New collector from UK

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New collector from UK

Unread post by Grumposaur »

Hey there. I'm Tom and I've always loved playing cards and had an urge to collect them, but only decided a couple of days ago that I would jump in, so here I am. I've got several decks headed my way already and probably spent too much as well...I got some standard blue and red bicycle decks coming as well as a bicycle ghost 2 deck, three different Theory11 decks(Charity water, red monarch and monarch) as well as 1 decks on Kickstarter...if they actually reach their goal that is.

I have a silly question, but should sealed decks remain sealed? I think I know the answer but I just want to ask to be sure, because if they should remain sealed, then I might have to get two of each deck just so I can enjoy them out of the box as well.

I look forward to spending time with you all!


Re: New collector from UK

Unread post by BMPokerworld »

Welcome!!!! decks should remain sealed if you are planning to sell them. If you are planning to enjoy them, then you should open them. Most people buy 2 decks. One to open and one to save.



Re: New collector from UK

Unread post by Grumposaur »

Thanks for the reply, that's what I thought. I don't plan on selling them, but I'd prefer to keep them in pristine condition. I figured most people buy two decks, that's what I've been doing so far for all decks except the black ghost 2, but I think I might order a second one.
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Re: New collector from UK

Unread post by volantangel »

welcome Tom, dont worry i open most of my decks except the rare ones =D
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