Heretic cards by Lorenzo

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Re: Heretic playing cards by Lorenzo! Now showing only here

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

TLZ1979 wrote:count me in, this deck is going to be amazing, your artwork is outstanding Lorenzo.
Agreed! If you were HOPC I think you would be kicking yourself in the arse right now with this in preview and Emmanuel's Clipped Wings debut in 2½ hours.

Looking back at the Joker I'm thinking DaVinci-esque!
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Re: Heretic playing cards by Lorenzo! Now showing only here

Unread post by Stockholm17 »

thanx a lot guys! as I already said, this is a 3 months work in 2012, plus one during this year to improve it. Plus Ks campaign, plus aftercampaign. It´s a big job, not just a copypaste and swapping colors :)
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Re: Heretic playing cards by Lorenzo! Now showing only here

Unread post by Stockholm17 »

hi all!

it´s weekend here in Sweden, so here is the weekend heretic card, Ace of Hearts unveiled
Have a nice weekend, working a bit on what to do for the KS campaign From next week it will be more intense with decision making :)


have a nice weekend, cheers
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Re: Heretic playing cards by Lorenzo! Now showing only here

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Love it!

I need to start applying for better paid jobs...
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Re: Heretic playing cards by Lorenzo! Now showing only here

Unread post by volantangel »

Just wondering if the heart can be fit into the circle better, like touching the points that intersect
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Re: Heretic playing cards by Lorenzo! Now showing only here

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

volantangel wrote:Just wondering if the heart can be fit into the circle better, like touching the points that intersect
Everything is a balance, and fortunately Lorenzo listens to every single thing we say here - like any artist/designer that truly wants their work to be fruitful (as if that's ever going to be a problem for him?). I like it the way it is, but I'm sure he'll toy with it and decide for himself. Everything about art is subjective - that's why it's called "art(istic)". Between all of us here we know what works, and we know what doesn't, and I don't think that anyone that comes here BEFORE they pop their deck on kickstarter ends up unfunded - unless they just don't listen.

Lorenzo always listens, like any good artist he's seeking feedback here, and he knows that people here actually not only care about playing cards, we have a passion for them, and that's something that has unlimited potential. Tapping that potential can make the difference between 'funded' and funded double or more.

If more artists came and showed us their development and listened, more of them would be successful!
"You can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself"
They say "Ignorance is bliss". Obviously, some people are much happier than others...

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Re: Heretic playing cards by Lorenzo! Now showing only here

Unread post by rousselle »

Mike, on that note, I've been amazed at how much *better* so many decks have gotten when good artists/designers listened to feedback, played with it, and then came up with improvements that were genuine improvements... even if (and sometimes, especially if) those changes didn't actually follow the original suggestions. The feedback loop between a gifted artist and a keen observer can be a wonderful thing.

Anyway, all that aside, I love the way this is shaping up. I'm definitely on board.
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Re: Heretic playing cards by Lorenzo! Now showing only here

Unread post by Stockholm17 »

volantangel wrote:Just wondering if the heart can be fit into the circle better, like touching the points that intersect

hi all!
I hope you had a nice weekend :)

thanx for the feedback... I will look into that, that´s a nice spot. I give a try, let´s see how the heart looks, or the lines if scaled down.
I have too keep size-consistency between all the aces (ok, not the ace of spades) otherwise the heart is huge and the others are smaller.
I give a try

Anyway, artwork is 99% done. I did the last changes/tweaks and I´m preparing the campaign (read rewards), going through quotations and prices.
this time it will be more accurate than Requiem and I hope it will be a nice campaign as Requiem :)
Surprises on the way! :D
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Re: Heretic playing cards by Lorenzo! Now showing only here

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

I'm thinking this one might just fly pretty darned high! We shall see in about 6 weeks, eh? Ready to ride on with this one...
"You can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself"
They say "Ignorance is bliss". Obviously, some people are much happier than others...

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Re: Heretic playing cards by Lorenzo! Now showing only here

Unread post by montecarlojoe »

I have to agree - could challenge for the top 3!
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Re: Lorenzo Gagiotti's next deck: Exclusive Preview SOON!

Unread post by RSLancastr »

Eoghann wrote:Exciting! I can't quite put my finger on the theme based on the teaser pics, but it looks a bit oriental. :)
"teaser pics"? Where?
-Marcel Marceau
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Re: Heretic playing cards by Lorenzo! Now showing only here

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

Lordy, Robert. There are at least a dozen one at a time throughout this thread. Several on the front page.
"You can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself"
They say "Ignorance is bliss". Obviously, some people are much happier than others...

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Re: Heretic playing cards by Lorenzo! Now showing only here

Unread post by RSLancastr »

Mike Ratledge wrote:Lordy, Robert. There are at least a dozen one at a time throughout this thread. Several on the front page.
While there were many later in the thread, there were none, as far as I could see, at the time of Eoghann's post about the "teaser pics", which made me wonder to what he was referring.
-Marcel Marceau
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Re: Heretic playing cards by Lorenzo! Now showing only here

Unread post by Stockholm17 »

teaser pics not visible? O_O

check also" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Heretic playing cards by Lorenzo! Now showing only here

Unread post by RSLancastr »

Designkiller wrote:teaser pics not visible? O_O
Sorry, I guess I failed to understand that Eoghann's post about "teaser pics" was referring to pics which had not as yet been posted. :?: :?: :?: :?:
check also" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
Thanks for that. Perhaps it was obvious (that Eoghann was referring to pics on the deck's Facebook page) to those familiar with that page. Sadly, I was not among that crowd, and so, was confused by the reference in this thread to pics which were evidently not yet in the thread.
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Re: Heretic playing cards by Lorenzo! Now showing only here

Unread post by Eoghann »

But why you'd start a conversation about a now irrelevant post when dozens of pics have been shared is beyond me.
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Re: Heretic playing cards by Lorenzo! Now showing only here

Unread post by RSLancastr »

Eoghann wrote:But why you'd start a conversation about a now irrelevant post when dozens of pics have been shared is beyond me.
perhaps because I read the thread in chronological order, and assumed that all posts made in it were referring to what was in the thread at the time the posts were made, and I evidently did not take your prescient abilities into account?
-Marcel Marceau
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Re: Heretic playing cards by Lorenzo! Now showing only here

Unread post by Stockholm17 »

Hi all

it was quiet from the Heretic side.
I´m working on the campaign that will be launched after Requiem is delivered to the most of backers.

Today is the day of the Queen of Spades, more to come, not too much tho! :)

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Re: Heretic playing cards by Lorenzo! Now showing only here

Unread post by Sher »

Ohhh this is my favorite court from this deck so far! :O Love it!!!
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Re: Heretic playing cards by Lorenzo! Now showing only here

Unread post by Eoghann »

Designkiller wrote: Today is the day of the Queen of Spades
Well hello there your highness, a pleasure to meet you. ;)
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Re: Heretic playing cards by Lorenzo! Now showing only here

Unread post by volantangel »

Very nice ! Love that leaf at her back, i see those all the time around this part of the world. Love how shes trying to seduce you through the card
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Re: Heretic playing cards by Lorenzo! Now showing only here

Unread post by vasta41 »

Eoghann wrote:
Designkiller wrote: Today is the day of the Queen of Spades
Well hello there your highness, a pleasure to meet you. ;)
I like her! She looks like princess Jasmine from Aladdin lol
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Re: Heretic playing cards by Lorenzo! Now showing only here

Unread post by RSLancastr »

volantangel wrote:Very nice ! Love that leaf at her back, i see those all the time around this part of the world.
Women have huge leaves sticking out of their backs like shark fins all the time in Singapore? I did not know that. :D

Nice work, Lorenzo!

I misread "Guttur vox" as "Guitar vox", and was intrigued... :)
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Re: Heretic playing cards by Lorenzo! Now showing only here

Unread post by Stockholm17 »


the king of spades, the queen of hearts and the king of hearts are quite a thing also :)
coming soon

But Jasmine? noo, she is her mother, so technically the queen of spades is a MILF O_O

----> MILF OF SPADES! <----
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Re: Heretic playing cards by Lorenzo! Now showing only here

Unread post by RSLancastr »

Designkiller wrote:the king of spades, the queen of hearts and the king of hearts are quite a thing also :)
coming soon
Looking forward to meeting them!
But Jasmine? noo, she is her mother, so technically the queen of spades is a MILF O_O
Wouldn't that be a QMILF? ;)
-Marcel Marceau
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Re: Heretic playing cards by Lorenzo! Now showing only here

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QUEEN I LIKE (to) F.... F....Fear?
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Re: Heretic playing cards by Lorenzo! Now showing only here

Unread post by Sher »

Hahahaha. Oh my.
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Re: Heretic playing cards by Lorenzo! Now showing only here

Unread post by RSLancastr »

Designkiller wrote:QILF

QUEEN I LIKE (to) F.... F....Fear?
I think the word you're looking for is: [spoiler]Flourish[/spoiler]
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Re: Heretic playing cards by Lorenzo! Now showing only here

Unread post by volantangel »

RSLancastr wrote:
volantangel wrote:Very nice ! Love that leaf at her back, i see those all the time around this part of the world.
Women have huge leaves sticking out of their backs like shark fins all the time in Singapore? I did not know that. :D

Nice work, Lorenzo!

I misread "Guttur vox" as "Guitar vox", and was intrigued... :)
JUST THE LEAF BOB !!! Haha not on a woman's back
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Re: Heretic playing cards by Lorenzo! Now showing only here

Unread post by RSLancastr »

volantangel wrote:
RSLancastr wrote:JUST THE LEAF BOB !!! Haha not on a woman's back
And here I was about to call Darwin...
-Marcel Marceau
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