Bicycle Dia De Los Muertos Playing Cards

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Re: Bicycle Dia De Los Muertos Playing Cards

Unread post by edgybros »

Reylek wrote:All 3 versions of this deck are beautiful. Really well done!
thanks for the compliment, and thanks to UC for the love!
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Re: Bicycle Dia De Los Muertos Playing Cards

Unread post by Bikefanatic »

I realize these days in order for two or three decks to be made, I have to get more than one. I guess going for at least half a brick and then sell. Selling decks after a campaign would be good for new card collectors or the ones who couldn't get them at the moment.
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Re: Bicycle Dia De Los Muertos Playing Cards

Unread post by lolo »

For me the black deck is a lot less interresting than the painted one ! I'm an absolute fan of the painted deck.

But (there is always a but), i will only pledge for a 3/3/3 when the painted strech goal will be reached.

For the moment, i don't know what to pledge. If the black strech goal and the painted strech goal are switched, i will pledge for 3 original decks. And a 3/3 when painted strech goal will be reached.
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Re: Bicycle Dia De Los Muertos Playing Cards

Unread post by wahl0108 »

They're going to consider adding the three deck tier when the painted deck is funded.

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Re: Bicycle Dia De Los Muertos Playing Cards

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

lolo wrote:For me the black deck is a lot less interesting than the painted one ! I'm an absolute fan of the painted deck.

But (there is always a but), i will only pledge for a 3/3/3 when the painted stretch goal will be reached.

For the moment, i don't know what to pledge. If the black stretch goal and the painted stretch goal are switched, i will pledge for 3 original decks. And a 3/3 when painted stretch goal will be reached.
Oh, I'm SO wanting that painted deck to be released, but it's not looking like they will make that $50,000 stretch goal. It looked like it during the first 10 days, but things have slowed down like they always do during those 10 days in the middle of any 30-day campaign.
wahl0108 wrote:They're going to consider adding the three deck tier when the painted deck is funded.
Exactly: "when", though. That's the problem: "when" isn't coming. Frankly, if they had made that the original deck that was available they would already be over that number and have all 3 decks funded. People really need to ask questions first instead of after they launch their decks. UC has a history of being right about these things, it's just a fact that needs to be more well known so people would look here first.
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Re: Bicycle Dia De Los Muertos Playing Cards

Unread post by wahl0108 »

I mean for their first campaign I think it's amazing. I know I'd have no idea what I was doing, I'd probably end up deleting the whole thing by accident. Plus even if they don't make it this time they could always do a separate campaign for the painted deck later and no doubt that'd get them there. But I'm still an optimist after seeing how the Seven Seas and Different Decks did as they neared their respective deadlines.

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Re: Bicycle Dia De Los Muertos Playing Cards

Unread post by Widdee »

Mike Ratledge wrote: Exactly: "when", though. That's the problem: "when" isn't coming. Frankly, if they had made that the original deck that was available they would already be over that number and have all 3 decks funded. People really need to ask questions first instead of after they launch their decks. UC has a history of being right about these things, it's just a fact that needs to be more well known so people would look here first.
  • Are we honest: brutally!
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  • Are we willing to give them a boost for nothing (ideas, direction, fixes, etc) - every single time, unless they come here acting like they own the world.
Very much agree, Mike. Painted deck should have been first and ironically the black- agree with you here Lolo that it's the least attractive- would have made for an excellent LE deck packaged in a unique way. It will be a crying shame if they don't pull enough to get the Painted stretch goal.
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Re: Bicycle Dia De Los Muertos Playing Cards

Unread post by montecarlojoe »

wahl0108 wrote:But I'm still an optimist after seeing how the Seven Seas and Different Decks did as they neared their respective deadlines.
I hope so - $13,000 in 14 days isn't entirely unheard of - but they will need to pull something radical out of the bag... new add-ons, new tiers, etc. I can't see showing more artwork and good intentions quite doing it.
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Re: Bicycle Dia De Los Muertos Playing Cards

Unread post by wahl0108 »

montecarlojoe wrote:
I hope so - $13,000 in 14 days isn't entirely unheard of - but they will need to pull something radical out of the bag... new add-ons, new tiers, etc. I can't see showing more artwork and good intentions quite doing it.
I'm hoping for maybe t-shirts or some kind of apparel. One can still dream...

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Re: Bicycle Dia De Los Muertos Playing Cards

Unread post by edgybros »

hey, everybody! just wanted to check back in and say thanks for all the feedback. it's nice to hear from folks who know cards and kickstarter projects. i know there are those who would prefer to see decks on this forum before their release on KS but we had a pretty tight window and schedule in mind for this, so there wasn't any time for it. whether that will come back to bite us, time will tell. regarding the speculation about whether or not we'll make the 50k goal: have faith, amigos. we have a more few things planned and are managing our mid-campaign trough as well as we can. i don't know how to include images on this post {there you go - mcj} so i'll just include a link to an update from today where we revealed a gaff card for the ace of spades for all three decks (yes, we're still designing cards for all three decks. we're optimists.) another card will follow in a day or so. ... 0#comments

the design for this card was actually inspired by a comment from one of our backers. have a look, if you have a second. and as always, thanks to all for their time in discussing our project. we know you've got plenty of other things you could be doing.

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Re: Bicycle Dia De Los Muertos Playing Cards

Unread post by Bikefanatic »

I think it's possible to reach the $50,000. If not then they could do another KS with just that deck.
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Re: Bicycle Dia De Los Muertos Playing Cards

Unread post by lolo »

Bikefanatic wrote:I think it's possible to reach the $50,000. If not then they could do another KS with just that deck.
If the painted deck had been released instead of the black one, the $50000 goal would have reached more easely. For me this order is a project mistake : black deck is less interresting than the collored one (again for me).

I want to pledge a lot of more than 1 deck (probably a 1/2 brick + 2 or 3 decks) but only when painted deck will be released.
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Re: Bicycle Dia De Los Muertos Playing Cards

Unread post by Sher »

Maybe they could have asked the backers to vote to see which deck they'd prefer to be released first...
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Re: Bicycle Dia De Los Muertos Playing Cards

Unread post by montecarlojoe »

Awesome stuff edgy - looking forward to deeing the developments. I've added on for a third deck hoping I can make it painted! :)
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Re: Bicycle Dia De Los Muertos Playing Cards

Unread post by edgybros »

Hey, here's a link to another update we did today. We released a second gaff card and after some quick notes from our backers, we tweaked it a bit. hope you guys find it interesting! ... sts/797984" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Bicycle Dia De Los Muertos Playing Cards

Unread post by Widdee »

edgybros wrote:Hey, here's a link to another update we did today. We released a second gaff card and after some quick notes from our backers, we tweaked it a bit. hope you guys find it interesting! ... sts/797984" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;.
Sick sick sick. Love it!
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Re: Bicycle Dia De Los Muertos Playing Cards

Unread post by wahl0108 »

Can't wait for the rest of the surprises!

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Last two weeks for Dia De Los Muertos

Unread post by nECr0MaNCeD »

Hello all;
I know most, if not all of you have seen and know about this deck. It's one of my favorite KS campaigns right now. So far I have bumped all the way to a half brick. The last stretch goal unlocks the painted deck. I love this deck and am really hoping it gets unlocked. There are 13 days left and it is trending at the low end just shy of the $50,000 goal. If you haven't already, check out this great deck and maybe pledge.

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Re: Bicycle Dia De Los Muertos Playing Cards

Unread post by Bikefanatic »

Sher143 wrote:Maybe they could have asked the backers to vote to see which deck they'd prefer to be released first...
As for Randy's Ornates, he had all 4 of the decks (without the Bike versions or Obsidian) for everyone to pledge from the beginning. They're all the same deck, just different colors. Also other KS projects as well so I wonder why they didn't have all three to start off with? As much "complaining" as we're doing, we will make it to the Painted deck!
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Re: Last two weeks for Dia De Los Muertos

Unread post by Bikefanatic »

Hmm, you too? I also made my pledge to 6 decks. Also this thread might be merged into the already existing one.
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Re: Last two weeks for Dia De Los Muertos

Unread post by nECr0MaNCeD »

Bikefanatic wrote:Hmm, you too? I also made my pledge to 6 decks. Also this thread might be merged into the already existing one.

Crap... didn't see it. Sorry for the confusion.
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Re: Bicycle Dia De Los Muertos Playing Cards

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

Bikefanatic wrote:
Sher143 wrote:Maybe they could have asked the backers to vote to see which deck they'd prefer to be released first...
As for Randy's Ornates, he had all 4 of the decks (without the Bike versions or Obsidian) for everyone to pledge from the beginning. They're all the same deck, just different colors. Also other KS projects as well so I wonder why they didn't have all three to start off with? As much "complaining" as we're doing, we will make it to the Painted deck!
Most designers/project managers don't have the resources and following to safely bet on being able to get multiple decks funded at once. White Ornates were a follow-up to a deck series he knew was popular and had HOPC in his corner as well.

Increasing the number of decks doesn't necessarily increase the pledges accordingly, and most projects have a higher chance of getting funded if they start off with 1 deck.
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Re: Bicycle Dia De Los Muertos Playing Cards

Unread post by PrincessTrouble »

lolo wrote: If the painted deck had been released instead of the black one, the $50000 goal would have reached more easely. For me this order is a project mistake : black deck is less interresting than the collored one (again for me).
I agree wholeheartedly, lolo. I would much rather have the painted than the black.
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Re: Bicycle Dia De Los Muertos Playing Cards

Unread post by vasta41 »

PrincessTrouble wrote:
lolo wrote: If the painted deck had been released instead of the black one, the $50000 goal would have reached more easely. For me this order is a project mistake : black deck is less interresting than the collored one (again for me).
I agree wholeheartedly, lolo. I would much rather have the painted than the black.
It's a damn shame. I would have backed the painted deck hands down. But as it stands, I'm not backing the useless black deck.
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Re: Bicycle Dia De Los Muertos Playing Cards

Unread post by Widdee »

PrincessTrouble wrote:
lolo wrote: If the painted deck had been released instead of the black one, the $50000 goal would have reached more easely. For me this order is a project mistake : black deck is less interresting than the collored one (again for me).
I agree wholeheartedly, lolo. I would much rather have the painted than the black.
That black deck does fall flat. Many LE decks tend to be blacks or whites and I think he could have played off this, making the black an LE. There is almost a mystique about a black deck, especially if it has blind embossing like Jackson has utilized on the Moriarity.
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Re: Bicycle Dia De Los Muertos Playing Cards

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

Suggestion for the project leaders: Get people to vote for switching the Black and Painted decks as stretch goals.

Should be an easy thing to do since no new pledge levels has been added, and chances are that with the Painted deck's (estimated) higher popularity the $50k stretch goal will be reached more easily. Win/Win
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Re: Bicycle Dia De Los Muertos Playing Cards (wap)

Unread post by th4mo »

Switching the order of the stretch goals for the decks has been brought up to the project creators many many times since day 1, including by yours truly. The thing is, they got a lot of praise on KS for the black deck from day 1 as well, and the designer doesn't want to piss off the people who prefer that deck. It's one of those situations where you can't please everyone, and in those cases remaining consistent is usually wiser than changing things up. If they don't reach the painted deck goal, then that's just the way it is. I wil be reducing my pledge if that happens. Who knows, maybe they'll do a second campaign for the painted deck, since they know there's plenty of interest. Of course that would suck for people who have to pay shipping twice...
I dunno, but I don't think making the same request another hundred times is going to change his mind at this point...
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Re: Bicycle Dia De Los Muertos Playing Cards

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

Of course both have gotten praise, but a vote is the only way to really see if there's a majority for either side. And simply putting up the vote doesn't mean they have to make the decision to switch even if the painted deck "wins".
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Re: Bicycle Dia De Los Muertos Playing Cards

Unread post by Widdee »

MagikFingerz wrote:Suggestion for the project leaders: Get people to vote for switching the Black and Painted decks as stretch goals.

Should be an easy thing to do since no new pledge levels has been added, and chances are that with the Painted deck's (estimated) higher popularity the $50k stretch goal will be reached more easily. Win/Win
I'd love to see this but at this stage it's probably soup. I wish the creator had come in here for feedback before launching. I too will be less excited if Paint doesn't get funded and less likely to increase my pledge.
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Re: Bicycle Dia De Los Muertos Playing Cards

Unread post by Strag »

MagikFingerz wrote:Of course both have gotten praise, but a vote is the only way to really see if there's a majority for either side. And simply putting up the vote doesn't mean they have to make the decision to switch even if the painted deck "wins".
Given that $40K has already been pledged on the current configuration, I don't see how they could change at this point... vote or not.

They could, however, unlock the painted deck "early" although I also think they are going to hit 50K anyway.
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