Is all this grief and rending of garments coming from people who collect NOCs and Rounders and are frustrated because there doesn't seem to be an end in sight for a complete and final set?
Otherwise, I see no reason to foam at the mouth. There is an obvious fan base that devours these. Power to Madison for striking a gold mine. They'd have no reason to discontinue their practices however unsavory while it still results in profit. Definitely not my cup of tea and I don't own a single one of either. Nor will I ever because I simply don't like them. Plenty more decks out there that do strike my fancy and deserve my attention.
Eoghann wrote:
Is all this grief and rending of garments coming from people who collect NOCs and Rounders and are frustrated because there doesn't seem to be an end in sight for a complete and final set?
Otherwise, I see no reason to foam at the mouth. There is an obvious fan base that devours these. Power to Madison for striking a gold mine. They'd have no reason to discontinue their practices however unsavory while it still results in profit. Definitely not my cup of tea and I don't own a single one of either. Nor will I ever because I simply don't like them. Plenty more decks out there that do strike my fancy and deserve my attention.
Nah i just cant stand to see people fawn over stuff that really has no substance behind it. Plus the hyping up of a 5 min deck simply lowers my opinion of E & Madison, anything it takes to make a couple more bucks eh. I too have never bought a madison deck or NOC deck outright (ok just one NOC v2 to see if i was right in the marking system, havent touched it since).
MagikFingerz wrote:
Doesn't make any difference. They'll keep making Dealers and whatever else lame names they can come up with for Madison decks.
But wait,there's more! We found the designer's personal stash of 500 decks tucked under a box containing three gross of decks we didn't know we're there next to a stack of 1,000 overprints, and for a limited time only...
Those look i think the best of all DM decks. But i still just don't get it why people love that type of design... they look cheap, chinese and as someone said - 5 min work... It's more than obvious why they make those , but why people loving them its a mistery. Nothing special or good about them, if i want simple deck there are plenty of 1-2$ decks or okay i will buy one deck and that's it. But ppl want more... Kids go crazy. I saw how they handle those decks. They are extremely exciding when unboxing but at the end of the video they just trow them like ordinary object... saying clishe words during review and "yeah fan great, spread great" and that's it...
i bet before end of year we will see new purple rounders or smth lol ( nope this is final deck of series it says on E page)
E should make them 10$/deck so to gain more money at least.
I just had to post this from the email they sent out. ESPECIALLY after reading the responses in this thread... Classic.
"When we revealed White Rounders on Facebook the response from our community was massive - so rather than our description of this final deck in the Rounders series, here's what some of you had to say...
"Remarkable... So Elegant." - Sean Padrigh
"(Rounders) simplicity speaks for itself, and the beautiful Jokers and court cards are so perfectly designed I get the chills when a new color comes out, and this is no exception." - Michael Shields
"Shut up and take my money" - Philip J Fry"
See? Nobody asked y'all for y'alls opinion. Literally. lol
P.s. For the record, I like the green dealers. Thats about it.
SBurk49 wrote:"(Rounders) simplicity speaks for itself, and the beautiful Jokers and court cards are so perfectly designed I get the chills when a new color comes out, and this is no exception." - Michael Shields
SBurk49 wrote:"(Rounders) simplicity speaks for itself, and the beautiful Jokers and court cards are so perfectly designed I get the chills when a new color comes out, and this is no exception." - Michael Shields
Must be a typo, I think he meant "shills".
Don't know how many fanboys they have out there who'll play this game but KS has deep-sixed them on the creative front. Really makes this stuff look bush league.
chach wrote:Wait, did they seriously use a Futurama meme in their email with the Philip J Fry quote?
Yes, they did seriously use that Futurama quote.
I do think Kickstarter has allowed custom deck quality to become really amazing, but equally it depends on what a person wants to do with a deck. I think if these had come out last year over the Brown/Blue Rounders, it would be been nicer. There's always a fine line to how often you can re-colour/slightly change a deck before people get upset, but equally it seems to work for E and everyone else. They do do it and their decks sell out or sell enough to justify them doing it again. Money does speak.
I like the tuck case and the jokers.... I maybe would have put a thin black line "designating" a border on the backs though. That would have made a cool fan.