordered from them, they just posted this on facebook:
Aloys wrote:Because USPCC production reason, I'm sorry USPC didn't complete all the rose tally ho decks in this week. Our sales time will be postponed, the specific time prior notice.
Thank you!
Aloys Design Studio
...And that's what happens when you do pre-orders too soon. These guys could learn a thing or two about patience from Mr. Paul Carpenter :D
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Re: Tally-Ho Rose 6 deck Series (Reversed Back)

Unread post by vasta41 »

I just don't get these in general. I'll be the first one to admit- I wish there were more custom Tally-Hos out there. But this is like a waste of space! It makes me think if MagicMakers came out with their color decks and reverse color decks now, would anyone buy them? I sure wouldn't. I understand that the standard was different back then- hell, I bought them (which reminds me, anyone want to by some MagicMakers red, blue, black, yellow, purple and blue color decks!?). But with todays standards, these fall so short. YAWN
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Re: Tally-Ho Rose 6 deck Series (Reversed Back)

Unread post by Widdee »

vasta41 wrote:I just don't get these in general. I'll be the first one to admit- I wish there were more custom Tally-Hos out there. But this is like a waste of space! It makes me think if MagicMakers came out with their color decks and reverse color decks now, would anyone buy them? I sure wouldn't. I understand that the standard was different back then- hell, I bought them (which reminds me, anyone want to by some MagicMakers red, blue, black, yellow, purple and blue color decks!?). But with todays standards, these fall so short. YAWN
It's hard to take these seriously. They look like Valentines.
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Re: Tally-Ho Rose 6 deck Series (Reversed Back)

Unread post by nECr0MaNCeD »

Widdee wrote:
vasta41 wrote:I just don't get these in general. I'll be the first one to admit- I wish there were more custom Tally-Hos out there. But this is like a waste of space! It makes me think if MagicMakers came out with their color decks and reverse color decks now, would anyone buy them? I sure wouldn't. I understand that the standard was different back then- hell, I bought them (which reminds me, anyone want to by some MagicMakers red, blue, black, yellow, purple and blue color decks!?). But with todays standards, these fall so short. YAWN
It's hard to take these seriously. They look like Valentines.

I agree. If they were in braille Stevie Wonder would hate them.
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Re: Tally-Ho Rose 6 deck Series (Reversed Back)

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

Patience young padawans. The New Circle Backs from Jackson aren't that far away and those are going to give a new life to the old Tally Ho brand!
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Re: Tally-Ho Rose 6 deck Series (Reversed Back)

Unread post by vasta41 »

Mike Ratledge wrote:Patience young padawans. The New Circle Backs from Jackson aren't that far away and those are going to give a new life to the old Tally Ho brand!
Boy does that scare me. If Jackson starts making more customized Tally-Hos, I'm going to gobble up every last one of them. And I just got engaged and need to save for the wedding... Wives everywhere hate you, Jackson!
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Re: Tally-Ho Rose 6 deck Series (Reversed Back)

Unread post by nECr0MaNCeD »

Mike Ratledge wrote:Patience young padawans. The New Circle Backs from Jackson aren't that far away and those are going to give a new life to the old Tally Ho brand!
I've pledged for a lot of cards but never a full brick. If this happens I just might pledge for two.... or more.
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Re: Tally-Ho Rose 6 deck Series (Reversed Back) (wap)

Unread post by Cbkimble »

Those are pretty...pretty darn ugly that is. And to make decks with only a color change is getting ridiculous.
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Re: Tally-Ho Rose 6 deck Series (Reversed Back)

Unread post by PrincessTrouble »

Kdklown wrote:Never received my Peafowl decks from them. Blacklisted. Aftermarket for me.
I didn't realize this the first time I ordered from Aloys, but after you check out, you need to go back to your account and mark the order as paid and put in the paypal transaction ID. Your order won't ship until you do this. Which, IMHO, is ridiculous because you've already completed the checkout process and paid for your items. But in any case, you might check that you've done that and maybe that's why your Peafowls didn't ship.
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Re: Tally-Ho Rose 6 deck Series (Reversed Back)

Unread post by Strag »

PrincessTrouble wrote:
Kdklown wrote:Never received my Peafowl decks from them. Blacklisted. Aftermarket for me.
I didn't realize this the first time I ordered from Aloys, but after you check out, you need to go back to your account and mark the order as paid and put in the paypal transaction ID. Your order won't ship until you do this. Which, IMHO, is ridiculous because you've already completed the checkout process and paid for your items. But in any case, you might check that you've done that and maybe that's why your Peafowls didn't ship.
I never had to do this. On the other hand, I'm not ordering from them any more and I've had myself removed from all their mailing lists due to their unethical (IMO) marketing practices so it's not that big a deal for me.
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Re: Tally-Ho Rose 6 deck Series (Reversed Back)

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

PrincessTrouble wrote:
Kdklown wrote:Never received my Peafowl decks from them. Blacklisted. Aftermarket for me.
I didn't realize this the first time I ordered from Aloys, but after you check out, you need to go back to your account and mark the order as paid and put in the paypal transaction ID. Your order won't ship until you do this. Which, IMHO, is ridiculous because you've already completed the checkout process and paid for your items. But in any case, you might check that you've done that and maybe that's why your Peafowls didn't ship.
Their system is mucked up, but they generally clarify things by email anyway. I got my split 1/2 brick of (messed up!) Totems with no problems, other than the first time I tried their system would only charge you shipping and nothing else. :roll:

Now, the four black 7s (including 7oH & 7oD!) are bad enough, but the 7oS also has a pip misplaced. As has been noted elsewhere - they seem to hose every single deck the do. I'd have to guess that they don't have a proofing department or the guy is colorblind? (just trying not to be terribly unkind - that's a screwup that should NOT have been discovered after shipping, and so far I haven't heard squat about getting any usable cards to replace them, although I suppose you could take a red Sharpie and color in the indices and pips? :ugthink:
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Re: Tally-Ho Rose 6 deck Series (Reversed Back)

Unread post by vjose32 »

I don't recall their being any indice problems, just the one seven. But yeah they screw up like every deck they put out. Hopefully no problems with the Tally Ho, I mean it's just a simple copy and paste, lol.
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Re: Tally-Ho Rose 6 deck Series (Reversed Back)

Unread post by Kdklown »

PrincessTrouble wrote:
Kdklown wrote:Never received my Peafowl decks from them. Blacklisted. Aftermarket for me.
I didn't realize this the first time I ordered from Aloys, but after you check out, you need to go back to your account and mark the order as paid and put in the paypal transaction ID. Your order won't ship until you do this. Which, IMHO, is ridiculous because you've already completed the checkout process and paid for your items. But in any case, you might check that you've done that and maybe that's why your Peafowls didn't ship.

That was the third order I had placed with them and I had never had to do that before. I went in and did it anyway as a last ditch effort. I'm still with Strag on this one but I'd like the decks I paid for. Thanks for the heads up PT.
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Re: Tally-Ho Rose 6 deck Series (Reversed Back)

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

Latest update on facebook:
Aloys wrote:All Rose Tally Ho deck printed completed ! Coming this Friday . 2th ,May. 8 P.M ( Est)
"2th" :roll:
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Re: Tally-Ho Rose 6 deck Series (Reversed Back)

Unread post by badpete69 »

Now available. Picked up 1 set as i love anything that is Tally Ho
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Re: Tally-Ho Rose 6 deck Series (Reversed Back)

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

badpete69 wrote:Now available. Picked up 1 set as i love anything that is Tally Ho
I do too, but I'll refrain from having to deal with Aloys directly. If I find them at a suitable reseller, I'll probably get a set.
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Re: Tally-Ho Rose 6 deck Series (Reversed Back)

Unread post by DukeBoy »

So I was reviewing their site last night and found what I hoped was a secret only pay for shipping on red decks sale and ordered three. They had them available to add to the cart and check out at the price of $0.00. Today I wake up to them saying I only paid for shipping. I sent them a copy of my invoice which shows I added 3 to my cart and checked out. They said they had them listed that way because they were not selling them. What is up with that?
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Re: Tally-Ho Rose 6 deck Series (Reversed Back) (wap)

Unread post by Cbkimble »

Thats probably them saying, we messed up but we wont honor our mistake.
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Re: Tally-Ho Rose 6 deck Series (Reversed Back)

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

DukeBoy wrote:So I was reviewing their site last night and found what I hoped was a secret only pay for shipping on red decks sale and ordered three. They had them available to add to the cart and check out at the price of $0.00. Today I wake up to them saying I only paid for shipping. I sent them a copy of my invoice which shows I added 3 to my cart and checked out. They said they had them listed that way because they were not selling them. What is up with that?
They've done that before: screwed up their online forms where it only charges you shipping but never puts the decks into the total. I suppose it's their screwup and if they were in the states you could argue that they did it and had to fulfill it that way: they aren't, and they don't. I got a brick - 2 of each deck. We'll see - the last ones were shipped to me by David H (pokerstud52 on eBay). Not certain, but perhaps he is doing the domestic fulfillment? Also - the website showed that there were only 11 sets left when I got there, and after I purchased 2 sets, it still said there were 11 sets remaining. Curious...
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Re: Tally-Ho Rose 6 deck Series (Reversed Back)

Unread post by dancards »

I bought 2 sets but the pink deck was not available, if anyone got extra pink decks for sale I'm interested.
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Re: Tally-Ho Rose 6 deck Series (Reversed Back)

Unread post by max »

dancards wrote:I bought 2 sets but the pink deck was not available, if anyone got extra pink decks for sale I'm interested.
What's up with the pink one? Is that deck the one artificially defined as the rare in the set?
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Re: Tally-Ho Rose 6 deck Series (Reversed Back)

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

vjose32 wrote:I don't recall their being any indice problems, just the one seven. But yeah they screw up like every deck they put out. Hopefully no problems with the Tally Ho, I mean it's just a simple copy and paste, lol.
You're right, Victor. I mistyped - pips, not indices. The 7 cards are all black and one has a misplaced pip.
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