Some of my Favorite Decks

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My Favorite Crds (one last time)

Unread post by RSLancastr »

Although many here collect playing cards, Cardistry is your main focus, not collecting (thus the name of this forum), so interest in my "Favorite Cards" topics here has been minimal.

I thought I would post one more such topic and give it rest for a while, so here goes, this time without the descriptions:

==========[ Hermes ]==========


==========[ Hamm's Beer ]==========


==========[ Frozen Courts ]==========


==========[ French Line ]==========


==========[ Duolog ]==========


==========[ Can-Can ]==========


==========[ Beavis & Butthead ]==========


==========[ Transformation Playing Cards ]==========


==========[ Schering Pharmaceuticals ]==========

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Re: Some of my Favorite Decks

Unread post by CBJ »

Hey bud,

4 threads for the same thing is wayyy too much. I've merged them all into 1


Are you a Bicycle collector? Come join the Facebook group:
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Re: Some of my Favorite Decks

Unread post by RSLancastr »

No problem.
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Re: Some of my Favorite Decks

Unread post by RSLancastr »

For the record, I started three different threads/topics to show three different groups of cards rather than simply adding new groups to one thread/topic because I thought it made the fact that new images had been added more visible to anyone who was interested. Just seeing that posts had been added to an existing thread could mean anything, where a new "favorite decks" thread definitely meant new images.

Regardless of that, it has become painfully obvious to me that I am just not a "fit" here at UC.

I am a collector, not a cardist. And, with only one functional hand, I am not likely to become a cardist any time soon.

I knew this was a cardist forum coming in (the name of the place did not escape my attention), but I lookied around and saw that many of you cardists - not surprisingly - also collect decks.

So I thought that perhaps this was a place where I could share some of my collector's knowledge (such as it is) and some images from my collection.

What I did not know (though a couple of you tried to tell me, both in posts and in PMs), was that many if not most of you are not really that interested in the types of decks I focus on, but are far more interested in the latest from USPC.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

My "Favorite Decks from my collection" threads (now merged into one) did not get the reception I had hoped, other than from a couple of you (and I thank them for that).

Between that and some other things, I have come to realize that, as I said above, I am just not a "fit" here (or at least not as much of a "fit" as I'd originally thought I'd be).

What I should be focusing on now is reviving my old playing card collecting web site, where I will be able to add images of whatever decks strike my fancy.

I intend to still hang here for a while, but I won't be cluttering up the place with these threads any more.

My apoloigies to anyone my threads annoyed.

I wish you all well in your collecting, cardistry and design efforts.

Speaking of design, I will definitely be back when I start in on designing my new Transformation deck, to get feedback on it and to pick the brains of those who have already gotten decks published.


-Robert Lancaster
-Marcel Marceau

Re: Some of my Favorite Decks

Unread post by Russell »

Hey Robert,

I'm sorry you dont feel like you 'fit' here. I enjoy looking at your older decks and the history behind them. This is a collectors forum just as much as a cardist/magician forum, in fact I'd venture to say there are just as many collectors as cardists here.

Please DO start up your old site again, while also contributing here! I'd love to see more from your collection.

Please don't take the action of us merging your 'favorite decks' topics together as a sign of disrespect. We get so many new posts here sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming, having the three posts together can help people find all of your cards at once rather than searching through pages of older threads.

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Re: Some of my Favorite Decks

Unread post by max »

Robert, I personally love your decks and they give me a cool remind of part of my collection of European (mainly Spanish) deck I have forgotten due to my efforts over the USA decks.

please, go on with this...
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Re: Some of my Favorite Decks

Unread post by Argentum »

Coming out of the woodwork here to say that I've really enjoyed your posts in this thread. I'm very new to cardistry/card collecting, and what drew me in to collecting is the card design, with learning cardistry/magic as a secondary thing. All of the cards I have so far are ones that have been released very recently, so it's very refreshing to see the older cards you've been posting and the history behind them.

I'd love to check out your site once it's up! In the meantime, though, your contributions here have been very informative and I really appreciate them.
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Re: Some of my Favorite Decks

Unread post by neongrey »

Yeah honestly I really like seeing these. It's easy to get bogged down in the glut of new decks, good and bad, so it's really cool to see these crazy older ones too.
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Re: Some of my Favorite Decks

Unread post by MJF »

Robert, same for me. I'm no means a cardist or practice cardistry. I'm a collector pure at heart and just got into this game about a month ago. I do it because I enjoy all the new designs and looks of cards. I also enjoy seeing all the cool rarities in your collection. It gives me something to aspire to and even at the rate I'm collecting, it's going to take years before I catch up to you.

Please stay and continue posting as you do. This board has sections for cardistry and sections to talk specifically about playing cards. In my eyes, you did nothing wrong. :)

Again, please stay and help us other "collectors" on the site. :geek:
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Re: Some of my Favorite Decks

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

This makes me think we should have something similar to "likes" on facebook. I don't know if this forum system supports it, but a way to show appreciation for something with a simple click just makes it easier. I know I've seen forums that have something like this where the "likes" follow a point system and are added up and displayed next to ones name.

Sorry for the sidetrack. I have also enjoyed these posts and hope they continue :)
- Tom

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Re: Some of my Favorite Decks

Unread post by cosmicsecret »

I also enjoyed your postings.Some of the decks you had shown were very nice!
Would be a pitty if you stop doing that.
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Re: Some of my Favorite Decks

Unread post by Sharpie »

cosmicsecret wrote:I also enjoyed your postings.Some of the decks you had shown were very nice!
Would be a pitty if you stop doing that.
No matter where you go... there you are :|
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Re: Some of my Favorite Decks

Unread post by RSLancastr »

Thanks for the words of encouragement, everyone!

It's nice to see that there are several of you who enjoy the images I've been posting.

My first impulse was to create a new Topic for this post (perhaps "My Favorite Bicycle Decks"), thinking that some of the "USPC-centric" users of UC would read it, whereas they may not read this topic.

But I decided to honor what the Moderators feel is the better approach, and so am posting it here.

Here goes:

Since my playing Card collection has always primarily focused on decks with non-standard courts, I had always turned my nose up at Bicycle decks, with their ultra-standard courts.

Then about a year ago, I was searching through eBay for interesting playing card decks. I was also searching for things that are Purple - it being my favorite color (My Susan says that I am "obsessed" with it).

On a whim, I mixed the two searches together and looked for purple playing cards.

I don't recall what I expected to find, but one of the items listed was a Bicycle "The Purple Deck"

With its rich Purple card faces, it combined two of my obsessions (Playing Cards and Purple!) into one object!

Unfortunately, the courts in it were Bike Standard design, though colored radically differently from typical Bike courts.

I decided to relax my definition of "non-standard courts" to include standard courts with non-standard colors, and so justified (to myself) purchasing a "lowly" Bicycle deck.

My standards successfully "lowered", I soon purchased many other Bikes where the courts were only "non-standard" in their coloring:

Some, like "The Purple Deck" had "full bleed" faces of various colors (such as The Purple Deck, The Black Deck, The Red Deck, etc., and the Reversed Back decks)

Others had white faces, but the colors the courts were drawn in were non-standard.

I bought all of these I could lay my hands on.

Then, wonder of wonders, I started finding Bikes where the courts were TOTALLY non-standard (or "custom", as seems to be the preferred term around here)!!

Here are the Bikes I have which fall into that last category:

==========[ Bicycle_2008ElectionEdition_Democrat ]==========

==========[ Bicycle_2008ElectionEdition_Independent ]==========

==========[ Bicycle_2008ElectionEdition_Republican ]==========

==========[ Bicycle_Actuators_ArtistsEdition ]==========

==========[ Bicycle_Actuators_BlackEdition ]==========

==========[ Bicycle_Actuators_WhiteEdition ]==========

==========[ Bicycle_Americana ]==========

==========[ Bicycle_Bearbrick ]==========

==========[ Bicycle_BlueBlood ]==========

==========[ Bicycle_CoffinFodder ]==========

==========[ Bicycle_Galvanic ]==========

==========[ Bicycle_Robocycle_Black ]==========

==========[ Bicycle_Robocycle_Blue ]==========

==========[ Bicycle_Target_Bungalow ]==========

==========[ Bicycle_Target_Flirtatious ]==========

==========[ Bicycle_Target_Rejuvenate ]==========

==========[ Bicycle_Target_Twilight ]==========

==========[ Bicycle_Tokidoki ]==========

==========[ Bicycle_Zombie ]==========

Needless to say, with more than 100 Bicycle decks in my collection, I am over my former "Bicycle Snobbery"!

If anyone can think of other Bikes with fully custom courts, PLEASE bring them to my attention!
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Re: Some of my Favorite Decks

Unread post by Strag »

MagikFingerz wrote:This makes me think we should have something similar to "likes" on facebook. I don't know if this forum system supports it, but a way to show appreciation for something with a simple click just makes it easier. I know I've seen forums that have something like this where the "likes" follow a point system and are added up and displayed next to ones name.

Sorry for the sidetrack. I have also enjoyed these posts and hope they continue :)

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Re: Some of my Favorite Decks

Unread post by RSLancastr »

Ah Strag, but will the forum software keep a running total and display it next to the post for us?
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Re: Some of my Favorite Decks

Unread post by neongrey »

There's lots of phpbb plugins that should do that or something similar, yeah.
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Re: Some of my Favorite Decks

Unread post by DelMagic »

I have also enjoyed seeing these decks. Don't go away!
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Re: Some of my Favorite Decks

Unread post by RSLancastr »

Thanks, Del!
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Re: Some of my Favorite Decks

Unread post by RSLancastr »

Add this to the list of Bikes with fully-custom courts:

==========[ Bicycle_Grimoire ]==========
-Marcel Marceau
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Re: Some of my Favorite Decks

Unread post by acetofive »

Inspired me to look for a few of these. Thanks for posting.
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Re: Some of my Favorite Decks

Unread post by Merlebird »

acetofive wrote: Fri Sep 18, 2020 4:37 pm Inspired me to look for a few of these. Thanks for posting.
Thanks for bumping it! A lot of really neat-looking decks in here I'd never seen before. OP last checked in about a year and a half ago, but I hope he wanders through again and sees folks are still appreciating his posts.
MagikFingerz wrote: Sun Nov 04, 2012 3:15 pm This makes me think we should have something similar to "likes" on facebook. I don't know if this forum system supports it, but a way to show appreciation for something with a simple click just makes it easier. I know I've seen forums that have something like this where the "likes" follow a point system and are added up and displayed next to ones name.
This chucklehead should delete his account, though. Thank god nobody ever implemented this garbage idea. :ugthink:
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Re: Some of my Favorite Decks

Unread post by Harvonsgard »

Merlebird wrote: Fri Sep 18, 2020 7:31 pm OP last checked in about a year and a half ago, but I hope he wanders through again...
Only if they have proper wi-fi in the metaphysical realm ...
You want to reclaim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash that’s being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world.

avatar credit: 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔄𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔬𝔪𝔞𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔯 by Gands the Scholar @g_a_n_d_s_

rousselle wrote: Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:52 pmI very much want this in my collection, but at long last... I have to stop the insanity.
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Re: Some of my Favorite Decks

Unread post by Merlebird »

Harvonsgard wrote: Sat Sep 19, 2020 7:02 am
Merlebird wrote: Fri Sep 18, 2020 7:31 pm OP last checked in about a year and a half ago, but I hope he wanders through again...
Only if they have proper wi-fi in the metaphysical realm ...
Ah, I was afraid that might've been it. That's a shame. Well, he lives on shiny and chrome on the information superhighway. On the Internet we are all immortal.*

*Predictive text wanted "On the Internet we are all immoral," which, while perhaps true, is not really what I was going for here.
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